Saturday, August 27, 2022

Changing Island: Entries 7-9

While I was writing the whole "multiverse/setting" page, I was reminded of the Changing Island story from some six years ago--which was itself a reimagining of sorts of an aborted series of captions. I took a look at my incomplete notes for the next few parts from back than, and found some inspiration to write more.'s more!

Entry 7

Today I encountered someone unusual. It seems that whatever about this island changes people is capable of affecting even more than "just" sex, age, and to some extent build. My first reaction on seeing this person was to inquire if what I was seeing was real, which the others confirmed it was. My second reaction was to try and get an interview with her.

Something I don't think I've mentioned before now is that some of the island's residents have pets. There are some stray dogs, cats, and other domestic animals on the island, which generally seem to be shy or friendly rather than dangerous (actually that's true of all the animals here as far as I can tell), and a few of them were friendly enough to a specific person to persuade her to take that animal in. Following the usual method of mysterious provision here, from the point that a person here decides that an animal is hers, food and other necessities for that pet (like cat litter) start showing up in empty parts of the kitchen cupboards of her house.

The relevance this has is that my first interviewee for today was Ara, the veterinarian who takes care of all of those animals and more. Two of the rooms in her house (which would normally be bedrooms in the usual house layout on this island) instead have everything necessary, from equipment down to self-replenishing medications, that a vet needs to treat animals. Ara has a couple of assitants who are also learning the trade, but she does the major work herself.

As might be expected, Ara was already a vet before arriving here. His name was Arin, and he took some time off from a busy but profitable business, going to the nearest beachfront town for some relaxation. He was sunbathing on a towel on the beach one afternoon and dozed off, only to wake up here. Ara tells me that she later researched whether anything had happened on that beach that day, and discovered that a sudden, massive wave came in and carried several people out to sea, only a few of which were rescued or otherwise recovered. Arin, of course, was among the disappearances.

Although Arin's area of expertise was with animals, he knew enough about biology in general, including human anatomy, to be naturally extremely skeptical when he first had it explained to him what happens to people who wash up on this island. But, Ara told me, in the face of so many witnesses he'd had to conclude that it was either some kind of hazing for the new resident, or else the truth. He just decided not to worry about it before long, since he hadn't been here half a day before someone's pet cat got sick and he volunteered to try and see what was wrong. Before he knew it, he was too busy working to keep thinking about whether or not his body would really undergo a drastic metamorphosis over the next two to seven days.

As a matter of fact, by some weird coincidence Arin found himself working with cats, and only cats, for the entire rest of his first day. He told me that one of the girls joked that he might turn into a feline if he kept it up, right after thanking him for giving her 'little one' a checkup. Of course he didn't think anything of that at the time—it was just an incidental joke, he confirmed with her later—but he had real concerns about it the following morning. He woke up to find a strange fuzz taking over his ears; his first thought was that it was some kind of fungus, but pulling on it found that it was attached just like actual hair. They were also larger than he remembered, by just a little bit.

It wasn't the change he'd been warned about, but Arin now had proof in front of him of some supernatural effect altering his body. He quickly went to see if anything else was different, and was rewarded with the knowledge of his canines (I mean the teeth) being slightly longer than before, plus similar fuzz to what was on his ears having appeared at a spot in the center of his lower back, around where the spine terminated. He didn't panic, figuring that if everyone else on this island put up with being transformed, then so could he. Instead he just went to work, sincerely hoping that this wasn't a sign he'd be literally turning into a cat.

Over the course of the day, Arin noticed his perspective slowly but steadily sinking, the clothes he'd been wearing slowly falling looser and longer on his body. He could never quite catch it in action, Ara told me; it seemed to wait to happen until his attention was elsewhere—especially on an animal. Additionally, the fuzz on his ears grew thicker and longer, and the ears themselves got steadily bigger; they were long enough for people to notice by lunchtime. He took a break after that to see what was going on with the growth on his lower back too, and found a tuft of what had to be fur now present there.

When Arin closed up shop to have supper and relax for the evening, he measured his height loss to be at least a foot, and his ears had become like two big, rounded triangles with light orange fur all across the outside, pink on the inside, and tufts of white fur poking out from the innermost part. They had become mobile maybe halfway into the afternoon, instinctively flicking around and turning in the direction of whatever he was trying to hear. The tuft of fur from his back had become a thick line, about a foot long, of the same orange-colored fur as the back of his ears, and he could feel the back of his shirt with it as it involuntarily twitched back and forth. A quick examination of his mouth found his canines had grown a little more since that morning, into what could easily be called fangs.

Now that he had time to really think about it, Arin did feel a little worried that he might be turning into a cat entirely. He reassured himself with the fact that only the ears and the tail seemed to sport any actual fur, and perhaps the shrinking was just the beginning of his change from male to female. Ara remarked to me at this point in the story that it was ironic how the bizarre transformation that many newcomers to this island start out fearing was now a hoped-for relief—in comparison to that much worse possibility of being stuck as an animal.

Overnight, the tail coming from Arin's lower back grew twice as long, and he lost a few more inches of height. The more drastic changes were in his skin and his body shape: Rather than, as he had feared, growing fur, his skin had lost most of its hair, turning strangely soft and smooth. And his body had slimmed, his broad shoulders turning narrow, his waist small, and his limbs slender. This was further reassurance that he was "just" becoming a woman, albeit one with some strangely feline traits. He took that as a relief and got to work, finding his home already most of the way through adapting itself into the form I described at the start of this entry. As usual, the clothes the house "provided" him with fit his new appearance by the time he woke up; apparently they included not just the usual swimsuits but also the kind of scrubs that a veterinarian needs.

Arin found himself clearing his throat fairly often throughout the morning; at first he wasn't sure why. He gradually realized that he did that when his voice sounded odd, thinking there was something in his throat, and that each time it happened, the oddness didn't seem to go away. In fact, his voice was steadily changing, and it became clear by the end of the morning that he was sounding less and less like a man, and more like a girl with an alto tone to her voice. His hair slowly crept downward during that time too, falling down his cheeks and the back of his neck until the tips of the locks began to tickle his shoulders.

He thought his changes had stalled after lunch; his voice remained a girlish alto, his hair stayed shoulder-length, and he didn't notice anything else much besides his tail continuing to slowly get longer. But when Arin was done with his last case that day, he took a moment to go wash his face, and what he saw in the bathroom mirror made him jump briefly.

Ara told me, he thought it was another person staring back at him! His face, already sporting soft skin from earlier, had changed drastically: Becoming small, round, and cute. And his hair had shifted from dark brown to the same bright orange shade that his tail and most of his ears had taken on. He stood upright after this shock, running a small hand slowly across his cheek and trying to get used to looking this way. And it was at this moment that it hit him.
Arin suddenly felt a strange tugging sensation at this point, right down between his legs, that caused the cute, girlish face in the mirror to start blushing. He started panting heavily and let out a very convincingly cat-like meow as it happened, his sex steadily changing down there. On top of that, his hips were spreading out wider, his thighs growing plump and thick—quickly giving his body the lower third of an hourglass figure, to match the narrow waist it already had. In a matter of seconds, Arin's manhood was no more, and she made another, somewhat loud mewling sound as it happened—followed quickly by a slight push from her chest as a small pair of breasts grew out into place.

Ara told me with some annoyance that she realized the scrubs she'd come into the bathroom with had abruptly changed into a one-piece swimsuit, and a thorough examination of her house could find nothing less revealing than that. So she went to supper wearing the swimsuit, and had to endure people congratulating her on 'making the change', as if it was something she'd actually accomplished. Her cat ears and tail were already a known quantity, strange as they were, so few people commented on them except to say that she was cute and they made her cuter. Ara seemed conflicted telling me this, like she was happy about being called cute but wanted to appear more professional or something. At any rate, her bust size slowly increased from the point of her change of sex onward, and by the time she went to bed that night the swimsuit she was wearing strained to hold them, so she just peeled it down off of her upper body so she could sleep.

By the morning, her transformation was complete; her breasts had grown about as much overnight as they had between appearing and her going to bed. But now, of course, all the clothes in her house seemed tailored to fit the new assets perfectly. More to the point, she was able to find some scrubs to work in again. But there wasn't too much to be done that day; she was through by the afternoon. Deciding that she favored at least having as much coverage as possible, she decided to go out in a one-piece swimsuit once again and try to enjoy a little bit of the beach vacation she'd been swept away from to get to this island in the first place.

Some of the other girls complimented her appearance, which is something I think she still finds a little embarrassing. With her change done, it was time for the traditional picture. They had her wade out into the water to take it, but it became increasingly clear that she was even less comfortable getting wet than she'd ever been before, especially wanting to keep her tail dry. Ara told me that—even before she'd experienced it for her first time—water on her fur just felt "so wrong". So, she just stopped with the water up to her lower thighs for the picture.

Ara told me that she's happy enough here, doing good work and getting the same things she'd want to use pay for either in exchange for that work, or for free. She's always liked walking on the beach and sunbathing anyway, and being part cat is strange but easier to get used to than you'd think (she told me).

I asked her more specifically how she feels about being stuck female, and she just shrugged. "You get used to it, and it fades into the background, just like a lot of other odd things about this island. Anyway I'm quite good-looking, so I can't really complain," she said with a grin, and then purred, running a hand through her ears and hair. I wasn't really sure how to respond to her acting a little bit like a cat right there in front of me, and decided not to ask. How do you even bring something like that up in the first place? But, I admit, it was actually kind of cute.

Instead of that, I asked her something I've been wondering about for a while, with everyone: Why did she change her name? She said that she just didn't feel much like an 'Arin' anymore, and Ara fit her much better now. I don't get the impression that anyone is required to change her name, but it seems like even the girls who care the least about having become female chose to do it anyway. I wonder how I'll feel, once it's over for me? What would even be a good feminine version of "Lucas" anyway?

As I see my own change progressing, I feel this equal sense of dread and..eager anticipation. When I first learned about how this island changes people, I was too shocked and confused to really process it emotionally, especially the reality that it was going to happen to me. I think I might have thrown myself into my "work" in an effort to just make sense of it all, but maybe I wound up distracting myself from having to really think about it until it had already started. And now that it's happening...I still can't really decide.

Entry 8

The photographer I've mentioned before is Saya. She's actually the one who came up with the idea of taking "before" and "after" pictures of everyone, and I managed to get an interview from her when she checked in today to see whether I was "done" (which I'm not yet). Someone else took my "before" picture, but she seems to want to take the other one, which I don't really have any objection to.

Saya was one of the earlier arrivals; she washed ashore four years ago as Sayad. He worked as a photographer before, taking pictures ranging from the artistic, to fashion, to nature photos. It was the last of these Sayad was involved in before washing ashore; he was taking pictures of sea animals with an amphibious camera and something went wrong with the safety equipment on the boat. He managed to get to the surface before running out of air, but the boat seemed to have disappeared. Since he knew how far out to sea he was, Sayad thought his chances of rescue or escape were both rather slim, but he kept swimming anyway, until he finally passed out from exhaustion.

Instead, he woke up here. His diving gear and even the camera he'd been using were still on him; in fact, the camera still worked. Sayad was understandably a little skeptical of reports of the island's effects on people, but asked someone to take some initial pictures of him anyway. After that, he went straight to taking pictures of all the "cute girls" (Saya's words) and asking them all for descriptions of how they used to look. Unlike me, it doesn't seem like she was interested in their experience of changing or anything—just, how they'd looked when it started and how they had ended up looking.

Sayad arrived here in the early morning, and he'd gotten a picture of every girl on the island at that time by about mid-afternoon. He went to import all the photos onto the computer in his room, and noticed his own reflection in the computer screen before it booted up. His hair was an inch or two longer. He wasn't really sure when that had happened, but apparently this is all the evidence he needed—I mean, aside from everyone else's testimony anyway—that he really was going to change into a girl like the rest of them.

Most of the girls I've interviewed by now were initially not too happy to realize what was going to happen to them, and wound up somewhere between happy or neutral about it after the fact. Sayad was different. Saya told me that his heart started to race as soon as he knew it was real. He'd seen Naj's impressive curves, and how cute all of the other girls looked, and an image formed in his mind right away of how he hoped to wind up. He wanted to be tall, fit, and (again, Saya's words) "positively stacked!" Not that he wasn't the first two of those at the time, given that he'd been swimming and diving around to take photos just the day before, but of course he was picturing those qualities on a girl's body now.

His hair grew out a little more while he was working with the photos, turning into some wild, about shoulder-length dark locks. By the time he stood up and went to take a look at them in the mirror, Sayad's body and facial hair had already vanished away, and his face had softened into a round, cute, girlish look. He pumped his fist and cheered, grinning wide in anticipation of how the rest of him was going to "develop" from there. (I think Saya was making a pun here, but I didn't get it at the time, and just kind of awkwardly looked away when she winked at me after saying this.)

Over the rest of that afternoon and evening, Sayad's body started its shift toward womanhood, first shrinking a little shorter and then slowly slimming down to a more effeminate frame. He went to bed that night still excitedly picturing the kind of curvy girl he was going to be, and had difficulty getting to sleep for a couple of hours—long enough to feel some more of that slimming happening before he finally drifted off. By the time he woke up the next morning, Sayad looked like a fairly tall, flat-chested girl—despite still being quite male.

Throughout the next morning, Sayad periodically felt strange little tugs between his legs. He caught on very quickly that this was his body progressing toward its change of sex, and practically cheered it on every single time. Each tug also seemed to came with a shift to his voice, rising it higher and higher in pitch, and before he had even stopped being male, it had already changed to a high but mature soprano—the same tone Saya's voice has now.
Saya told me that she welcomed the last, especially long and hard tug with a surprised "Aah" sound, feeling her face start to get warm, and then an excited shout of "Woo!" I mean—she didn't call it an 'excited shout', she actually chose to demonstrate these vocalizations for me firsthand. And, before he knew it, Sayad had turned into a girl. It was about lunchtime, so she decided to get something to eat.

Her swim trunks shrank shorter and tighter as she was on the way there, and her shirt pulled itself up off of her midriff. She hadn't actually lost any strength since she got here, so having her trim, toned waist exposed didn't bother her a bit. By the time she arrived to eat with everyone, it was obvious that they were looking at a girl, if a strangely flat and slender one still. But that didn't last very long. Saya's hips and butt pushed out under her even while she ate. Her top shrank into a bikini bottom at the same time as her chest slowly swelled into some small (Saya used the word "pathetic") breasts, but it was obviously sized for something much larger.

She came back to her house to prod at her tiny chest a bit, mentally demanding that it grow larger. Somewhat to my surprise, Saya said that this worked. Apprently, every time she poked her chest and thought "grow, you!", they actually did swell a little bit more. I don't know, maybe this was just a coincidence, but there's something to be said for how Sayad's change seemed to accelerate from the moment he decided that he wanted it to happen onward. They got bigger and bigger, eventually filling the bikini top, and then stretching it (she wasn't satisfied with "just" the size of the top, Saya told me). The top was forced to grow along with her breasts at this point, until she was just about a match for Najira (or Nikki for that matter, but she didn't arrive until much later).

I'll tell this part the way Saya told it to me: She went out as soon as it was done to show off. She "was like, check out these puppies!" Everyone congratulated her or said she looked great, which she was more than happy to hear. And, maybe naively, Najira offered to take her picture like she'd done for everyone else.

She had Najira take no less than seven pictures each of her in five or six different poses until Najira said she "had to go". Saya obviously didn't notice, but my inference here is that Najira was just offering to take a picture, and she then indulged the photographer's perfectionism for as long as she could before getting tired and making up an excuse to leave. At any rate, Saya chose the "best" one for "the album".

I should mention that Saya basically always keeps her original camera on her, but a bunch of other cameras and photography equipment showed up in her house for the first few mornings after she moved in. When she's not busy playing around or trying to take people's before or after pictures (a fairly rare opportunity, as it happens), she's often taking some professional photos of the beach, nature, the other girls, or various animals. Irya actually asked her to get some good photos of that rare species of bird for her to study, and she was happy to oblige.

It wasn't really necessary for me to ask Saya how she felt about her new appearance, but I did anyway. "Are you kidding?" she said, "Just look at me! I, am a total babe! Tall, curvy, and swole with a pretty face to boot! Bet you can't wait to look this good too, huh?"
I hadn't been expecting to get a question back, especially that one. I gave a noncommittal "Uh, sure" at the time, but honestly I'm still pretty conflicted about it. I I want a body like hers, if I have a choice? Do I have a choice? I obviously didn't have one to just stay a guy, but at the same time, the way Saya seems to have wound up exactly how she wanted to look...

I digress. I'll get into..what's happening to me, after it's actually finished happening. At any rate, our interview was pretty much over at that point, so Saya announced she was going to go surfing with Danny, and asked if I wanted to join. I..said I had more interviews to do; actually, I don't think I'd be much of a surfer no matter what body I wind up in. She said something about how I shouldn't shut myself in talking to people all day, and at least go get some sun and exercise. Then she said "Bye!" and left.

I don't know..going out and getting some sun doesn't sound too bad, I suppose. But I wanted to type this up while it was still fresh in my mind, and I already have an appointment to interview one more person today, so...maybe after that. I can compile my notes on her after the sun sets.

Entry 9

On my first day here, while I was familiarizing myself with the island, I noticed one building that stood out from the others. It was much bigger than all of the houses all around it, and looked like some kind of community center or governmental building or something. The strangest thing is that apparently this building simply popped into existence about a year after Najira's arrival—so, around four years ago; similar to everyone's food and clothes, everyone went to bed one night, and when they awoke, there it was. It seems that a few unoccupied houses vanished to "make room" for it, but more houses have appeared since then, and it's not like there's ever been an overcrowding issue here.

Everyone actually does call it "the community center". It has a big kitchen (fully stocked like all the ones in our houses) and cafeteria to eat in, a sort of miniature gym, an indoor court with some stands on either side of it that can be used for basketball or volleyball or whatever. I've heard that sometimes people hold parties there, form up teams to play sports, or a few girls will get together to cook up some food for everyone else to enjoy—all of which sounds like fun. But what caught my eye going through the building was one big room near the end of a long side hallway, distant enough from the other spaces to be relatively quiet. It was a library, the walls covered with shelves filled with books, and sitting behind the desk was a beautiful dark-haired girl wearing glasses—evidently playing librarian.

Well, I shouldn't say "playing"; she is a librarian, just as much as Ara is our vet here, and Nikki is our "tech support", and Saya's our photographer. She keeps a record of who has which books and tries to make sure the other girls don't damage them—by, say, taking them out to the beach for a swim or something. Her name is Millie, and when I approached her, she gave me a kind, polite welcome to the island (being male made it pretty obvious I was new, of course). When she found out about my project here, she was eager to contribute, and we agreed to meet this afternoon to talk.

Before then, I asked around and learned that the community center didn't always have a library; apparently it simply popped into existence one morning a couple of years back. Later that day, Miller washed ashore on the island. He was sixty-four years old, a retired teacher and principal now working at his town library part-time to supplement his retirement and to have something to do. He'd been taking a flight across the ocean to see some family when the plane had to make an emergency landing. Apparently there was a particularly hard jolt on its way down that knocked him out, and when he woke up, he'd washed ashore on the island.

He sat up to find a beautiful woman leaning down at him. It was Saya, and she offered to help him up before almost immediately asking if she could take his picture. He shrugged and said "sure", and after she hastily snapped a photo, she said, "Welcome! Sorry to say, but you're probably stuck here like the rest of us!" At this point Miller chuckled and joked that he might be able to make peace with that if the 'rest of us' were all pretty girls like her. Saya laughed out loud at this, for reasons I'm sure are obvious..not that he knew them at the time.

While a few older men had washed ashore before that point and de-aged in the process of turning into girls, they were all in their thirties or mid-forties at worst. So Miller was the first one over the age of fifty, with obvious graying hair and wrinkles. Interspersed with explaining everyone's situation on Changing Island, there was some uncertainty as to what age he'd wind up at, physically speaking. "Now hold on," Miller said at some point. "You're putting me on, aren't ya? Surely—"

Millie told me that the word 'surely' wasn't even fully out of his mouth before he felt a strange, tingling sensation rush across him, making him shudder. In an instant, his skin had turned soft and smooth, every trace of wrinkles completely gone. And then his hair tumbled out past his shoulders, darkening back to a deep brown as it went. He looked down, picking up the hair in one hand and touching his face with the other while he processed this sudden change. Then he said, "Well, okay then." He figured, at least, that if this was a prank, there was way too much effort put into it for him to not at least play along.

No more changes hit Miller while he was being settled into a house, but Millie told me that he found it curious at the time how he hadn't felt sore or tired, the way that an old man should, since the moment he woke up on that beach. He was a little disappointed that there weren't any books to read in his house, nor evidently any others, and he was going to find someone to ask about that when he encountered a girl carrying a book out toward the shore.

His first question was where she'd gotten the book—to which she answered something like "the library that appeared in the community center this morning". Putting that aside for a second, he then asked where she was going with it and what she planned to do with it. He sternly advised her to keep it out of the sand and especially out of the water whe he learned she was planning to read it out by the beach, since it'd be a shame to ruin a book she liked so much and spoil others' opportunities to enjoy it. She took the advice to heart and thanked him.

The community center is fairly hard to miss; Miller just had another girl he passed confirm for him that the big building was it, as well as tell him where in it he'd find the library. As he approached, he noticed an odd motion to his body alongside his walk. He stopped just in front of the doors of the building to find that motion still continuing, and it was at this point that he realized that it was a strange sinking of his perspective that he was experiencing. Looking down and tugging at his clothes, he found his shirt and jeans a little longer and baggier than he remembered: He was shrinking. But, shrinking or not, he wanted to see the library, so he pulled the door open and headed inside.

The shrinking ended about when he came to the library's door—which was unlocked like just about every door on this island—and headed inside. Given Miller's original height, and what Millie measured herself at later, he'd shrunk about half a foot; he hadn't been a terribly tall man in the first place. He was surprised and a little concerned to find some girls perusing the books, but nobody behind the desk actually managing things. He asked where the librarian was, and one of the girls said "What librarian? This place literally appeared this morning!"

So, Miller went behind the desk and had a closer look around. There was a full catalogue of the books that were supposed to be in that library already filled out, and all the other kinds of supplies a librarian needs to manage things. He stood upright after that, waved to the girls in the room and said, "Well, I suppose I'll handle it for now. Lemme know if you're taking something out so I can mark down that you've got it."

He sat behind the desk after that. Millie told me that she's always found comfort from a position like that, a fairly comfortable chair behind a desk in a place filled with books and people who liked them. Then she told me that sitting down like that seemingly caused another step of progress in the change: Miller's body narrowed and slimmed even more than it had while he'd been losing height, giving him a slender, feminine build and causing his clothes to fall even looser across his body. If he hadn't been sitting down, his pants would've fallen off for sure.

The girls all found books they were interested in, and brought them to the counter. Miller commented on each one, giving his own opinion and recommendation—it turned out he knew each of those books pretty well. He noticed his voice gradually changing as he spoke, rising slowly higher and losing its masculine tone. It ended up as about a mid-range young woman's voice—just as he was helping the last of the girls visiting the library check out her book. She thanked him and headed out, and then it was just him alone, sitting there at the desk surrounded by all those bookshelves.

Miller looked down at this point, noticing a draft on his legs, and got a surprise. He'd been so distracted by helping the girls with the books that he hadn't even noticed his clothes changing. At some point, his pants had shrunk into a tiny white skirt, too short to even hide his underwear—and that had turned red and pulled itself oddly tight between his legs, leaving an awkward bulge there. His shirt had shrunk to fit his narrowed frame, but had also spontaneously opened itself up down the middle, losing its button in favor of a zipper, baring quite a lot of his slim, smooth torso. And...his undershirt, which should've still covered him below that, had shrunk into a sort of very short, low-cut tank top that covered his chest and practically nothing else—which was the same bright red as his underwear.

He felt a little embarrassed to have been talking to those girls this whole time and not even notice his increasingly revealing state of dress. But then, none of them had seemed to mind, or even commented on it at all. He wondered whether they'd even noticed. Well, he'd heard that everyone's clothes changed to fit their transformed selves, and that there was a certain tendency toward bikinis and other light, revealing clothing, so...maybe everyone was just used to people not wearing too much around here. It's warm on this island, even indoors to some extent, so he wasn't exactly uncomfortable. He eventually just shrugged and stood up to go find a book to read for himself.

While he was walking around between the shelves, perusing the titles, Miller noticed his balance slowly shifting, the way he naturally walked changing somehow. When he really stopped to try to look and try to understand what was happening, he realized that his hips had spread themselves out much wider than before, his backside and thighs growing plumper. Together with his flat, slender waist, it gave his lower body the look of a pretty young woman—save for the bulge still between his legs. But even that he noted to look smaller than it had before. And the tank top his undershirt had become was showing even more skin than it had before, its collar dipping down to expose almost all of the middle half of his chest.

He found a book he liked and took it back to the desk to read. But after he sat down and opened it up, Miller was interrupted by "a curious feeling" (as Millie said) between his legs, an odd sort of slipping feeling that was nonetheless comfortable and even pleasant. He looked down and, sure enough, the bulge down there was visibly shrinking away. It was a matter of seconds from that point to when his sex changed entirely; Millie noted to me with a slight blush that she felt "a fuzzy feeling" between her legs for the first time at this point. She..also said I should look forward to feeling that too.

..Anyway, once she'd become a woman, she concluded that all the outrageous things she'd been told about the Changing Island had to be true. After all, experiencing one unbelievable thing can make a lot of other, connected claims seem much more believable. And then she decided to start reading. Her breasts gradually filled out over the course of the next hour or so, and of course her top shrank the rest of the way into a red string bikini top for them to fill. By the end of it, she sported a decent if not impressive bust—not gigantic like Najira or Saya, but big enough for anyone to call her curvy, especially along with those hips.

A little while after that, Saya burst into the library to check on her—having heard that that was where Miller had gone—and found her fully changed already. She then proceeded to drag the new girl out to the beach for a swim and a photo shoot, against her objections that she wasn't a very good swimmer and didn't like water getting on her glasses.

She admitted to me that she had a lot of fun anyway; apparently she was thoroughly soaked by the time Saya got around to taking a picture, but at least managed to keep her glasses from coming to any worse harm than a little bit of ocean water getting splashed on them. "Staying cooped up in a library all day ain't right for a young lady, after all," she said—although it seems she still enjoys sitting behind her desk to read and do her 'job' as a librarian quite a bit.

I asked Millie how she felt about her new appearance, like usual, and she said, "Are you kidding? If someone had told me I'd one day be young again, and surrounded by scantily clad buxom girls..well, I wouldn't have believed them. But I'd say 'that must be what heaven's like'! I don't mind being part of that heaven for the other girls around here either, you know? Besides, this actually feels pretty good, believe me. I think you'll know what I mean pretty soon, eh?"

That's true...I don't think I'll be male for very much longer. After I finished making my notes for this entry, I went out to the beach with her and some of the other girls. It I feel like maybe I could get used to this. The sense of dread I wrote about before doesn't feel as strong as it did back then, honestly. But, am I looking forward to it? I'm still not so sure about that...


  1. Finaly new entry in one of my favorites series after six years!
    Thank you!

    Can’t wait for the next one😄

    1. I'm certainly with you in hoping it won't take six entire years this time.
