Sunday, July 24, 2022

Vixen Society - Prelude

Vixen Society

  Beginning / Before / After / Last

A group of six Kitsune sat around a table in a conference room, watching a seventh giving a presentation. It sounded like the set-up to a joke, or the prelude to some massive disaster. The magical power at the collective disposal of the group was staggering: More than half of them had five or more tails, with a nine-tailer sitting way at the back. But the one at the front, waving her presenter's stick around and running the show, was a harmless-looking, dark-haired young woman in a sharp business suit—and she was even hiding both her ears and the merely two tails she had.

"Here's our logo," she explained, showing off a fancy vector graphic. It was a stylized, cute red fox's head, turned to directly face the viewer, with its snout tilted downward a bit and its yellow eyes enlarged a bit to give it a "cute" look. "Should fit in pretty well with modern mobile design...Aannd, let's move on to the initial ads I've got lined up..."

The presentation shifted to a video, vertical in resolution—an animation of a generic, corporate person-blob with an accompanying narration by a charismatic, cheerful female voice—that of the presenter, in fact. "Do you feel like life is letting you down? Like you don't have the body, the mind, the drive or the self-esteem you want?" The person-blob had a black stormcloud building up over its head as it went through a rapid montage of a dull day at some office building, glancing briefly at other, more colorful and brighter-lit person blobs who were visibly more energetic and busy having fun.
"Join Vixen Society!" The person-blob pulled out a phone and tapped the logo from the previous slide on it, and waves of bright color flowed out, chasing the storm cloud away. "A brand new life advice app that's available now, for free." It grew fox ears and a tail and its life was suddenly better. "Get anonymous advice from our experienced experts to cure all of your worldly woes! Your identity will be confidential, guaranteed!"

"Pffh...fft....!" At the conclusion of the fifteen-second-or-so commercial, one of the older foxes in the room snorted, and failed to suppress a full-on laugh that spread to the rest of the room. "How is this meant to deceive anybody?! It is so transparently a swindle!"
"Ahh, but it's
free," one of the younger ones at the table pointed out. "You have no idea how much power that one word has."
"We aren't looking to catch the clever fish," the presenter answered, leaning forward onto a podium, as the chatter died down. "We want people who'll at least
try our advice out, just the once, thinking: 'How much harm could it possibly do'? Anyway, check out the next one!"

"Do you need advice, and just don't know who to turn to? Trying to improve yourself, but don't know where to start?
"Join Vixen Society! A brand new life advice app that's available now, for free. Get anonymous advice from our experienced experts to cure all of your worldly woes! Your identity will be confidential, guaranteed!"

Another round of laughter followed—not so much at the commercial's expense, but rather at the thought of someone taking its promises seriously. The presenter followed it up with: "To put things in perspective: We're going to be showing these ads to thousands of people. I know you all don't want to come up with personal advice for every single one of such a number, especially if it won't even pan out. For what we're trying to do, we only need 'several' suckers...and hopefully a few potentials among them." She moved on to a third one:

"Can't cheer up? Can't wake up? Don't like what you see in the mirror in the morning when you do? Maybe you're just looking for some help learning something new, or a good exercise routine.
"Join Vixen Society! A brand new life advice app that's available now, for free. Get anonymous advice from our experienced experts to cure all of your worldly woes! Your identity will be confidential, guaranteed!"

"Do we need to worry about the law when it comes to that 'confidentiality guaranteed' thing?"
"We certainly won't be sharing around the names of our 'customer base' beyond our own little group here," one of the foxes sitting close to the front of the room said. "That's 'confidential' enough, isn't it?"
"The 'guarantee' is literally only in the commercial anyway," the presenter added. "Not a single word of it in our legal agreement. And human companies get away with far, far worse use of that word every day."

The two of them—the instigators of this entire plot—continued to field questions for a while longer, until the seven Kitsune came to a full agreement on the matter. That was good, because those two had already paid up and made all of the the necessary mundane arrangements for everything to go live the following day. There was only one final question before they all dispersed.

"Any reason we're going with 'vixen' rather than 'fox'?"
"It just rolls off the tongue easier," the presenter shrugged.
"That," the other instigator said, "and what we're planning for those we find with promising potential..."

So...this started out as an idea for a series of captions, but when I started writing it two different things happened. First, every single bit of it ballooned way past the kind of length that I want in a caption, and second, I found that I wanted to do something with this story (or set of stories, depending on your perspective) that just wasn't possible in caption form. I would compare this project to OZK in estimated size, which is to say that I anticipate actually finishing it in a reasonably small amount of parts, even if it takes me a while to get all of them written. Anyway, there's a lot of this already written as I publish this, and the actual first part will come out tomorrow.

Oh, right, and let me know if you find the title font unreadable. I was looking for a "fancy looking script font" and just took the first one I could find that looked legible.

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