Thursday, July 28, 2022

Vixen Society - Cycle 4

Vixen Society

Cycle 4
In the shower, Carter found good news and bad news.

The good news was that she was, in every possible way, a healthy, gorgeous, curvy young woman now, that having long hair and fox ears and a tail all felt rather nice somehow, and nothing about her body's sudden new appearance felt uncomfortable in the slightest. The bad news was that so much hair and fur tore through the bit of shampoo she had in a single wash—at least, getting all of the chlorine out of it did—and it was functionally impossible to towel all of that off too, which meant she was going to need a hairdryer.

She did her best for the moment with wrapping an extra body towel around her big fluffy yellow tail and a keeping a hand towel around her neck to catch some of the dripping water from her hair and ears. Since none of her clothes really fit properly, she just put on a pair of boxers that her wide hips could hold up and a t-shirt that now fell loosely enough around her narrow shoulders to expose some neckline and long enough to fall halfway down her thighs when standing up. Then she got her phone.

Ok look
What did you do to me, and how.
The answer came back: We gave you some advice. I guess you followed it?
You know what I mean! she shot back. I did something that definitely shouldn't have had any physical effect on me besides some wrinkly skin and wet hair, and now I'm like three feet shorter with boobs and fur.
Ooh, it worked then? You awoke?
She raised an eyebrow, and the ear on the same side went up with it. I've been awake since this morning.
Three different responses came to this, starting with the person who'd been answering her so far: No, silly, magic awakening!
You're a full-fledged Kitsune now!

Carter was more conflicted than she logically felt she should be about this. That is—logically, she thought they had to be making fun of her, 'congratulating' her for falling for some kind of weird magical trolling. But emotionally, the congratulations felt genuine, and made her feel a little proud of her new...foxiness? Something like that.

She settled on: Ok but how?
You're not bad at trolling people, right? That's a part of your natural potential to be a trickster.
But in your case, that potential needed a little help to be realized.
Just a tiny bit of magic we channeled through the app, tuned to 'help' you in a way that would make you a woman at the same time.
But it would never work without your cooperation!

Her ears drooped slightly—she had been pranked, and fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. All that 'junk code' she'd seen before...had to be some kind of magical ritual stuff, which no 'mundane' programmer would ever recognize! But at the same time, it was difficult to really feel shame or anger about it. In fact, as the realization ran through her mind, the new vixen couldn't help but grin wide, and then giggle. They'd really gotten her, after all! And, the result was...wonderful! In a way, it was kind of a win for both sides.

She took a moment to take a few deep breaths and regain her composure again before replying: Well, okay, I guess you got me pretty good.
But you're still running an advice app, right?
So. How exactly am I supposed to deal with this new body you saddled me with?

There was a brief pause, and then one of them sent back: Carter was sure this was sarcasm, but she tried the link anyway, and found an honest-to-goodness, government-(or some kind of official organization anyway)-funded website, outlining how someone who'd been male up until a recent transformation, and who didn't want to—or couldn't—find a way to recover her original form, should deal with being female. Some of it was basic health information she already knew (though perhaps in more detail than she'd had reason to study before now), some of it was general life advice like 'wear a bra, stupid', and some of it was obviously jokes to help lighten the mood.
The advice the Vixen Society provided her after that link was: As for the fox part, we can certainly help you out with that!
We're rather experts on being Kitsune, after all. entire race of pranksters and trolls. Carter shook her head—no wonder they'd been able to fool her. But now—now she was one of them, too. Maybe this was going to be fun, after all...

Vincent went up some stairs and knocked on the door the the apartment. "Uh, comiiiing!" Luca's voice from inside let him know he was at the right place, and he ran to open the door after a moment, looking slightly winded but grinning a huge grin all the same. "Hey, I'm glad you could make it. Please, come on in!"

Despite his declaration of having cleaned things up, Luca's living room was a pretty big mess: A large section of it was taken by some piled-up canvases and paints and an easel lying on its side, and a bunch of loose paper and several different open sketchbooks were scattered around the seating area. It actually did smell like some decent food was cooking, though.
"It's almooost ready, just uh—take a seat for a minute, 'kay?" his host said, hurrying to shove some of the paper over to one side of a couch and then waving to present the spot to him, before running to the kitchen. As he went to inspect the offered seat, Vincent noticed Luca going down a hall and to one side to get to the kitchen, even though a door in the living room—which was presently closed—obviously led to the same place. He leaned forward and poked at the cushion briefly before shrugging, concluding that the seat wasn't the trap here before sitting down.

After some more noise—including shuffling some pots and pans around and getting some plates out—Luca came back through the same roundabout path to reach the living room again. "Okay! It's all done. Uh, please—right this way." He indicated the closed door. Vincent stood up and headed that way, his host eagerly running alongside him. He came very close to the door before abruptly stopping, reaching a hand forward to push it open; Luca's momentum next to him had him barrel straight through as the sound of some paper tearing came from above the door on the inside.

A torrent of colorful confetti rained down onto Luca, apparently having been held by whatever opening the door had just torn open. "Bluaah!" He waved his hands around in front of his face, temporarily blinded by the paper, and stumbled forward several steps. A short ways into the room was a small piece of wood sitting angled up toward their direction, a box glued to the part currently tilted down to sit on the floor, and when Luca stumbled up to it his foot landed on the high side, flipping it across some makeshift fulcrum beneath it and making it catapult the contents of the box—a few obviously fake rubber spiders—directly at his face.

He paused, shaking his head while grabbing one of them off, and when he opened his eyes there was the fake spider on his hand. "YaaaAAAAHH!" Even though he must have put it there, and had to know it was fake, Luca's immediate, knee-jerk reaction was to throw it at the far wall and run away in another direction while yelling in a panic, approaching the kitchen sink as a result. The rug in front of that sink was suspiciously bumpy-looking, and sure enough, when Luca ran up and put his full weight on it a bunch of large bubble-wrap hidden underneath loudly popped, making him yell again—"AAH!"—and jump a long distance backwards.

Vincent strode briskly over behind Luca as he landed and stumbled backwards a few steps, flailing his arms around—obviously about to lose his balance entirely and fall over. He caught him under the arms from behind mid-fall, pushing him gently back onto his feet before taking a small step back.

Once again, Oliver woke up in the morning to find all traces of soreness and exhaustion miraculously gone, and his body noticeably thinner. Not only was his shirt looser than before around his waist, but his pants had to be reeled in by a belt to keep them from falling off for the first time in years. Looking at himself in the mirror, he got the stupidest grin, wagging both of his big, fluffy tails behind him. Not even the fact that his hair was beginning to obscure his eyes—maybe in need of a haircut soon—really bothered him right now.

He went to work like usual, continuing to hide his unusual new features—but not the improvements to his body. A couple of people took note, asking if he'd been working out, and he just sort of mumbled that he'd been trying to exercise more and eat better lately..even though the second was only true if 'better' meant 'more'. It didn't take as much out of him as it usually did; he left for his car that afternoon feeling ready to negotiate a price with a pawn shop. So that was what he did: Pick up the transmogrified jewelry (which had not turned back into garbage in his absence, thankfully), take them up to a pawn shop, and sell them. He was able to hide his apprehension as he fed them the story about his mother—partially thanks to channeling the actual emotion from his parents' having actually passed away—and even his excitement at the enormous quantity of money they offered him for the whole collection.
Maybe the pawn shop were severely lowballing him as far as the actual value of what he was selling, but it hadn't actually cost him anywhere near the thousands of dollars he was getting to obtain the 'raw materials', and even the somewhat exhausting work of transforming it was definitely worth far less than what he gained—so he was getting the better deal by far. Heart pounding, he went to the bank to deposit almost all of it, thinking to go to the grocery store with the rest.

As Oliver came and sat down in his car in the bank parking lot, he felt that sensation again: A tail sprouting, growing, and spreading out behind him. This was his third one now, a celebration of—perhaps—successfully fooling the pawn shop into paying him thousands of dollars for what used to be garbage. He wasn't sure if it counted as 'fooling' them when what it was now was really jewelry, but it didn't matter. He'd made his money, and now he had a brand new tail to commemorate it.
His stomach growled; the whole ordeal had taken a while, and even in the absence of real physical exercise, he was hungry. He began the drive to the store, but stopped at one particular traffic light right next to a restaurant, and he could smell it through the car doors.


Oliver's mouth was salivating. His sense of smell was much sharper than it used to be (probably because he was part fox or something) and that was proving to be a weakness right now. The smell of delicious food, particularly something he'd promised himself he'd have if he ever had enough money for it, was just too much to take. But..he'd just impulse-buy all kinds of useless things at the grocery store if he was this hungry, right? And, he could definitely afford it right now...

He gave in to the temptation, turning in to park at the restaurant and walking in to eat. And, it was one of the most delicious meals he'd ever had. Not only was the food good in itself, but it felt like a prize he'd earned, a reward above and beyond the third tail for the trick he'd managed to pull off today, and that made it all the sweeter.
As he ate, he occasionally felt a slight gurgling from his happy stomach, and a couple of times a brief tensing from his abdomen. It was a slightly odd feeling, but he didn't feel unwell or anything, and besides—the food was too good to pay attention to much of anything else. It was only after he'd concluded a meal feeling completely full and satisfied for the first time in forever, paid, and went to stand up that he realized: His belly had shrunk, and his pants were threatening to fall off again.

Oliver couldn't believe it. He made his way out of the building and stopped next to his car to prod and squeeze at his stomach. The fat he'd come in with had reduced at least as much as during last night's sleep, and what he was left with now...well, anyone would still call him fat, but it was a far cry from the enormous obesity he'd had just a couple of days ago. Maybe...he could even stand to be seen exercising, with his body looking like this. It had loosened his clothes enough to make them a bit ill-fitting, but..well, he had an easy enough solution to that: He more or less just willed his clothes to fit him again, and they shrank just as much as necessary to hold on properly without being too tight.
"Heheeh.." This was so weird..but it was wonderful at the same time. He grinned, getting into his car and heading on to the store. It was getting a little bit late for an afternoon run, but he had tomorrow off from work, so...he'd just do twice as much then.

hey uh
i feel a little bad about today

Did you have trouble selling the jewelry?

oh, no, not at all.
it was really easy, i got plenty of money from it too!
and another tail came out right after that.

That's amazing! Three tails in as many days.
What's there to feel bad about, then?

i didn't exercise
and i spent some of the new money on steak
maybe wasted is more like it.

Hey, it's okay to treat yourself sometimes, as long as it's not a habit!
Yeah. And you don't have to run every single day to stay healthy.
Just do a little more tomorrow, and you'll be fine.

i was telling myself something similar
but it feels reassuring to hear it from someone else
you're all the best

Aw, thanks!

Carter found herself much more popular with her circle of friends—and maybe not quite in a way she liked. All of them knew perfectly well that she was the same person, but still couldn't get over seeing her as the blonde bombshell she'd become, too. Even going for the most tomboyish outfits she could manage—shorts or jeans with her old loose-fitting, boy-cut t-shirts that trailed their hems down to at least her waist—didn't dissuade them, and it quickly became obvious it just made her even hotter in their eyes.
Nearly every guy she knew approached her at least once to ask if she'd go out on a date with him. She couldn't blame them for this, not really—she knew how hot she was, knew what it was like to be a nerd, and could easily imagine herself doing the same with the roles reversed—but she didn't really feel much interest toward any of them, and just said she wasn't looking for a date with anyone right now. Generally one or two rejections was all it took, with the end result being only that guy only occasionally staring at her and quickly looking away when caught—but there was one particularly annoying exception.

Troy was the thin-and-wispy, glasses-wearing kind of nerd; he did some sort of engineering work. He was in her regular D&D group, and her transformation had come in the middle of his rotation as DM and host. Going by how he decorated his place and the characters he tended to play, he had a certain fascination with wolf-people, dog-people, coyote-people—any kind of canine-person, really..which was a category she unfortunately now fell under. Every time she came to his place with everyone else to play, he'd open up with some mild flirting and then eventually try to ask her out, and she'd have to shut him down. He didn't keep it up after she said no, but he still looked longingly her way now and then during their sessions, and come the next one he'd start all over again.

After the fifth time this happened, in the middle of her third week as a fox-girl, she vented to the society about it. Their response didn't please her, either.
So, what, some guy won't leave you alone? You're a kitsune, just trick him!
It's been like two weeks now, right? Aren't you used to teasing guys by now?

No! she shot back. Pretend flirting is such a lame way to troll people, and I don't feel like screwing up my friendships with it either. In actuality, she'd found herself having a little bit of fun messing with people—friends, coworkers, or whoever—in ways that didn't rely on her physical attractiveness.
I suppose it is a little low-effort...
Hey, if you really want to leave him alone, get him a taste of his own medicine!
"Uh-huh.." How, exactly, am I supposed to do that? Carter knew full well that Kitsune were supposed to have magical powers, but she hadn't really felt much of a spark of that so far. It was probably because she only had one tail, which was the lowest tier of power possible.

Fortunately, the Society had an answer for her.

"Who—wha—!?" Luca looked back and forth quickly in confusion several times before finally turning entirely around toward Vincent, who was looking down at him with his arms crossed. "...Oh. Aww man..." He frowned disappointedly. "That, I didn't do any of that right at all!"
"So, what, that was for me?"
"Uh..yeah. I thought it might help make you laugh! But I just—kinda, walked into my own trap instead. Sorry...uh, thanks for catching me, though..."

Vincent was quiet as Luca spoke, and then as he trailed off. It was a long enough silence to probably worry Luca that he'd made him actually angry, except for the way it terminated. During this silence, his mind processed through the entire event he'd just experienced: His..friendly acquaintance, at least, had thought to try and cheer him up by inviting him to his place for dinner and setting up a few basically harmless pranks. But he'd just let himself be guided straight into them, and even though he knew they were coming, stumbled straight into every single one in a single conga-line of self-pranking. Plus, there was the mental image of him flailing around and freaking out and jumping back from the loud noise. He was acting like a confused kitten in his own kitchen!

"Snrk." He felt himself make kind of a snort as he inhaled, the entire thing finally getting to him. "Pffheheh..he-heheh...haAAahahahah..!" And then Vincent was laughing. He just couldn't suppress it any longer, and before he knew it he was laughing so hard he was almost doubling over from it and rendered temporarily unable to properly speak. "You jh-huhst..heheh—you couldn't even—haaAAhahah..!"

As the fit of laughter continued, Vincent had the strange impression that it was starting to push its way out of his ears—as nonsensical as that was. And yet, as he continued to laugh uncontrollably, he felt first his right ear, then his left, just suddenly pop out, growing, stretching and expanding bigger, wider and taller while some sort of hairs rapidly grew all across it. In under a second, the time of a single "HAAaah!" from his mouth, each ear went from human to—some kind of big, fluffy, animal-like shape.
"Hhhh...!" He sort of wheezed air in and out at this point, tears coming out of his closed eyes, and when he inhaled hard again he felt the laughter coming in and rushing down his spine somehow, racing out from the base of it as a tail which rapidly spread out long, thick and fluffy behind him. And no sooner had Vincent more or less caught his breath than the mental image of Luca freaking out over the fake spider sent him into a proper giggling fit.

"Hee~eheheheh..!" His voice lilted strangely higher and higher in pitch as he giggled, and he could feel a slight pressure all across his body shrinking him shorter and slimmer, making his clothes fall increasingly loose across a diminishing frame, narrowing shoulders, slimming and shortening arms and legs. "Heeheeehee, heheheh...!" A wave of tingling all over his skin only seemed to tickle him, making the increasingly girlish giggling continue. His suddenly-huge ears were flicking around excitedly, the new tail swishing back and forth through the air behind him; the sensation of air running across all of that fluffy fur was strangely pleasant, almost addictive.

"Aah..haa~aAAAahaahaahh..!" Giggling progressed into more actual laughter, now in a high, cute but not immature soprano tone, and at the peak of it Vincent felt another tail spreading itself out next to the first one. At the same time, his face was warming with a blush because...because of a tingling, slipping sensation appearing and quickly getting stronger down between his legs. His hair spilled out a little longer, trailing across his shoulders and falling down the back of his neck and torso, the soft hairs tickling him and making him laugh even more.
"Ha~aahahah..ooh ooh oOOO~OOoh..!" Not long at all after it had begun, the strange feeling downstairs had given way to three sharp tugs, the last one taking away Vincent's manhood entirely, melting and shifting it all at once into girly parts instead. Her blush got much deeper as a sudden burst of deeply pleasant, fuzzy sensations hit her down there, letting her know it was actually going to be pretty sweet being a girl.

"Mmnnh...hh-heheheh..!" She couldn't resist more joyful giggling in response, as her hips and thighs began to gently press themselves out thicker and wider. Her suddenly very loose clothes began to shuffle and flutter around her body, a pair of panties pulling themselves tight between her legs while a skirt spread out around her hips. "HahahaAA~AAahahahah..!" Another burst of volume came with yet a third tail making its way out from the new girl's back, swishing and twisting around in the air with the other two. She could feel a sensation of pure power flowing into her from all three of them, seemingly coming along with some knowledge and ideas of how she could use it, too.
By now, her shirt and jacket were shrinking close against her slim, narrow shoulders, pulling increasingly close about her waist—but around her chest, everything was still hanging expectantly loose. "Hhhh~hh..!" she wheezed again, then gasped adorably high as a tingling rushed across her chest.

"H-heheh...haa~Aaahhahah..!" Vincent could feel her nipples gently pressing forward, drawing soft, sensitive skin across some unfamiliar cloth—a bra, naturally. "Heheheh...!" Her new girly parts were giving her a treat of a feeling once again, keeping the giggling and laughter irresistible as she felt the two little bumps steadily spread out bigger and bigger. "Aah, aa~aah, haa~aaAAaahahahaa~aahahah..!" A fourth tail made its way out from her back as her breasts gave one final push, turning into a nice, big pair of globes that filled the bra and the top over it—her jacket slipping itself off of her shoulders from all of her excited shifting and squirming around.

"Hhh..hh.." The fit of giggles finally faded off just as Vincent's transformation completed, and she slowly opened her eyes to find herself facing a very confused Luca—now exactly the same height as she was. "Hh—heheh...Luca, you dork!" she said, grinning wide and holding up one of her hands.

"Did you not delete that stupid app the other day?!" she demanded pulling the jacket back up over her shoulders. "This is probably some magic junk they put into it."
"Uhh...a-about that..."
"Ooh, you not only didn't delete it, this whole thing was their suggestion, wasn't it?" She took another few steps closer to him, still grinning wide enough to expose some sharp fangs now occupying her mouth. Luca was blushing from her increasing proximity, and—come to think of it—so was she.

"Well—whatever!" She reached over and ruffled his hair to tease him, enjoying his visibly confused reaction to the expression. "You still really cooked us dinner, so let's eat it first, before it gets cold! Being turned into a short fox-girl or whatever made me famished!"

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