Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Vixen Society - Cycle 3

Vixen Society

Cycle 3
Eating twice what he normally would was a reckless decision. Maybe even a stupid one. It not only spent up twice as much food money as a typical meal, but also probably pumped more calories back into his body than he'd actually burned up running. But Oliver was too hungry, and too high on the taste of even the most minor of victories, to really care. He really wasn't as satisfied as he'd hoped he'd be with even that much—in fact, what he was really craving was something meaty and tasty, like a huge steak—but he did have the restraint to stop there. He promised himself that once his life was turned around enough to afford it, he would eat steak. All the steak he wanted! But right His stupid, fat belly was filled enough that he could rest and sleep and not eat any more until morning, and that was all he really needed.

He confessed to the Vixen Society that he'd overeaten, but they assured him that he hadn't.
You just ate until you weren't hungry anymore, right? That's perfectly normal!
You'll be able to afford a much better lifestyle than this soon.
There were strong doubts in Oliver's mind in opposition to such glowing assurances, but at the same time...he certainly hoped so. The bizarre, fox-like ears and tail he now had were already one impossible thing he'd experienced, after all, and not one that he'd ever have anticipated.

Oliver went to bed feeling at least mildly hopeful. He dreamed he was running—not the first run to the other side of the park, but the run back the other way. Maybe it'd be more accurate to say that he dreamed of having that floating feeling he'd had—that 'second wind', perhaps—but without any of the physical pain that had accompanied it. If only he could feel that way every time he tried to exercise...maybe it wouldn't be so difficult.
When he woke up the next morning and sat up, he discovered the impossible: His shirt was loose. It was mainly his belly that had lost a measurable amount of fat, but his limbs hadn't entirely missed out on it either. He took a moment to do something he hadn't in a long, long time—stepping onto his bathroom scale to see his weight. Well, he didn't actually know if it was heavier or lighter since he hadn't done so in so long, but...his shirt was definitely loose. He'd lost weight somehow—maybe even done the impossible and managed it in his sleep.

Another odd thing: Oliver had fully expected to wake up at least a little bit sore and stiff from the previous day's exercise. Sure, it hadn't been much for most people, but he wasn't most people. Instead, he felt perfectly fine, maybe even slightly more energized than a typical mid-week day. All of this put him in a pretty good mood throughout breakfast, until something occurred to him. Anyone, perhaps, could guess where he turned for advice.

i uh, just realized
i've got fox ears and a tail
wont people at my work like, freak out?
Do you remember the park? The seventh 'voice', the one who had only spoken to him once or twice before, replied first. You did not want to be seen, and you were not seen.

really? Oliver's heartbeat picked up slightly. Had he...done that?
i kinda thought they just lost interest or something. Even if...even if nobody had looked at him, he'd thought that was something other than himself doing it. Like the mysterious people on the other end of the app.

If you do not wish your ears or tails to be seen, they will not be.

He was about ready to respond in the affirmative, that he would try, but one word—one letter caught his attention before he could.
tails? plural?
Don't worry about it, just a typo! a different 'voice' snapped back. However, the original one didn't reply to verify this excuse. Weird.

And so, Oliver went to work without making any physical effort to hide his strange animal-like traits. He just..said to himself, before he got out of his car, that he wanted people to not notice them. And...they didn't. Not one single person stared, commented, or anything. Granted, he didn't really have a ton of communication with his coworkers in the first place, but...someone would've said or done something to indicate they noticed his unusual traits, if they did. And nobody did any such thing. He he was fooling all of them somehow, even if he didn't really understand how. It was a strangely thrilling, empowering sort of feeling, like..he had control over something in his life for once...even if it was only a certain detail about how others saw him.

He went out to his car at the end of the day, sat behind the wheel, and took in and let out a deep breath. He'd gone all day without anyone seeing his fuzzy ears or tail. That sense of empowerment came back in a particularly strong rush for a brief moment, and Oliver felt a push from his lower back—a sensation identical to the one he'd felt when his tail had grown out the day before.
"Uh..huh?" He turned around in his seat to confirm with his eyes what his tactile senses were already telling him: It had felt like a tail growing because it had been a tail growing. A second tail. Tails. Oliver had tails, plural now. And it felt was because he'd managed to deceive everyone at work into thinking he was a normal, tail-less human.

Those people on the Vixen Society app definitely knew more than they were letting on. certainly didn't feel bad, having a second tail. If anything, it felt like a memento, a reminder of that sense of empowerment he'd felt that maybe..caused it to grow? More than that, something about having two tails made him feel just a little bit more confident and powerful. Riding on that mood, he drove to the park for another run.

Oliver decided that he still didn't want anyone to see him doing it, and indeed, when he stepped out of the car and slammed the door loudly shut, nobody so much as glanced in his direction. He turned his head downward and tugged at his t-shirt and jeans, thinking: He really wished he was wearing clothes appropriate for running, though. No sooner did he look up, turning his focus toward the opposite end of the park—the destination of his run—than he jumped, startled, at the sensation of his clothes shifting around on his body. He looked down and found the sleeves, collar and buttons vanishing off of his shirt, his pants shortening and softening into a pair of gym shorts. "Wh-what the...I can..?" He tugged at the tank top and shorts after they finished changing, confirming for himself that they were real. "I can change my clothes!? W-wow...!" He looked back to his destination for the run again. It was a bizarre, surreal thing to think, but he thought it anyway: If he could control how, or whether, other people saw him, and if he could just alter his clothes on a whim—then a little run across the park and back should be easy. He took a deep breath and began that run.

The electrifying feeling he'd had on his return trip the first day kicked in about halfway through his first jog. He didn't even stop to catch his breath when he got to the other side, wanting desperately to keep that feeling going, and instead whirled and ran back the other way, stopping only once he reached his car to lean his hand against it and double over in panting, sweating exhaustion. Okay...maybe he'd overdone it a little bit, he thought. But he'd done it, anyway!

Only Oliver slowly caught his breath and lifted himself back to an upright position...he was absolutely starving.


Lying there, floating in his pool, Carter contemplated foxes. Small, predatory canines with a cultural reputation for being wily tricksters. But humans were the real tricksters, not only in the local sense but the long-term, hijacking even the process of natural selection to get what they wanted. If foxes were clever, then humans were even more clever for having found a way to fully domesticate some and keep them as pets. And, humans used to hunt foxes all the time, to keep them from getting at their livestock. He didn't think he'd ever heard of a human, on a fox hunt, being injured by the fox. It was maybe other humans with murderous designs that one needed to fear, right?

Throughout this train of thought, an image slowly formed, like it was floating in front of him. Carter's eyes were still closed, of course, so this was a mental image: A fox floating above him in the pitch black of his actual sight. Its fur was a solid color throughout, a sunny, light yellow shade that he wasn't sure was natural for foxes; its eyes were a bright, piercing red. It was strange for him to picture a fox so unnatural when he knew perfectly well what they really looked like; he shifted his mental image over to a proper red fox, a white fox, even a deep black—all more natural shades. But the original one kept coming back to his mind.

It was like it was staring at him. He briefly opened and reclosed his eyes a few times, and even though he saw the real world each time he opened them, the sense that he was being stared at by something just in front of his eyes—above him—didn't go away. The last time he closed his eyes, it felt like they met the piercing red ones of the fox, having a brief, imaginary staring contest...and then, in a sudden flash of red, it was gone.

"Hmmnh..?" Carter blinked a couple of times. That was weird—the whole thing. Maybe the sunlight and heat were getting to him more than he thought, and he should head out and get some water or something. He thought about doing that, but felt restrained somehow, like his body just wasn't ready to stop floating in the water. "Wh, what th...?!" He tried to struggle against this sense of restraint, managing to flail his arms and paddle his legs in the water a little bit, producing a little bit of splashing. The motion maybe should've tipped him around in the water and made him sink, but it didn't—he remained floating there on his back all the same. It wasn't that he was physically being held in place by anything, but...

He felt something weird, a push from his right ear. "Ah—aah..?!" It tingled sharply, popping out bigger and bigger in under a second, until it had become a huge, fuzzy triangle sticking out well past his hair. "Wha—agh!" His other ear followed suit, growing huge and fuzzy to perfectly match its mate. "Mh, my ears..wha..?" Carter struggled to move his arms enough to reach up and touch them, thinking this couldn't be real, the way he felt the warm summer air running across some thick hairs all across the huge things, but it certainly felt real in every way it could. And now, a wave of tingling ran all across his scalp too, starting around the base of each ear and spreading inward. Hair tickled his forehead and cheeks as it slid out along them, growing longer; it trickled down onto his shoulders and spread out behind his back. "" He could feel the weight of it sinking and flowing into the water, growing longer and longer.

"Wh, what is, haa~aaah...!" Carter's face felt tingled, then felt like it was being massaged gently by someone's fingertips. "Haa~aappening, to~oo..?" All of a sudden his voice was cracking and squeaking, and kept coming back at a higher pitch than before. His face was being sculpted smaller, softer, and rounder, and now his neck felt strange too—its adam's apple vanishing right away. "M-mee~eee..?" The rapid shift of Carter's voice settled toward a very girlish, mid-high alto tone now, and hearing that made him start to draw some conjectures about the trajectory of this sudden, unexpected transformation.

"A-aa~aahh..!" A wave of tingling rolled down Carter's shoulders, along his arms and his torso, making him shudder. He could feel hairs vanishing away, leaving his limbs and upper body soft and smooth. Then the feeling of massaging, sculpting, and shifting hit his shoulders first and spread down the same way as the tingles had, and he could feel his frame gently diminishing in the water: Shoulders narrowing, body becoming smaller, arms slimmer and shorter. "W-waah..!" His waist got some special attention, gently pressing the pudge away and pinching it in at the sides until his belly had become flat, smooth, and slim.

All of these weird feelings weren't making him cry out in that strange high voice out of only surprise and confusion. It was also..a strangely pleasant set of sensations, at least in that they were making him feel..things...down below, and causing his cheeks to heat up more and more with a blush. This didn't get any better as the tingling came back across his hips and made its way down his legs—particularly sticking around between his legs, right where things were the most sensitive, and causing him to start struggling around and kicking almost involuntarily.

"Aaah, aa~ahh.." It was shrinking—definitely. Just as his legs were turning slimmer, smaller, and shorter, Carter's manhood was being made smaller and smaller. "Wah, w-waa~aaii~it...!" the high, girlish voice this came out in made his struggle to stay male feel particularly pathetic. Anyway...what was so great about staying a boy? He tried to come up with a good argument, but it was very difficult with the way the tugging, slipping sensation down there was making him feel. "Aa~aah...!" It was nice...

A push came from Carter's lower back, around the base of his spine, at exactly the same moment as he felt his manhood melting the rest of the way away. "Aa~aaAAahh..!" Everything down there went through a whirlwind change, at the same time as a new appendage steadily spread itself out from behind, thick hairs all across it soaking in the water as it pressed through it. "A-ah, mnnh.. mrr~rrfh..!" Carter squirmed and kicked in place as her new equipment seemed to insist on giving her a demonstration of what it could do—how it could feel. "Aa~aaAHHnnnNnh..rrfh, rr~RRffh..!" The high barking and yipping she was starting to do was new, too, as was the thick, furry tail now whipping around through the water behind her.

No sooner had Carter become female than her hips and thighs started to feel like they were being massaged again. They weren't happy anymore with being slim and small, and instead her butt puffed out, growing wider and thicker, as if to emphasize her new sex all the more. Her swim trunks shrank all at once into a bikini bottom, losing its leggings in favor of some mere string clinging to the sides of her widening hips, and of course pulling nice and snug between her legs. "Aah, rr~rrfh..!" Her shirt split open too, the weight of the water pulling it off of her front while some of its cloth reformed into some string tying itself around her back and over her shoulders, plus some bits of cloth hanging loosely on top of her chest. A chest which was still...flat.

"" It wasn't going to stay that way for very long. Carter's chest tingled first, then began to push out, a pair of bumps growing steadily into place. The material of the loose bikini top slid across that skin, which gave her an opportunity to find out just how sensitive it was all of a sudden. "Aah, rr~rRRfh..!" Again the new girl was assaulted by some deep, fuzzy feelings downstairs, and again she could only helplessly wriggle around and bark as it happened.
All thought of preventing herself from continuing to change had been abandoned by now, and while she thought about riding it out and then going to look for a way to change back—something about that was feeling pretty unrealistic, too. "Ooh,!" Perhaps it was that there was something very...permanent-feeling about her suddenly giant, fluffy ears and tail. "Rrfh, rr~Rrrfh..!" Or maybe it was just how good being a girl was feeling right now, as her new little buds of breasts began to blossom out bigger and bigger, trying hard to fill the huge bikini top they'd been given as a goal.

She squirmed for a little bit longer, her ears twitching and tail whipping around through the water underneath her as best it could. "Aaa~AH! Rrfh, rrr~rufh..!" The boobs were getting to be pretty huge, and that only kept the girly feelings down between her legs coming. Carter was practically begging for them to hurry up and finish growing now—part of her wanting to feel the last burst of pleasure that was sure to follow, and the other part just wanting relief from such a long, intense series of sensations. Well, all of her was soon satisfied, a low "Ooo~ooh..mrrr~rrRRRhnn..!" slipping out as her chest gave one final push and swelled out enough to fill and stretch the top, falling into place as a pair of enormous, womanly breasts.

Carter's newly-enlarged chest rose and fell several times as she slowly but surely regained some presence of mind. Lying back in the pool, her whole tail and most of her hair totally soaked, the cool water all across her back—it was nice and relaxing. The warm sun on her face, her neckline and much of her breasts, and her belly and legs—that felt pretty nice too. It helped her relax enough to think straight, at least, and she felt like she was in control of her body again by the time she opened her eyes—that strange sense of restraint finally gone.

"I...huh." Carter felt as though it was coming to her—she was realizing something she hadn't known before, hadn't guessed even though it now felt like it should've been obvious. "That fox was I..hmn."

She tilted herself forward, standing up in the water. She could barely wade in it now—what had once come up to the bottom of his chest now lapped at the base of her neck. "So, what I'm..a fox? A girl fox? Is that just what I am now for some reason, or..?" It felt like she'd always been one, and simply hadn't realized it before now, but her logical mind naturally balked at the concept. How could a human be a fox in the first place, much less be unaware of it?! "No, no.." Carter shook her head. "There has to be a better explanation than that. Wait..."

Foxes...girl foxes...vixens. The app. Those people who'd told her to do the thing that had evidently caused this to happen. Did they know? Did they cause this somehow?!

Carter waded as quick as she could to the edge of the pool to get out, and instinctively shook some of the water off once she was on dry land. She expected the tail and the shorter, very differently-proportioned body to give her some difficulties balancing, but found it all as natural as could be. The wet hair and fur was a little uncomfortable, but nothing about the way her body walked felt unnatural in the slightest.

She was going to get her phone and demand answers about what had just happened to her. But—Carter grabbed the towel she'd prepared to dry off with, knowing full well that it would barely cover a third of all the new hair and fur that was now thoroughly saturated with water—a shower...would come first. An unexpected, dramatic, drastic transformation was no excuse not to at least make herself clean and comfortable, after all.

"Hmmn..problem..." The pink-haired fox-girl mumbled to herself, pulling at her t-shirt. Of course it didn't fit her a bit, and neither did any of her pants for that matter. She only had the one set of feminine undergarments; she couldn't exactly wear the pajamas she'd woken up in to class, and hair, plus foxy bits, were going to draw an awful lot of attention from people.

She brushed past her still-stunned roommate, picking up the phone and turning it to the app. There was no guarantee those people would be awake at this hour, but...maybe?

So like, your advice worked.
But also turned me into a fox girl with pink hair
None of my clothes fit and I kinda stand out like this?

It didn't take long at all for a reply to come back. You're more than just some fox girl. Have any plants in your room with leaves on them?

She turned here and there, and remembered a potted plant on her windowsill. Yes?
Grab a couple of leaves. Put one over your head and concentrate on making your clothes fit.
This will consume the leaf.
Then use the second one to fool others' perception of you.

This was bizarrely specific and nonsensical advice...but, thanks to their earlier advice, Elliot did have way more time this morning than she'd had before in her entire career as a student, so...she tried it anyway, picking a leaf off of the plant and putting it over her head. It took a moment for her to work out the right way to 'concentrate', but when she did it felt oddly natural, and a poof of pink smoke erupted around her body, instantly replacing the ill-fitting shirt and pants with a tight blouse, short skirt, and stockings and even shoes that fit her tiny little feet! She looked down at this sight, spinning around and giggling—it looked great on her!

And, having made it work once, she was able to do it again easily: A second leaf over her head and another poof replaced her appearance to others—but not to herself—with that of a girl with the same build and clothes and everything, but brown hair and no foxy bits. "..Phew, that's better~," she said, and turned to her roommate.
"Uh..seriously what is going on right now? Am I dreaming or what? I mean—mmn!"
She interrupted him by putting a finger on his lips, a gesture which made him blush rather adorably.

"Shhhsh, people are still sleeping," she said. "Now look, I gotta get to class, and I can answer your questions after that, 'kay? Annnd, you're the only person who's seen my true form so far, so I'm gonna need you to keep it secret. If you see me in public, call me Ella. Got it?"
"...Mmhm." He nodded, obviously still too shocked and confused by the surreal situation he found himself in to really object. Maybe he really did think this was a dream.

"Thaanks, you're the best~," Ella said, grinning cutely to him before going off after her bags and heading out to get a cafeteria breakfast—a luxury she was used to only getting on days without morning classes before. She realized about halfway there that her student ID showed a boy's picture and the name Elliot still, but found that she could leverage the same kind of 'trick' she'd pulled with her clothes and hiding her real appearance to correct these problems. It was easy enough that she didn't even need the help of a leaf to put up the appearance of her pretty new face and a slightly different name on the card. Then again, since she was only going to be scanning this at a register, maybe this wasn't even necessary.

A couple of days after they ate at the Mexican place, Luca came running after Vincent on his way to his car once again. "Hey, hey!"
He didn't stop walking, but slowed down just enough for him to catch up. "What do you want."
"You uh, wanna come to my place for dinner tonight? I have um..I have a new recipe I wanna try out on someone else, yeah." He never paused in his speech like that, making each time he did increasingly suspicious.
"Really." Vincent did stop at this point, to give him a look. "Since when do you cook?"
"Since always! Hey," he said, putting his fists on his hips and getting a slightly pouty expression, "I'll have you know I've been cooking for myself for years."
"Uh-huh. How come we always go out to eat when you want to 'hang out', then?"
"Well, you know, my place is a mess a lot of the time. But I definitely cleaned it up yesterday 'cause I was planning this!"
He gave Luca a long enough look to make him nervous, then shrugged. "Whatever. I guess I got no other plans anyway. Where and when?" The nervous look, followed by the immediate relief when he accepted, made Vincent all the more certain he was up to something. But—Luca wasn't exactly the kind of person who could actually pull anything off, so it was probably just going to be entertaining to see him try.

hey uh
Hey! How'd today's exercise go?
pretty great, i guess

Oliver was sitting back in a chair, feeling slightly bloated.

before i even went to do it, I grew uh
a second tail?

Oh, congratulations! Do you feel more powerful now?

yes, somehow
i kinda half accidentally changed my clothes
not took some clothes off and put on other ones but

Transformed your clothes into different ones?


And you thought of that on your own? Impressive!

i dont know if its right to say i thought of it
i just kinda wanted them to be different, and it happened
but i have a new problem now

What is it?

when i exercise i get really hungry
and i'm kinda eating myself out of everything
i cant afford groceries for another week at least

There was a brief pause, and then: You were able to change your clothes into other clothes, right?
Do you have some trash around? It shouldn't be much harder to change that into some jewelry you can sell.
You shouldn't make a habit of it, but just the once so you can afford to eat well would be okay.

Oliver stared at the screen for a long moment, then turned his head toward the kitchen trashcan, full of packaging from all the food he'd eaten over the last couple of days. He set the phone down and slowly pushed his sore self up onto his feet, shambling over to pull out some of the plastic and cardboard, holding it in his hands. Jewelry... he thought, concentrating on the idea of making the garbage into something actually valuable. He wound up with a handful of gold: Some earrings, a bracelet, a watchband with no actual clock in it. Setting that down and pulling some more out, he found that he could change it into something more specific, and managed a second bracelet matching the first, a few rings with different gemstones set into them, and another set of earrings—silver this time.

His heartbeat picked up, faster and faster, as he did this. So much valuable stuff in one place, right in front of him, was something he hadn't experienced in quite a long time. It was surreal that he was just..causally turning garbage into gold. Wasn't this the kind of thing that medieval alchemists had wanted to do forever?! And now, he could do it by just...holding them in his hands and thinking about it the right way!?

Well—maybe that wasn't all there was to it. Oliver realized after putting down the second set that he was starting to pant heavily and sweat again, like he'd just been out for another run. He didn't feel any more physically sore, but he did feel a little more exhausted and less changing that stuff had taken something out of him. He quickly staggered back and flopped into his chair again, staring at the jewelry while he slowly caught his breath.

How was he going to sell them, anyway? Didn't pawn shops or whatever want to know where things came from? Well...he could always just tell them that he inherited them from his mom...they were in a cardboard box somewhere and he just now found them, he was desperate for money and just wanted to sell them off? If they turned him away, he could try somewhere else, and...if they called the police for some reason, he could just make everybody not notice him and leave. It felt...fairly foolproof. He'd have time to do it tomorrow, after work...maybe before he worked out, because looking like a sweaty mess would only make him more suspicious, not less.

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