This is a collection of TG captions of anime images along with some stories inspired by the same. Some stories are one-offs and more like extended captions; others are ongoing. Images not made by Whatevr. Captions and stories written entirely by Whatevr.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Omega Wolf
Decided to try white text with black background, since the character's hair color is white and that tends to be how I determine text color for a caption..and just to be a bit different. It turns out that simply making a big white region black is actually much easier in MSPaint (the Win98 and such version, not the version that comes with 7) than in programs designed for Serious Image Editing.
anime tg,
male to female,
Friday, October 12, 2012
A Choose Your Own Adventure!?
Alright, so. I've been really really busy with real life lately, and that is almost the entire reason why there have been practically no updates here. I'm very sorry, but responsibilities that help me to survive are generally more important than this. Anyway, that's not really what I'm here to talk to you about.
I had an idea about a week or two ago, and like a foolhardy nearsighted bull, charged into action without really thinking too hard about it. All the same, I think the end result will at least be enjoyable for someone. You see, a very long time ago (very long in internet years at least), a TG-anime-centered site known as Mashiro's castle (or something like that, the exact spelling escapes me) had a link on the Japanese side to a link-managed TG choose-your-own-adventure sort of thing. I don't know Japanese, and Google translate was no help in comprehending what was going on in that, but I've always thought it was a pretty neat idea. So I decided to start work on one of my own. I've set up a brand new "blog" which is actually just one post and a bunch of linked pages to handle this idea. So here's the URL to it:
LATER EDIT: The above link is deprecated. See the tag "adventure" on this blog to find links to all of the adventures.
As of this writing, I've only written 13 pages, including 4 endings (which are basically fully-written second-person changes), but I mean to expand this greatly, with a huge number of choices. I might even eventually make another adventure based on a different theme or something if I get a good idea for it. (I'd rather have a good amount of pages for this first adventure before I even think about doing that, though)
Anyway, go on ahead and check it out, see if you like it and stuff.
I had an idea about a week or two ago, and like a foolhardy nearsighted bull, charged into action without really thinking too hard about it. All the same, I think the end result will at least be enjoyable for someone. You see, a very long time ago (very long in internet years at least), a TG-anime-centered site known as Mashiro's castle (or something like that, the exact spelling escapes me) had a link on the Japanese side to a link-managed TG choose-your-own-adventure sort of thing. I don't know Japanese, and Google translate was no help in comprehending what was going on in that, but I've always thought it was a pretty neat idea. So I decided to start work on one of my own. I've set up a brand new "blog" which is actually just one post and a bunch of linked pages to handle this idea. So here's the URL to it:
LATER EDIT: The above link is deprecated. See the tag "adventure" on this blog to find links to all of the adventures.
As of this writing, I've only written 13 pages, including 4 endings (which are basically fully-written second-person changes), but I mean to expand this greatly, with a huge number of choices. I might even eventually make another adventure based on a different theme or something if I get a good idea for it. (I'd rather have a good amount of pages for this first adventure before I even think about doing that, though)
Anyway, go on ahead and check it out, see if you like it and stuff.
anime tg,
Thursday, September 13, 2012
This is certainly one of the longer captions, but it's not the longest. The image is so tall because the source image was so thin, and I felt I had to keep the caption at most thrice its width. Apparently that caused blogspot to reduce its size considerably when I uploaded it. If you are having trouble reading it as-is, here is a text+image form:
Click to Reveal :
Remus knew his friend Kell was the kind of guy who would take any advantage he could. College applications were very competitive to the kind of schools he wanted to go to. Remus stuck to the more traditional method of improving his standardized test scores--studying. Kell studied too, but he looked for anything else that could give him an edge.
One day Remus was hanging out with Kell at his house when a package came for him. He didn't pay much attention until Kell pulled out a pair of red-rimmed oval-shaped glasses out of it. "..Glasses? You don't need glasses."
"No, but these are special. They were being sold on E-bay for cheap," said Kell. "Supposedly they make whoever wears them smarter."
"Another lucky charm, then."
"Yeah. Why not try, right?"
"Well, for one thing, those look like prescription glasses, so they'll probably just mess up your vision and give you a headache. And for another..why do they have that strap thing on the back instead of ear hooks, like normal?"
"Huh?" Kell took a closer look at the glasses. "That part wasn't in the picture. No big deal though, I can still put 'em on." Kell put the glasses on, and waited.
"Well..I don't feel any smarter."
"It's probably just someone's prescription glasses they didn't need anymore or something, and they knew they could get a quick buck out of 'em."
"Yeah...they don't seem to be doing anything but making it hard to see," he said. "You might be right. But I still don't get the strap thing. Why would--whoa."
"I just had a small cranial affliction," he said, rubbing his head.
"..What again?"
Kell blinked a couple of times. "Uh..I had a brief headache. It felt as if something exterior was entering and accommodations had to be made."
"Oh. Why are you talking weird?"
" not know. When I attempt to communicate I find myself spewing excessively polysyllabic terminology. Wait, that's not what I--"
"Oh! You're talking smart. That means it worked, doesn't it?"
Kell thought for a moment, not quite noticing the hair showing up on the sides and top of his peripheral vision. "Well..I am not certain. I mean, vocabulary is not exactly a yardstick for intellect."
"Yeah, but just knowing all those words is sure to..uh..wait, what's up with your hair?"
"What do you mean?"
"It's turning green!"
"Huh?" Kell pulled a strand of his hair over to his eye from one side, and he could clearly see that it was getting a greenish tint to it, and getting brighter. " is lengthening, as well!"
"Maybe you should take it off."
"Yes, of course." Kell quickly lifted the glasses off his head, strap and all, and handed it to Remus; the whole time his hair's color continued to brighten, and it slowly grew until it was framing his face, just short of his shoulders.
"Wha.." Kell looked around for a second. Everything far off looked blurrier than usual. "It..made me nearsighted? I wouldn't want to wear it again, however..I suppose I could afford a prescription--" He stopped short, and did a double-take. Remus looked a little taller than usual.
"What is it?"
"I--I am diminishing!" As he spoke, Kell's body rapidly lost height, the whole room rising up around him. " apparel..?" His shirt, hoodie, and pants both seemed to be getting tighter on him, especially the pants. He put a hand up against his stomach, and observed, "My girth is decreasing, as well.." He looked up as the shrinking came to an abrupt halt to find that he was now a full head shorter than Remus. "I..I do not think removing the spectacles halts their effect," he said.
"But..what are they doing?" asked Remus, looking at the glasses.
"I--cchkkt!" Kell sudden feeling of choking brought Kell's hands to his neck, and they found what seemed to be a collar. Yet, it didn't feel all that tight--he could breathe just fine again after the first second.
"What happened?"
"Some kind!?" Kell's eyes widened in surprise at his voice--it sounded much higher than before. He cleared his throat, and even that sounded strangely high. "My vocalization was altered! I sound..I sound like..oh."
"Oh, what?"
"I think I understand the purpose and end of the effect.." said Kell, while his jeans suddenly turned all to cloth, splitting at the thighs. Below, it turned white and squeezed tightly against his legs, seeming to push them in as it did. His upper legs seemed to grow as a direct result, and to push back and apart at the top, widening his hips; the upper part of the pants turned black and began to shrink still tighter, especially between his legs. "They make one at least appear more intelligent by altering one's vocabulary, but..they also alter one's physiology, to extensively effeminate end."
" you're..they..?" The bulge between Kell's legs rapidly shrank into nothingness, allowing the shorts to fit snugly, as well as some underwear that he hadn't even noticed changing underneath.
"Yes! They alter one's sex," said Kell, with some resignation in her voice. Then she suddenly could feel her ears, seemingly stretching out on their own. " that not all?" she said, tugging at one of her ears. It was growing, and felt fuzzy to the touch.
"I guess not," said Remus, staring at the ears. "It looks ears!"
Kell could feel something pushing its way from her back, through the bottom of the hoodie and shirt, just above the shorts. "And..a matching tail, I presume."
She managed to maneuver the tail, as it came close to its full length, so she could get a hand on it and look at it. It was bright green like her hair now was. This is a..dubious bonus--I was only expecting.." Her eyes widened again at an odd, pushing feeling from her chest.
"What?" said Remus.
She unzipped her hoodie, and got a look at two small bumps up against the inside of her shirt. "M-mammaries," she said, blushing, as another push expanded the bumps. "R-rather sizable ones, at that," she added, feeling another, bigger push, and watching them grow still larger.
"Um..when did your eyes turn green?" said Remus, trying not to stare at her growing breasts.
"I..d-do not know," she said. There was one last push, completing the rapid filling out of her figure, and she had a brief, strange sense that it was 'done'.
She looked up, into Remus's eyes. They were both silent for a few very long seconds. A small smile crossed her lips, along with another blush. "I..think it is over. must have completely altered my gender as well."
"W-what's the difference?" said Remus. He was starting to blush, too.
"If I were sexually female but male in gender..I, do not think I would feel much attraction toward you."
A moment of awkward silence passed. "Well..I suspect the spectacles have done all they will to me, and I am still nearsighted. So. I could probably use them."
"S-sure." Remus handed Kell the glasses, and she put them on her nose, pulling the strap over her feline ears (which she had enough control over to fold them flat against her head).
"I suppose we at least know the purpose of the strap. But..why create glasses that transform their wearer into a female feline hybrid, and alter her speech into excessive verbosity? Are the feline parts meant to create some sort of stigma?"
"I dunno. I think they're cute."
"And my irregular communication?"
"It's kind of cute too..even if I don't understand all of what you're saying."
"Hm. Is there anything in which the glasses curse me with some disadvantage?"
"Well, you're not a guy anymore, so I guess you aren't as strong.."
"I was not particularly athletic to begin with, though."
"Well, I don't know then. You look great, I mean, I bet you could be some kind of model if you wanted.."
"Perhaps I could try a sensual pose to test that hypothesis?" She adjusted the glasses with her right hand, putting her left hand against her hip (which felt oddly natural), and licked her lips.
One day Remus was hanging out with Kell at his house when a package came for him. He didn't pay much attention until Kell pulled out a pair of red-rimmed oval-shaped glasses out of it. "..Glasses? You don't need glasses."
"No, but these are special. They were being sold on E-bay for cheap," said Kell. "Supposedly they make whoever wears them smarter."
"Another lucky charm, then."
"Yeah. Why not try, right?"
"Well, for one thing, those look like prescription glasses, so they'll probably just mess up your vision and give you a headache. And for another..why do they have that strap thing on the back instead of ear hooks, like normal?"
"Huh?" Kell took a closer look at the glasses. "That part wasn't in the picture. No big deal though, I can still put 'em on." Kell put the glasses on, and waited.
"Well..I don't feel any smarter."
"It's probably just someone's prescription glasses they didn't need anymore or something, and they knew they could get a quick buck out of 'em."
"Yeah...they don't seem to be doing anything but making it hard to see," he said. "You might be right. But I still don't get the strap thing. Why would--whoa."
"I just had a small cranial affliction," he said, rubbing his head.
"..What again?"
Kell blinked a couple of times. "Uh..I had a brief headache. It felt as if something exterior was entering and accommodations had to be made."
"Oh. Why are you talking weird?"
" not know. When I attempt to communicate I find myself spewing excessively polysyllabic terminology. Wait, that's not what I--"
"Oh! You're talking smart. That means it worked, doesn't it?"
Kell thought for a moment, not quite noticing the hair showing up on the sides and top of his peripheral vision. "Well..I am not certain. I mean, vocabulary is not exactly a yardstick for intellect."
"Yeah, but just knowing all those words is sure to..uh..wait, what's up with your hair?"
"What do you mean?"
"It's turning green!"
"Huh?" Kell pulled a strand of his hair over to his eye from one side, and he could clearly see that it was getting a greenish tint to it, and getting brighter. " is lengthening, as well!"
"Maybe you should take it off."
"Yes, of course." Kell quickly lifted the glasses off his head, strap and all, and handed it to Remus; the whole time his hair's color continued to brighten, and it slowly grew until it was framing his face, just short of his shoulders.
"Wha.." Kell looked around for a second. Everything far off looked blurrier than usual. "It..made me nearsighted? I wouldn't want to wear it again, however..I suppose I could afford a prescription--" He stopped short, and did a double-take. Remus looked a little taller than usual.
"What is it?"
"I--I am diminishing!" As he spoke, Kell's body rapidly lost height, the whole room rising up around him. " apparel..?" His shirt, hoodie, and pants both seemed to be getting tighter on him, especially the pants. He put a hand up against his stomach, and observed, "My girth is decreasing, as well.." He looked up as the shrinking came to an abrupt halt to find that he was now a full head shorter than Remus. "I..I do not think removing the spectacles halts their effect," he said.
"But..what are they doing?" asked Remus, looking at the glasses.
"I--cchkkt!" Kell sudden feeling of choking brought Kell's hands to his neck, and they found what seemed to be a collar. Yet, it didn't feel all that tight--he could breathe just fine again after the first second.
"What happened?"
"Some kind!?" Kell's eyes widened in surprise at his voice--it sounded much higher than before. He cleared his throat, and even that sounded strangely high. "My vocalization was altered! I sound..I sound like..oh."
"Oh, what?"
"I think I understand the purpose and end of the effect.." said Kell, while his jeans suddenly turned all to cloth, splitting at the thighs. Below, it turned white and squeezed tightly against his legs, seeming to push them in as it did. His upper legs seemed to grow as a direct result, and to push back and apart at the top, widening his hips; the upper part of the pants turned black and began to shrink still tighter, especially between his legs. "They make one at least appear more intelligent by altering one's vocabulary, but..they also alter one's physiology, to extensively effeminate end."
" you're..they..?" The bulge between Kell's legs rapidly shrank into nothingness, allowing the shorts to fit snugly, as well as some underwear that he hadn't even noticed changing underneath.
"Yes! They alter one's sex," said Kell, with some resignation in her voice. Then she suddenly could feel her ears, seemingly stretching out on their own. " that not all?" she said, tugging at one of her ears. It was growing, and felt fuzzy to the touch.
"I guess not," said Remus, staring at the ears. "It looks ears!"
Kell could feel something pushing its way from her back, through the bottom of the hoodie and shirt, just above the shorts. "And..a matching tail, I presume."
She managed to maneuver the tail, as it came close to its full length, so she could get a hand on it and look at it. It was bright green like her hair now was. This is a..dubious bonus--I was only expecting.." Her eyes widened again at an odd, pushing feeling from her chest.
"What?" said Remus.
She unzipped her hoodie, and got a look at two small bumps up against the inside of her shirt. "M-mammaries," she said, blushing, as another push expanded the bumps. "R-rather sizable ones, at that," she added, feeling another, bigger push, and watching them grow still larger.
"Um..when did your eyes turn green?" said Remus, trying not to stare at her growing breasts.
"I..d-do not know," she said. There was one last push, completing the rapid filling out of her figure, and she had a brief, strange sense that it was 'done'.
She looked up, into Remus's eyes. They were both silent for a few very long seconds. A small smile crossed her lips, along with another blush. "I..think it is over. must have completely altered my gender as well."
"W-what's the difference?" said Remus. He was starting to blush, too.
"If I were sexually female but male in gender..I, do not think I would feel much attraction toward you."
A moment of awkward silence passed. "Well..I suspect the spectacles have done all they will to me, and I am still nearsighted. So. I could probably use them."
"S-sure." Remus handed Kell the glasses, and she put them on her nose, pulling the strap over her feline ears (which she had enough control over to fold them flat against her head).
"I suppose we at least know the purpose of the strap. But..why create glasses that transform their wearer into a female feline hybrid, and alter her speech into excessive verbosity? Are the feline parts meant to create some sort of stigma?"
"I dunno. I think they're cute."
"And my irregular communication?"
"It's kind of cute too..even if I don't understand all of what you're saying."
"Hm. Is there anything in which the glasses curse me with some disadvantage?"
"Well, you're not a guy anymore, so I guess you aren't as strong.."
"I was not particularly athletic to begin with, though."
"Well, I don't know then. You look great, I mean, I bet you could be some kind of model if you wanted.."
"Perhaps I could try a sensual pose to test that hypothesis?" She adjusted the glasses with her right hand, putting her left hand against her hip (which felt oddly natural), and licked her lips.
"Okay, wow. Y-you are officially the hottest girl I have ever seen," said Remus, blushing.
She laughed. "That was..m-merely meant as a jest. I would rather not display clothing for a living, I think. Would you care to join me for daily sustenance?"
"You mean..lunch?"
She laughed. "That was..m-merely meant as a jest. I would rather not display clothing for a living, I think. Would you care to join me for daily sustenance?"
"You mean..lunch?"
This was something I needed to finish before the story idea mentioned off to the right, in case you were wondering.
anime tg,
male to female,
Friday, September 7, 2012
Midas Journal 13
Part 2
Okay, now the real reason I'm writing this is because of what
happened this afternoon. Before today, Aden and I hung out a couple
of times, on Tuesday and Thursday. I introduced him to Carla at
lunch, and he flirted with her a little bit. She didn't mind, and I
was glad to have her not teasing me for once. We talked a lot, and at
the lunch table, and I got to know him pretty well. He's into
gaming..pen and paper RPGs, that kind of thing. And apparently Tina's
also in his group that meets every other weekend, which I guess means
Tim was before. There's a lot more stuff I found out about his
interests and all, but I don't want to go into too much detail about
all that stuff.
So. This afternoon. Aden offered to buy me some ice cream at a
local-run shop, he said it was really good stuff, and it was. We got
the ice cream, and we were on our way to his house because he wanted
to show me some stuff. He had barely started his cone, he finished a
story he was telling from one of his games, and then he said
something. He said, "You know, Kael, sometimes I really wish I
could do magic. I mean, I know it's not real and all, but it would be
so cool to be able to throw around fireballs or make crazy elaborate
illusions. What about you?"
"I kind of like magic not being real," I said. I was
being perfectly honest about that.
"Aw, c'mon, I'm sure there's some power you'd love to have, just
to play around with for a little while," he said, and gave one
of those friendly fake punches to my arm with his free hand. "Huh?"
I looked at him, and I noticed it at the same time he did. Well, he
noticed some kind of black material wrapping itself over his
knuckles, and starting to grow. I noticed that all of a sudden my
sense was telling him he would turn into a girl if he touched me. Oh
man, was all I could think. Now what?
The material quickly wrapped itself around his hand and up his wrist
a little bit, ignoring the outer half of his fingers. "Well,
this feels weird," he said, and I saw the material squeezing his
hand and fingers into a much smaller, skinnier shape, and even the
exposed parts of his fingers shrank. Two things that looked like
miniature belts appeared on top of the wrist of the, gloves I guess,
and then from the wrist up his whole arm started shrinking, the hair
on it disappearing. His t-shirt's sleeve pulled in until his shoulder
was exposed.
"Scratch that. This is weird," he said, looking at
his arm and turning it around. "Whoa.." Then he started to
lose height, and his shirt started to get tighter and longer at the
bottom. I could see the middle of the shirt separating, buttons
appearing to hold it together, and the collar growing and folding
itself over. And then his other sleeve pulled in to match the first
one, and his arm started shrinking too. For some reason he put the
ice cream cone in the already-changed hand, and watched the one that
was changing as the same black material as before showed up at the
edge of his wrist and grew down the hand into a matching glove.
"," he said. I could hear his voice starting to
change now. He looked down at his lower body, moving his head back
and forth to try and get a better look at what was going on. Thanks
to the tight shirt I could see his stomach shrinking in and his hips
growing, and now his pants split at the thighs, the top part turning
white all at once while the bottom turned black. The top part shrank
up a few inches and started getting vertical creases on it, and some
kind of straps made their way up from the leggings, which were now
squeezing his legs into a very slim shape. "So I'm gonna..?"
he started, in a voice that still sounded like a guy's, but barely,
and paused, getting a weird look on his face. "Oh. Yes,
apparently." His, or I guess her, voice rose into the girl range
"Whoa," she said, and I looked up to see Aden's face
quickly shrinking and shifting, his hair suddenly turning from dark
brown to bright blond and growing out, covering his forehead in the
front, framing his face on the sides, and reaching as far as his
waist in the back. He blinked once, and suddenly his eyes had turned
this bright yellow color. Then a red tie appeared in the middle of
his shirt's collar and grew down to about the middle of his stomach,
and the motion drew my attention to two small bumps now on her chest,
still growing and stretching the tight shirt farther out. Or, I
dunno, maybe the shirt was growing there.
"Oh? Wow," she said. Her voice was really high now, even
for a girl, almost at risk of being squeaky and annoying..but not
exactly that high. And then I noticed her ears. They were getting
big, and growing fur, like Rhia's had, but not in exactly the same
shape. The fur was the same color as her hair, except for a white tip
on each. There was some motion in my peripheral vision, and I looked
down to see a big, bushy tail in the same color, with the same kind
of white tip. I have no idea when that appeared. And by the time I
looked up again there was some kind of blue hat on her head, sitting
awkwardly behind the big triangular ears, and her boobs looked pretty
much full.
"Phew, is it over?" she said, looking over herself again,
taking the tail in one hand and looking at it for a second or two.
She got an excited look in her eyes. "Man, that was crazy! Look
at me, I'm a fox-girl! Huh?" She paused a couple of seconds, and
I'm pretty sure I knew why. I could feel another copy-of-memory thing
happening, and suddenly I knew she was Adena, knew I had met her
under the same conditions and all but as a girl, with the same animal
ears and tail. Since I'd only really met her this week, my memories
weren't all that effected, but I knew it was a pretty big deal for
Finally, she said, "...Okay, wow. All of my wow. Did you
do this?" She seemed mostly amazed about it still, but kind of
"..Err, sort of. Not on purpose. I can explain somewhere more
"Okay, c'mon!" She grabbed my hand and started half-running
in the direction of her house. I was glad to find out she wasn't
super strong like Lue, but I followed her anyway, and in a couple of
minutes we came to her house and she led the way inside.
"Okay..I'm pretty sure my parents aren't here, so this should be
private enough," she said, closing the front door and moving to
the middle of the living room. "So, I have powers now. Like,
awesome powers. Check this out!" She put her right hand
out, palm-up, and a yellow-colored fireball appeared hovering over it
for a few seconds.
"Uh..maybe don't do that around flammable stuff."
"I know, I know! It's just so cool. But--so you said you
did this somehow?"
"..Yeah. About, a month ago was my eighteenth birthday, and
since waking up that morning I sometimes turn guys into girls when I
touch them. I don't really understand how or why it works, but I
thought I'd at least learned to sense whether that would happen or
"I was about to say. You've touched me plenty of times, what
makes this one special?"
"I don't know. When I first met you it didn't 'feel' like anything like that was going to happen. And for some reason it seems like everyone it happens to is just really happy about it. I don't get that, either. I mean, I can use the power on myself to go back and forth, but as far as I can tell it's just..weird switching genders."
"I don't know. When I first met you it didn't 'feel' like anything like that was going to happen. And for some reason it seems like everyone it happens to is just really happy about it. I don't get that, either. I mean, I can use the power on myself to go back and forth, but as far as I can tell it's just..weird switching genders."
"Hm..yeah, you're right. It is weird. But the reason I'm happy with this doesn't have anything to do with being a girl. It's because it came with awesome powers. Like, watch this." She made a tossing motion off to her left, and suddenly she was standing over there. I did a double take to see that there were apparently two of her. The original went over to the 'new' one and waved her hand around inside it, and it shimmered like some kind of movie hologram. Then the copy disappeared. "Actually..hey. I think I get it!"
"You do?"
"Yeah. Your power grants wishes!"
"No no, hear me out. Just before you changed me into what I looked like now I was talking about how I'd like to be able to do magic. Specifically fire and illusions. Right?"
"And when I turned from Aden to Adena, what kind of powers did I get?"
"No no, hear me out. Just before you changed me into what I looked like now I was talking about how I'd like to be able to do magic. Specifically fire and illusions. Right?"
"And when I turned from Aden to Adena, what kind of powers did I get?"
I sat down and sighed, hand on my forehead. She came up in front of
me and leaned forward a little. "What? What's wrong with that?"
"Okay, look. The other thing I've noticed about my power, other
than what I've already told you, is that every time I've turned a guy
into a girl they..act kind of attracted to me. Especially at first.
Meaning if you're right about my power granting wishes..the trade-off
for granting someone's wish is supposed to be getting turned into an
attractive girl, and..ugh, I don't even want to think about it."
She sat on the couch next to me, but not uncomfortably close. "Well,
I didn't feel especially attracted to you. I mean, you're
pretty good-looking but I still don't really feel like we need to be
more than friends, you know? What if it was just a rush of hormones
or something?"
"Okay..but if you were coming up with powers, and made up a
power that could grant other people's wishes while making them girls,
why else would you do that?"
"Well obviously nobody came up with your powers. You sure
didn't, right?"
"Yeah, but for something as specific as this I get the
impression somebody must have made up all the rules."
"Eh, maybe." She got back up again. "I think you need
to relax a little, take your mind off that stuff for a while. C'mon,
I have some old cards to show you."
So, long story short: I tried to make a new male friend, I ended up
turning him into a girl, too, and finding out more terrible things
about my powers. I just hope I can get them under control soon so
this kind of thing won't happen anymore.
Alright, so. Here's the deal. This is a story that I've never had any particularly solid long-term ideas for. I think it up, and write it, in a one-scenario-at-a-time kind of format. And I'd really like to have some more scenario ideas to work with. So, as of this entry, I am taking suggestions for what should happen next in Midas Journal. If you have a suggestion, please post it in a comment to the most recent one (which of course is this one as of this writing). There is no guarantee that suggestions will be used, but if I do use yours I'll be sure to credit you up top for the idea.
anime tg,
male to female,
Midas Journal,
Friday, August 24, 2012
Dream Fox
anime tg,
male to female,
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Midas Journal 12
Truth is, this has been written for a long while, but I only just now decided to split this entry into two parts upon seeing how long it was getting. It's the second part I've had trouble finishing.
Entry: Apr 16
Part 1
Saturday afternoon, Lue showed up at my door. I'd barely opened it
before she said, "Hey, you wanna go shopping again? Actually
bring some money along this time?"
"Well, if you can be a girl you might as well enjoy doing something girly properly right?"
"..Um, I did tell you my parents don't know about the weird power right? I'm lucky they aren't here right now.."
"So you are! I'll try and be more careful next time. So, you gonna go on and get changed? Find your wallet or purse or whatever?"
"..Look, would it be okay if we hung out for a while without me turning into a girl again?"
"Well, if you can be a girl you might as well enjoy doing something girly properly right?"
"..Um, I did tell you my parents don't know about the weird power right? I'm lucky they aren't here right now.."
"So you are! I'll try and be more careful next time. So, you gonna go on and get changed? Find your wallet or purse or whatever?"
"..Look, would it be okay if we hung out for a while without me turning into a girl again?"
"Oh, sure! If you like." She grinned wide, and I knew she
was about to lay a trap. I was pretty sure I knew which trap it was,
too. "I sure wouldn't mind hanging out with someone as big and
strong and handsome as you, anyway!"
I sighed, and started changing my form. "I'll be right back,"
I said, and went back to my room and picked up my wallet and some
random bag while my body was still changing. The bag turned into a
purse, which I put the wallet into; my jeans turned into those pants
that reach down to the calves, and my shirt turned into a sleeveless
top that I was grateful didn't dip down in the neckline too much. By
the time I got back to the front door my clothes had changed
completely and my body was catching up. Then I was a girl again, and
my boobs grew back out to their usual size. And all of a sudden
shopping at the mall, trying on clothes, talking with Lue about
random stuff, all seemed a lot more appealing. I was grateful to
whatever magic messed with my mind to make things like that, and
scared of it at the same time. But for now I just went along with
It was similar to the last trip, except that this time I actually
tried on some different clothes and even bought a few, even though I
had no idea what I was going to do with them once I got home and
turned back. I insisted on not wearing a skirt, though, that was
going too far. I came back that night and hid the clothes I'd bought
(which didn't turn into guy clothes when I turned back,
unfortunately) as far back in my closet as I could, and that was
that. I haven't seen Lue since then, as of today, but I bet she'll
show up again soon.
Anyway, on Monday I decided to try something. I wanted to make a
friend who was a guy, and who would stay that way even if I
accidentally bumped into him or something. So I looked around for
someone I didn't know, who I didn't get that 'gonna-become-a-girl'
sense about, who looked pretty friendly. It wasn't all that hard,
there was this guy who sat in front of me in math class all year and
looked like sort of a friendly nerd kind of guy. So I looked for him
at lunch time and sat down across from him. "Hey," I said,
"I'm Kael."
"Oh, I know that. You sit behind me in math class, right?"
"Well, if you don't know, and I wouldn't be surprised, I'm
Aden." He put out a hand to shake, and I shook hands with him.
"Nice to meet ya." He was happy to start a conversation
with me, and I was relieved to have this confirmation that I wasn't
going to turn him into a girl by accident. We talked all through the
lunch break, and he said we ought to get together, hang out some time
outside of school. I agreed, and suggested that afternoon, but he
said he was busy then.
I decided that afternoon might be a good time, instead, to show Rio
that I definitely wasn't crazy. I managed to catch her in the
hallways not long before the end of school, and asked if she could
meet me back at my house. I said I'd figured out what went wrong the
last time I tried to show her using my power on myself. She agreed to
meet me around 7.
So, she came, and we were in my living room again. "Okay, so
first of all, that alternate universe thing is apparently really
real. And somehow a file on my computer is also on that Kayla's
computer, and it's the same file, and she was able to talk to me
through it. I'm not even kidding. And..she suggested I try making
myself a girl just physically and mentally, instead of trying to
fully change myself, which apparently moves me into a different
She looked like she was thinking for a minute or two, then she nodded. "...Uh-huh. That makes sense, actually. If your power can do something like that it would try to go to the most accurate and literal interpretation of what you told it to do, so if becoming Kayla includes having everyone else recognize you as Kayla that's the only way it can make sense."
She looked like she was thinking for a minute or two, then she nodded. "...Uh-huh. That makes sense, actually. If your power can do something like that it would try to go to the most accurate and literal interpretation of what you told it to do, so if becoming Kayla includes having everyone else recognize you as Kayla that's the only way it can make sense."
"Okay. So I tried what she suggested, works. I'll show
"I thought you were worried about your clothes turning into
I had already started changing. "Well..the last several times that didn't happen. So it should be okay." As I started to get shorter, and my hips started loosening, I expected my jeans to get tighter, like usual, and pull upward in between my legs. This time they did something very different. First, they split at a little below my thighs. Then the lower part started rapidly getting softer and pulling tight against my legs, changing them, like the first time I changed. But at the same time, the upper part also become softer and more cloth-like, and the part between my legs started to fall down and get looser everywhere except right around my waist. I wasn't prepared for that; my boxer shorts had already lost most of their leggings so I was starting to show a little bit of skin now as the leg-holes in my opens opened up so much they combined, and finally the whole thing spread out as one big hole.
I had already started changing. "Well..the last several times that didn't happen. So it should be okay." As I started to get shorter, and my hips started loosening, I expected my jeans to get tighter, like usual, and pull upward in between my legs. This time they did something very different. First, they split at a little below my thighs. Then the lower part started rapidly getting softer and pulling tight against my legs, changing them, like the first time I changed. But at the same time, the upper part also become softer and more cloth-like, and the part between my legs started to fall down and get looser everywhere except right around my waist. I wasn't prepared for that; my boxer shorts had already lost most of their leggings so I was starting to show a little bit of skin now as the leg-holes in my opens opened up so much they combined, and finally the whole thing spread out as one big hole.
By now I was a girl down there, and it felt like there were no
clothes surrounding my panties, like the first time I changed. But I
was also aware of this piece of cloth loosely touching my legs from
all sides. I could feel heat in my cheeks while my chest started
loosening and growing out.
"You're blushing.."
"Well, my pants never turned into a skirt before now, is all."
"Well, my pants never turned into a skirt before now, is all."
She giggled. "Oh, is that all? It's not that big a deal, trust
me. Anyway, it looks like it works just fine. You make a really cute
girl, too!"
I didn't know how to respond to that for a second, but something told
me it was definitely meant as a compliment. "Um..thanks? Anyway,
uh, I also found out the other day that I can actually make certain
kinds of changes to this form. Like, I can actually change my
age..but I'm not going to make myself seven years younger
"And I was able to do other small changes, like hair length or
"Interesting. So in theory you might be able to change the
nature of the changes you've made to other people if you want to. But
I wonder just how much you can change by will, though.."
Rio seemed to be thinking for a moment. Then she said, "Say, you
know how Rhia's a neko? Cat-person?"
"How about you try to make yourself one of those, and then go back to human again if it works. Just to see if it does."
"Um, okay.." I thought of trying to turn myself into a neko..a person with the ears and tail of a cat and whatever else came along with being one. And I immediately felt my ears growing, and something unfamiliar falling down behind my skirt, growing longer. I twisted around to get a look at it and saw a cat-tail, like Rhia's, but in the same color as my hair. By now my ears were twitching, and I swear I could hear stuff all the way outside with them. "I guess it worked?" I said, and Rio nodded.
"How about you try to make yourself one of those, and then go back to human again if it works. Just to see if it does."
"Um, okay.." I thought of trying to turn myself into a neko..a person with the ears and tail of a cat and whatever else came along with being one. And I immediately felt my ears growing, and something unfamiliar falling down behind my skirt, growing longer. I twisted around to get a look at it and saw a cat-tail, like Rhia's, but in the same color as my hair. By now my ears were twitching, and I swear I could hear stuff all the way outside with them. "I guess it worked?" I said, and Rio nodded.
"Yeah, so it looks like you can at least imitate changing your
race entirely. That's pretty impressive. Now I wonder..try to make
yourself a werewolf."
"Um..okay." I tried to turn myself into a werewolf, thinking be a werewolf, and the cat ears and tail went away. And I looked like a human again. "I don't think it worked."
"Um..okay." I tried to turn myself into a werewolf, thinking be a werewolf, and the cat ears and tail went away. And I looked like a human again. "I don't think it worked."
"Don't jump to conclusions, werewolves are easily able to look
entirely human. Try turning your hand into a werewolf paw without
letting your usual power work, if you can."
"Okay.." Every time I'd changed something so far, I'd poked myself somewhere. This time I didn't, willing my right hand to turn into a fur-covered part-wild-dog paw-like thing. And to my surprise that was exactly what happened. I jumped at it at first, then stared at it for a minute, turning to the front and back to get a good look. Then I turned it back just as easily.
"Okay.." Every time I'd changed something so far, I'd poked myself somewhere. This time I didn't, willing my right hand to turn into a fur-covered part-wild-dog paw-like thing. And to my surprise that was exactly what happened. I jumped at it at first, then stared at it for a minute, turning to the front and back to get a good look. Then I turned it back just as easily.
"See? It looks like you can actually completely change someone's magical race if you wanted to. Werewolf to neko, elf to human, all sorts of things! That's a pretty big power if I ever saw one. Then again, I guess it shouldn't be too surprising, considering when you changed me it gave me a whole bunch of magic potential that definitely wasn't there..."
"Should I be happy or worried about this?" I said, turning
myself back to a definitely-really-human.
"Well, as per our discussion earlier about giving people new
superpowers, I guess this means you technically can do that,
so you should probably be careful. But you can make of it whatever
you want, really. Now I have one more thing I want to test out. Would
you mind moving your age back just a couple of years, and going back
to being a neko for a moment?"
"Um..sure?" I did that, and she nodded once I was done.
"Um..sure?" I did that, and she nodded once I was done.
"Now try turning back to a guy, without losing those two
I tried that..and immediately felt myself growing again, the tail
pulling back in and disappearing, the ears shrinking back to human
size and shape. And I was Kael again, normal human guy.
"That is odd," she said. "I'm not sure if it's
because you need more control over your power or because it simply
doesn't cover that...too bad, really. It means if you wanted to give
yourself magic powers you don't normally have you'll have to
turn yourself into a girl first, at least for the moment."
"..That's fine, I think just the one bizarre uncontrollable
power is enough for me."
She laughed. "I thought you'd say something like that. Anyway,
thank you for telling me about this. Sorry I couldn't be more help in
figuring out how your power works and stuff, but I am still
just an apprentice, after all."
"It's fine."
"It's fine."
anime tg,
male to female,
Midas Journal,
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
A classic example of writer's block has been going on all summer. It might have also effected the quality of this one. So, sorry about that.
There's something new off to the right, if you'll take a look. EDIT: And I just figured out how to get rid of the image lightboxing that was making it impossible to read a caption just by clicking on it.
There's something new off to the right, if you'll take a look. EDIT: And I just figured out how to get rid of the image lightboxing that was making it impossible to read a caption just by clicking on it.
anime tg,
male to female,
Saturday, April 28, 2012
To Rule a World
Not too sure how I feel about this one, really. But I figured it might be likeable to someone.
EDIT: It would appear that blogger's new interface has messed up the way my captions usually show up when you click them to see the image. Instead, right click the picture and hit "Open link in new tab" or whatever your browser's equivalent is. Then you can view the original image, and zoom in so it's readable.
anime tg,
male to female,
Monday, April 9, 2012
So, here's one of the two captions that were being voted between. It was actually a tie at the end, but the internet wish was winning when I started writing this in earnest. Whenever I get the other one done it should become pretty clear why I thought they were a little too similar.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, the previous caption had the following after it:

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, the previous caption had the following after it:
Unrelated to the above caption, I have a couple of ideas that I suspect will end up with similar-sounding captions. I may hold off on doing one of them a while after the first one. So I guess I'll ask you which one you think I should do first...a caption involving a wishing website, or a caption involving an enchanted pendant? (This will be deleted once I've made the decision, probably after I finish writing the first one)
anime tg,
male to female,
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Pixie's Prank
anime tg,
male to female,
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Vague Wishes
anime tg,
male to female,
Monday, January 9, 2012
Midas Journal 11
Today I tried out what Kayla suggested last night, but it wasn't exactly how I had planned to do it. Well, I guess I'd better start from the beginning again.
I was walking home, alone this time because Carla had some practice to attend, and I was cutting through a park. There was someone jogging or sprinting around the path, for exercise, I guess, and we didn't see each other. He ran into me, and I was knocked flat on my back, probably because he was running faster but he might have just been stronger too, or something. I pushed myself up with my arms, ready to apologize for not paying attention, but I stopped when I noticed that I had that feeling about him. I'm fairly sure this is about the third or fourth time this week I've had someone run into me and turn into a girl, and honestly it's getting a little annoying. I'm starting to wonder if they're doing it on purpose or if getting run into is some kind of weird part of my power that I can't control. But anyway, I knew I couldn't stop it so this time I just looked up and watched.
I noticed that he was an older guy, his hair was gray and he had some wrinkles and even some scars from old cuts. I didn't really know what to expect, I don't think anyone I've changed before was much older than young adult. He was tall and looked like he was fit, not too skinny or fat, and he was wearing a jogging suit, one of those matching sweatshirt-sweatpant sets. It didn't take me long to notice he was getting visibly younger. His hair's color was turning to a bright brown, and his skin was starting to smooth over and turn a brighter color, and even the scars looked like they were healing.
His clothes started to get tighter and thinner, and from about the top half of his legs up they were turning a brighter color, too. I could see that this guy was really strong and muscular at first, but then his arms and legs started to get slimmer and lose all the tone to them. His sleeves were getting shorter, but his shirt was getting longer. He looked like he must be in about his twenties now, and I looked at his face to find it was getting a little bit rounder and smaller. His stomach looked flat under the shirt, and now it was getting thinner, too, and I noticed he was starting to lose height.
His hair started to grow out around his face, and a small part on one side of the forehead tied itself up in a pink rubber-band thing. His shirt was now completely white, except for the ends of the sleeves, the edge of a collar that had formed on the top, and the part that had grown out, all of which had both turned a darker pink. The bottom part, which reached about halfway to his knees now, suddenly spread out and folded itself together into a skirt, separating from the top part. Then I noticed that the top part of his pants had separated from the bottom part and was getting shorter, and tighter between his legs. I looked farther down and saw thin, tight black stockings covering his legs the rest of the way down.
I looked back up, trying to keep my eyes off of the tiny bright thin cloth at the top of his legs, and saw that the skirt and sleeve edges had turned to some kind of striped or plaid pattern, I don't know what it's called, with some different shades of pink on them. I also noticed that two dark blue straps had formed on top of one of his shoulders and were growing downward, and then I saw that his chest was forming little bumps on each side.
I was fairly sure he'd turned into a girl by now, and I could see the bumps swelling out while some kind of tie in the same pattern as the skirt grew down between them, reaching about the middle of her stomach before it was through. Pretty soon the straps from earlier had grow into some kind of huge bag, a purse, maybe, but it was big. I looked back up to her face and found out the chest had stopped growing at a pretty noticeable size, and for some reason there was a piece of toast in her mouth. Yeah, that was different.
Without using her hands at all, she somehow managed to pull the whole piece of bread in her mouth, eat it and swallow it in what felt like just a few seconds. Then she looked down at me, as if she hadn't even noticed I was there before. "Hi!" she said, "I'm Lue, and you?" (I think that's how it's spelled). Her voice was really high and cheerful.
She came closer and bent down at the waist to get her head closer to mine. "What'cha doin' on the ground, Kael?"
"Uh, I just fell."
"Well I can do something about that!" She reached her free arm forward, grabbed my hand, and pulled me up, and I found out something that I did not expect. She was really strong. If I had tried to stay on the ground I feel like I could've had my arm pulled out. Once I was standing up in front of her, and I had to look down to see her face, she said, "So what happened to me when you fell over?"
"I'm really sorry, I can't control it, I've been trying but--" I was cut off by her laughing.
"Don't be silly! What are you apologizing for, being a fountain of youth? But I do wonder, if you can do that to me, can you do it to you, too?"
"Well, um, I guess so."
"Would you show me?" She had wide eyes and this huge eager grin. I didn't really want to do it, since I hadn't changed anywhere but my own room before, but then I thought, Well, it's only fair I guess. I know that doesn't make sense now, I'm still not sure why I did it. But, after a quick look around to make sure there was still nobody else to see (and there wasn't) I crossed my arms in front of my stomach so each hand was touching the other arm, and focused.
This time I focused on becoming a girl, but only physically and mentally. I wasn't really sure what that meant, being mentally a girl, but I guess I hoped my power would know. I guess it did? In only a second or so, I could feel my arms tightening again, the hair on the arms my fingers were touching receding. Then my shirt changed, buttons forming all down the middle, the collar pulling down to a V shape, and I could feel a bra attaching itself to my back and shoulders. My face tingled for a second, and then my hair grew out past my shoulders. The..blouse, I guess it was, started getting tighter on my stomach, and my stomach shrank under it.
Then I started to get shorter, and it felt different outdoors. It was like the whole world around me was getting taller, trees rising, grass getting closer, Lue in front of me getting taller until I was barely any taller than she was. At the same time, my jeans were getting tighter on my legs, and my legs were pushed tighter and thinner. My hips loosened, stretched, whatever, and I could feel my boxers underneath getting shorter and tighter the whole time. Then I felt it happen, I was female again, and suddenly I wasn't attracted to the girl in front of me anymore.
It was so weird: I knew she was attractive, but it was like I suddenly felt none of that attraction myself. It was kind of a relief. I mean, being attracted to someone is really kind of awkward, especially in my situation. I was suddenly aware that I wouldn't mind physical contact with her, that it wouldn't be awkward, that she would be okay with it too. And....something about that...I liked. It felt like we could be friends without any risk to it. While all these thoughts were running through my head, I could feel my chest swelling again, until it had filled the bra and given the blouse some cleavage to show.
Lue was grinning. "Say, why're you blushing? You make a cute girl!"
"W-well, I've never done this in front of anyone before," I said, trying to cool off the heat in my cheeks that I only noticed now that she'd pointed it out. "This is the first time I've, used my power on myself anywhere but my own home."
"Wow, really? Then you should stick with it for a while!" She suddenly got beside me and put her arm across my shoulder. It was a gesture of..friendship, I guess, and I returned it without even thinking about it. "What do you say we go to the mall or something?"
"Sure, okay," I said. She'd been stronger than me as a guy, and girl-me was much weaker. I'm not sure I like that...but the point is, she was starting to pull me along with her, and I couldn't physically resist her. Somehow I didn't really want to, too. While we were walking, I said, "You seem to be taking this whole 'bizarre magical power' thing really well."
She laughed again. "Well, I'm a loon, love to bark at the moon. It's easy enough for me to accept anything."
"Sure, okay," I said. She'd been stronger than me as a guy, and girl-me was much weaker. I'm not sure I like that...but the point is, she was starting to pull me along with her, and I couldn't physically resist her. Somehow I didn't really want to, too. While we were walking, I said, "You seem to be taking this whole 'bizarre magical power' thing really well."
She laughed again. "Well, I'm a loon, love to bark at the moon. It's easy enough for me to accept anything."
So for the rest of the afternoon I guess I got a real experience of being what a girl is like. After the first five minutes or so it didn't feel unnatural the way it has before. My voice and my body felt like they were mine, like I'd had years to get used to them. When we got to the mall I found out something really weird: I actually knew about fashion somehow. I mean, I could look in the window of a women's clothing store, I knew what everything in it was called and I even had some idea of whether or not I would look good in certain clothes. Even weirder, I caught myself sizing up guys walking around a couple of times. It didn't even occur to me at first that I'm usually a guy, and that scared me a little. I guess all that shouldn't have surprised me so much, since I told my power to make me a girl mentally, but I really don't like knowing I have a power that can alter a person's mind so much they don't even know the difference if they're not really thinking about it.
And, is that really what a female mind is like, or is it just what I think being female mentally means? I actually think it's just what I think it is, but if that's so I think that makes me sexist of some kind, and I don't like that. I didn't even think that some of the differences I noticed were things I thought girls in general had or did or thought, but I can't really think of any other explanation.
Lue was with me the whole time, and we were mostly just walking and talking back and forth. She's..weird, that's about the best way I can put it. She would say really bizarre things out of nowhere or change the subject in the middle of a sentence, all with this cheerful tone like she didn't even know she was doing it. I can't say for sure I really learned anything about her, even though I know I told her some things about myself. After a few hours we left and I changed back before going home.
After a while it occurred to me that my power actually changed Lue's age by at least a decade. I mean, I don't remember for sure but I don't think anyone else really got that much younger, definitely not that much older...and I started to wonder if I could actually control age changes. So tonight I turned myself back to the physically-mentally female form, and then tried using my power on that form again to be a couple of years younger. It worked, which means I can actually change a form once it's finished changing--or at least my own. I'm not sure if it would work as well on someone else. But, anyway, next I tried going up a few years, to about twenty. That worked too. I tried going much farther in the young side, to age 11, and, it was really weird going through backwards puberty as a girl. It was even weirder going through it forward again in the span of about two minutes to get myself back to my actual age. I had these huge, fast mood swings while I was changing, and even for a minute or two after that, and when I was over them I decided not to send my age that far back again.
After that, it occurred to me, like I said earlier, that I can actually make changes to, at least my own form, after I finish going to it. So I tried making a few small changes and then going back, just to see what I could do. I was able to turn my hair red, blonde, and even an unnatural blue color. I could make myself a few inches taller or or shorter. I found out I could even change the clothes I was wearing, the color or material. I don't think any of this has a real use or anything (I mean the small changes in look, I know being some kind of bizarre fountain of youth would probably be helpful to some people), but I guess Rio would tell me knowing more about my power is a good thing.
anime tg,
male to female,
Midas Journal,
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