Friday, October 12, 2012

A Choose Your Own Adventure!?

Alright, so. I've been really really busy with real life lately, and that is almost the entire reason why there have been practically no updates here. I'm very sorry, but responsibilities that help me to survive are generally more important than this. Anyway, that's not really what I'm here to talk to you about.

I had an idea about a week or two ago, and like a foolhardy nearsighted bull, charged into action without really thinking too hard about it. All the same, I think the end result will at least be enjoyable for someone. You see, a very long time ago (very long in internet years at least), a TG-anime-centered site known as Mashiro's castle (or something like that, the exact spelling escapes me) had a link on the Japanese side to a link-managed TG choose-your-own-adventure sort of thing. I don't know Japanese, and Google translate was no help in comprehending what was going on in that, but I've always thought it was a pretty neat idea. So I decided to start work on one of my own. I've set up a brand new "blog" which is actually just one post and a bunch of linked pages to handle this idea. So here's the URL to it:
LATER EDIT: The above link is deprecated. See the tag "adventure" on this blog to find links to all of the adventures.

As of this writing, I've only written 13 pages, including 4 endings (which are basically fully-written second-person changes), but I mean to expand this greatly, with a huge number of choices. I might even eventually make another adventure based on a different theme or something if I get a good idea for it. (I'd rather have a good amount of pages for this first adventure before I even think about doing that, though)

Anyway, go on ahead and check it out, see if you like it and stuff.


  1. Love it, I always enjoy adventure TG games with lots of traps. I'm a big fan of all your work, especially midas journal. You dont need to apologize or be in a hurry to update though. You have no obligation to entertain me or anybody else. Even if your captions and this new game are fantastic.

  2. Excellent! I love this Anime TG CyoA! And you don't have to worry about us...

  3. Its awesome. Can't wait to see more. I wish I could have an incident like one of the people in these stories.

  4. i love it, a place that has cool interactive that could be of help is

  5. It’s a fantastic job! It must take you a long time to write these all. I noticed that there some other choice-like underlining words , are they other endings that haven’t been written?

    Magical Day-Milk is my second ending. My first ending is Magical Day-Shower Ending but I prefer milk ending more even though it is a bad ending.

    Looking forward to other endings :D

    a fan of yours

    1. Yes, underlined phrases indicate choices I plan on adding in the future, but haven't finished (or probably even started) yet. From the very beginning, I'm planning to write a very different adventure in dreamland if the player decides to just go back to sleep.

      Really, the non-ending pages are pretty easy to write and pretty short. It's generally the endings that take me forever. But since those are kind of the point I don't usually open up a new path until I've made at least one of the endings that it's supposed to lead to.

  6. Hey, this is really incredible--I can't wait for more! I like it even more than your usual captions.

  7. sry to tell you that but when i treid to go on the "a dounat" message this here came:
    CPU Limit Reached

    You are seeing this page because website has reached CPU usage limit of the server, and it was temporarily disabled.
    here the link: sry whatevr...

    1. It was a link I forgot to edit. Should be fixed now, sorry I wasn't able to check on this stuff sooner.

  8. Hey man can you make another collared because I loved that series and wish there was more.
    p.s can you put the name stephan in it

  9. An easy way to make an interactive story is by using It is free to join and lets people add new branches to a story you started. Also if you don't like the post, you can edit or delete it. I use it and am very happy with the results.

  10. I think it got taken down :(

    1. Sorry, it's back. Turns out I have to log into something once a month to keep it up. Didn't know that, now I do, so it shouldn't have that problem again.

  11. This was really cool, I hope you haven't given up on it.

  12. Its not working again.

    1. Sorry..I neglected it too long and the website was actually deleted. It's easy to bring it back up again, so I'm doing that, but it'll take it a bit before the link actually leads to the website. After that, I'll have to upload my backup file (which is kind of old actually) and add back in anything that's missing after that.

  13. Looks like it's down again.

  14. Replies
    1. Actually, just the blogspot link is down; I removed the "blog" that linked to the adventure site because it was just an extra unnecessary step. See for the actual link to the adventure.
