Part 5; see first part for information.
Entry: Mar 23
A new entry. Guess what that means? Yeah. Why am I conversing with my diary, anyway? (Or whatever imaginary audience I'm going to allow to read it someday?) It just seems silly. But it's the way I talk, and I don't have much experience talking to a wall. Besides, I'm sure any idiot could answer my half-rhetorical questions anyway.
So anyway, today. In school. In front of about twenty people who didn't even notice...and Carla, who did. Carla...huh. I didn't see her much the last couple of days, but today is the day I have P.E., and when Carlo...Carla has P.E. at the same time. Yeah, it's the class we have together. Now, our school's P.E. is a bit higher-quality than some other public which I mean we have a pool and a well-kept gym, and instructors who aren't afraid to use what's available. So it's usually a pretty fun class, all told. Unless you just don't like exercise or something...
So, today we were going to use that pool, do some laps. Boys vs. girls, in a kind of relay for each time, the team that took the shortest average amount of time (people divided by time, or something like that) wins...bragging rights, and that's about it. But good fun all the same, right?
Of course, we don't go to school in swimming trunks. That would be stupid. So everyone went to the locker rooms to change...and on my way out of the locker room, I bumped into someone. There's a one-door-wide hallway on the way out, so that's perfectly normal, and I guess I'd gotten a little careless. See, there some people...male people...who I touched by accident between Saturday and today, one way or another, to no effect. So I guess it doesn't happen all the time. sure did today.
I have to admit, I didn't really even know the guy. P.E. is a pretty big class, and it's the only one I had (have?) with him. So it was a few..maybe several seconds before I noticed anything. Those of us (including me, Carla, that guy) who had gotten changed pretty quick were standing around waiting for everyone else, so it was dead time, without anything else going on. Really, weirdly convenient, because if anything else had been going on, I wouldn't have payed attention.
Where was I? I noticed something was odd, and turned my attention to him, when I saw that his stomach was decidedly thinner than average. At first I wanted to think he was just anorexic or something and I hadn't noticed, but no, the rest of his body was still the same width, and that stomach was really flat for a guy. So I knew what was coming, and that didn't make it any better. From that point on I was watching.
I already noticed that his trunks were getting a little bit tighter, and then that his hips were getting wider. I think that both were going on at the same time, so it got tight pretty fast, closing up in between his legs and...showing no bulge. I noticed his arms and legs were both getting thinner then, especially the arms, and his skin was getting a little bit paler all over. The shorts looked weird now, because they were tight and they had turned into a kind of rubbery material, and they looked even weirder as the...ah...whatever part hangs down over part of a guy's legs suddenly folded up, and the material spread up the thin stomach, to cover the still-flat chest and grab onto the top of his shoulders (which I should note had gotten way slimmer now) with straps. I recognized it now as the kind of one-piece suit the school approved for girls to wear..which made sense.
His face shifted, his eyes became a bit wider (and looked bigger as his face was a little smaller), and his irises stretched out vertically, which kinda confused me because that definitely doesn't usually happen. His hair exploded out, quickly reaching the small of his back, and turned a pink that I'm sure isn't usually possible, and a yellow ribbon was back there, but because I was looking at his front I couldn't see much of it. I did notice that something had tied around his neck; it looked like a little collar with a bell and a bow on the front.
Now this was new. I noticed there was something thin and white twitching at his back, and soon realized that was a, a cat's tail! Then, of course, my attention was drawn back up by the inevitable push outward of his chest, quickly making the swimsuit less awkward. By the time they were done, she had some sizable breasts (that sounds kind of perverted, but it's true), and then I saw her ears had gotten bigger, breaking through the hair, and had fur on them like the tail. They got taller, and turned into cat ears.

I realized the change was done, and had a quick glance around. I found that a bunch of the other guys were also looking at her...and most of the other girls weren't. Looking back at the new...catgirl? I guess that's what she is...I saw her eating up the attention, flirting with some of them...and realized with a mix of relief, confusion, and annoyance that nobody was aware she had changed but me.
Contrary to what I expected, Rhia (I found out later her name was Rhia, I'll explain when I get to it) was a very good swimmer, and thanks in part to her the girls beat out the boys by a few seconds or so. Not that I cared, I mean, I had another boy-turned-girl to worry about. I went through the rest of the day anyway, wondering whether I was really starting to get used to this.
Carla joined me on my walk home from school today. After a minute or two of awkward silence I said, “You saw that, right?” and she nodded.
“Mm-hm.” (Why do people feel the need to nod and say yeah? Won't just one or the other do?) “I've got new memories too, actually. What about you?”
“, but I didn't know him too well either.”
“Neither did I. But I know her. She's Rhia, nice and friendly but a major flirt. Loves to play, never had a boyfriend though.”
“So you know her?”
“Not personally. But girls know about a flirt,” she said, grinning like it was funny.
“Oh. I was hoping for an explanation about the ears.”
“What ears?”
I stopped, and after a second Carla stopped with me. I looked in her eyes. “You didn't notice anything unusual about her ears?” I asked.
“ Why?”
I just shook my head and started walking, thinking great, I really AM going insane now! She followed. “Kael, what is it?”
“Look. Big, twitchy cat ears,” I said, demonstrating both traits with my hands over my own ears. “You didn't see that at all?”
“No...I think I'd remember that. Are you sure?”
“...Forget it. Can we talk about something normal so I don't go any more insane?”
Carla looked concerned. Good, at least she got that I wasn't joking by now. “Hey, maybe they really are there, and I couldn't see them. I mean, if there's magic that can turn guys into girls maybe there's magic that can give them big ears and magic that keeps people from seeing them. And they'd be hidden from everyone else at school because, well, big ears are weird.”
“Yeah....maybe,” I said.
The rest of the conversation was, well, normal. Carla changed the subject to today's menu in the cafeteria, and well, I don't feel like going into it. It doesn't have anything to do with this anyway.
I forgot to mention, when I went to my locker (the one where I put my unused books), I found a note that had been stuck through the grill. It was in neat, curved, pink handwriting, and was signed “Rio” at the bottom with a heart as the i's dot. It said “Need urgently to speak with you, tomorrow after school if possible,” and a downtown address which I guess is where she lives. I stuffed it in my pocket at the time because I was in a hurry, and honesty I just read it while I was getting ready to write this. So...I guess I have a meeting tomorrow. Considering who Rio was, and that she might remember that, I'm a little afraid, but I guess if I'm shot I can't victimize any more guys, so I'm going. I'm sure it'll be worth writing about, too.
So I'm signing off. Good night.
(Telling my journal good night is stupid. Note to self: never do that again.)
Hmm... I wonder how Carla fits into where the current nerrative has gone.