Monday, January 17, 2011

Midas Journal 2

Second part. See the first part for information.

Entry: Mar 19
Part: 2

Three days later, it was a Tuesday—as anyone with half a brain should be able to figure out, but yeah. Carlos and I were walking home from school when...I'm not kidding...a guy jumped out from a nearby alley wearing all black and a ski mask, and holding a gun. It was ridiculous, in broad daylight, and especially considering neither of us had anything of value. He tossed Carlos aside without a word and grabbed me by the collar.
“Give me all your money!”
“I-I don't have any money!” Of course I was more than a little scared, but meanwhile I was wondering in the back of my head why such impossibly weird stuff was apparently going to become common). The guy put the barrel of his gun to my forehead, which resulted in a general mental meltdown. I reflexively tried to push it off, with both hands, and...again I've got to say, this was the weird part.
His hand started shrinking. His glove disappeared, and his whole wrist—the whole arm—got smaller, thinner, and lost a good bit of the hair to it. For that matter, the pitch-black sweater sleeve pulled back from that hand the same way I'd wanted to recoil from the gun. Surprised, the guy let go of me, causing me to topple over backwards (fortunately, unhurt). Still in a bit of shock and terror about the gun, I was pretty much paralyzed and watched from where I was.
His sleeve got a lot looser as it stopped a little behind the elbow, the collar of it turning a bright green and the part on his shoulder an equally bright yellow. The whole sweater thinned all of a sudden, and then turned the same color of yellow—it turned into a shirt, seemingly without anything much under it. As the other sleeve shrank, revealing an arm that was becoming much like the other one, the collar opened down suddenly, turning the same green as the cuffs, and a bow tying it together seemed to appear out of nowhere.
The ski mask disappeared altogether, revealing a rough masculine face for all of two seconds before the rugged beard smoothed over, the whole face becoming shorter and smooth, the brown hair shooting out to great lengths before two sides were tied by more ribbons from nowhere—these ones yellow.
His pants turned green next, and seemed to fold in on themselves at the same time as the gap between the fabric on each leg closed, and then it pushed to the front and back, all of which resulted in the whole thing becoming a skirt. The yellow shirt suddenly shrank around his stomach, seeming to shove that area inward into a very thin, flat shape. I then noticed the skirt was losing more than half of its length, briefly exposing legs that were losing a lot of hair and shrinking, which were quickly covered up by white socks that quickly elongated into stockings reaching just above the knees. Once the skirt had finished shrinking the two revealed a little bit of smooth, curved skin between them, and the leggings were quite tight enough to suggest more of the same all the way down.
The skirt pushed out at the top and back then, apparently responding to a drastic change in the anatomy of the body's hips, and the bottom part fanned out to match. Last of all I was able to see the bow, collar, and upper part of the shirt being pushed out by what was definitely a pair of modest, petite boobs.

Her arms reached around her back, carrying a suitcase that must have been the handgun less than a minute ago. A sweet, high soprano voice spoke from the new girl's mouth: “Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you alright? I can be such a klutz, I'll help you up!” She reached down a hand and grabbed mine by force, pulling me up. Small as those arms were, and thin as they, they were strong! So I came along for the ride in an attempt to not dislocate a shoulder.

She gave a small smile in my direction while I dusted myself off. “You alright now? I've got to go...say, do you..go to Phalos High?”
Not really knowing how else to respond I said, “Yeah...why?”
“I just moved in a few days was my first day of school but I lost looking for it. I'm Rio by the way.”
“Rio. Right. I'm..Kael.”
She gave me a slight sideways glance. “How's that spelled? K-A-Y-E-L-E?'
“No...K-A-E-L. It..doesn't sound how it looks.”
“Right, got it. And you?” She looked off to my left.
“Carlos.” He must have gotten up at some point...he was now standing there next to me.
“Good to meet you both. Aaahm, I'd better be on my way home, bye!” With that, she gave a cheerful wave and then ran off in the direction I'd been facing, suitcase in hand.

I looked over at Carlos, and he waited until she was definitely out of earshot before speaking: “Okay...did I hallucinate or was that cute girl a robber with a handgun about two minutes ago?”
“...You saw that too?”
He nodded.
“I think you're right...nobody's ever gonna believe this, though...”
“Yeah. And there weren't any other witnesses—odd for a public street at this time of day.” He was right—there wasn't a single car or pedestrian in sight but the two of us.
“How about we just...pretend that what she said happened, happened, and she just smacked into us running...that way.” I pointed behind myself...opposite the direction she'd just gone off in.
“She didn't say that.”
“She implied it.”
“You're right. Close enough...”

From there the two of us continued our conversation where we'd left off, acting as normal and not-freaked-out as possible.
So...I guess if it was my doing...I can stop robbers by turning them into schoolgirls? That's got to be the weirdest power ever. But...I didn't say anything about what I'd seen the day after my birthday. I...just didn't feel ready.
Third time turned out to be a least as far as my not being able to keep it all to myself went.

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