Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Omega Zeta Kappa 19: η

I think life for everyone has gotten really bizarre ever since the veil was lifted. I mean, sure, a lot of the time you can go about your life like normal, and a lot of the magic is seemingly just hanging out in the background just making the world generally more productive and convenient. And other times, you come back to your room and open the door to find a giant wolf-girl staring down at you, wagging her tail.

Braxton had a habit of occasionally 'writing' lines of an imagined autobiography entirely in his head, especially when he encountered particularly strange or exciting situations. It wasn't something he'd ever admitted to aloud, since he was pretty sure that anyone with any common sense would make fun of him for it...but it was occasionally a good way to organize his thoughts and center himself. It didn't really help right now, though.
"Brax?" Ian tilted her head slightly, "You okay? You're kinda zoning out there..ooh, I get it! You're checkin' me out, right?" To be fair, his roommate wasn't really 'giant'...she was actually noticeably shorter than before, only about half a head taller than him now. But there were some details of her new appearance that certainly qualified for that adjective, and with her latest utterance she put on a big grin and crossed her arms under them, seemingly intent on emphasizing them even more. "Well, hey—go right ahead! I know I look awesome."

"Th-that's not what..! I mean, I knew you'd wind up tall and still unreasonably fit, and I'm not really surprised about the, uh, your figure either. But...what's with the fur?" he said finally.
Ian dropped her arms "Wee~eell, I thought Jen and some of the other animal-girls looked pretty great, and wanted to try that out for myself, too. So I guess the potion or whatever obliged. Anyway, I do look pretty great, riight?"
"You look like you're in desperate need of a plus-size bra. But—objectively speaking, yeah, you don't need me to tell you how attractive you are."
"Heheh..still feels pretty good to hear it from ya, though," she said, reaching her hand across to ruffle the top of his head. This wasn't...an uncommon gesture from Ian, but something about her newly feminine appearance and the slight redness in her cheeks made Braxton's brain interpret it a little differently from usual.

"Anyway, yeah, I am gonna go shop for some new clothes that fit me and stuff. I even heard Rich is footing the bill for some necessities like that." She moved out of the doorway, gesturing, and he took the invitation to come inside.
"She'd better—most of us are not made of money," Braxton said, the debt his tution was incurring weighing heavily on his mind.
"But, hey, have you given any more thought to, uh, joining the crowd?"
He sighed, "Not really. I just wanted to take my mind off that stuff, but of course the majority in the game room was girls, too."
"Well—you knooow..." Ian was distractingly twirling some of her ridiculously long hair around a finger. "...Pretty much everyone winds up 'attractive', right?"
"I guess so."
"Soo, maybe that'd mean you automatically wind up fit if you take the potion. And if you turn back into a dude with Holli's help, you'd probably even stay fit then. I mean—it'd be like a free liposuction or whatever; you'd still need to do some maintenance after. But it's way easier to stay fit than to get fit from uh, not, you know?"
"If you say so." Braxton meant this quite sincerely—after all, it's what Ian was going to school for.
"Mm-hmm!" she nodded happily, understanding his statement as it was intended. "Well, hey, give it some thought—'kay? I'd love to stay your roommate, after all!" With that, she hurried out the door.

Braxton quietly shut the door behind her after a moment, then went to sit at the desk. He..really did need to think about this seriously, didn't he? He'd thought at first that this was some ridiculous prank of the council's on the members of OZK, that it would blow over before even the weekend was done, but even if that had been the original intent...so many people had taken it seriously, and changed, that there was no denying it now. If he refused all week, then he'd be kicked out of the dorm, if not the organization altogether, and...to be perfectly honest, he wasn't sure if he could afford that.

Something not even Ian knew was that OZK was actually helping him out a bit, financially speaking. The council understood his position, how his parents weren't giving him any help with school because of his chosen major, and "in the interest of supporting a future creative", had decided to waive the usual living fees for being in a fraternity dorm—or a dorm in general. Even the terrible, noisy general-population dorms didn't come cheap, and he lived through each year of his education with a keen awareness of the mounting enormity of his college loans. Maybe they'd be nice enough to still pay his living expenses if he left, especially in the interest of 'not forcing him to become a girl', but he wasn't sure he'd feel right about taking advantage of that.

And...Ian had a point that he hadn't really considered before. Braxton lifted the heft of his considerable belly in his hands for a second, staring down and contemplating that part of him. As an author, he was a lot more concerned with training his mind and wit than refining his physical form, but there was no denying that being so unfit was a hindrance. Ian had always wanted to help him get more fit, and it had quickly become obvious that it wasn't a selfish kind of desire—it was because he saw himself as Braxton's friend, and wanted the best for him. Furthermore, Ian knew how good it could feel to be fit, and he wanted to share that experience. And now he...rather, she had discovered, and reccommended, a promising potential shortcut. Shouldn't Braxton be grateful and take the opportunity?

Even with all of these arguments going for it, he still couldn't quite convince himself to go through with taking the potion. There was just...something that worried, or at least concerned him, about changing his entire physical appearance on what felt like a whim. At the very least, it seemed a lot like a whim on the part of the OZK council. No, to convince himself to do it, he needed to feel like it would contribute something meaningful to his life, to his goals...that was when another thought struck him.

I was so worried about how different, and especially how inconvenient, life would be for me as a woman—even if I only became one temporarily. But then I realized it. A different life—a different perspective—was something that would actually benefit me immensely. A truly great author should have experience and knowledge in a wide variety of things, and what kind of fool would I have to be to pass up the opportunity to see the world from such a drastically different perspective? So, as apprehensive as I was about the whole idea...

Braxton made his way over to the hallway near the kitchen, and soon found Rich (who he recognized mainly from her texting a post-transformation photo of herself out to everyone) sitting at a small table with some bottles of multicolored liquid..probably the potion in question. "Good afternoon, Braxton," she said, waving. "I see you've escaped your imprisonment at last." Rich had always had an uncanny way of recognizing basically everyone in the entire frat..not to mention the council was more specifically aware of him than most people to begin with.
"Yeah...I had some work to get done."
"I heard from Erwin that your roommate decided to take the draught. Any news on whether it's taken effect?"
"Uh, it sure has...he turned into a huge wolf-girl. Inspired by Jeff..uh, Jen, apparently."
"That so? I hope I can get a look at her later," she said with a slight grin. Something about this statement made him slightly unhappy, but he wasn't sure exactly what or why, so he just tried to mentally brush past it.

"Anyway...I, guess I have to take one, too," he said hesitantly.
She tilted her head slightly. "You are aware that we'd continue to support you as an artist, even if you decide to move out, yes?"
"No, no—that's uh, not what I mean. I mean, if I want to be a great author, then...I need to."
"Ooh, I see," she said, nodding approvingly. "Broaden your horizons. That's far more noble than mere financial motives. Well, please enjoy, then," she said, offering him one of the bottles.
"Uh..yeah." He took it, pausing to stare at the liquid inside. "What's..this stuff taste like, anyway?"
"Evidently it tastes different for everyone. Something about the wild magic involved," she said with a shrug. "Never too unpleasant, at any rate."
"Well..good. Guess I'll go to my room to take this, then."

Sitting at his desk, Braxton took an experimental sip of the strange, glowing liquid, and winced. "Blueegh.." It was terribly sour, like one of those candies intended for kids to dare each other to eat rather than anyone actually wanting them. Shaking his head, he tried to take a longer sip of it the next time, figuring he'd already committed to taking the whole thing anyway, and the less time it spent in his mouth, the better. It seemed not as bad this second time, maybe just because he was expecting a sour flavor, so it wasn't quite as much of a shock. His next gulp of the bizarre magical liquid, however, was decidedly and noticeably less sour than before, edging toward sweet...kind of like a lemonade flavor, but without an actual citrus taste per se. He drank more of it after that, and found it pleasantly sweet, the sour edge seeming to have faded mostly off. And then the last mid-sized sip was exclusively sweet, just shy of being overwhelmingly, unpleasantly so.

"Well...that was weird," he said, shrugging. How had a drink changed its flavor so much from the first sip to the last? It seemed best to just chalk it up to magic, and leave it at that. He thought to text his roommate afterward, letting him know: I took the potion. So, you win I guess.
Ian replied not long after: sweet! but hopefuly u'll feel like th winner (punctuated by a winking emoji). Then: lemme know when it happens! i'll take you shopping
Braxton shook his head; it was just like Ian to be all-in on even the weirdest stuff, to even make an effort to enjoy something he might not otherwise. But...it really seemed like she was enjoying all this, and hoped that he would, too.

He wasn't really sure what to do with himself while he waited. After just sitting there for some ten minutes or so with nothing happening, he decided to try to just...take his mind off the fact that his remaining time as a male was limited to less than twenty-four hours with some writing. He brought up a document of a half-finished short story on his computer, and temporarily lost himself in his created world of fictional characters. But he still hadn't started to change by the time Ian returned.

"Yo!" She burst in, some shopping bags on her arms, still wearing the same outfit as before aside from the addition of a bra under the t-shirt (thankfully). "How's it going, Brax?"
"About the same as usual, I guess," he shrugged. "Except now I'm waiting around for a weird potion to turn me into a girl."
"Heheh, don't worry dude, it's totally painless. And I bet you'll love it, too!" Setting her baggage down on her bed, she came up behind him to look over his shoulder. "Working on a story while you wait? Good thinking! No use sitting around doing nothin', right?"
"Uh, y-yeah." Ian massaged his shoulders again, just like she had this morning...but, as with her ruffling his hair before, Braxton felt a little different about the exact same gesture. Having a curvy girl lean close, her high, cute voice in his ear, and then her slender hands gently rub his shoulders was...fundamentally different from a fellow guy doing practically the same things. But he tried to just ignore how that made him feel (even though it certainly wasn't bad) and just take it the same way as always: Ian being his friend.

He turned his chair around while she was putting away some of her new clothes, watching her work briefly. Ian's big, fluffy ears and tail were extremely mobile the entire time, a strangely mesmerizing sight when his eyes weren't focused instead on her unbelievable figure. "Hey uh..you really like having a tail like that?" he asked after a moment. "I mean...it looks like that'll just get in the way a lot of the time."
"Nah, dude, I love it! It feels great, too. You wanna touch it?"
"Uh—no thanks," Braxton said quickly, feeling a blush on his cheeks. But this seemed to be the intended effect anyway, since Ian followed up immediately with a giggle.
"Heehee, I'm just playin', man. But seriously, I'm already starting to wish I'd been born kinda furry-like. I dunno if I can really even explain how nice it feels. I guess I just like it!"
"Sure.." To each her own, I guess.

Unfortunately, Braxton still showed no signs of changing, all the way through to suppertime. He went and got his food, ate, and returned to his room, all with nothing happening. Ian came back later in the evening to find him still typing away, still male. "Hey, you're not pulling my leg, right? You really took the stuff?"
He sighed. "Yes, I wouldn't lie to you about that! Look, I still have the bottle," he said, pointing.
"Okay, sorry. I just—uh. Well, I guess I just hope it happens before you have to go to classes."
"Oh.Yeah. Me too," he half-realized aloud. Skipping classes when he was going so deep into debt just to be able to take them was against his nature, but the idea of suddenly starting to change right in the middle of one was..a bit frightening.

When he woke up the next morning—no change, not even any strange dreams in the night—Braxton found that he was going to have to face that as a reality. He sat up, thinking: He had no class today at the exact time that he'd taken the potion. At this point...if he could just avoid changing until then, it could still happen outside of class time. In fact, there was an entire couple of hours after lunch on Mondays when he could retreat back to the dorm and have some privacy if he started changing then. He could even run back for lunch, to get some extra time. All he needed to do...was not change during his morning classes. Or—while it certainly wouldn't be ideal, changing right now, or at breakfast, would still be preferable. But that didn't happen.

He got up and looked around the room, spotting Ian still fast asleep. She was kind of partially curled up under her covers, her arms hugging the pillow her head wasn't on...and he couldn't resist the thought that that entire picture was positively adorable. It didn't seem fair for her to be so hot, and so cute, all at the same time. Well—her classes were late enough that she wouldn't get up for breakfast until he was gone, so he was careful to make as little noise as he could, guessing that those ears would hear a lot more than human ones.

The approaching yet still-not-arriving change the main thing on Braxton's mind all morning, constantly distracting him. But he made it through his first class with no problem, just the notice of some of his classmates that he was nervous about something—which he brushed off. And his second class was similar.

His third class was one of the last "core classes" that he had to take, an easy math class that he'd put off until now largely for scheduling reasons. It took place in a gigantic lecture hall, and he shared the class with some three hundred other people. He tended to just blend into the crowd here, and the subject material was boring and easy. The stress of the day before, and the rest of that morning, had him feeling slightly sleepy, and he leaned forward on the desk a bit, really only half-paying attention to the lecture. He could always pick this back up from the book when he was doing his homework anyway...

About halfway into the class, in his half-dozing state, Braxton thought he felt something weird. He sat up slightly, rubbing his eyes to push himself toward a more awake state. What had he..? That was when he felt it again, and this time had a clearer sense of what it was, and more importantly where it was.

The weird feeling was...down between his legs. It was a strange kind of slight motion..happening to his manhood. And there it went again, a third time, this one more distinct and stronger, as if it had been encouraged by him noticing. He wriggled his legs back and forth for a second, trying to make sure—no, rather, hoping that he was wrong. But the sensation came back a fourth time, and as he panicked slightly and looked briefly around, Braxton realized that the room, and his neighbors, seemed slightly taller than he remembered them being before. The thing down there was...shrinking, and now so was he. It had started.

Thinking quickly, heart beginning to race, Braxton sat bolt upright and put his right hand up in front of his mouth, making a very intentional, distinct "Ulp" sound with his throat like he was fighting to not throw up. Then he pushed himself dramatically up off of his seat with his free hand and hurried past his neighbors to the aisle, all the while feeling a tingle now spread across his manhood, and his shirt starting to fall a bit more loosely around his shrinking form.

The ploy was a success; Braxton made it to the door and outside the classroom, and—still faking being sick—ran for the nearest bathroom. As he went down the hall, he felt his face getting warmer with a blush from the strange feeling down between his legs, and his shirt kept on getting looser. His strides took him less far as his legs became shorter too, and he began to feel a stronger tug on his scalp as the backwards motion of air against his run acted like a strong wind, blowing increasingly long hair out behind him.

He shoved the bathroom door open, darted inside, and shut it behind him, panting heavily as he leaned back against it. A quick scan of the room found—thankfully—that it was empty; most everyone in this building was in their classes right now. And, now that he no longer needed to focus exclusively on running, Braxton became very much more aware of what changes had already taken place: He was noticeably shorter and slimmer in frame; his hair had grown out to chest level behind him, the slight bangs he was used to flowing out into some wild locks all around his face; he felt strangely small down between his legs, the thing down there tingling even more sharply than before. And his shirt was falling quite loosely across his upper body because...his belly had shrunk away about half of its size.

"Hh-hhfff...hfff..." Stupid body! Braxton thought angrily. Stupid...magic! Why couldn't you wait one more stupid hour!? Even his panting sounded odd, and the tingling between his legs now progressed into a tugging, slipping sensation that made him feel even hotter—especially his face—and forced a sound to come from his lips, a strange "Aa~aah..!" that sounded nothing at all like a man's voice. It was so..high, and cute, and soft. His reamining time as a man now measured in the seconds, he figured, still gasping for breath.

"A-aah, aa~aah...!" The bathroom rose up around him as his height inched downward even more. The high, cute voice from his mouth deepened audibly as he cried out, seeming to mature—and yet it remained extremely feminine. Then came a girlish "Ooo~oooh...m-mmnnnn~nnngh...!" as he squirmed his legs back and forth, feeling it slip completely away now, and finally a helpless, deep, breathy "A-aa~aahnnnnNNnnnh.." as womanhood rapidly formed down there, ambushing her with a wave of unfamiliar, tingly feelings that were irresistibly pleasant, making her heart race and her face flush with heat all the more. The only saving grace to her making all these noises during the change of sex was that they were at least fairly quiet, probably enough to not be heard outside the bathroom unless someone was putting their ears right to the door.

And, still, Braxton was shrinking, her shirt tenting out around her and the room rising up even more. Her belly had shrunk to just some mild pudge, and she could feel it sucking itself in even farther. Her hair was still growing out too; she could feel it some of it touching her sides as it spread past the small of her back.

"Mm—mmn, nngh...!" she then found herself shuddering as a wave of tingling struck nearly every inch of her skin, rapidly softening it and smoothing away her body hair. "Hffh, aa~aah..." Her height finally starting to stabilize, and her belly very nearly completely flat, the new girl could feel her hips pressing themselves outward, her thighs and bottom growing gently thicker, forming the lower third of some feminine curves. "Mnngh!" Then it was her chest's turn, as a pair of small breasts impatiently grew into place, drawing more tingly sensations down below and more blushing on her cheeks.

"Ooh...m-mnngh..." Trying her best to keep her voice down, Braxton sank to her knees as she felt her breasts now steadily pushing their way out bigger and bigger, their skin terribly sensitive to the material of her shirt. "Aa~ah, aa~aahnnn..." she cried out quietly as she felt a wave of girlish pleasure even more intense than the first one, and her breasts finally finished growing, gently bouncing out into place. And yet..the potion's effects weren't quite over yet.

Her ears had never quite stopped tingling like the rest of the body, and now they felt especially strange. She thought she could feel her hair moving across them—even though that didn't make much sense—and they proved quite sensitive too, causing her to emit a particularly strange sound. "M-mmr~rrrfh...wah, wha..? Rrr~rrfh..!" Her attempt to verbally question what was going on was interrupted by another strange sound, quite high in pitch, which accompanied a sudden pushing, stretching sensation from down near the base of her spine. "Aa~ah, what th...hffh..!" By now she could feel her ears being strangely huge, only a small patch of each one near the bottom brushing through her hair as they involuntarily moved around, while the rest felt open air moving across it. And that more recent sensation had brought out something that she could now feel moving around behind her, through the air and across the material of her shirt, bumping against the door. And: "Aa-aah—arrfh..!" Another sensation just like that hit her again, drawing another, similar noise from her lips, as a second appendage made its way out from nearly the very same spot.

"Hhhffffh...mm-mmrr~rrrh..." A strange, churring sensation came from her throat as she felt her ears and those two...tails was what they were, stretching and growing bigger, fluffier, longer. At the same time, her shirt suddenly began a rapid process of shrinking inward, quickly pulling itself up away from her legs and hips, in from her shoulders, and tearing a piece off around the front of the collar which then folded itself under and wrapped around her new breasts, forming into a strapless bra. The rest of her clothes—underwear and pants—had understandably not been able to hold on throughout all of her shrinking, and now lay on the floor about her feet, quickly changing into a pair of tiny boyshorts and some dark denim shorts that weren't much longer.

"Mm..Mnngh!" Just when it seemed like she was through, the new girl felt one last shift, experienced as a slight, brief tensing of nearly every muscle in her body. It was there, then gone again, causing her to exhale in relief, finally beginning to catch her breath—but her face still felt like it was burning with a blush, and her heart wasn't showing signs of slowing down just yet.

"U-ugh...what the heck...?" Braxton slowly stood up, grabbing the underwear and shorts and pulling them up around her hips. She went up to a nearby mirror to get what little of a view of her new appearance the small ones in a public bathroom could give, and found a pretty, long-haired girl with gigantic furry triangles for ears glaring back.

Her annoyance came out verbally in a canine growl. "Grrrrr...what's with the tail..tails!? And these ears? And why am I so tiny..?" Her voice naturally came out in a deep, mature alto, although it had quite recently proven to have enough range to go pretty high in pitch, too. Even though she was complaining aloud, Braxton did notice some positives to her looks as well. For starters, her belly was slim and flat, and even showed a bit of muscle tone—not the kind of ridiculously solid six-pack her roommate had always had, male or female, but at least some sign of physical fitness. And...her figure was pretty nice, especially for someone as short as she now was. Then she remembered something.

"Oh..shoot!" The two-tailed fox-girl quickly whirled and ran for the door of the bathroom, realizing that she was still in the men's room, and badly wanting to avoid an awkward situation so soon after experiencing the...everything that had come along with a change of sex. She opened it just enough to poke her head through and quickly look back and forth, confirming there was no one in the hallway to see her exit before hurrying out into the hall and starting back in the direction of the class she'd run out of.

Her huge, vulpine ears could pick up the lectures being given in basically every classroom along the way, in exquisite detail, so of course she could hear her own class too, once she got close enough. It would be...weird for her to just walk in and sit down at the seat a guy had run away from, but her stuff was still in there, so she decided to just find a seat on a hallway bench out here and half-listen. That was about all she'd been doing anyway.

While she sat there, she took a moment to bring her tails forward into her lap and experimentally run her hands across them. They...did feel really soft and warm to the touch, and something about the feeling of her hands running across them felt strangely nice for the tails, too. But...this was still really weird, and—not wanting anyone to catch her petting herself like that—she quickly sent them back behind her when her huge ears picked up classes beginning to dismiss.

Only once the giant lecture hall was mostly empty, and she'd seen the professor leave with her own eyes, did the petite fox-girl slip her way past one of the students leaving to go retrieve her stuff. Of course every detail of her new appearance, from her curves scarcely hidden by the skimpy outfit, to her stupidly long and terribly unkempt hair, to her ears and those tails, caught people's (especially men's) eyes, but she just ignored them. Once she had her stuff, it was back to the dorm, and on the way she got out her phone to inform Ian.

Well, I changed. Right in the middle of class!
oof, sorry. hope it wasnt too embarasing (punctuated with a blush emoji).
I got away and hid before it really took off.

Ian continued: hey, your free for a couple hours rite? wanna go shopping?
Well...it's not like putting it off would make it any less awkward. The fox-girl sighed. Sure, after I get some lunch. She then remembered that she had briefly sat down on a public bathroom floor, and her tails had made contact with the same, and added: And a shower.

After a quick lunch in the OZK kitchen, Braxton took a shower, using maybe four times as much shampoo as usual to get the hair, ears, and tails clean—and of course all that hair and fur remained damp afterward. Considering Ian's hair and fluff, both of them were in dire need of a hairdryer. As for encountering her new form nude in there...somehow, it didn't really bother her. It felt like the transformation itself had already hit her with every bit of embarrassment she could feel about her figure, and now it was just—what she looked like. She wasn't too happy about putting on the same clothes again right after, but trying to make her old clothes work at her size was out of the question.

She met her roommate on the sidewalk just outside the dorm. The wolf-girl wasn't dressed much more modestly than the day before: Just some different gym shorts and another t-shirt which, while it did properly cover her belly, also had a deep enough dip in the front to show off some impressive cleavage. It didn't help that all of the shrinking she'd done while turning into a fox-girl had brought her eye level down to right in front of said cleavage.

Of course, Ian was delighted to see her like this. "Oh, wow, you look amazing!" she gushed. "Look how cute you are, dude!"
"Y-yeah, I've noticed..." None of this reaction was a surprise to Braxton, and yet...hearing her say that, and seeing her expression, seemed to make the fox-girl's heart skip a beat, and her cheeks warmed up a bit. What was with that...? Being with girl-Ian had made her feel..weird before, but wasn't it just because they were opposite sexes? But now they were both girls! Pushing past her confusion about this, she pressed on: "Anyway, I wound up with furry parts, and it's really weirding me out."
"Oh yeeah, those look great on you too!"

In the usual way, Ian reached across to ruffle the blond girl's hair. Their height difference was a lot closer now to what it had originally been, making the motion especially natural and careless for her. But—again—Braxton's body reacted very differently from usual. A high, soft "Aah" came out first, and then a deeper "M-mrrh..." because the big girl's fingers had accidentally found the base of one of her ears. This was followed quickly by "H-hey! Don't touch my ears without permission, they're sensitive!"
Ian dropped her hand back. "Oh, whoops, sorry! Wasn't thinkin', heheh. Anyway—you ready to pick out some clothes~? I'll spot ya, Rich promised to reimburse us as long as we keep the receipts."
"Yeah, sure..."

The employees of every clothing establishment that catered to women had found themselves with a lot of opportunities over the weekend to gain experience in helping customers who weren't at all used to being female, much less clothes that fit that form. As a result, they were pretty much used to it by the time they got to me, and the process of taking my measurements for undergarments was mercifully painless and efficient. The only thing that complicated the process of getting myself a basic, functional wardrobe was my generous patron—Ian—constantly pushing 'cute' and 'girly' clothes for me to 'at least try on!'. Since she was paying, I couldn't say no..and when she grinned at me wearing some of those outfits a certain way, I...still couldn't say no, to actually buying them.

Braxton left the last store wearing some jeans and a t-shirt, both of which covered plenty of skin, but they were still tight enough to not leave much to the imagination. Ian had her bags. "Hey, you got class comin' up, right? Go on ahead, I can get this stuff to our room."
"Alright...thanks." The wolf-girl seemed to have taken the command not to touch her without permission seriously...although Braxton had some strangely mixed feelings about her not even once slipping up and doing it without thinking, like out of habit or something. She tried to push these thoughts out of her head as she headed off to her final class of the day.

This wasn't the kind of class one could hide in; it was one of her major classes, with less than twenty students and a large element of discussion on most days. The professor seemed barely fazed to find a short fox-girl answering to Braxton's name—of course, the faculty if not the entire school was well aware of the whole situation with OZK by now. Her classmates were much more interested in the new look, but the amount of teasing and (from the boys) flirting wasn't more than friendly. She found herself disinterested in the latter, and found good enough retorts to the former.

As she made her way back to the dorm, her mind turned again to the weird, furry ears and tails she'd wound up with. She'd been...as mentally prepared as one could be for a change of sex, but going furry was another thing entirely! And they still weirded her out, their sensitivity often causing her to react in strange ways from the slightest touch. Why had this happened?
Well...one of the things she'd heard about the potion's effects was that, aside from turning everyone at OZK who took it into girls, it had a certain tendency for the precise details of its effects to be influenced by one's desires and expectations. That certainly went a long way toward explaining Ian's ludicrous appearance: A huge, buff, curvy wolf-girl was what she wanted to be, and that was what she got! And since then...the whole rest of that day....

Braxton suddenly realized that she'd spent a lot of time with the wolf-girl after her change. Watching her ears flick around, her tail wag, her mouth open and show off those fangs. She was the girl he was the closest to, honestly, and had spent an awful lot of time around just before taking the potion...and changing. Of course that had affected his impression of what a boy-turned-girl would look like!

This realization made her unreasonably angry. As she came into the dorm, her face was warm with a blush as she remembered the bizarre feelings of her transformation, and how...how her ears had felt when Ian touched them! And she was mad, too, as she headed up the stairs and basically stormed the rest of the way up to the bedroom door, tossing it open and then slamming it once inside. It would've been a waste of all that drama if Ian hadn't even been there, but she was—sitting at her desk chair, and turning it around to face Braxton as she entered.

"It was your fault!" she said, angrily stretching out her right hand to point as she came closer.
"You just had to get those big furry ears and that tail, and—and..wave them at me all day yesterday...! And because of that, I'm stuck with my own giant ears and two tails now! TWO!"
Ian's ears folded down apologetically. "You don't..like 'em?"
This expression proved instantly heart-melting, and Braxton was only able to retailate with flustered rambling, scrambling to present an anger that she knew wasn't really justified and was feeling less and less of by the second. "Wha-why would I? They're these..g-giant wriggling weights behind me that constantly threaten to snag on things, tangle up with each other, and get in the way every time I so much as try to sit down. They're a massive project to get clean, and take forever to dry! A-and these ears feel so weird when they're touched!"
"Weird how?" Ian tilted her head slightly. "Can yoouu, show me?"

Now, that just wasn't fair. The gorgeous wolf-girl looking only slightly up at her, her ears lowered innocently and her slightly teasing expression making it clear that she knew the fox-girl wasn't really even mad at her—except that she was, but only for the feeling of suddenly being trapped into this. "F-fine!" she said, reaching a hand over to gently rub one of Ian's ears.

"Yip!" a high, cute puppy-like noise was her instant reaction to the touch, followed by a deeper "Rr~rufh," and then, "I dunno, that feels pretty good to me~. Maybe you should try my other ear, huh?" The wolf-girl's tail was whipping eagerly back and forth behind her, audibly tapping against the back of the chair.
"H-here.." Braxton let the wolf-girl have her other hand too, rubbing the other ear. They were both..really soft, and fluffy, and warm between her fingers—irresistibly so, even. Especially as she saw Ian's huge grin, her cheeks brightening with a blush, and she continued to let out her enjoyment vocally in adorable, soft, high-pitched barks.
"Rrfh..rr~rrfh..heehee.." She giggled happily as the fox-girl finally regained the self-control to stop, but still didn't let go of those ears. "...Hey."

Her big, bright red eyes, with that cute blush beneath them, were staring straight into Braxton's. "Can I...touch your ears now? Hmmn? It's only fair, rii~ight?" she said teasingly, cutely. The fox-girl realized that her heart was beating very fast...her cheeks were pretty warm, too. And there was a hint of fuzzy sensation down between her legs, not unlike what she'd felt when she'd first changed...
"I-if you want, I guess," she said, sounding very reluctant and sarcastic—but both of them knew that wasn't how she really felt. "Y-you better stop if I tell y—a~ah!" This demand was cut off by a high, cute, breathy sound from her throat as she felt both of Ian's hands hit their targets, those slender little fingers spreading themselves right across her huge, fluffy ears and giving her the full brunt of just how sensitive they really were...at least, to Ian's touch in particular. And then those fingers started moving...

"Mm~mmnh..mm~mnngghhh...!" The fuzzy feeling between her legs..wasn't so faint anymore. "Mrr~rrrrh...." She was starting to feel kind of unsteady on her feet, rocking back and forth a little bit. Her hands had started working on the wolf-girl's fluffy ears too, drawing out some more adorable barking that made those feelings even stronger. "Rrh, rr~rrfh! Mmh~mmh~MM~mmnnh..." Her tails struggled to help keep her upright, but even with two of them..it just wasn't enough.

"W-waa~aah..!" suddenly, Braxton toppled forward, and she felt two slim, strong arms close around her as she did, her face landing barely an inch away from the wolf-girl's...and her chest suddenly being squeezed very close against Ian's gigantic, soft, firm breasts.
"Heheheheh..!" Blushing brilliantly by now, she softly giggled, lifting the smaller girl into the air as she stood up. The short fox-girl found herself hugging Ian back, tightly even—not wanting to stop feeling that strong, curvy body pressed against her own..! "Y-you feel the same way, huh..?" Ian murmered softly then, one of her hands gently stroking its way through her long, blond hair. "I know I started feeling pretty differently about you sometime yesterday..and it got way stronger once you'd become an adorable little vixen~."
"Wah, whe~ere'd you learn a 'big word' like that, anyway?" Braxton returned the gesture, stroking Ian's long, wild hair and finding it surprisingly soft. She found herself being pulled down atop the wolf-girl, who was now lying on her back—on her bed.
Ian just grinned widely back. "Wanna guess?" With that, she started rubbing the smaller girl's ears again, making it very difficult for her to focus on coming up with a response.

Of course, the fox-girl's body knew how to respond to this gesture: Her hands reached back up to Ian's ears once again, petting them; her head sank down until her nose was buried in the wolf-girl's cheek and began pressing and rubbing against it, nuzzling her affectionately; and, freed from the task of helping her stay upright, her tails slid forward, following the sound of rhythmic whapping against the bed to easily locate the bigger girl's tail and begin to wrap themselves around it.

"Y-yip!" Ian was initially startled to feel something touching her tail, jolting slightly in place. But she got used to the idea quicklly enough. "Aa~ah..! Ooh woo~ooowh...!"
"Mrr~rrnh.." That tail continued to move around, instinctively trying to affectionately wag even though it was trapped—which only resulted in it brushing constantly against both of the fox-girl's tails, a sensation she enjoyed quite a bit. She squirmed around, feeling the wolf-girl moving under her too, as both of them enjoyed a long, steady flow of girlish pleasure. As nuzzling went, Ian gave as good as she was getting, both of them expressing physically the deep affection that their friendship seemed to have so suddenly and unexpectedly bloomed into.

They were interrupted maybe a few minutes later by the fox-girl's stomach growling. After all, she'd had a pretty light, somewhat stressed lunch, and it was fairly late in the afternoon now. The wolf-girl gently pulled her head back enough for their noses to touch each other instead of their cheeks and teased, "Hmmn? You hungry, Braxie?"
"B-braxie? Then you're Nina," she retaliated. "And—yeah, I'm starving."
"Let's get some grub then! I'll take you out somewhere nice~," the wolf-girl offered happily, gently rolling 'Braxie' off of her so she could sit up. The vixen needed to sit at the edge of the bed for a moment to...calm down, before she could stand up very well, but her roommate was more than happy to place an arm across her lower back to help her balance—although that clearly wasn't her only reason for that gesture.

"Sooo..you're fine with me just renaming you like that?"
"Yep! I love it~. It's cute like I am, riiight?"
"S-sure...I guess I'm Braxie, then."
"Still Brax for short!" Nina said, ruffling the top of the smaller girl's head with her fre e hand.
"Y-you'd better call me Braxie!" she said, huffing with more false anger. "Hmph." But she did feel like she had to retaliate, so she curled one of her tails across to fwip its end down the length of the wolf-girl's tail.
"Y-yip! Heheh...guess you know my weaknesses already, huh?"
"Pfft, like you did anything to hide 'em..."

The image used for this story part was found using a stable diffusion-based image generator.


  1. Is she a kitsune or just a multi-tailed fox girl?

    1. The latter, although it feels dissatisfying for me to only say that in a comment. I'm trying to find an appropriate-feeling spot in one of the next parts to have Tielo mention it.
