Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Battle Vixens! - 6

Episode 6: The Law

Officer Rowan Shepherd had very nearly died. People had died around him, strangled to death or thrown into buildings by an insane woman with inexplicable powers. But he hadn't died; instead, he'd killed her, and learned some strange words he also didn't understand. He had spoken the words shortly after, during debriefing, and the results had been surprising...frightening, even. Since then he had been interviewed live on the news, showing off the strange power that killing that girl had given him, and he had been half-interrogated by his superiors and told or showed them everything he knew. But when he walked back to the precinct the next morning, there was something new he hadn't told anyone, and didn't intend to.

After going to bed that night, Rowan had seemingly awoken in a lavish bedroom probably three or four times the size of the entirety of his apartment. He spoke the words as if by reflex, and immediately felt himself shrinking down in the bed. He sat up, feeling his hair flow down across his cheeks and fall to the bed before long, a big loose mass of light blue silk. His nightgown shrank to fit the narrowing shoulders and slimming frame as with the increasingly familiar gentle tug downstairs, he was changed into a woman. Her chest puffed forward not long after, a tail sprouting from her back and her ears stretching up into tall, fuzzy triangles just as comfortable as stretching her arms after exercise.

She looked around, uncertain whether this was real. Dreams were normally not so..coherent. Eventually she stood up, the normally long nightgown trailing just to her thighs despite a considerable loss in body height, and then the bedroom door opened, and in walked a far taller, more beautiful woman sporting seemingly countless tails, in what seemed like the pajama equivalent of royal robes.
"Well well," she crossed her arms, smiling—maybe, more like smirking. "You got a lucky shot in, didn't you?"
She felt uneasy around this woman; not like she was hostile, but like she never wanted her to be. "Who..are you?"
"Oh I am a lot of things," she answered. "Some choose to call me a queen or a goddess, but such titles are really still far beneath me. Suffice to say that I am the origin of your new powers. Really, I'm glad to see you get them; the girl I gave them to first had no imagination." She moved strangely, instantly coming noticeably closer—not quite into Rowan's personal space yet, but threatening to be. "You must have noticed by now, you aren't capable of as much as she was. Those are the rules: The killer gets but a fraction of the original's power. But in cases like yours there's an exception. You can regain the full extent of what she was capable of in one of two ways."

"And..what are those?"
The woman nodded. "Practical, aren't we. I like that. Well, the first way isn't even worth mentioning," she said, counting off a finger, "it puts you at a great disadvantage in exchange." Drawing out a second finger, she said, "The second way lacks that disadvantage, but I can't promise it will be easy: You have to kill another of those I have blessed. It even comes with a bonus; you get the full extent of both your new power and theirs if you do this."
"You want me to...kill someone," she repeated.
"Someone else," the woman retorted, suddenly appearing next to her and putting an arm over her shoulder. "You've already proven your willingness to kill those who harm the people. It's part of your duty, isn't it? Surely you can find another wild criminal among the multitude I have blessed to take power from. Anyway," She pushed off, and then leaned over so her mouth was close to one of Rowan's ears—and as much as the smaller girl wanted to move away, she seemed to be momentarily paralyzed, stuck in place. "What's one life next to all those you could save with the full extent of your powers? You must know people like yourself are already mostly water in the first place; with as much control as you should rightly have there are very few wounds you wouldn't be able to heal."

And then...the woman was back to being across the room from her. "Think about it. And anyway...perhaps I should give you the warning I gave everyone else. Trouble is coming to your world, and it's coming soon." With that ominous statement, she disappeared, and right away, Rowan began to wake from the dream. She appeared back in her apartment, in the nightgown and panties her clothes had shifted into in the dream, but thankfully was able to change everything back to normal by speaking the phrase again.

Part of him wanted to think that it was only a dream, that maybe whatever had happened to people caused them to dream that way, and speak the words to change in their sleep. But it had felt completely real, and even now the memory of it was perfectly vivid. What exactly had she meant by 'trouble'? He told himself that he couldn't report this to his superiors even if he wanted to; they'd just laugh it off because to them it really would appear to just be a dream.

Could he...should he try and gain the full extent of his powers? There were a lot of criminals and lunatics who had been given those powers, and with his own new powers, there was already talk all over the station of him being sent out to deal with them. All he had to do was...shoot, or slice, to kill, and later claim he had no choice. But...that was wrong. Even those who had gained these strange powers, and were abusing them, were people—citizens, with rights like everyone else. He couldn't kill someone just to serve his own desires, even if those desires involved saving lives.

Maybe it wouldn't even matter. Just like yesterday, perhaps his hand would be forced regardless. And if it did happen, and had the effect the woman suggested, then he could mention the dream; there would be solid evidence then that he'd learned something true from it.

Classes were not cancelled on account of worldwide fox-girl epidemic. Blake found it deeply difficult to concentrate on the math lecture when he was thinking about what had happened over the weekend. Was trouble coming? Had he accidentally partially mind-controlled Ning, err, Gerald? Had he left enough of a trace somehow, despite being extremely careful, for the police to track him down? Or worse, track the 'bank robber' down? ...That would be bad.

There were happier thoughts to distract him, too. The idea of patrolling around town this afternoon between science class and suppertime was deeply appealing, even if he probably wasn't going to run into any criminals, since this was the real world after all. He caught himself daydreaming of dashing around town, maybe jumping from rooftop to rooftop where it was reasonably safe to do so, like the chase with Ning the other day but without any stakes...It was just too much fun to pass up. None of his homework was due until later this week anyway, so he could just do that tonight.

On the way to lunch, he opened the map on his phone and tried to plan out a route to run around and building-jump on. Preferably businesses that had nice, flat, sturdy roofs on top of them rather than people's homes. The sudden ability to be amazing at parkour changed the normally dull commute to the dining hall into a survey of places to wall-kick or -run, things to jump off of or onto, and so on. He was still doing it during lunch, enough to make the people eating across from him turn around a couple of times to try and figure out just what he was staring at.

He told himself to be patient, it was only an hour , but physics class just seemed to drag on and on. He wondered: Didn't he violate physics now? Probably in a lot of different ways, honestly. Or, well, what did they do when something violated known physics? Write new physics? Nobody was even asking their teacher about this, despite the fox-girls being all over the news, and Blake sure didn't want to be the one to do that, what with the whole secret-identity thing. Well, they had things to learn, and a class to pass, and maybe most of the people here were just holding on to normality as hard as they could. Sure, back at lunch and walking around and on the way in and out of this class there were people talking about it, with a wide diversity of opinions represented...but it was all hypothetical talk of something distant, almost fictional to them.

Maybe this was just what the human mind did when confronted with such a deep-seated defiance of what it thought to be reality. All of this hardly felt real even to Blake, for as tight of a grip on the reality of the danger as he consciously kept while being Light. Well, everything would sink in sooner or later, and it did seem better than outright, paralyzing shock.

Finally, it was time to go play hero for a while. Blake had a better plan than just using his apartment's bathroom this time, instead finding one of the several single-occupant restrooms on campus, chosen carefully to be one that didn't have a camera pointed at it, and stuffed the contents of his pockets into his backpack before quietly speaking the phrase to change form.

Light's familiar form came with unfamiliar clothes, including the same shoes as before but short socks, blue-denim short shorts and a blank white t-shirt instead of the dress top and jacket. Also, her backpack had shrunk in size a bit and turned pink, which she frowned briefly at the silliness of before shrugging and deciding it didn't matter that much.

After all, the next step in the plan was for 'Blake' to walk back out of the bathroom and to a certain never-locked classroom with no more classes scheduled for that day and stow the backpack in an inconspicuous corner there. It wouldn't do the whole secret identity form any good if someone stole the backpack from her and Blake's ID and phone and so on. This plan was thrown off slightly by the pink backpack, but it would still be better if it was somehow discovered there than if it was taken off of her person. 'Blake' stood out in the hallway slowly reading some of the posters on the wall, not even opening the door to the room, while she took care of that, and then he casually strolled outside and finally out of camera view.

Light breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, free to do what she'd been thinking about all day! She took off at an invisible run right away, toward the denser part of the city. The first thing to do was find a place with a small enough gap between two buildings and hopefully nobody present—easy enough, there had been a few candidates on the map on her phone before, and a little bit of tweaking of the trick she'd used to look inside of Gerald's house allowed her an easy 3D-image map of the surrounding area to compare the memory of that against.

Before long, she was there. She paused in the middle for a moment, feeling as if she ought to be out of breath or at least a tiny bit tired..but she wasn't. Of course, the sun was still out, so she was getting tons of energy from the sunlight or whatever. Well, the next thing was to try some platformer-protagonist stuff for real!

The fox-girl grinned wide, taking off at a run straight for the wall. A short hop and quick rotation in the air had her running up it, and then with a sudden sideways squat and hard push with her feet she was on the way to the opposite wall. Doing a quick corkscrewing somersault in the air to orient her face-up with the feet aimed at that wall came nearly as a reflex, and in no time she was running up the other wall. Then she did it again, and a third time, before seeing the end of the line rushing toward her and taking one more jump off the wall, a quick reorienting spin, she landed on top of the roof.

"Heheheheh..!" While conscious of her need to be quiet and not literally shouting from the rooftops, Light couldn't resist a small giggle. That was just as amazing as she'd imagined! The wind rushing through her hair (and her ears and tail too) felt great! If anything, that series of ridiculous acrobatics had her feeling more energized rather than at all winded. Well, it was just the beginning. Looking out from way up here, there were plenty of buildings to jump across. She'd thought she was going to be worried about heights, or need to be worried about heights, but the former just didn't apply at all, and the latter...well, being able to wall-run and just being agile in general gave her a lot of options for recovering from a botched jump.

So she went jumping. This was as much fun as it had seemed like it would be, and only after doing it for a few minutes did she remember she was supposed to be looking out for criminal activity. She stopped, kneeling over and then laying down so just the top of her head was poking past the building's edge, looking down. Well..there were certainly people down there. It was a little hard to tell what was going on from this height.

Light stood back up and brushed herself off, feeling a little silly. Of course she couldn't see things from this height. She'd just have to pull the light up to herself to take a look. The image in front of her just showed some normal people milling around..nothing particularly suspicious there. Monitoring the news would've maybe been a better way to hear about crimes happening, but, well, it wouldn't have been nearly as fun. She'd figure something out...

The fox-girl dismissed the image and moved on, jumping over a couple of other gaps before stopping and looking down again for a second. Even from this distance she could see a few police cars down there...of course! If the police were doing something, she could quietly help them out, right? That was a pretty obvious way to find out what needed to be done...maybe getting one of those police radio listener things would be good, too. For now, she made another image in front of herself of the scene down there.

It looked like they weren't up to anything particularly special; that just happened to be a police office down there. But one of the cars was from out of town; on the side it clearly said the name of another city. Two officers stepped out of that car, one of which looked vaguely familiar...they were talking with the others there. The less-familiar one had an extra shoulder-gun-holster thing hung from one of his hands. Light paced a bit, watching as the familiar one took off his badge and handed it to the other one. What were they...? He said something else, seemingly not to anyone in particular, and there was a burst of water; it became abundantly clear why this one had been familiar.

Even with the remote image from her powers, Light was able to see the change in full, unlike over the TV. The officer started shrinking rapidly right away, his hair turning light blue and flowing out across his back and the sides of his face. His body steadily flowed inward and downward, narrowing and slimming all over. His uniform melted into a white vest, a short black skirt, a cape and some blue sleeves. Soon a fairly short girl stood there instead. Her tail spilled out from her back, her ears burst up into the hat, which immediately responded by turning to water and moving to the left ear, attaching itself as some kind of decorative attachment to it. Finally, the last of the water from the explosion speaking her words had created formed into a sheathed katana, which dropped from above her to be caught in her slim, small hands.

It was the girl from the news yesterday. She released the sword, and it turned to mist (water vapor, maybe); then the officer who'd been in the car with her offered her the badge and holster. The former seemed a little awkward to pin to the vest, but the latter had clearly been sized specifically for her current, smaller form, and fit perfectly fine.

Why in the world had they shipped this guy...girl out to Light's town, from her own city? Surely there were plenty of things to be doing with those new powers back there. She was scratching her head about this when one of the other officers had a sudden, surprised expression and pointed. With the different perspective of her image it took Light a second to realize he was pointing up at the roof of a nearby building—specifically, the one she was on right now. The blue-haired girl reacted by saying something quickly and then taking off at a run, prompting Light to drop the image and do the same.

Stupid, stupid! She'd let herself get distracted, pulled too much focus from being invisible. Of course she was back to being invisible now, and just in case sent an image going off in some other random direction, but she shouldn't have been so careless in the first place! After running for a short while, Light dropped down, hanging off of the edge of the building to get a brief aerial view and see if she still needed to be running. That police girl was...still coming right toward her! What was going on here?

Since she was already partway down, Light let go of the edge and bounced off of the walls a little bit to make a relatively gentle landing, then started running through some of the streets and alleys, still invisible. If she'd even seen her drop off the building, she at least wouldn't have an easy time following this trail, right? And after that, she took to the walls again, climbing back up to the top of the building, and kneeling over to be a bit less visible...even though she was invisible right now.

A quick look around...nobody else up here right now. So she'd been followed down. Her ears twitched, picking up a pair of shoes coming up the walls again. Well, running didn't seem to have done much good at all. Light sighed standing up and taking a few steps backwards, away from where she was pretty sure her pursuer was going to land. That prediction was correct; the other girl did a rolling flip from the building across from this one onto that spot, and immediately popped up, water condensing and gathering into that sheathed blade again, pointed toward Light with its hilt in her right hand.

She seemed a little bit out of breath. "You can't...hide from me," she said calmly, between huffed breaths. "I can see...the water in you."
"Well, thanks for telling me that." Light dropped her invisibility, at least for the police-...girl? in front of her. It was pointless anyway, right? "Is there some good reason you're following me around?"
"You are wanted for questioning." Her breath was mostly back already; she didn't have as much stamina as Light but still seemed able to recover pretty quickly. "Is there some good reason you were running from a police officer?"
"I was just running in general, until I noticed you were behind me. What do you wanna ask?"

The other girl glared. "That is not how this works. Change back to your normal appearance and come with me to the station."
"Um.." Light pointedly looked around at where they were just now. "It'd be a little hard to do things in that order. Anyway, who says this isn't my normal appearance?"
"You know something about the robbery two days ago. Someone with abilities matching yours was involved in a later, related incident." Her voice remained calm and still, almost untingend by emotion.
"The only thing I've done recently was help catch a couple of kidnappers. You want to arrest me for that?"
"If you won't come with me, I can arrest you for obstructing justice. I won't ask you again."

"Well, fine." Light crossed her arms. They wouldn't be able to keep her very long; she could probably escape if it came to that anyway; and she could continue to claim not to know anything about the robbery. "But I'll stay like this. There's no law against that."
"People like you have shown the ability and willingness to easily kill people." Her voice showed its first spark of emotion, and it wasn't a good one. "That would be like walking into the precinct with a deadly weapon in your hands."
"Like me?! You're also—and you're the one pointing a weapon at me."
"I have good reason to fear for my life." The sheath turned to water and fell off the blade, and she drew it back, moving to a ready stance. "I won't hesitate to use this if you continue to resist."
Light made an exasperated expression with her hands. "I'm not resisting!"

The girl responded to that by running up and slashing. Light saw the attack coming more than early enough to dodge, jumping away to one side. "Whoa, hey! There's no need to escalate this into violence!"
She stood up, the blade right in front of her in both hands. Water appeared rushing up from around her feet, swirling around her. "You already did! You and other people like you. You think just because you have some kind of powers you can do whatever you want?! That you're above the law?!" While she spoke the water gathered up into several discrete pieces, blade-like shapes all around her.

She wasn't exactly listening. She charged, slicing at Light; the water-blades followed this up, forcing her to dance around and back and sideways and under to not get cut into pieces. One slash came after another, some of the blades surrounding them to keep her from getting too far away. Light was able to keep dodging, but just barely. The girl was in a rage, yelling about lives destroyed, families going without fathers and mothers, but it was just in the periphery of her mind, nearly all of its focus taken up by the task of not getting cut in half or stabbed. Eventually she was maneuvered into a corner, a position she couldn't dodge out of, and with that sharp blade coming down at her her reflexes had her hands come up, a shimmer of light forming into a sword in them just in time to block the strike.

The police girl seemed to look at the blade clashing against hers for a second or two as if it meant something, and then suddenly jumped back, the water-blades turning back into normal, gravity-obeying water and splashing onto the concrete around Light. In the same motion she transferred the hilt to one hand and the other snapped to the holster on her side. Light jumped aside before realizing why: Finding the roar of gunfire even louder with these ears and seeing the pistol aimed right at where she would've been if she hadn't.

"Can we please calm down and talk for just a second?"
"You had a chance to come quietly." The gun was fired again, and barely missed. Without being able to use illusions to misdirect those shots, one of them was going to hit soon. "Then you drew a weapon on an officer." Her voice was completely calm again all of a sudden, but it wasn't the serene calm it had been at first; it seemed almost cold and calculating.
"A wea—what?!" Light noticed she was incidentally still holding her sword, and disappeared it. "It's gone, stop shooting at me!"

The next jump took her off the roof of the building. It would be much better if she didn't have a clear shot at Light, right? If there was somebody else she had to worry about hitting, especially? Surely she wasn't berserk or crazy or angry enough to start firing on civilians, right? Light made a quick few hops across the walls to land in an alley and started running as soon as her feet hit the ground. Another shot rang behind her, along with a sound she thought was maybe the bullet going into the asphalt.

Light kept running, out into one of the main streets. She made a decision to be visible at this point; if that other girl was going to shoot her she would have to do it in front of a whole lot of witnesses. There were people on this sidewalk, who took notice as she ran past and around them, over the road briefly and onto the other sidewalk. They had probably also heard the gunshots; what were the chances anyone around here hadn't? Light stopped in front of a store window, turning around to look. The other girl was on the other side of the street with her weapon still drawn. There was a car coming, and she'd stopped to wait for it. But...

There was something wrong with the light. She could feel it somehow, being bent unnaturally somewhere just over the middle of the road. The car drove past, and Light saw the other girl looking up at the same spot. It was like a ripple in a pond, only it was in the air, and not a heat wave. It spread and grew, turning from waves to something black and..fuzzy, indistinct. Everything else seemed to be crawling by; this was the same kind of slowed-down perception as seeing a person change to their other form.

The shadow grew into a huge shape, like a giant bear. It solidified and grew more distinct, gaining something between feathers and scales all across a huge body with four thick legs, each ending in long, hook-shaped bladelike claws. Before long, the pitch-black creature fell to the ground, landing square on its hind feet and shattering the road. Even fully formed, it seemed to have a smoky, mist-like quality to it. It was facing away from Light, straight toward the other girl.


  1. And so the trouble reveals itself at last.

  2. Seems that it is time to find out what the 'other' threat is...

    Interesting that a police officer of all people would lose their cool to being turned into a small fox girl with superpowers... Perhaps the water powers themself come with some mental instability? Or perhaps it's a side effect of the incomplete powers?

  3. "Only if forced", "still have rights", pah.
    And, manipulating water to refract light to create an illusion, against a person with the ability to manipulate light itself? This guy is super smart... Light should make the "monster" tap dance or something, haha.

    1. Sometimes a person thinks they'll act one way when they're planning it all out, and then their emotions get the better of them. It's worth remembering that Rowan just saw a bunch of friends and coworkers get killed or seriously injured the day before.

    2. Oh, not criticizing your writing, I'm criticizing the character itself. I didn't say a word about Rowan as a character, my criticism was entirely of him as a person.
      ...Also maybe projecting a little bit of bias against American cops to the character, to be fair...

      And if he's so emotionally compromised, he shouldn't be out on the streets again so soon. Whether he admits it or not, he *wants* to kill someone right now, and while that's never acceptable for anyone, it's *especially* unacceptable for a police officer.

      ...Haha, I'm getting way too worked up over a story. '-.-

    3. That's fair. One could say Rowan isn't the only one not thinking clearly in this bizarre crisis. Actually these comments give me a few interesting ideas to carry things forward with...

  4. Not going to lie the police officer already seems like they will be annoying.
