Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pixie's Prank


  1. both ideas sound good but can you please update us on the percentage of the next caption because i started thinking you were dead

    1. I don't do percentages for two reasons: 1, I have kind of a rule on this blog that I will only make substantial posts--which is usually either a caption or at least part of a story, with a few exceptions I thought were important enough for a post. 2, while I could say that a caption for which I have an image and an idea I like is, say, 50% done, that is in no way a predictor of how long the caption will take to get completely done, or in fact even a guarantee that a caption will materialize from it at all. Basically you'd be looking at a ton of 50-80% captions, most of which won't be done for a while and a few of which may not even get done at all. It doesn't help that I never title a caption until it's finished, so I would either identify unfinished captions by concept or vague, unhelpful numbers. And I don't want to disappoint people by listing out a concept I have for a caption that never ultimately gets written for one reason or another.

      So bottom line, I just have too many more important things to do with my time (which includes actually writing captions) than making up unhelpful numbers inaccurately representing progress that may just end up disappointing people anyway.

  2. I'd go with the wishing website. Also, I'd love to see the pixie prank some more

  3. I think that both ideas are great but i really liked the caption with the mage game. I really think you did a great job on that kind:D

  4. I didn't think you were dead, but I've missed your captions very much! Anime caps are the best!

  5. I find both ideas interesting, but my first pick would have to be the pendant.

  6. Hey, glad to see you aren't dead. ;)
    I'd prefer the wishing website caption first. Sounds interesting.
