Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wake Up

Just a simple one.


  1. did the person portrayed realize that he changed? It doesn't seem like it...

  2. Great idea for a transformation and a great caption, despite typos. Well done!

  3. I can't find the typos...which is weird, because I'm usually pretty good at finding those things.

  4. I see one, but its a grammatical typo in the third paragraph, you capitalized "He" which was after a comma

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. how do you get the caption with the story already on it? i have to put mine under the picture.

  7. I use image editing programs to put my captions together; used to use MSPaint but these days I use photoshop. Usually I write the caption in a text file, then put it onto the image; that way there's plenty of time to look over and edit it easily before turning it into a whole image.

  8. Weird, I seem to recall publishing those comments before...

    Anyway, I usually use image editing programs. Used to use MSpaint; these days I use photoshop but that costs money.

  9. gimp is pretty much a free version of Photoshop. If you have never used Photoshop before, gimp had an extremely complicated interface (heck, it still is complicated even if you have used Photoshop before!)

    I recommend, its easy to use and its kinda like a halfway point between MSpaint and Photoshop.

    Back on topic, good cap.

    First sentence of the last paragraph "Bea grabbed the clock, rubbing her sleepy eyes, and grabbed the clock" I think one of those grabbing the clock's is a little redundant ;p

    Just gotta say, great caps man. Ive been a long time lurker of your blog, just made an account lol.

  10. Your captions are the best! Are you done making them? If you are, at least let us know.

  11. Trust me, if I ever make a decision to stop making captions forever, I'm going to let everybody know. Most likely in the form of a whole post or something.

    But no, right now I am not done. As I think I've stated before, there are simply periods of time in which I feel less inspired to write captions and more inspired to do other things. Considering how slow I am at doing this in the first place, it tends to lead to at least a month of apparent total nonactivity, usually more. Suffice to say this isn't the first lack-of-activity period there's been, and it won't be the last.

  12. Please make more captions

  13. If you cant make more captions, could you update your challenge blog with a few more pics, please? :D

    Finding a picture of an attractive anime girl shouldn't be too hard ;)

  14. where can i get that clock

  15. @Tg4Fans:

    To be perfectly honest, the reason the challenge blog hasn't been updating much is because I wanted to wait until there were more captions for the existing posts so they wouldn't get buried. I have at least a few lined up to do, but they've been waiting until there was actually some interest in it again.

    Maybe I have the wrong idea, but I've been gauging interest in the challenges by how many responses they've been getting, and they've barely gotten any at all lately. One or two of them don't really have any caption at all.

    I can go ahead and put something up, but if nobody responds to it that looks to me like there's no interest in it.

  16. Since this particular post has been spammed up with questions already, I hope you won't mind me asking my own.

    Do you have any specific sources for your images, or do you just google for them?
    If you just google them, do you have any specific tags, queries, or keywords you use?

    I'm a bit of an aspiring capper myself, and a huge fan of yours; and your caps always have such fantastic, high-quality images that I can never seem to come by.

    If you don't mind!

  17. @Anonymous: There's really only one category of comment I don't let through on my captions, and that's the trolling sort. I'm only picky about comments in the challenges, since I want those to all/mostly be captions. What I mean is, don't worry about spamming up anything.

    Anyway, I think I've mentioned this before but it might have been in a private conversation somewhere else. When I first started doing captions, I used photobucket's search function, mostly searching for anime girl, anime woman, or similar tags, sometimes tacking on things I was looking for for a specific caption (like if I needed a catgirl picture, anime cat girl.) Sometimes an image will have a website listed on it, and I tended to go to those websites also, to see if they had good sources (some did and some didn't). These days what I use a lot is anime imageboard sites like safebooru, danbooru, oreno.imouto, etc. I should warn you that a lot of those kinds of sites do have very explicit images, safebooru being the exception as it is specifically supposed to be (at least relatively) work-safe. Google search can sometimes be useful for finding imageboards, but I'm not really sure what tags to try for that.

  18. Thanks a bunch!
    I'd never even heard of those sites, and Google Image search is VERY limited, so it's a real help.

    Thanks again.

    Also, keep up the awesome work on your caps. Love them!

  19. Is it safe to assume you are done?

    You say you have no inspiration, but tons of people want to see more.

    Please make more.

  20. Indeed, you have many fans. I never post personally, but at least once a week I take a peek to see if there's any new ones added.

  21. Please make more captions and stories, I love you're beautifully told work! I especially like Midas Journal, please continue!
