So, this is an episodic story I worked on for awhile. It's kind of slowed to a halt as of right now, but I hope to re-continue it sometime soon, as I do have some plans for it. Since I haven't had much inspiration for captions lately I'm just gonna plan to post what's done on this in over a few days or so. It's old news to anyone who's read this at MSF, but here it is anyway. First part:
Entry: Mar 19
Part 1
If you're reading this, congrats on finding it. This is a secret, top-secret file. I've hidden it as deep in my computer as I could, so nobody would ever find least, not easily. Not without my knowing, or unless something's happened to me.
And if you're reading this, I'm not crazy. Okay? I'm writing this, journal thing just because I'm trying to make sense of what I've been seeing lately. I know nobody's ever going to believe me, file. Clear?
So...lately things have gotten really, really strange. The worst part, I guess, is I'm starting to get used to it...but I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's what happened:
A week ago, the Friday night after my 18th birthday, I went to sleep like I usually do. And I had a dream. But it wasn't an ordinary dream—it was really distinct, I could remember it after I woke up, and, well, I didn't feel like I had any control over it, even though I immediately knew it was a dream. All I saw in it was a man touching some fruit and it turned into pure gold, touching a cup and it turned into gold...something like that. Then there was this...flash, and then I woke up. Okay, so I had a weird dream. But that's not even starting with the strange stuff.
The night before one of my little circle of friends, Carlos, had stayed the night, sleeping on the floor under a blanket. I woke up in the bright morning light—you know the kind, it always interrupts a good sleeping-in, and you wind up giving up after a few minutes of flailing and getting up well before noon—and he was still sleeping there. The other side of my bed was up against a wall, so I had to step out where he was sleeping, practically on top of him, or else risk waking him up. I was careful enough not to actually step on him, but my bare foot did catch a good bit of the blanket. I didn't think much of it, stepping over the other side of him and going to the bathroom, but when I came back that part of the blanket had turned from blue to pink. Furthermore, the pink was spreading like someone was pouring a big bottle of dye on the spot, and it was somehow not staining anything but the blanket.
As spread to the part of the blanket over Carlos's body, his hair turned blue—no just, all at once, changed color. And then his bangs grew out, the whole curly mass turned straight and smooth...I was already confused enough about that, and then I noticed the rest of his body.
There were two things wrong with that picture: One, there was no evidence of his wearing any clothing under the blankets, even though he'd gone to sleep in boxers and a T-shirt the night before...and two, he was shrinking. The blanket started to trace contours, his stomach was sloping in. Then the blanket itself got, well, a lot smaller, so when he rolled over lazily onto his side I caught view of the front of the stomach...which had turned flat, smooth, a little pale...and his legs. They seemed longer than before, and they were getting a shapeliness to them, the bumps and ridges between the hips and the feet reforming into single, smooth lines. His hips started to spread out, pulling the top of the legs each way, and in trying really hard not to look there I snapped my eyes back up, to find the blanket forming a kind of loose sleeve around each arm.
Those arms were shrinking, much like the legs; his fingers thinned and shortened, the nails growing out just a bit and becoming polished, uniform. My focus was drawn to his face as one hand reached up and brushed the strange, blue hair gently. It had become smaller too, the chin less defined, and turned the same palish color as the rest of him. His eye shape had changed completely...even closed, they seemed so strangely large...
My eyes were drawn to Carlos's chest. I really didn't want to look, but it was hard not to. I was struck dumb by was like...well, the expression goes “like watching a train wreck”. No matter how much I wanted to look away from something I couldn't, because somewhere beneath the dread, fear, and otherwise freaking-out that was going on inside my brain I was mesmerized by it. His chest was growing...he...she... was filling out. The little bumps grew, and grew, until they had reached a fairly...large...size.

Before I could say or do anything, she opened her eyes...which had turned the same shade of blue as that hair...and looked up at me.
“Morning, Kael,” said a light, upper-alto voice from her lips. She got up, the former-blanket now acting as some kind of bathrobe, and I forced my eyes up to her face..forehead. She leaned over and gave me a very brief kiss on the lips before going off to the bathroom, and starting the shower.
Well, I was confused, to say the least. The problem of Carlos turning into a girl was complicated by the fact that the first thing she did was kiss me and not even worry about a lack of clothing, and that was made about twenty times worse by the fact that she What I felt was a mixture of surprise, confusion, embarrassment...somewhere at the back of my mind, a kind of elation, stirring up more embarrassment and a good bit of revulsion.
I sat down on my bed, trying to work out just what was going on here. After a few minutes the shower stopped, and I looked up, ready for...well...okay, so I wasn't ready. Not at all.
To my surprise, Carlos walked, not the girl, wearing the change of clothes he'd packed last night.
“Hey, what's eatin' you?”
“Um...nothing. I think I had a..a weird dream, that's all.”
The rest of the day was...normal. We played some games, and after awhile Carlos went back to his house. The whole time I made sure not to touch Carlos...or his clothes.
So after that I got to thinking that it was just a...hallucination, or some kind of dream where I woke up somehow already sitting up. Maybe I was sleepwalking. Dreaming. Dreamwalking. It was a good, normal three days before such theories were blown out of the roof, in other words proven totally wrong.
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