Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Lost and Found, Part 3

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Part 3: Would You Mind?

Greg, now an unbelievably hot catgirl, was holding her roommate's hand, pulling the witch-looking girl straight out the door to their room and into the hall. Jared's heartbeat picked up a little more from just this slight touch, her cheeks starting to burn...what was going on there!? "Wa-wait!"
"I-I-I uh, m-my ID card and stuff is..."
"Oh." Greg exhaled an impatient sigh. "Go get it, then."
Feeling a dire sense of urgency, Jared took the minimal time possible to grab the strange magically-appeared purse, only taking a second as she walked out the door to also stuff the wand responsible for all of this mess inside of it.

No sooner did she make it back out than the catgirl grabbed her by the wrist to lead her on, and the strange, excited feeling started up again. Not just from confusion about that, but because Greg was (like always) much stronger than she was, Jared let herself be pulled along the hallway, off to the stairs, and then all the way to the cafeteria. People they passed sometimes spared a confused glance, but even though she'd lost some height, the catgirl had no less of an imposing presence than before—besides which, she was pulling the shorter girl along pretty fast, not giving many people time for more than one brief look.

Once they got inside and lined up for their trays, Greg finally let go of Jared's wrist. She was finally able to take a deep breath and calm down slightly—but only slightly; now that they were staying relatively still in one place, she could feel people's stares. Still, nobody seemed to approach too closely, either because they didn't look as weird as she thought, or—again—Greg's glare keeping them away.
Now that she was surrounded by the smell of food, Jared had to admit...she was pretty hungry too. Her body didn't usually appreciate skipping lunch to begin with, and perhaps casting "spells" or transforming or just all of the excitement in general had taken something out of her. So she went about picking up a bunch of food for herself, paying for both of them, and then meekly following the big redhead outside. There was a little sort of "picnic park" nearby which students were encouraged to eat at so the cafeteria wouldn't be so crowded, but far fewer people ever actually used it than it seemed built for. It made for a relatively quiet and sparse area for them to sit across from each other and eat.

Jared couldn't help noticing the catgirl had put together a plate of...mostly fish for her lunch. Greg often liked to go for a lot of protein, varying which kind of meat from one meal to the next, so it wasn't impossible that this was what she was going to eat anyway—but if so, it was at least an interesting coincidence. The catgirl kept a frown on her face while she ate, but it felt more and more fake the more Jared looked at it; she was definitely enjoying her food...if not the company.

Their peace and quiet didn't last quite long enough to finish eating, however. Just as Jared was getting started on dessert, a tall, brown-haired guy basically bounded up right next to their table. "Whooaa! Are you a real witch!?" he asked excitedly. "Can you do magic!? Oh oh—is she your familiar, too?!"
All of these questions came on a little too quickly for Jared to actually respond to. Greg shoved herself to her feet at this point, brandishing a fist at him. "You're gonna be really familiar with my fist in a minute if you don't leave us alone," she said, looking genuinely angry for maybe the first time since turning into a catgirl. Something about the way her ears folded back made it feel a lot more honest.
The excitable guy put up his hands, backing up a step or so—even though Greg was a fair bit shorter than him. "Whoa, hey—I don't mean any harm, miss kitty-cat! But I've never seen any real magic before, let alone an actual witch! I just think it's super cool, is all!"

The catgirl looked between Jared and the weird guy, then sighed, unclenching her fist and dropping her hand. Probably she'd noticed the blond girl's expression of, more or less, 'please don't actually beat his face in!' "Look, I'm not—what you just said, I'm Greg. You got that?" she said, glaring.
"Yeah, okay," he nodded. "So—Greg—you think you could get your master to cast a spell? Just one!?"
Her cheeks went almost as red as her hair. "My what!?"
"Uh, is that not the right word? I mean—you are her familiar, right? Oh wait—does that mean you can do magic too?"
"Let's get one thing straight—I am not her 'familiar' or whatever, and nobody is my master! But—okay—why don't you show him a little magic, huh?" she said, gesturing from Jared to him.
"Um—I don't know if that's a good idea.." she said a little quietly.
"He is asking for it," Greg said, crossing her arms again. One of the several things he'd called her in the last half-minute or so had clearly crossed a line which no apology from him would entirely make up for. And if Jared didn't want her to start wailing on him, this was apparently her only acceptable non-violent substitute.

Well, they were hoping to find a way to change back anyway...maybe someone this excited about magic would have some clue of, at least, who to ask? Holding onto that fairly weak rationalization, Jared carefully stood up, pulled the wand out of her purse, and tried to come up with a reasonable spell. She was pretty sure that an animal's name was needed, so: "Um—wolf who interrupts our meal, here's some magic for you to feel!" And she pointed the wand right at him.

Just like usual, a spark went out from the tip of the wand, hitting their interloper dead center in the torso. He yelped at the slight shock. "Whoa! That was so cool! With the incantation a-and everything.." He trailed off slightly as some sparks raced across his body, starting to soften his skin, and his body and facial hair began to shorten and thin. However, he didn't seem to pause because of that, but rather so he could reach up and scratch his hears. "Huh..hey, my ears are..?" They were already covered in some soft brown fuzz by the time his fingers started working on them, and it was getting longer and thicker by the second. "Growing..? Was that a transformation spell!?"
Jared stammered, "Um—"
"Yes, it was," Greg interrupted her, putting her hands on her hips.
"Th-that's so~o co~ol!" he said, his voice cracking mid-vowel, twice, and coming out a little higher in pitch each time. He lowered his hands from his ears to lightly touch his cheeks, and by now the magic had done its work on his skin, leaving them visibly—and no doubt palpably—quite smooth. His ears grew even faster now, rushing outward and upward into a pair of fuzzy triangles even bigger and taller than Greg's.

"A~ah—whoa..!" The wolf-eared guy lifted his hands off his cheeks in surprise, shuddering slightly, as his hair suddenly burst outward, taking less than a second to grow some wild locks sprawling out onto his shoulders on the back and sides, with some longer bangs helping to frame his face. "A~ah..!" His voice continued to change with each utterance, lilting up to a youthful-sounding tenor as a slim, dark-brown tail slid its way out from his back. "Aa~ah, arfh..!" He let out a sort of barking sound as the tail quickly fluffed out thicker and kept getting longer. "Rr~rfh, rrfh..!" With his mouth open from the barking, some of his teeth could bee seen growing into longer, sharper fangs. Soon they, and the tail, reached their full size.

"W-wow, wow!" He sounded like a young boy—in how he talked as well as the pitch of his voice—as he curled the tail up between his hands to feel it. "A real tail! Man, I've always wondered wha~at it..aah.." He let go of the tail, dropping his arms to the side as he shuddered slightly once again. His hair grew a little bit longer on the sides, but gained at least half a foot of length in the back. "Mm~mnh..!" His voice changed even more now, lilting out of masculine range entirely. There was a sudden, brief eruption of sparks off of his body, and then...

"Aah, aa~aah..!" He brought his arms up to hug himself tightly, squirming like he was struggling against some invisible restraints. His body rapidly shrank downward and inward, losing maybe an inch of height per second. "W-wah, aa~ah..rr~rrfh..!" His shirt and pants seemed to keep up with the shrinking, continually pulling tight enough to show his shoulders narrowing, his waist slimming, his arms and legs getting shorter and thinner. His pants didn't seem content to just pull close around his legs either, instead pulling their leggings up shorter and shorter to show off some smooth, increasingly slender and girlish legs.

"Rr~rfh..w-wa~ah. aa~aah..!" The shrinking went on and on, turning his face soft, round and cute, pulling his height down to match Greg's..and then even more! By now his voice had shifted into an adorably high, soft soprano tone, and his pants had beecome a pair of shorts steadily making their way up his thighs, and also starting to pull awfully tight against an unexpectedly small bulge between his legs. "Mm-mm~mnn~nnh.." His eyes fluttered shut, his face alight with a blush, as the bulge visibly shrank too, his height loss finally slowing down just as his eye level crossed below Jared's.
"Mm-mr~rfh..!" This bark came out high, like a cute puppy's. His shrinking came to an end at last, leaving his eye level about where the blond girl's chin was. "A-aa~aah...!" Finally, his sex changed, the pants pulling completely flat between her legs.

"O-oh. wah, wo~ooOOOOO~OOOWWWwwhh...!" She dropped her hands back to the side, wobbling back and forth excitedly, as her hips and thighs pushed themselves out slightly thicker, and at the same time her chest insistently pushed itself out against her tight shirt, a pair of small bumps forcing it to grow back some of its lost size. "M-mnngh..rrfh, rr~rrfh..!" Her ears were low and her tail wagging happily behind her as her new breasts continued to grow, and her hair steadily flowed out even longer. "Aah~...mrrfh!" There was one last push from her chest as her hair grew long enough to fall across the base of her tail in the back, growing them to an impressive size for her diminutive height—now a bit less than even Jared's.

The wolf-girl blinked her eyes open, still blushing, her lips opening into an adorable grin.
Soon an equally cute giggle erupted from her mouth. "H-heehee~..! Dude, that was amazing!" She looked around at her surroundings, at the other two girls.
Jared started, "Well uh, I'm glad you think so, but—"
"Waah, everything's so big, too! At least I won't bump into any doorframes like this, though!"
"You should probably know, I'm not exactly sure how to—"
She rushed up to Greg, stopping just outside her personal space to grin up at the now-much-bigger catgirl. "Hey, did she transform you, too!?"
"Yes, actually. And if you'd quit interrupting her and listen for half a second—!"
"Oh, yeah—sorry. I'm just super excited to get turned into a cute wolf-girl, is all! I am cute, right?" she asked Jared, scurrying up a little closer to her.
The blond girl felt her face flush at this rather unfair question. "Um—"
"Shut up for a half second!" Greg said angrily (jealously?), saving her from having to answer.
"Oh yeah, whoops. Shutting up now. Zzzzzp," she made a noise and motion like zipping up her lips.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lost and Found, Part 2

First / Previous / Next / Last

Part 2: Who're You?

Jared paced back and forth in the room rapidly in a small panic. "I, I'm not supposed to be a girl! I can't—I've got a class in like two hours! How did any of this—!?" Her eyes settled on her bed, and more specifically the stack of now-neatly-folded clothes on it. They'd finished their "work" while she had finished hers. It wasn't so much the clothes themselves as remembering how they'd gotten that way that got her attention. "The wand!"

Scrambling around, she quickly found where the thing had disappeared to—it had rolled itself under a nightstand. So she fell to her knees and carefully reached in, managing to get a hold of it and pull herself back to her feet with it in her hands. There was also a purse on the floor, cast in black with yellow accents much like her outfit, which turned out to contain what had been in her pockets before.

She glared at the little black-and-white cylinder. "You! How did you—why did you..?! Aaugh, I'm talking to an inanimate object!" she declared, violently waving it around in annoyance. Then she thought: If casting a spell with the wand had done this to her—even though she definitely hadn't said anything in that spell resembling 'turn me into a chick'—then maybe another spell could just...fix this?

"Uhh.." Jared had no idea which part of the way she'd cast the spell had made the wand work, if any. But she had some moderate grasp of the scientific method. "Alakazam, turn me back?" she tried, waving it backwards at her own face. That didn't get a response, but...maybe rhyming was the important part? "I don't wanna be a girl, so turn me back before I hurl!" she tried, giving it the same kind of flourish that had succeeded in making her clothes fold themselves. There was, however, still no response.

"Gaaaaah!" Feeling very annoyed by now, the little blond-haired girl shook the wand around in frustration. But as soon as that sound had finished leaving her lips, she heard something that made her close her mouth after a brief, squeaking "..Eep!"

Footsteps in the hallway had been plenty to remind Jared that she was very much not alone in this dorm, and the walls weren't exactly soundproof. She'd made a lot of noise in the past few minutes, including some shouting. Was that one of the RA's coming to her door to ask what was going on? But the footsteps faded after a moment, and she breathed a small sigh of relief.

She now spoke in an exaggerated almost-whisper: "Okay, okay, uhhh...animal?" She'd said something about a lamb with the spell that had worked, right? So she tried waving the wand around again with another spell: "Turn me back into a a, bird?" It occurred to her that all of that hesitating might be making it not work, but she'd sort of stuttered out the one that did work, so that couldn't be it either!

"Uhh, umm..." While she was still trying to come up with another spell, Jared heard more footsteps approaching through the hallway outside. This time, however, instead of fading...they stopped. This was followed by a knock on the door—on her dorm room's door! She jumped, letting in a high gasp, and barely maintained the presence of mind to not drop the wand all over again.

"Jared, you in?" This was even worse than the RA's, or a complete stranger—it was her roommate! "I forgot my econ book."
"Uh—" she started, then realized her voice was way too high pitched, and tried to sort of clear her throat and force it to sound low, like a boy's. "D-don't come in! I' the middle of, something really embarrassing!" This was technically true, just probably not in any way he'd imagine.
"Dude, seriously?" Greg wasn't having any of it. "We've seen each other just out of the shower."
"But I'm—uh—sick!" she protested next.
"You were fine this morning." He was turning his key in the lock! And the door opened outward, so she couldn't even barricade it if she had the time! "I mean, you do sound a little weird, but can't you just..."

He trailed off at this point because he got the door open, and she hadn't even thought to grab the doorknob herself to pull it shut or to hide somewhere. So, instead, Jared's roommate was now standing directly in front of her, looking directly down (why was he so tall!?) and taking in her entire, bizarre new appearance. "You're..not Jared," he concluded.
"I am!" she insisted.
"Um. How do I put this," Greg took a step inside, crossing his arms. "My roommate is not a short chick in a weird, like, witch costume?" he said, lifting one of the arms slightly to gesture at her.
"It's not a—my clothes just—look, something really weird happened, okay!?" she said. "I found this wand in the wash," she said, brandishing it, "and I was just playing around with it, like pretending to cast a spell, and then—it like, zap and then this happened!" she said, gesturing it at her present appearance.
"Uh huh.." He wasn't buying it.

"Look, it did—like, actual magic!" she gestured backwards. "It folded my clothes!"
"Those are Jared's clothes," he admitted, making her very briefly feel like she was getting somewhere with this. "Look, did he put you up to this or something?" It was true that Jared pulled a few jokes in the past, but surely he didn't think this was one of them! What even was the joke supposed to be? How would it be funny?

Laying aside those objections for the moment, Jared came up with a better plan to prove she was telling the truth. "Look—I swear this thing is magic!" she said, pointing at the wand with the hand not holding it. "I'll, cast a spell with it in front of you to prove it, and then you'll have to believe me!"
Her roommate, who was probably thinking that he didn't have time for this nonsense, sighed, gently kicking their door shut behind him. "Okay, fine, show me something."

"Uhhmm..." Jared only now remembered her several failures earlier to cast a spell to turn herself back. Maybe this wasn't such a good plan, but now she was committed to it! So, she just..went with something! Worst case, it didn't work and he kicked her out of their room and she'd...have to figure something else out from there. "Prove you're a real wand by making! Make one appear, just like..that!" she hesitantly improvised, waving it around randomly the whole time.

"Aack!" A bright yellow spark audibly jolted out of the front of the wand, and she felt a recoiling force from it knocking her hand back slightly! What she didn't realize until a second or so later was that the final position of the wand wasn't some spot on the floor or whatever, but rather pointed directly at her roommate. He jumped too, when the spark hit him, about how one might expect from receiving a slight shock.

"Ow.." Greg rubbed the spot near the middle of his chest where the jolt had hit slightly. "Okay, that definitely did something, but...what?" he interrupted himself because the weird girl who claimed to be his roommate was now staring, wide-eyed, up at him.
"Y-your hair..." It had started growing almost immediately, its deep auburn color rapidly brightening as the strands spread themselves out longer and longer.
"What about it? I—" he stopped suddenly, no doubt because he saw some locks falling before his vision, or felt them touching his cheeks. "Um."

"Okaaay..?" Now confused, he reached a hand up to touch the hair and make sure it was real. By the time his hand had brushed through some of it, the hair was already long enough to touch his shoulders on the sides and back. Then: "Aah!" He shuddered. "Wh-what the..?"
What Jared had felt happening to herself before, she now witnessed on him: Little golden sparks making their way down from his scalp, along his face to his neck, shoulders, arms and upper body, and on downward. Everywhere they touched, his facial hair first—then body hair—vanished away, leaving the skin soft and smooth in their wake. But that could only mean...!

"Ah—agh..!" Greg shuddered again just as the last of the sparks leapt past his feet; his hair was now a brilliant, blazing shade of red, and nearly as long as Jared's! "What di~id you..d-do~o..!?" he demanded, his voice cracking slightly, as his body began to rapidly, visibly shrink. He became shorter and slimmer all at once, his face turning round and cute—especially with the way the loose red locks framed his face. His adam's apple was gone in an instant; his shoulders were narrowing, his waist and arms and legs all getting smaller.
"I-I don't know!" Jared protested. "That spell wasn't even supposed to be aimed at you!"
"W-well, it w~as!" he said, his voice coming out at only a slightly higher pitch, yet sounding less masculine with each crack or squeak. "S-so wha~at..aah..!"

His question was interrupted by something that Jared hadn't experienced. Suddenly something shoved its way out from the left side of his head, pushing all the way through and well beyond his hair: A bright red, fuzzy triangle with a white tuft of fluff inside. "A~aah!" His voice went quite high and soft as this same thing happened on the right side, too, granting him a pair of big, fuzzy catlike ears. They were clearly alive and mobile, too—not some kind of fashion accessory, but his own ears grown out into a brand new shape.

By now, Greg's body had shrunk to just a half-foot or so taller than her, leaving his shirt to hang awkwardly around his slender frame, his pants just barely hanging on. His cheeks had gradually reddened with a blush, which now was almost as bright as his hair or those ears. "Mm-mm~mnn~nh..!" His voice came out at a low, womanly alto as he squirmed around in place, reacting to something that Jared couldn't see at first. "M-mrr~ooww~wwh..!" But then she could—as a slim line of fur the same bright red as his hair slid its way out past the hem of his overlong shirt, twitching itself around in the air: A tail, to match his new ears!

However, the growth of the tail was clearly not the only thing affecting him; he continued to cry out helplessly even as its growth slowed to a halt, leaving it at least as long as one of his own arms. "M-mr~rrnn~nnh..! Aah, aa~aggh..!" His blush became even brighter as Jared had the feeling she was no longer looking at a man at all. And, soon, it was true; Greg let out a high, breathy "Aa~ah!" as his sex changed fully and completely, followed by a low "Oo~oooOOO~OOO~OOooh..!" as her hips and thighs quickly plumped themselves out—a motion visible even through the oversized shirt hanging down around them.

"M-mngh, mrr~rrooo~oowh..!" Another feline noise escaped the redhead's lips as her clothes began to change. The first thing that happened was that everything rapidly became shorter: The shirt's hem raced up past her hips and lower waist, like it was overly eager to fit her properly, and continued all the way up until her entire midriff was exposed; the pants lost nearly all of their leggings, quickly exposing her smooth, shapely legs all the way to the upper thighs.
"Aah, aa~aah..!" More high, cute cries came out as Greg's chest visibly puffed forward a couple of times, beginning to form some breasts; at the same time, her clothes now tightened around her: the shorts that were left of her pants pulling even closer against her wide hips and becoming quite snug and flat between the legs, while the shirt pulled entirely too close around the small, budding bosom.

"Mnngh, aa~aah...mrr~rrrh...!" The next couple of bursts of bust growth came with sounds halfway between protest and enjoyment, but as the last, longest one came, she couldn't help but purr with enjoyment! Her shirt was stretched out by the growing breasts, forcing it to sacrifice the material from its sleeves first, then dip its way down her neckline farther and farther until some cleavage showed—all just to keep from bursting. "Mrr~rrnnnh.." Her purring was low and sexy, her eyes closed, ears low, and her tail flicking around excitedly behind her, until finally her chest finished growing out, leaving her an extremely curvy catgirl. To make matters perhaps even worse, she was still just as fit as ever—her slender arms and legs still visibly toned, and the slim midriff exposed by her shirt converting into less than a tank top still showing off some impressive, solid abs.

Still blushing brilliantly, Greg blinked her eyes open a couple of times and then, seemingly fighting a desire to do otherwise, deliberately curled her lips into a frown and glared down at the shorter girl. Her eyes had changed while they were closed, turning from deep brown to an orange-red even brighter than all of her hair and fur, complete with tall slits for pupils.
"You really couldn't think of a better way to prove it than turning me into a chick too?!"
"I wasn't trying to do that!" Jared protested again. "I swear I was just trying to summon a cat!"
"Well—" She turned partly to one side, curling her tail up and forward so she could run a hand along it, "—looks like you made a catgirl instead, huh?"
"It's not like this thing came with instructions!" she protested further. "I found it in the wash!"
"Well, maybe you should've left it there! Can you at least turn me back?"
"I've been trying to turn myself back since this happened!" Jared said. "I mean, I can try, but—"
"No, yeah," the catgirl sighed. "We probably need to find an actual expert on magic to fix this. Rather than you waving that thing around transforming everyone in sight or whatever."
"Um, okay.." That did sound sort of sensible. "Do you, uh, know anyone like that?"

"Anyway, I'm even hungrier than I was before I got turned into a catgirl," Greg continued, crossing her arms—and seeming to instinctively do it in a way that emphasized her impressive bust. "So before anything else, you are gonna buy me some lunch as an apology."
Jared felt her face heat up just from watching the strong, curvy catgirl move around. But she said, "Wh—seriously!? How can you think of food at a time like this?"
"Because I'm hungry."
"I mean—look how we're dressed right now!"
"Pfft, it's not like anyone will know who we are anyway. So come on already," she said, grabbing Jared's hand to gently pull her out of the room.

Unlike how I write most stories I expect to publish in multiple parts, I didn't really think about or plan out where the separations would be while writing this one. Nearly everything was put together in one free-flowing piece, and afterward, during editing, I went and looked for reasonably logical places to split things up. I guess it worked reasonably well, at least.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Lost and Found, Part 1

First / Previous / Next / Last

This is one of several projects I've been working on off-and-on for a while (a list which does include continuing some of the longer stories, I should mention). It's basically a quick, silly one-and-done in four parts, and I'm publishing all 4 in a row this week now that I've finished writing them all. This isn't nearly as ambitious as The Academy was; I basically had a dumb idea for a premise, generated images for the story I wanted to tell, and ran with it.

Part 1: What's That?


It wasn't every day that Jared did his laundry. Okay, to be honest, it wasn't quite every week. After all, between all of the classes he was taking and maintaining his social life, he had a hard time fitting in a trip down to the dorm's laundry room to sit and wait for the washer and dryer to finish their work. He certainly didn't have time to wait around on someone else if all the machines were full, leading to an increasing trend of him trying to strategize his laundry time to when he thought absolutely nobody else would be there. That sort of thing was what led him to do it around lunchtime on a weekday, when normal, sane people who didn't have classes were eating. It didn't mean the place was perfectly deserted, but his chances of getting his load done were pretty good.

But all of that is rather beside the point. Which is: After he hauled the heavy basket full of freshly-laundered laundry up to the dorm room, set it down, and started pulling out its contents to fold and put away, he found something unusual. He'd gotten about halfway down and pulled out a shirt, shaking it out to make sure static cling hadn't trapped a sock inside of it or something, when something fell out and clattered on the floor. His immediate instinct was, naturally, to put the shirt down, bend over and pick up the object, all before even registering what exactly it was.

As far as he was concerned in that instant, it might have been just about anything he'd stuck in a pants pocket over the past week or so and forgotten to remove. But it turned out this wouldn't have fit in a pocket at all—at least, not all of it. He realized that once he had it in his hand: It was too long for that, even though it was fairly thin, about as thick as his middle finger. It was cylindrical in shape, lightweight—perhaps made of plastic—and black except for a bit of white at each of the ends.

In short, it wasn't every day that one stumbled across a magic wand.

The most reasonable conclusion, which Jared's mind jumped to as soon as he'd properly registered the object he was holding in his hand, was that someone else had, somehow, misplaced it in the dryer. He hadn't checked all that carefully while throwing his own clothes in, so it could've been there. Maybe it should've made enough noise for him to notice, but...then again, the laundry room was a pretty noisy place to begin with. His clothes could've prevented it from hitting the walls of the dryer, too.

"Weird." It seemed like some cheap knockoff toy, not likely to be something anyone would seriously miss. But Jared was an honest enough guy. He thought he might take it back downstairs once he was through folding his clothes and, if nobody immediately rushed up to him wanting it back, maybe set it on a table. Leave a hastily-scribbled note, even, indicating that it had been in a dryer. However, he also found the situation bizarre enough to crack a little joke to himself about it all before putting the thing down.

And so, he waved the wand dramatically, like he was in a Harry Potter movie or something, and recited a fake spell: "Abracadabra, alakazam! Fold my clothes, as quick as a...uh...a lamb?" While he stumbled on the last bit, it at least otherwise had decent meter, and..a singular rhyme, anyway. He wouldn't have expected anyone to be impressed with the performance, but it was only to himself anyway. He certainly didn't expect...well, what happened next.

With Jared's final swing of the plastic wand that had shown up in his laundry, there was a sudden, visible spark, like a miniature bolt of lightning, that went out from its tip to his clothes hamper, spreading out from there across the remaining laundry within. "What the...?" Right away, the clothes at the top were pulled up, the sparks that had spread along them impossibly puppeteering them up into the air and folding them neatly with a few swift motions before sweeping them over into a stack on his bed. Then the next ones below those followed suit.
Seeing this, of course, left Jared pretty dumbfounded. "What the..!?" There was no way—no way that that fake, toy wand was really, seriously, literally magic! Right? It was impossible. Hand shaking slightly, he raised the wand up in front of his eyes, holding it vertically so it was pointed up at the ceiling. "No way!" he said, and then, "Ow!"

Jared wasn't one to say 'ow' suddenly and out of nowhere, of course. Rather, when he was looking at the wand in shock, it had suddenly—seemingly, at least—shocked him! It was a minor one, like he'd grabbed a doorknob after shuffling along some carpet in his socks. It was still enough of a surprise for him to drop the thing, which made the same clattering noise as it had when hitting the floor the first time.

"That was...that was a coincidence, right?" he said to no one in particular, still watching his clothes pick themselves up and fold themselves like they were Merlin's furniture in The Sword in the Stone. "It can't...! I mean, I don't know what, but..!" His confusion about the clothes, however, was going to have to wait, because at this point Jared finally noticed something that had been happening since the wand had shocked him—physically, that is, not emotionally. The way he noticed was the feeling of something tickling his cheeks...followed by the sight of some of his own bright blond hair falling down in front of his eyes.

"!" he mumbled incredulously, reaching up a hand to feel it. It was indeed there—locks that before had hardly made it to his upper cheeks now threatening to brush his shoulders, and with his hand on them he could even feel their motion as they kept on growing out. "How...what..?" But hair was soon the least of his worries.
"Aah!" Jared jumped slightly as he felt a somewhat bizarre sensation. It was kind of like the feeling of the static shock the wand had given him a moment ago, except that somehow it didn't hurt, and rather than being a single burst localized to the hand holding the wand, it felt like it was racing all across his skin: starting from his scalp, dancing down his face to his neck, then along his torso and arms and, of course, the rest of the way down to his hips, legs and feet, all in the perhaps second-or-so that his surprised utterance came out.

By now, Jared could feel the weight of long, golden locks on his shoulders, and maybe a third of the way down his back, too. But there wasn't much room for comment on that, as another weird feeling followed the last. "Wh-wha~at...!?" His voice cracked strangely as he tried to react to the staticy feeling, only to be interrupted by a strange sort of inward pressure hitting him all over. "Aa~aah..!" He let out another startled yelp in a higher pitch than before, another voice-crack interrupting it midway through. "Muh-my, vo~oi~ce..!?" It audibly changed in his throat, the pitch rising higher still!

There was just too much going on to react to all of fast enough. While he'd noticed his voice changing, Jared's perspective had noticeably sunk downward, his body's very height diminishing a good few inches in that time alone. Not only height, but size overall fled his form in response to the strange pressure on his body, causing his shirt and pants to loosen around a slimming torso, narrowing shoulders, and thinning limbs.

"Aah, aa~aah, aa~aah..!?" The pressure grew stronger, and Jared's perspective sank faster. His shrinking accelerated enough for him to feel his shirt tent out around his body before gravity had it falling back down awkwardly around his shoulders. Between his entire self getting smaller and his voice rising higher, he had the bizarre thought that he was like a deflating balloon. He might've been happy to lose the fat quickly shrinking away from his belly, but not all the rest of this! Besides which, he was starting to feel kind of...weird, down between his legs.

A cape of golden blond hair flowed out from the back of his head by now, the tips of the long, soft locks falling as far as the top of his hips—although this was less distance than it would've been a moment ago. Though he couldn't see it, his face had long since lost the complexion of a man, taking on instead a soft, delicate look and rounded shape that best fit words like "cute". When he felt his pants slipping down his now-slender legs, a small, delicate hand rushed to grab at them, but only just caught his boxers to spare them the same fate; the legs exposed in this manner were covered in soft, smooth, hairless skin. And when he let out a soft, confused "Mm~mnnh..!?" at the feeling of his manhood starting to gently tug itself inward, the voice that came out was much too high to be that of any man.

"I..w-wha..?" The pressure across Jared's body was gone all of a sudden, leaving him small and slender, with a soft, flat belly. This wasn't much comfort, however, as he began to understand what was really happening—the slipping sensation downstairs being more than enough to work it out. "Nuh, no, I'm..a guy..! I-I'" He felt the warmth of a blush on his cheeks, and even as it..retreated away, his manhood was strangely excited by what was happening.
"A, a, b-boy..?" Jared's high, cute, girlish voice said hesitantly, followed by a soft, breathy "Aa~ah..!" as the tugging down there grew even stronger. Then there was no more time to protest his gender, as Jared now experienced the feeling of his last bit of manhood melting away, reforming rapidly into something exceedingly different.

"I, I...aa~aa~aAAA~AAaaah...!" This final cry he began as a man, but she ended it as a woman, all of the necessary equipment for that sex forming itself into place astoundingly fast. Just as swiftly, the new girl felt a weird, fuzzy feeling deep inside those new parts that made her cry out helplessly once again, an incredibly feminine "Mm~mm~mMMM~MMMMmmmnn~nnhh..!" accompanying a rapid outward push from the area surrounding her new womanhood that grew her hips wide enough to hold onto the boxers she'd just let go of due to all the distraction, along with some thick thighs and a generous, soft bottom to match.
Coming out of this burst of girlish pleasure, Jared stammered in shock. "Wha, wha, wha—I, I'm..!?" But this was as far as she got before feeling an electric feeling, a jolt not unlike the ones racing across her skin before—only this one coursing through her core, making its way up her midsection to her chest before spreading all the way out across its surface. This was followed immediately by a burst of growth, a forward push centered on each of her nipples that suddenly formed a pair of bumps—the beginnings of a girl's breasts.

"Mm~mMM~MMM~Mmn~nnh..!" The swelling bosom was incredibly sensitive, stimulating the new girl even more strongly than she'd been upon first changing. "Ah, aa~aah..!" Jared could never have imagined wanting her chest to get bigger, but now that it was, and in the throes of feminine pleasure sparked by their growth, that was just the desire she found herself with. And so the little bumps swelled up bigger and bigger, pushing against the material of her ill-fitting shirt, until they had become a nice pair of womanly breasts, not huge but impossible to deny—and certainly big enough to match the generous curves of her lower body. "M-mngh..ah, aa~aah..!" All the while, she was treated to something of a full-course preview of the sort of enjoyment her new sex could experience that she could never have before. And when it did finally end, Jared found herself letting out a high, breathy "Aa~aah..." as a mixture of relief and satisfaction washed through her.

"H-hff, hff...!" As the new girl panted helplessly in the wake of the sudden change, some electric sparks arced out of her body and ran across the clothes she was—or recently had been—wearing, and those clothes began to come alive and move. Unlike those affected by her earlier attempt at a spell, however, these clothes didn't just move around, but actually began to change. The shirt grew rapidly tighter around her small, slender form, but not much shorter. Instead, it spread out quite a bit near the bottom, turning frilly and ruffled as that lower bit became the skirt of a dress. Her poor boxers shrank all at once into a pair of tiny panties, their snug fit between her legs emphasizing her new sex all the more. And her lost pants raced their way back up her legs as two separate pieces of soft cloth, pulling tight around them as a pair of very long dark socks reaching up past her knees. Not even this seemed to be enough either, as the electricity generated a few pieces of brand new clothing too: A bra and an undershirt appeared beneath her shirt-turned dress, a bright yellow ribbon tied itself around its collar, and, last of all, a huge, wide-brimmed hat sparked itself into existence a few inches above her head before gently dropping itself down onto it, proving itself to be a perfect fit.

"I...wh-wha..." Finally catching her breath, Jared looked down and patted her small hands at various bits of her new body and outfit. Lifting the front of her skirt briefly gave her a full view of some soft, luscious thighs and the soft panties clinging strangely close and flat between them. Feeling embarrassed to even see such a thing, she quickly pushed the skirt back down over it!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Battle Vixens! - 138

First / Previous / Next / Latest

Episode 138: The Name of the Game

Simon and Rowan were occupying seats facing each other in one of the VI's lounges. The former gestured emphatically: "No no—that part is supposed to be more of a 'swoop' sound."
Rowan sighed. "I don't know what a 'swoop' sound is. Just repeat the second half again, slowly."
Overall, this was going better than Rowan's attempt to teach Light his phrase. He understood from some communication with the Quinns that the process could be quite slow, but had perhaps underestimated how frustrating it would be. Simon wasn't the most patient of people, and would probably be fed up with this already if he weren't so eager for the end result.

There was a gentle, polite knock on the front door of Amory and Blake's apartment. Amory stood up. "I'll get it—pretty sure I know who it is anyway." Blake vaguely grunted in acknowledgement, remaining seated on the couch with his computer in his lap, continuing to work on some kind of programming project or homework.

When he opened the door, he found Emma standing a bit behind the person who'd knocked—who was almost undoubtedly her sister. She was tall, dark-haired, with a fit but quite filled-out figure, and stylishly dressed—managing to even make a cat-ear band look good. While Emma's new look made it easier to see the family resemblance between the two of them, Amory felt sure he could've discerned it with her original form, too. Either way...

"Hey! You must be April, right? I'm Amory," he said, offering her a hand, which she gently took and gingerly shook.
"Indeed. Pleased to meet you~," she said. "Emma's told me so much about you!"
"Oh? Nothing bad, I hope?"
Emma stammered, "Um—"
"Actually, precious little so far," she said, leaning forward slightly with a teasing sort of grin. "But that she's fond of you tells me quite a bit!"

"Ah, okay. Well—that's my roommate back there, Blake." He sat up a bit and turned half-around to wave.
"Hello there~. Well, shall the three of us get going, then?" It was previously agreed that they'd go somewhere of April's choosing to actually sit down and talk—a restaurant of some sort, Amory assumed.
"Yeah, sure. Right?" he directed this question at Emma, making her jump slightly.
"Uh, right."
"Heheh~," April lightly giggled, seeming to find this exchange entertaining.

Once they were out the door, she said, "So—why don't you tell me about yourself?"
"Alright. I'm a chem student, thinking about going into biochem. So—huge nerd, I guess. I'm an only child, my dad's a surgeon, and my mom...passed away when I was little."
"And how did you and Emma come to meet?"
"I do some tutoring, we first met during that sometime uh, last year?" he asked Emma to confirm.
"And she asked me out a little while after getting powers."
"She asked you out?" April repeated, halfway directing the question Emma's way.
"Uh-huh," she answered ahead of him. "I-I was super nervous, and it took me forever to work up the courage to try. I-I had some help, too..."
Amory said, "'Gemma' actually saved my life a couple of times before that, you know."
"Ooh. So you were aware of her identity?"
"At some point, yeah. Because of all that, I'm sorta involved with the vixens around here—you know, mostly giving moral support."
"A-and thinking up plans, and stuff," Emma added.

They came to the doors leading out of the apartment building at this point, and Amory hurried ahead to open the door for both of them. "My, what a gentleman~," April commented a bit teasingly, brushing past.
"Uh—thanks," Emma added rather shyly.

"So—where are we headed anyway?" he asked while catching up to them.
"I spotted a wonderful little casual cafe in easy walking distance. They won't mind people sitting around to chat for a while. And if we get hungry after some conversation, we can do lunch there as well."
"Sounds good."

"So—what has Emma told you about us so far? That is, her family?"
"Let's see..that it's pretty big—six older siblings, and all your names. I don't think she said what order, although I have a guess."
"Well, it seems like your parents went for an alphabetical sort of theme? And I know you're the oldest. I don't know exactly where Atlas fits, but since Ben and Carrie are twins, he must be second or third, and Beverly the other one. And then Doris, and finally Emma. Right?"
She nodded, "You've got it—and Beverly is the second oldest. But names and ages are far from everything. Let's see, ah..."

Their conversation was interrupted by someone running up with his phone in one hand..Amory was pretty sure he was in their school news club or something. "Emma, hey! Can I—"
"Ahem," April interrupted, subtly placing herself between him and Emma with her fists on her hips. For as friendly and cheerful as she'd been up to this point, she had a surprisingly imposing presence when she wanted it. "Buzz off, Gemma's enjoying some personal time with her family. You can quote that—right, m'dear?" she asked Emma.
"Um—I-I can do an interview later," she said nervously.
"Oh, cool. Sorry about that," he said, waving once with his free hand and heading off.

"Hmph. At least that was a polite one," she said. "I deal with the media occasionally in my profession—if you need any tips."
"Uh, th-that's okay...people have usually been pretty respectful so far," Emma said. "And uh—I can kinda, just disappear if I wanna?"
"True—oh, that the rest of us had such powers," she said.

"Anyway—where was I..." Shaking her head slightly, April started leading the way toward the cafe again. "Right. So: Beverly is an actress—stage, not screen. Not on Broadway, mind you, but the troupe she works with does quite good work. Atlas works at a high-end gym, even training some sports players you may have heard of. He's always been into bodybuilding, and he has a fondness for superhero comics and the like as well, so recent events have had him pretty excited."
"Oh, yeah? My roommate's pretty into comics too," Amory said.
April nodded. "Perhaps we could arrange a meeting sometime. Anyway—Benjamin works at a university, teaching philosophy—or, more likely, arguing with his students day in and day out. He's our sweet oddball, constantly asking questions ever since he was young. Carrie's an artist, does graphic design work at an ad firm, and Doris is still working her way through grad school. Ah, she'd hate being mentioned last, though—always been out to prove she's the most talented and important of all of us."

"And, what about you?" he asked.
"Me? Ah, yes. I work in fashion. Largely in coming up with new designs," she said. "Sometimes costume design for shows, as well. But I'm not really cut out for the runway myself."
"Really? You look like you could be a model."
"Eheh, you charmer," she said. "But really, I enjoy wearing whatever's in, but I could hardly walk the walk. I think it's a much harder life than my own. And, since you're both 'in on things', perhaps I should mention...I'm actually doing some consulting work for the Vixen Initiative lately."
"For the—wait," Emma said. "You mean—are you involved in designing the uh.." After this stream of words came out all at once, and a bit loud, she quickly lowered her voice to a near-whisper despite the lack of anyone near enough to overhear them, "the masks and stuff?"
"That's right," she nodded. "They had a rather bizarre series of requests for me, but I rather enjoyed the challenge. It was really something to see my haute couture on the news last Friday—you know, Magus's debut? It seems like she's customized it a little to her own tastes since then, and especially for practicality, which is just fine by me. I mean, it was only as ostentatious as it was in the first place because apparently nothing subtler was working.

"Ah—here we are," she said, gesturing toward the front door of their destination. She hurried to the door to open it ahead of Amory, saying "Allow me this time," and gesturing for them both to head inside.
"Alright—thanks," Amory said. After that, they wandered around briefly before finding a table in a more distant, deserted corner of the cafe to sit around. A waiter immediately showed up, and April ordered herself some coffee, offering to take care of whatever the two of them wanted as well. So Amory asked for a hot chocolate, and (after some fidgeting) Emma just got a soda.

After a brief period of more casual conversation, their drinks arrived. April took a sip of hers, then put her elbows on the table and made a little bridge above her cup with her fingers, leaning her chin gently onto it. "So, tell me Amory..." she started during this maneuver. "Does does the prospect of a ménage à trois excite you?"
"Uh.." He briefly had difficulty believing that he had the meaning of that phrase quite right, because it didn't seem possible for her to have suddenly asked that out of the blue.
Emma had been in the middle of taking a sip of her drink, and nearly choked on it, barely managing to swallow before saying, "A what!?" in a mortified sort of half-whisper, her face instantly going quite red. So she'd understood her question the same way he had.
"Oh, don't get me wrong," April said calmly. "My meaning is—since Emma can be in two places at once...this is the first time in human history when just two consenting adults could enjoy such a thing~."

Still blushing furiously, Emma quietly sputtered out some incomprehensible, high-pitched stammering. Amory decided to try and help her out. "We...really haven't even thought about anything that, uh, intense."
"Oh?" April said. "How far have you gone, then?"
"Just, you know—hugs, some kissing, and um.." he felt a little heat on his cheeks from this, but it was best to be honest: "...petting."
"Petting?!" April sat up a bit, seeming surprised by this word—but maintaining quite a wide grin for that.
"That is, uh—literally," Amory corrected quickly. "Like, since she's capable of having, fur? I-I can't say I ever thought about that kind of thing before but..we, enjoy that."
"Ah, I see," she said, lowering her chin onto her fingers again. "But you do realize that word has some more intimate meanings, hmn?"
Emma finally found her voice in time to loudly, squeakily whisper, "Apriiiiilll!"
Her elder sister, who'd been looking Amory's direction this entire time to the point of seemingly ignoring her, lifted her chin to free up a hand to sort of dismissively wave it downward just once. "Oh, please. I've teased the potential lovers of all my other little siblings before, and roughly half have sworn to have their vengeance whenever I find the right man. It's only fair~."

"That's it—that's it. You only stumbled on that very last part."
Rowan nodded, and tried that part again slowly.
"Aaah—no, it's—" Simon repeated it for him yet again.
After exhaling briefly he said, "So, then..." and tried the entire second half again.
"Yes! Yesyesyes!" He stood up excitedly. "Now do the whole thing!"

The effect of finally getting it right was not too different from when he'd accidentally 'won the right to command' Cynthia. Simon's power manifested as a fuzzy, dark-brown, quickly-moving haze that rushed on him very suddenly and quickly. He paused for just a moment in the wake of the strange rush of feeling from gaining that, and then said the phrase a second time to pass his power back to him.

"Odd—Cynth made that look a lot more unpleasant. It just felt sort of weird," he said.
"She was using her powers at the time."
"True, yes," he nodded, and then quickly moved on: "So we should be able to do the thing now, right?!"
"What, you don't want to try it out at least once? You know, find out how it works so we won't be surprised if at some point we really need it?"
Rowan shrugged, standing up himself. He wasn't convinced it was necessary—'Wave' had had no difficulty exercising her powers with no prior practice, after all—but he'd suspected from the start that he wasn't getting out of this encounter without them trying it at least once.

"A test shouldn't hurt, at least," he said, and then his own phrase to shift into blue-haired, fox-girl form.
"Ah, right...!" Seeming to just now realize he needed to be in vixen form himself, Simon quickly blurted the phrase Rowan had just learned to become Petra, maintaining a giant, excited grin the entire time. "So, so—we need to hug or something, right?"
"..A handshake was sufficient for Light and myself," Rowan said. "I suspect it just needs to be a show of mutual trust—" She was cut off by the two-tailed vixen excitedly glomping her.
"Let's gooo!"
Rowan sighed, patting her head gently a couple of times and speaking the newly-learned phrase.

She shifted into water and flowed 'into' the other vixen's more solid form, merging them together. The resulting body grew slightly taller and curvier, Rowan's tail appearing alongside Petra's two along the way. She had one ear in Petra's color and the other in Rowan's, and mostly the former's hair color with the light blue appearing at the tips of her locks.

The fused vixen spread her arms out, looking down briefly at herself and around. "Whoa—okay okay, pretty dissimilar from last night." She felt immeasurably strong, solid, and agile, with command of both vixens' swords and a myriad of ways to use them in a fight popping into her mind unbidden. The excited energy Simon nearly always had was tempered by Rowan's calmer nature, making her feel sort of..balanced.
Still, she couldn't help chattering to herself a little bit. "Anything peculiar to this combination I can't do on my own? Well, an earth dragon's a given, but I've got no desire to demolish this building doing that now. Fancy swordplay feels like second nature, sure sure, and maybe a modicum more precision for sculpting rocks. Additional power behind the water too, as though I don't have enough already!"
"...Shouldn't waste too much more time or energy staying together, really...but I at least need a name!" She tapped a finger on her chin a couple of times, trying to think of something good—and halfway wishing Karis was around to help out. "Water plus dirt makes..mud? Gross, no good," she said, shaking her head. "Hang on—" an image of the grand canyon popped into her head, and she brought the hand away from her chin into an 'I have an idea' kind of upward-pointing gesture. "Water cutting through the earth, carrying pieces with it everywhere...Erosion. That's a little more evocative!" Between Petra's steadiness and stamina, and Rowan's agility and strategy—well, up against an opponent she couldn't shred right away, there was a good chance she could still outlast it, and eventually wear it down to nothing. "Eh—sufficient for now, at least? No need to announce it unless I—we—whatever—do this in public, huh? Hup—"

Splitting apart was reasonably effortless. Rowan didn't feel nearly as winded afterward as from being Wave, but then 'Erosion' hadn't really done much more than stand around and talk. Still, compared to the constant, noticeable effort needed to maintain Wave's fused state, being in the merged form with Petra had come with only the sense of a slight, perhaps even negligible drain. It probably came down to the other vixen's absurdly high stamina, plus the fact that simply standing on solid ground 'recharged' her. Definitely an advantage to keep in mind.

"Aww, we didn't even test anything out," Petra complained..although Rowan had the distinct feeling it was insincere. The split had been as 'mutual' of a decision as anything conceivably could be.
"I'm certain we'll have plenty of time to 'play' tomorrow, if it really is worse than yesterday," she remarked.
"Yeah, yeah—you're right. Gotta be responsible and all. I do have work of my own to get to!"

I know, it's been a while. This isn't all I've been working on; I have a couple of other things hopefully near completion. When it comes to this story in particular, though, I've been having a little trouble just because, after "Rainbow in the Dark" and the fallout from that, we're kind of back in a part of the story where I don't already have a good outline for exactly what should happen. There is another known "landmark destination" things are headed toward, but it's on the next in-story day because back when I had ideas for that, this "break day" in between hadn't even been planned to happen at all.