Saturday, September 30, 2023

Omega Zeta Kappa 22: υ

"Aww come on! Why not?!"
"Not interested. Super bad idea."
When Gene had asked Odin to come talk to him about 'something super important', he'd expected...well, to be honest he'd expected something stupid. But he'd still underestimated the severity of the stupidity.

"Why would I ever, want to ask her out in the first place?" he said.
"Why would y—seriously!?" Gene said, waving his arms up and down incredulously. "Okay, lemme lay this out for you:" He gestured to one side as if there was a projector screen there showing a powerpoint presentation. "Wealthy, famous, well-connected. Not just among us mortals, but with family that's like, super high ranking nobility or whatever in magic circles. The kind of guy you should be friends with if you hope to get literally anywhere in life out of college. And now: A super cute girl, too!"
"Also," Odin counted out on his fingers: "The biggest weirdo on campus, like basically the boss of the weirdos. The owner, basically, of the most weirdo-filled GLO ever imagined. And people say she can read minds, and has blackmail material on half the faculty, and a bunch of other ridiculous stuff that probably isn't even remotely true. But she welcomes those rumors!"
"Hey, that sounds like mostly good reasons to me! I mean, imagine you get a professor who believes those rumors, and finds out she's dating you..."
"Well then, why don't you ask her out?"
"Aww, come on, man, you know the answer to that!"

At least on the level of shallow, skin-deep appearance, Gene would appear to have had a point. He was a blond-haired guy a little on the short side and a little on the overweight side, with glasses on his face and nothing impressive about his looks. Odin was a redheaded, slim, tall Adonis with a full-ride scholarship from the school basketball team. He wasn't interested in dating—not until he had a career off the ground—but girls just wouldn't leave him alone. He had to accept the occasional date just to stave off the jealous comments from other guys of him "not appreciating what he had".

A few of OZK's brand new girls had asked him out this week too, which was just plain weird. He got a weird vibe from basically anyone in that now-sorority, and sometimes even when he walked relatively close to their building. They'd always been a bunch of weirdos in his book—or at least mostly, anyway; he knew of some more practical-minded guys who'd joined just for the better living arrangements. But even those guys couldn't avoid this particular wave of weirdness, and the new girls they'd become mostly gave him that weird vibe too. Plus, he'd heard of several of OZK's members awakening to new and terrifying magical powers, including a few guys who really couldn't be trusted to handle such powers responsibly. Regardless, he still hadn't been approached by the king-turned-queen of that particular castle, and never wanted to be.

"Look," he said, "I don't think Rich is the kind of person who cares what people look like. She runs a whole organization full of nerds and artists and whatever else. You're probably more her type than I am anyway."
"Maan, people say that kinda stuff all the time," said Gene, still pacing around his dorm room excitedly. "'I don't care what he looks like as long as he has a good personality,'" he half-mockingly intonated, "but it's still always guys like you who turn the heads and get a second look. And third, and fourth...and what she looks for in underlings is prolly totally different from what she'd look for in a romantic partner."
"I'm still not interested," Odin said, crossing his arms. "I'd rather stay far away from that place 'till I graduate, and then never have to hear about it again."
"Aww c'mon! If you're not gonna try it, you could at least be my wingman? Come along for moral support? Some of the other newly-hot girls might give me a second look if they see I'm friends with you—if Rich doesn't work out, I mean."

Odin hung his head and sighed. "Gene. Why are we friends, again?"
"Uhh, 'cause I helped you pass your first three math classes? And we like a lot of the same stuff, except for when it comes to like, physical activity. And I imagine I'm pretty a fun person to be around?"
"Yeah, that's what I thought," he said. "Just, needed some confirmation. I guess I can come with you into the lion's den just the once. But I guarantee this won't end well for either of us."
Gene's mood instantly brightened, like turning on a lightbulb. "Hahah, sweet!" Or maybe one of those police searchlights. He ran up and slapped Odin on the back. "Come on, man, you're still a dude! Don't pretend you won't enjoy being around all those hot girls..!"

He found himself standing in front of OZK's dorm late that afternoon. It didn't really make sense how he could feel something weird from the place just standing outside of it like this, but he could swear he did. There were all those girls—in some cases using a weird power Hollis had been 'blessed' with the ability to grant them to turn back into guys. And either way, quite a few of them retained a healthy 'appreciation' for the female figure, especially when it came to someone they were already friends with. He shouldn't be able to...feel something like that at all; maybe he was imagining it, and it was just all the rumors getting to him. Yet...he could swear he did, and that it was coming on particularly strong from specifically the direction of the building in front of him.

Gene gave Odin a look like 'what are you waiting for?', so he shrugged, reaching out and knocking on the door. After a short pause, it opened.

"Yoo!" He'd heard about the new star of the women's soccer team. Well—he'd met Ian a couple of times before, and thought he was a bit of a..'male ditz', perhaps? Not in a bad way; he wasn't necessarily stupid, he was just super friendly..even kind of aggressively so. The thought had even occurred to him before that Ian was kind of like a big, happy, eager puppy. Maybe it was only fitting that Nina was now a dog-girl, or wolf-girl, or whatever. Anyway—what he'd heard hardly did her justice. Not even a sports bra could hide her enormous boobs, and her current state of dress kept none of the rest of her curves hidden from view either, from the slim belly covered in abs to those impressively wide hips. Her hair was a big wild mess, but somehow that only made her look even hotter. "You guys need somethin'?"

Taking all, had cost Odin a second or two before he could process that she'd said something and he needed to respond. Gene was still pretty far from even registering that her mouth had opened, so he quickly took charge. "Uh, yeah—you know whether Rich is in? We friend here wants to talk to her," he said, gesturing.
"Oh, Rich specifically? If you guys want an application, anyone on the council can do that! Orr, I think Sid and Quaid have permission to hand those out too."
"Yeah, no, just Rich. Is she in?"
Her ears drooped slightly. "Sorry, I dunno actually. But you guys're welcome to come check, I guess!" With that, Nina turned to lean her back against the door, keeping it open while making way for them to enter. Or—at least that had to be the intent. Getting past that chest of hers politely was still going to be a slight challenge. Odin tried his best—and, thankfully, so did Gene.

"She'll be on the top floor, if anything," Nina said. "Just knock on the doors up there 'till someone answers, I guess?"
"Uh, thanks." With that, the wolf-girl hurried off, no doubt back to whatever she'd been doing before.

Odin led the way, looking around for a stairwell. Whatever it was he'd been feeling from outside this place..he felt it from all sides now. He could hear girls talking from the rooms he passed—plus the occasional male voice, but he was pretty sure they were OZK members who'd used Hollis's "perk" to temporarily change back. And, of course, he caught occasional glimpses at them through open doors as they went down the hallway. None of them were far from a ten out of ten on the hotness scale in one way or another, and a lot of them weren't even dressed the way he'd expect someone who'd spent most of his life as a guy to. Sure, there were the tomboys, but there were also dresses and skirts around. Maybe there were even more of them dressed like that than he usually saw among 'normal' girls around campus.

"This is weird, right?" he said after a moment.
"I mean—for two guys to just casually be let into a girls' dorm? No security or anything?"
"Well, you said it yourself—terrifying magical powers. Some of the girls here could just zap us outta here with a spell if they wanted, right?"
"Probably much worse. Oh, here we are," he pointed at the sign indicating a stairwell.
Gene tried the door, peeking inside. "Yeah, this is the stairs! C'mon, let's go!"

Climbing the first flight of steps, Odin thought that weird feeling was getting steadily stronger and stronger. It was almost oppressive when he paused at the second floor for a moment to let Gene catch up, and then catch his breath. But then, once they started up the second flight of stairs, it seemed to ease off again. No—this had to be his imagination, or something...

He just needed to finish their business here and get out, and away from here.

"Haff...ffh...okay, dude," Gene said, standing upright after catching his breath once again. "You ready?"
"I guess? I mean, I'm not really doing much but standing there anyway."
"You need to stand there looking hot. And making me look hot! That's a specific way of standing!" Gene insisted. "So, like, no moping!"

"Anyway, which door first?"
"Hmm.." Odin led the way to the one on the opposite end of the little hallway, directly across from the stairwell, then gestured for Gene to do the knocking. This was his whole stupid idea, after all.

"Come in~!" A friendly, female voice inviting them in should not have made Odin flinch like he'd just seen a jumpscare in a movie. But the answer had come the instant Gene's fist made contact with the door, seemingly before the sound waves from the knock could have possibly reached the ears of anyone inside. He shared a brief glance with Gene—who seemed slightly spooked by this himself—and then followed him inside.

This...was not anyone's bedroom. It looked like, maybe, what Odin imagined a small, up-and-coming tech company's meeting room might be decorated, complete with a small, round table in the middle of the room. And, of course, Rich—the owner of the jumpscare voice—was sitting casually on the opposite side of the table from the two of them. Like she'd been expecting them, specifically. This did not make him feel much better.

"Welcome. Odin, and..Gene, was it?" Oh, and she knew their names somehow. Sure. "What can I do for you two gentlemen?" she asked in the most pleasant, friendly voice imaginable. He took it back—this girl alone was why this place didn't need any security. She probably had a bunch of hidden cameras all over the building—no, all over campus, and the room behind this one (there was a door opposite the one they'd entered) was one of those giant surveillance rooms with a bunch of TV's all across the wall that she sat and watched, cackling at whatever chaos the OZK's notorious pranks caused.

"Uh..." Gene was probably having similar thoughts, which prevented him from answering her question. Odin lightly elbowed him, and he cleared his throat. "Yeah! Uh, we—I mean I..wanted to know if, you'd go out with me?" he asked finally, some obvious hesitance in his voice. It sounded like he was now at least as afraid of a yes as he was of a no.

"Oh?" Rich tilted her head slightly, sounding surprised. Surprised? That emotion didn't fit this person, was the first thought Odin had. After that it was, "Hmmmn..." She leaned forward, fixing her gaze right on Gene, looking him up and down. Odin was pretty sure his friend was physically sweating at this point. He at least had the blush of a guy being looked at closely by a girl he thought was cute. Then, finally, reclining back to her original position: "...I'll pass."

"...Oh," Gene mumbled softly. Despite their mutual intimidation before, Odin could feel the disappointment in his voice. Maybe he'd have been happier with her stringing him along for at least a little bit...but maybe Rich, despite the everything about her, just wasn't that cruel of a person.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm intrigued. Despite receiving plenty of compliments about my looks since last weekend, no one's been bold enough to actually ask me out before. But you—just aren't interesting enough as you are right now." She shrugged. Then: "Please, don't imagine it's to do with your looks. No offense, Odin, but I find you even less interesting than your friend here."
"Uh, y-yeah, okay," Gene said. "I get it. Thanks for uh, your time, I guess."
"No problem~," she said, giving a cheerful, graceful wave. And, as Odin started to turn to leave, she delievered her parting blow: "Feel free to try again, if you become more interesting."

With that, Odin gently helped Gene to leave—since he was still a bit stunned by the rejection. They quietly made their way over to the stairwell, and then halfway down the upper flight of stairs, before he finally erupted.

"Arrrrghh! Man, I have never been shot down so bad in my life!" Gene shouted, not particularly caring who might hear him.
"I mean—!" he punctated each phrase with a step down the stairs in front of Odin. "It'd be one thing—! If it was how I looked—! But 'be more interesting'!? How am I supposed to do that!? What's she even think is 'interesting'!?"
"Dude, come on," Odin said, gently pushing him to keep going. They were nearly to the second-floor landing. "You can throw a tantrum somewhere else, maybe? Like, not in her domain?"
"I'm not throwing a tantrum!" he turned around, still blocking the stairs to the first floor, to argue. "I'm just—aaghh!" From the incoherent shout and the way he waved his fists around...Gene was definitely throwing a tantrum. But then he brought his volume down to something more reasonable to say, in a high-pitched voice: "The worst part is, now I really want to date her!" he spread his arms out. "She—like—did you see?! She's not just rich, she's so..powerful! Like, just being in the room with her puts her in charge! She is so much hotter in person 'cause of that!"

"Gene..." Odin tried to sigh. That is—he did take air in and let it out audibly, but only to gasp for air again. He'd been so focused on that entire conversation upstairs, and now his friend's overreaction to it, that he'd briefly forgotten about the weird vibe...the strange pressure, or energy maybe, that he felt from this place. It was especially strong right here, too, on the second floor. And he realized at this moment that, imagined or not, it was physically affecting him. It was making him feel...warm, and out of breath, like he'd just gone on an all-out sprint all the way across the court. He tried to control his breathing, going for deep breaths in and out, but it broke into gasping and panting periodically anyway, and he was only feeling hotter, his heartrate accelerating.

By now, Gene had noticed that something was wrong "Uh—dude—are you okay!?" Odin reached out a hand, grabbing the stair railing hard and leaning some of his weight onto it. "Wait, are you having a heart attack?!"
"Don't...hffh, think so...?" What were the signs of one of those again? He was short of breath, definitely, but not lightheaded, not in pain—it was supposed to come with a cold sweat, but instead he felt hot and wasn't sweating...?

It was...all those girls. And guys, and girls-who-could-be guys. All over this building, people who'd experienced turning into girls, and..liked it. Really liked it. Somehow he felt like he knew, like he could feel it. Odin realized—or at least imagined that he did—that this pressure was nothing new. It had been there, faintly pressing against him, for years; it had just always been so much less. And all this time, he'd been pushing it away without even thinking about it. But here it was overwhelming, enough that he couldn't push it back at all. It was pressing into him, making him feel warm and..excited. And on top of everything else from this building, there was also his friend standing right in front of him—the attraction he'd just declared for Rich. He was completely serious about that; he was honestly attracted to Rich in particular, and that, too, was a part of this same pressure.

"Hff...rrgh..." Odin shuddered, feeling something race down his spine, and then a wave of tingling everywhere. Excited...was the appropriate word for how he was feeling right now. It even felt..strangely...good, now that he'd become fully aware of it. How...why had he pushed this away for so long? It was so much easier to just...let it out!
"Aagh!" He felt a push from the right side of his upper back, something emerging there and spreading out all at once, and then the feeling of air across a wide surface back there. He gasped as this happened a second time—on the left side—and then shuddered again.

"Rr-rgh..!" The tingling had given way to an almost physical pressure all across his body, and at this point it became strong enough that he could actually feel himself changing. The...whatever it was, which had once been a pressure from outside but now pervaded his being, was pushing his height ever so slowly downward, and pressing his form inward to make it smaller. His shoulders narrowed, his arms and legs slimming down, and even his face was sculpted into a smaller, rounder shape. What was...happening...?

"Aaa~aaah...hfff, hfffh, aa~aa~aah...!" Odin cried out between gasps for air, and could hear his voice steadily changing. At first, its pitch rose higher and higher, seeming to audibly age in reverse. But then, as the pressure shrinking him started to finally ease off, he heard it deepen once more, re-maturing itself...yet in a very different way. "Hhhhh—aa~aa, aa~aaah..!" His ears felt strange at this point, and something was pushing its way out from each of the corners of his head, growing steadily longer. "Aa~ah—hfffh..!" And now he felt a sharp tingling across his scalp as his hair erupted outward, exploding out several feet longer at once in the back, floating briefly in the air around his head before deciding to obey gravity and falling down across his forehead, cheeks, shoulders, and back.

He now felt a sharp tingling across his manhood. "Mrr~rrrgh...!" His voice sounded very like a woman's now—a bit on the higher end of the alto side, but still quite mature, and very feminine. The tingling gave way almost immediately to a tugging, slipping sensation. So then, he was...? But why...?

"Mmn, nngh, nn~nngh..!" The tingling, and now slipping-away feeling down there, had the bizarre effect of..exciting the very thing that it was taking away. Odin felt a hot blush across his face, the excitement that had brought on this sudden change only getting stronger, as he felt the thing that made him male disappearing away. This was when he realized—of course. Boys turning into girls...and enjoying it! This was..specifically...the feeling that had set this off. So...of course...that was how his power would first express itself. By giving him that very same feeling. Why, or how, that made sense very much escaped him, however, as the excitement down between his legs made it more and more difficult to think straight at all.

"Mnngh, nnNNgh, nNNAA~AAH...!" At this point, Odin felt his manhood melting away, and heard a high, girlish cry coming from his throat. Almost as soon as it vanished away completely, she was assaulted by a deep, intense fuzzy feeling down there—unlike anything she'd ever felt before—and, irresistibly she let out an intensely feminine "Aa~AAAHHh~nnnhh..!" As the girlish pleasure coursed through her, she could feel her hips pressing outward, her thighs growing thicker, her belly slimming in even more—as she began to take on the form of a beautiful, curvy girl. Just as so many of the people feeding her this...power...had experienced themselves.

"Aah—rr~rRRGgh...!" One final strange feeling not attributable to 'becoming a girl' struck her then, as something pushed its way out from the base of her spine, spreading out longer and longer, stretching out to at least a meter before its tip blossomed into a flat spade-like shape. And then her chest, having already started tingling a moment ago, began to spread forward, forcing more girlish pleasure through the new equipment down between her legs. "Mnngh—ooh, mm~mnnnh..!" She could feel them pushing out bigger and bigger, faster and faster, the tight cloth around them forcibly stretched by the force of their growth. It would've been confusing for the cloth there to be tight in the first place, if she weren't too occupied by these sensations to even think about it. Then, finally, one final push from her chest grew the new breasts out to a fittingly full, enormous size, and she let out another helpless "Aaa~aaAAAHHnnn..!" as this gave her one last girlish climax to complete her transformation. Or, more accurately, her awakening.

"Hhff...ffhh.." Odin slowly came out of her daze and back to reality to find herself still doubled over with both hands gripping the railing for dear life. She slowly pushed herself upright, realizing that her clothes had morphed somehow into a tiny, tight pair of denim shorts, a black sleeveless tank top that dipped deep in the front to show off some cleavage and barely reached halfway down her waist, and—beneath those—a bra and a pair of panties. Despite gaining a girl's figure, she seemingly hadn't become any less fit—so that exposed belly still sported some visible abs, and her arms and legs, despite being slimmer (or, in the case of her thighs, thicker) were still quite well-toned.
And she now had giant, batlike wings spreading out from her back that the short top conveniently avoided getting in the way of, plus an extremely long, slim black tail and—some quick inspection with her hands discovered—big, pointy ears and a pair of giant, solid, upward-curling horns coming up out of her head. This brief physical examination was followed by finally remembering that she had an audience, and she turned, frowning (and still fairly deeply blushing) to Gene.

"Ugh...I knew coming here was a bad idea!"

"Uh, wha—dude, what happened!?"
"I, apparently, turned into a girl. And, like, a demon or something." Now that she was even halfway thinking about it, Odin was pretty sure she understood. The feeling of everyone's..attraction, enjoyment, affection, whatever one called it—which had once been a pressure against her body, was now flowing through and into her. As bizarre and nonsensical as it would sound, to her those emotions were...delicious. And beyond the bizarre sense that she was eating them, she felt a well of power within herself that grew deeper the more she 'ate'. So there was really only one kind of demon she could possibly be.

"You basically brought me to the one place most likely to cause a magical awakening!" she said, furious and blushing, spreading her arms out in frustration and feeling her wings flare out behind her instinctively at the same time.

At this point, the second-floor stairwell door opened to reveal a very short, very cute redhead wearing an expression of concern. "Um, hello? Iiiis everything okay in here? I heard uhmm...shouting?" From the way she blushed (and the emotion Odin felt off of her) when she said this word, it was obviously a euphemism.
Fed up with this, the newly-awakened demon-girl shouted, "Yes, everything's FINE!" and pushed her way past Gene to hurry down the stairs and out of that place.
"Uh, hey, wait up!" Gene called from behind her once she was already halfway to the first floor.

She pushed the front door open and nearly ran into a short, dark-haired catgirl. She had on a way-too-long shirt and appeared to be trying without much success to keep a pair of boy's boxers up around her hips. Odin's strange new sense somehow tasted the color pink off of her...and she could also tell that this was yet another person who'd recently changed from male to female, and enjoyed it, too. But it wasn't any of her business.
"Um—" the catgirl started after a second.
"'Scuze me," she interrupted, brushing past her.

She finally stopped out on the sidewalk in front of the building, turning around and crossing her arms while she waited for Gene to catch up. After a moment he burst out the door and ran up, stopping a few feet in front of her to double over, panting. "Finally...hfffh...caught up..."
"Yeah, sorry—I just, really needed to get out of there." The real problem was that there was a part of her that had badly wanted to stay, and even now wanted to go back. She waited for him to catch his breath so he could stand up straight and talk normally again.
"So, like, is their dorm literally magic or something?"
"No, it's.." She paused, trying to think of the least embarrassing way to put this. "I turned into a demon, see?" she said, gesturing at one of her wings like it wasn't obvious. "Each kind of demon feeds off of a specific emotion or whatever. That place," she said, pointing, "is full to the brim with the emotion that the kind of demon I am 'eats'. And so were you, for a minute there."
"The kind of..?" Gene turned around briefly to look at the building, as if hoping how it looked would help him make sense of what she was saying. Then he turned back her way, realizing: "Oh! You're a succubus!?"

Odin facepalmed—not having wanted to hear the word aloud. She sighed, "Yes."
"Dude, that's awesome! Isn't it? I mean like, you've gotta have some amazing magic powers and stuff, right?"
She crossed her arms, feeling her tail curl and twist back and forth through the air behind her semi-involuntarily. "Probably...I guess."
"You still seem mad about it...I'm sorry, man. I guess being uh..forced into that isn't the best regardless."
"It's..very weird, anyway. Definitely a shock. Whatever, it's not like you could've known this would happen. And I can probably...I mean, I feel strong enough to maybe at least turn back into a guy if I really want to." Being perfectly honest with herself, she wasn't entirely sure that she did. Girlish pleasure was pretty nice, after all...

The door to OZK burst open at this point, and a slim, white haired girl took a few steps out to point dramatically in their direction. "BEHOLD!" A couple of demon-girls came out behind her, one of them—a redhead with miniature wings coming from her head rather than horns—gently placing a hand on her outstretched arm to lower it.
"Okay Xavie, you were right. Go back to your painting, 'kay?"
"Uh, hi," the other one—short with white hair and small horns—said, waving. "Our friend here sensed 'an intense burst of dark power' and thought we needed to know about it."
"I am not your friend," the human one spat, hurrying back inside. The two demons came up to conversational distance.

Of course, like anyone else in OZK, they had the emotional energy of guys who'd turned into girls fairly recently. Odin was also fairly sure they liked each other. "Sooo—newly awakened demon?" The taller one asked.
"I guess. Who're you?"
"I'm Zale, she's Wesley. We've kinda been through that recently. If you want any pointers?"
"Couldn't hurt. I also got turned into girl in the process—and you know all about that, right?"
"Uhh, yep," Zale nodded.

Odin looked back at Gene, who'd been quietly watching this exchange. "So—today's gotten pretty weird. Look, I'm not really mad at you, but—need some time to process this stuff. I'll get back to you later?"
"Uh, okay." He nodded, starting to leave; she put a hand on his shoulder, thinking of something. He stopped and turned back her way again.
"Even if I don't like why, I have magic now. So I'm gonna think of a way to use it, to make you 'more interesting'."
"Worth a shot," she shrugged.
His mood improved right away. "Awesome! Uh, see you later!"
"Yeah." With that, Gene headed back toward his dorm.

Odin had realized—in a sort of rapid flash of thoughts—who she really was angry at, if anyone. The reason she'd awakened, the reason the whole building was chock full of the emotion that made her change this all came down to Rich. She had wanted to cheer her friend up, and what he felt toward that bizarre girl was quite real. But just as much, she kind of wanted revenge...

"So—I'm Odin," she said. "Engineering major. On the basketball team."
"Oh, really? I play tennis," Wesley said.
"Soccer," Zale added. "Hah, guess we've got something else in common. Hey, how'd you end up taller than me?"
"No idea?"
"Sorry—she's a 'pride' type," Wesley said, starting off in a direction with a gesture suggesting they follow. "Can't help it sometimes, but at least it's not envy. I'm 'sloth', so I'm chill."
Odin followed after her. "I guess that makes me...ugh...'lust', then," she said reluctantly.

"Aww, seriously?" Zale said as she came up next to her, not sounding very sympathetic. "The internet says that's the easiest emotion to power up with!"
"It's embarrassing," Odin said.
"Huh, how so?"
"Imagine constantly knowing, in detail, who everyone around you is attracted to, and how much."
"Don't worry," Wesley said. "You do feel the emotions around you pretty strongly at first, but after a while you get used to it, and can mostly tune it out unless you want to know how someone feels."
"Well, that's a relief.

"...So, where are we going, exactly?"
"You need new clothes, right?" Wesley said. "I guess your magic made what you're wearing, but I bet not much else you own will fit quite right."
"And certain..other things you'll need—I mean, if you stay a chick," Zale added. "I bet we can even get Rich to reimburse us for it!"
"Yeah...she'd better," Odin said. "It's totally you guys' fault I awakened into a girl form." Rich would hardly be inconvenienced by footing the bill for this, but at least it would make her feel a little better. Anyway, the real revenge could wait until she came up with a half-decent plan...

Guess what, this story is actually coming close to its conclusion! Can you believe it? There are two more greek letters left for "official parts", after which I'm considering maybe adding an epilogue, depending on how the last main part comes out.

The image used for this story part was found using a stable diffusion-based image generator.


  1. Look at you finally finishing your first story

    1. Yeah, this is the effect of saying "this is a multi-part instead of a miniseries, but I'm going to limit the scope in exactly this arbitrary way and not take it any farther than that." I sort of have a plan for the remaining couple of parts, so hopefully it won't take me too long.

  2. I am going to miss this story when it's finished.

    But I have a question about one of your miniseries, "A Summoning". I've noticed that even though you set up "The Rebirth Program", you haven’t written any stories using that. (Maybe even one with a little stretching of the requirement that the subject be dieing from something that medical science can't stop? But Zotha still decides to grant the change?)
