Saturday, September 30, 2023

Omega Zeta Kappa 22: υ

"Aww come on! Why not?!"
"Not interested. Super bad idea."
When Gene had asked Odin to come talk to him about 'something super important', he'd expected...well, to be honest he'd expected something stupid. But he'd still underestimated the severity of the stupidity.

"Why would I ever, want to ask her out in the first place?" he said.
"Why would y—seriously!?" Gene said, waving his arms up and down incredulously. "Okay, lemme lay this out for you:" He gestured to one side as if there was a projector screen there showing a powerpoint presentation. "Wealthy, famous, well-connected. Not just among us mortals, but with family that's like, super high ranking nobility or whatever in magic circles. The kind of guy you should be friends with if you hope to get literally anywhere in life out of college. And now: A super cute girl, too!"
"Also," Odin counted out on his fingers: "The biggest weirdo on campus, like basically the boss of the weirdos. The owner, basically, of the most weirdo-filled GLO ever imagined. And people say she can read minds, and has blackmail material on half the faculty, and a bunch of other ridiculous stuff that probably isn't even remotely true. But she welcomes those rumors!"
"Hey, that sounds like mostly good reasons to me! I mean, imagine you get a professor who believes those rumors, and finds out she's dating you..."
"Well then, why don't you ask her out?"
"Aww, come on, man, you know the answer to that!"

At least on the level of shallow, skin-deep appearance, Gene would appear to have had a point. He was a blond-haired guy a little on the short side and a little on the overweight side, with glasses on his face and nothing impressive about his looks. Odin was a redheaded, slim, tall Adonis with a full-ride scholarship from the school basketball team. He wasn't interested in dating—not until he had a career off the ground—but girls just wouldn't leave him alone. He had to accept the occasional date just to stave off the jealous comments from other guys of him "not appreciating what he had".

A few of OZK's brand new girls had asked him out this week too, which was just plain weird. He got a weird vibe from basically anyone in that now-sorority, and sometimes even when he walked relatively close to their building. They'd always been a bunch of weirdos in his book—or at least mostly, anyway; he knew of some more practical-minded guys who'd joined just for the better living arrangements. But even those guys couldn't avoid this particular wave of weirdness, and the new girls they'd become mostly gave him that weird vibe too. Plus, he'd heard of several of OZK's members awakening to new and terrifying magical powers, including a few guys who really couldn't be trusted to handle such powers responsibly. Regardless, he still hadn't been approached by the king-turned-queen of that particular castle, and never wanted to be.

"Look," he said, "I don't think Rich is the kind of person who cares what people look like. She runs a whole organization full of nerds and artists and whatever else. You're probably more her type than I am anyway."
"Maan, people say that kinda stuff all the time," said Gene, still pacing around his dorm room excitedly. "'I don't care what he looks like as long as he has a good personality,'" he half-mockingly intonated, "but it's still always guys like you who turn the heads and get a second look. And third, and fourth...and what she looks for in underlings is prolly totally different from what she'd look for in a romantic partner."
"I'm still not interested," Odin said, crossing his arms. "I'd rather stay far away from that place 'till I graduate, and then never have to hear about it again."
"Aww c'mon! If you're not gonna try it, you could at least be my wingman? Come along for moral support? Some of the other newly-hot girls might give me a second look if they see I'm friends with you—if Rich doesn't work out, I mean."

Odin hung his head and sighed. "Gene. Why are we friends, again?"
"Uhh, 'cause I helped you pass your first three math classes? And we like a lot of the same stuff, except for when it comes to like, physical activity. And I imagine I'm pretty a fun person to be around?"
"Yeah, that's what I thought," he said. "Just, needed some confirmation. I guess I can come with you into the lion's den just the once. But I guarantee this won't end well for either of us."
Gene's mood instantly brightened, like turning on a lightbulb. "Hahah, sweet!" Or maybe one of those police searchlights. He ran up and slapped Odin on the back. "Come on, man, you're still a dude! Don't pretend you won't enjoy being around all those hot girls..!"

He found himself standing in front of OZK's dorm late that afternoon. It didn't really make sense how he could feel something weird from the place just standing outside of it like this, but he could swear he did. There were all those girls—in some cases using a weird power Hollis had been 'blessed' with the ability to grant them to turn back into guys. And either way, quite a few of them retained a healthy 'appreciation' for the female figure, especially when it came to someone they were already friends with. He shouldn't be able to...feel something like that at all; maybe he was imagining it, and it was just all the rumors getting to him. Yet...he could swear he did, and that it was coming on particularly strong from specifically the direction of the building in front of him.

Gene gave Odin a look like 'what are you waiting for?', so he shrugged, reaching out and knocking on the door. After a short pause, it opened.

"Yoo!" He'd heard about the new star of the women's soccer team. Well—he'd met Ian a couple of times before, and thought he was a bit of a..'male ditz', perhaps? Not in a bad way; he wasn't necessarily stupid, he was just super friendly..even kind of aggressively so. The thought had even occurred to him before that Ian was kind of like a big, happy, eager puppy. Maybe it was only fitting that Nina was now a dog-girl, or wolf-girl, or whatever. Anyway—what he'd heard hardly did her justice. Not even a sports bra could hide her enormous boobs, and her current state of dress kept none of the rest of her curves hidden from view either, from the slim belly covered in abs to those impressively wide hips. Her hair was a big wild mess, but somehow that only made her look even hotter. "You guys need somethin'?"

Taking all, had cost Odin a second or two before he could process that she'd said something and he needed to respond. Gene was still pretty far from even registering that her mouth had opened, so he quickly took charge. "Uh, yeah—you know whether Rich is in? We friend here wants to talk to her," he said, gesturing.
"Oh, Rich specifically? If you guys want an application, anyone on the council can do that! Orr, I think Sid and Quaid have permission to hand those out too."
"Yeah, no, just Rich. Is she in?"
Her ears drooped slightly. "Sorry, I dunno actually. But you guys're welcome to come check, I guess!" With that, Nina turned to lean her back against the door, keeping it open while making way for them to enter. Or—at least that had to be the intent. Getting past that chest of hers politely was still going to be a slight challenge. Odin tried his best—and, thankfully, so did Gene.

"She'll be on the top floor, if anything," Nina said. "Just knock on the doors up there 'till someone answers, I guess?"
"Uh, thanks." With that, the wolf-girl hurried off, no doubt back to whatever she'd been doing before.

Odin led the way, looking around for a stairwell. Whatever it was he'd been feeling from outside this place..he felt it from all sides now. He could hear girls talking from the rooms he passed—plus the occasional male voice, but he was pretty sure they were OZK members who'd used Hollis's "perk" to temporarily change back. And, of course, he caught occasional glimpses at them through open doors as they went down the hallway. None of them were far from a ten out of ten on the hotness scale in one way or another, and a lot of them weren't even dressed the way he'd expect someone who'd spent most of his life as a guy to. Sure, there were the tomboys, but there were also dresses and skirts around. Maybe there were even more of them dressed like that than he usually saw among 'normal' girls around campus.

"This is weird, right?" he said after a moment.
"I mean—for two guys to just casually be let into a girls' dorm? No security or anything?"
"Well, you said it yourself—terrifying magical powers. Some of the girls here could just zap us outta here with a spell if they wanted, right?"
"Probably much worse. Oh, here we are," he pointed at the sign indicating a stairwell.
Gene tried the door, peeking inside. "Yeah, this is the stairs! C'mon, let's go!"

Climbing the first flight of steps, Odin thought that weird feeling was getting steadily stronger and stronger. It was almost oppressive when he paused at the second floor for a moment to let Gene catch up, and then catch his breath. But then, once they started up the second flight of stairs, it seemed to ease off again. No—this had to be his imagination, or something...

He just needed to finish their business here and get out, and away from here.

"Haff...ffh...okay, dude," Gene said, standing upright after catching his breath once again. "You ready?"
"I guess? I mean, I'm not really doing much but standing there anyway."
"You need to stand there looking hot. And making me look hot! That's a specific way of standing!" Gene insisted. "So, like, no moping!"

"Anyway, which door first?"
"Hmm.." Odin led the way to the one on the opposite end of the little hallway, directly across from the stairwell, then gestured for Gene to do the knocking. This was his whole stupid idea, after all.

"Come in~!" A friendly, female voice inviting them in should not have made Odin flinch like he'd just seen a jumpscare in a movie. But the answer had come the instant Gene's fist made contact with the door, seemingly before the sound waves from the knock could have possibly reached the ears of anyone inside. He shared a brief glance with Gene—who seemed slightly spooked by this himself—and then followed him inside.

This...was not anyone's bedroom. It looked like, maybe, what Odin imagined a small, up-and-coming tech company's meeting room might be decorated, complete with a small, round table in the middle of the room. And, of course, Rich—the owner of the jumpscare voice—was sitting casually on the opposite side of the table from the two of them. Like she'd been expecting them, specifically. This did not make him feel much better.

"Welcome. Odin, and..Gene, was it?" Oh, and she knew their names somehow. Sure. "What can I do for you two gentlemen?" she asked in the most pleasant, friendly voice imaginable. He took it back—this girl alone was why this place didn't need any security. She probably had a bunch of hidden cameras all over the building—no, all over campus, and the room behind this one (there was a door opposite the one they'd entered) was one of those giant surveillance rooms with a bunch of TV's all across the wall that she sat and watched, cackling at whatever chaos the OZK's notorious pranks caused.

"Uh..." Gene was probably having similar thoughts, which prevented him from answering her question. Odin lightly elbowed him, and he cleared his throat. "Yeah! Uh, we—I mean I..wanted to know if, you'd go out with me?" he asked finally, some obvious hesitance in his voice. It sounded like he was now at least as afraid of a yes as he was of a no.

"Oh?" Rich tilted her head slightly, sounding surprised. Surprised? That emotion didn't fit this person, was the first thought Odin had. After that it was, "Hmmmn..." She leaned forward, fixing her gaze right on Gene, looking him up and down. Odin was pretty sure his friend was physically sweating at this point. He at least had the blush of a guy being looked at closely by a girl he thought was cute. Then, finally, reclining back to her original position: "...I'll pass."

"...Oh," Gene mumbled softly. Despite their mutual intimidation before, Odin could feel the disappointment in his voice. Maybe he'd have been happier with her stringing him along for at least a little bit...but maybe Rich, despite the everything about her, just wasn't that cruel of a person.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm intrigued. Despite receiving plenty of compliments about my looks since last weekend, no one's been bold enough to actually ask me out before. But you—just aren't interesting enough as you are right now." She shrugged. Then: "Please, don't imagine it's to do with your looks. No offense, Odin, but I find you even less interesting than your friend here."
"Uh, y-yeah, okay," Gene said. "I get it. Thanks for uh, your time, I guess."
"No problem~," she said, giving a cheerful, graceful wave. And, as Odin started to turn to leave, she delievered her parting blow: "Feel free to try again, if you become more interesting."

With that, Odin gently helped Gene to leave—since he was still a bit stunned by the rejection. They quietly made their way over to the stairwell, and then halfway down the upper flight of stairs, before he finally erupted.

"Arrrrghh! Man, I have never been shot down so bad in my life!" Gene shouted, not particularly caring who might hear him.
"I mean—!" he punctated each phrase with a step down the stairs in front of Odin. "It'd be one thing—! If it was how I looked—! But 'be more interesting'!? How am I supposed to do that!? What's she even think is 'interesting'!?"
"Dude, come on," Odin said, gently pushing him to keep going. They were nearly to the second-floor landing. "You can throw a tantrum somewhere else, maybe? Like, not in her domain?"
"I'm not throwing a tantrum!" he turned around, still blocking the stairs to the first floor, to argue. "I'm just—aaghh!" From the incoherent shout and the way he waved his fists around...Gene was definitely throwing a tantrum. But then he brought his volume down to something more reasonable to say, in a high-pitched voice: "The worst part is, now I really want to date her!" he spread his arms out. "She—like—did you see?! She's not just rich, she's so..powerful! Like, just being in the room with her puts her in charge! She is so much hotter in person 'cause of that!"

"Gene..." Odin tried to sigh. That is—he did take air in and let it out audibly, but only to gasp for air again. He'd been so focused on that entire conversation upstairs, and now his friend's overreaction to it, that he'd briefly forgotten about the weird vibe...the strange pressure, or energy maybe, that he felt from this place. It was especially strong right here, too, on the second floor. And he realized at this moment that, imagined or not, it was physically affecting him. It was making him feel...warm, and out of breath, like he'd just gone on an all-out sprint all the way across the court. He tried to control his breathing, going for deep breaths in and out, but it broke into gasping and panting periodically anyway, and he was only feeling hotter, his heartrate accelerating.

By now, Gene had noticed that something was wrong "Uh—dude—are you okay!?" Odin reached out a hand, grabbing the stair railing hard and leaning some of his weight onto it. "Wait, are you having a heart attack?!"
"Don't...hffh, think so...?" What were the signs of one of those again? He was short of breath, definitely, but not lightheaded, not in pain—it was supposed to come with a cold sweat, but instead he felt hot and wasn't sweating...?

It was...all those girls. And guys, and girls-who-could-be guys. All over this building, people who'd experienced turning into girls, and..liked it. Really liked it. Somehow he felt like he knew, like he could feel it. Odin realized—or at least imagined that he did—that this pressure was nothing new. It had been there, faintly pressing against him, for years; it had just always been so much less. And all this time, he'd been pushing it away without even thinking about it. But here it was overwhelming, enough that he couldn't push it back at all. It was pressing into him, making him feel warm and..excited. And on top of everything else from this building, there was also his friend standing right in front of him—the attraction he'd just declared for Rich. He was completely serious about that; he was honestly attracted to Rich in particular, and that, too, was a part of this same pressure.

"Hff...rrgh..." Odin shuddered, feeling something race down his spine, and then a wave of tingling everywhere. Excited...was the appropriate word for how he was feeling right now. It even felt..strangely...good, now that he'd become fully aware of it. How...why had he pushed this away for so long? It was so much easier to just...let it out!
"Aagh!" He felt a push from the right side of his upper back, something emerging there and spreading out all at once, and then the feeling of air across a wide surface back there. He gasped as this happened a second time—on the left side—and then shuddered again.

"Rr-rgh..!" The tingling had given way to an almost physical pressure all across his body, and at this point it became strong enough that he could actually feel himself changing. The...whatever it was, which had once been a pressure from outside but now pervaded his being, was pushing his height ever so slowly downward, and pressing his form inward to make it smaller. His shoulders narrowed, his arms and legs slimming down, and even his face was sculpted into a smaller, rounder shape. What was...happening...?

"Aaa~aaah...hfff, hfffh, aa~aa~aah...!" Odin cried out between gasps for air, and could hear his voice steadily changing. At first, its pitch rose higher and higher, seeming to audibly age in reverse. But then, as the pressure shrinking him started to finally ease off, he heard it deepen once more, re-maturing itself...yet in a very different way. "Hhhhh—aa~aa, aa~aaah..!" His ears felt strange at this point, and something was pushing its way out from each of the corners of his head, growing steadily longer. "Aa~ah—hfffh..!" And now he felt a sharp tingling across his scalp as his hair erupted outward, exploding out several feet longer at once in the back, floating briefly in the air around his head before deciding to obey gravity and falling down across his forehead, cheeks, shoulders, and back.

He now felt a sharp tingling across his manhood. "Mrr~rrrgh...!" His voice sounded very like a woman's now—a bit on the higher end of the alto side, but still quite mature, and very feminine. The tingling gave way almost immediately to a tugging, slipping sensation. So then, he was...? But why...?

"Mmn, nngh, nn~nngh..!" The tingling, and now slipping-away feeling down there, had the bizarre effect of..exciting the very thing that it was taking away. Odin felt a hot blush across his face, the excitement that had brought on this sudden change only getting stronger, as he felt the thing that made him male disappearing away. This was when he realized—of course. Boys turning into girls...and enjoying it! This was..specifically...the feeling that had set this off. So...of course...that was how his power would first express itself. By giving him that very same feeling. Why, or how, that made sense very much escaped him, however, as the excitement down between his legs made it more and more difficult to think straight at all.

"Mnngh, nnNNgh, nNNAA~AAH...!" At this point, Odin felt his manhood melting away, and heard a high, girlish cry coming from his throat. Almost as soon as it vanished away completely, she was assaulted by a deep, intense fuzzy feeling down there—unlike anything she'd ever felt before—and, irresistibly she let out an intensely feminine "Aa~AAAHHh~nnnhh..!" As the girlish pleasure coursed through her, she could feel her hips pressing outward, her thighs growing thicker, her belly slimming in even more—as she began to take on the form of a beautiful, curvy girl. Just as so many of the people feeding her this...power...had experienced themselves.

"Aah—rr~rRRGgh...!" One final strange feeling not attributable to 'becoming a girl' struck her then, as something pushed its way out from the base of her spine, spreading out longer and longer, stretching out to at least a meter before its tip blossomed into a flat spade-like shape. And then her chest, having already started tingling a moment ago, began to spread forward, forcing more girlish pleasure through the new equipment down between her legs. "Mnngh—ooh, mm~mnnnh..!" She could feel them pushing out bigger and bigger, faster and faster, the tight cloth around them forcibly stretched by the force of their growth. It would've been confusing for the cloth there to be tight in the first place, if she weren't too occupied by these sensations to even think about it. Then, finally, one final push from her chest grew the new breasts out to a fittingly full, enormous size, and she let out another helpless "Aaa~aaAAAHHnnn..!" as this gave her one last girlish climax to complete her transformation. Or, more accurately, her awakening.

"Hhff...ffhh.." Odin slowly came out of her daze and back to reality to find herself still doubled over with both hands gripping the railing for dear life. She slowly pushed herself upright, realizing that her clothes had morphed somehow into a tiny, tight pair of denim shorts, a black sleeveless tank top that dipped deep in the front to show off some cleavage and barely reached halfway down her waist, and—beneath those—a bra and a pair of panties. Despite gaining a girl's figure, she seemingly hadn't become any less fit—so that exposed belly still sported some visible abs, and her arms and legs, despite being slimmer (or, in the case of her thighs, thicker) were still quite well-toned.
And she now had giant, batlike wings spreading out from her back that the short top conveniently avoided getting in the way of, plus an extremely long, slim black tail and—some quick inspection with her hands discovered—big, pointy ears and a pair of giant, solid, upward-curling horns coming up out of her head. This brief physical examination was followed by finally remembering that she had an audience, and she turned, frowning (and still fairly deeply blushing) to Gene.

"Ugh...I knew coming here was a bad idea!"

"Uh, wha—dude, what happened!?"
"I, apparently, turned into a girl. And, like, a demon or something." Now that she was even halfway thinking about it, Odin was pretty sure she understood. The feeling of everyone's..attraction, enjoyment, affection, whatever one called it—which had once been a pressure against her body, was now flowing through and into her. As bizarre and nonsensical as it would sound, to her those emotions were...delicious. And beyond the bizarre sense that she was eating them, she felt a well of power within herself that grew deeper the more she 'ate'. So there was really only one kind of demon she could possibly be.

"You basically brought me to the one place most likely to cause a magical awakening!" she said, furious and blushing, spreading her arms out in frustration and feeling her wings flare out behind her instinctively at the same time.

At this point, the second-floor stairwell door opened to reveal a very short, very cute redhead wearing an expression of concern. "Um, hello? Iiiis everything okay in here? I heard uhmm...shouting?" From the way she blushed (and the emotion Odin felt off of her) when she said this word, it was obviously a euphemism.
Fed up with this, the newly-awakened demon-girl shouted, "Yes, everything's FINE!" and pushed her way past Gene to hurry down the stairs and out of that place.
"Uh, hey, wait up!" Gene called from behind her once she was already halfway to the first floor.

She pushed the front door open and nearly ran into a short, dark-haired catgirl. She had on a way-too-long shirt and appeared to be trying without much success to keep a pair of boy's boxers up around her hips. Odin's strange new sense somehow tasted the color pink off of her...and she could also tell that this was yet another person who'd recently changed from male to female, and enjoyed it, too. But it wasn't any of her business.
"Um—" the catgirl started after a second.
"'Scuze me," she interrupted, brushing past her.

She finally stopped out on the sidewalk in front of the building, turning around and crossing her arms while she waited for Gene to catch up. After a moment he burst out the door and ran up, stopping a few feet in front of her to double over, panting. "Finally...hfffh...caught up..."
"Yeah, sorry—I just, really needed to get out of there." The real problem was that there was a part of her that had badly wanted to stay, and even now wanted to go back. She waited for him to catch his breath so he could stand up straight and talk normally again.
"So, like, is their dorm literally magic or something?"
"No, it's.." She paused, trying to think of the least embarrassing way to put this. "I turned into a demon, see?" she said, gesturing at one of her wings like it wasn't obvious. "Each kind of demon feeds off of a specific emotion or whatever. That place," she said, pointing, "is full to the brim with the emotion that the kind of demon I am 'eats'. And so were you, for a minute there."
"The kind of..?" Gene turned around briefly to look at the building, as if hoping how it looked would help him make sense of what she was saying. Then he turned back her way, realizing: "Oh! You're a succubus!?"

Odin facepalmed—not having wanted to hear the word aloud. She sighed, "Yes."
"Dude, that's awesome! Isn't it? I mean like, you've gotta have some amazing magic powers and stuff, right?"
She crossed her arms, feeling her tail curl and twist back and forth through the air behind her semi-involuntarily. "Probably...I guess."
"You still seem mad about it...I'm sorry, man. I guess being uh..forced into that isn't the best regardless."
"It's..very weird, anyway. Definitely a shock. Whatever, it's not like you could've known this would happen. And I can probably...I mean, I feel strong enough to maybe at least turn back into a guy if I really want to." Being perfectly honest with herself, she wasn't entirely sure that she did. Girlish pleasure was pretty nice, after all...

The door to OZK burst open at this point, and a slim, white haired girl took a few steps out to point dramatically in their direction. "BEHOLD!" A couple of demon-girls came out behind her, one of them—a redhead with miniature wings coming from her head rather than horns—gently placing a hand on her outstretched arm to lower it.
"Okay Xavie, you were right. Go back to your painting, 'kay?"
"Uh, hi," the other one—short with white hair and small horns—said, waving. "Our friend here sensed 'an intense burst of dark power' and thought we needed to know about it."
"I am not your friend," the human one spat, hurrying back inside. The two demons came up to conversational distance.

Of course, like anyone else in OZK, they had the emotional energy of guys who'd turned into girls fairly recently. Odin was also fairly sure they liked each other. "Sooo—newly awakened demon?" The taller one asked.
"I guess. Who're you?"
"I'm Zale, she's Wesley. We've kinda been through that recently. If you want any pointers?"
"Couldn't hurt. I also got turned into girl in the process—and you know all about that, right?"
"Uhh, yep," Zale nodded.

Odin looked back at Gene, who'd been quietly watching this exchange. "So—today's gotten pretty weird. Look, I'm not really mad at you, but—need some time to process this stuff. I'll get back to you later?"
"Uh, okay." He nodded, starting to leave; she put a hand on his shoulder, thinking of something. He stopped and turned back her way again.
"Even if I don't like why, I have magic now. So I'm gonna think of a way to use it, to make you 'more interesting'."
"Worth a shot," she shrugged.
His mood improved right away. "Awesome! Uh, see you later!"
"Yeah." With that, Gene headed back toward his dorm.

Odin had realized—in a sort of rapid flash of thoughts—who she really was angry at, if anyone. The reason she'd awakened, the reason the whole building was chock full of the emotion that made her change this all came down to Rich. She had wanted to cheer her friend up, and what he felt toward that bizarre girl was quite real. But just as much, she kind of wanted revenge...

"So—I'm Odin," she said. "Engineering major. On the basketball team."
"Oh, really? I play tennis," Wesley said.
"Soccer," Zale added. "Hah, guess we've got something else in common. Hey, how'd you end up taller than me?"
"No idea?"
"Sorry—she's a 'pride' type," Wesley said, starting off in a direction with a gesture suggesting they follow. "Can't help it sometimes, but at least it's not envy. I'm 'sloth', so I'm chill."
Odin followed after her. "I guess that makes me...ugh...'lust', then," she said reluctantly.

"Aww, seriously?" Zale said as she came up next to her, not sounding very sympathetic. "The internet says that's the easiest emotion to power up with!"
"It's embarrassing," Odin said.
"Huh, how so?"
"Imagine constantly knowing, in detail, who everyone around you is attracted to, and how much."
"Don't worry," Wesley said. "You do feel the emotions around you pretty strongly at first, but after a while you get used to it, and can mostly tune it out unless you want to know how someone feels."
"Well, that's a relief.

"...So, where are we going, exactly?"
"You need new clothes, right?" Wesley said. "I guess your magic made what you're wearing, but I bet not much else you own will fit quite right."
"And certain..other things you'll need—I mean, if you stay a chick," Zale added. "I bet we can even get Rich to reimburse us for it!"
"Yeah...she'd better," Odin said. "It's totally you guys' fault I awakened into a girl form." Rich would hardly be inconvenienced by footing the bill for this, but at least it would make her feel a little better. Anyway, the real revenge could wait until she came up with a half-decent plan...

Guess what, this story is actually coming close to its conclusion! Can you believe it? There are two more greek letters left for "official parts", after which I'm considering maybe adding an epilogue, depending on how the last main part comes out.

The image used for this story part was found using a stable diffusion-based image generator.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Omega Zeta Kappa 21: χ

It was surprisingly intimidating to be in the high council's meeting room at all, let alone standing on one side of the circular table they apparently used for official meetings while three of its members sat on the other: Rich directly across from them, reclining on her chair with her legs crossed out in front of her, resting one foot on the table and the other over that one's ankle; the other two girls flanking her. Nick's poker face in this situation was holding up fine, but Pierce was definitely too nervous to bluff if they asked certain questions.
"...So this idiot dug the potion out of my backpack while I was in the restroom, and chugged it before I even got out, and now here we are."
"I, uh, heard what you guys were doing, and really wanted in on it!" she said. "I thought, maybe, going ahead and taking the potion ahead of time would show how serious I was?"
"Pierce isn't exactly the kind of person who thinks through the consequences of actions before taking them," Nick added to this.

Rich nodded, dropping her feet to the floor and sitting fully up. "Very well, then. As someone who knows her, do you feel strongly enough that miss Pierce will be a good fit for our sorority? Enough to consider it an official recommendation?"
"Sure? I mean, at least as much as I am, anyway," Nick said. "She's impulsive—obviously—so I guess that could cause some trouble."
"But only the kind we'd want anyway, I bet," Myla said. "Tielo?"
"While that didn't sound like a glowing endorsement, it's still good enough for me," the fox-girl said. "But!" she held up a hand with the index finger up, interrupting Pierce before she could start thanking them. "All would-be members of our organization must undergo a trial, and I am the officiator of said trials. It simply wouldn't be fair to admit you without putting you through something."
"I agree," Rich said. "You have something in mind?"

She gave Pierce a big smile with her mouth open just enough to show some vulpine fangs, a surprisingly scary expression for as small and cute of a girl as she now was. "You wouldn't have just wanted to join us because you heard our house was full of attractive young women, and it wouldn't be difficult to be male around them most of the time thanks to Flynn and Holli's efforts...would you?"
"Uh..n-no, no way. I-I mean of c-course not! D-definitely," she stuttered, unconvincingly. This was pretty much exactly the kind of question Nick had been afraid of.
"You have to understand that the majority of our members, including your friend Nick here, had to face the decision of whether to become young women possibly indefinitely, or at least for quite a while, barring some mid- to high-powered magical help. Being able to change back so freely was an unexpected gift from Azoth—which it wouldn't be wise for us to spread beyond our organization, or take for granted in general, in my opinion. If you want to stay with us—then you retain that form until this weekend. Let's saaaay...midnight, the end of Saturday."
"Oh!" Myla chimed in. "And, you come up with a feminine name for yourself, and use that 'till then."
"That seems fair," Rich concluded. "Of course, we don't intend to force you to stay that way no matter what. If you don't want to undergo this trial, then we can allow you to change back immediately. I'll even help you do it myself. Myla?" The catgirl nodded her assent also.
"Soo, do you agree?" the Neko continued, to Pierce. "If you do join us, we'll give you all the same help adjusting to that look that everyone else got, naturally."

"...Y..yes!" she said after a brief hesitation, nodding. "It'd totally be worth it, to stay like this for the rest of the week. I mean—um—maybe I'll even find out I like it, right?"
"One can always hope," Rich said, giving an approving nod. "With that settled, we also need to arrange accommodations. Your room has a free slot, doesn't it, Nick?"
"Yeah," he nodded, already knowing where this was going.
"Then it would only be sensible for your friend to join you there, at least during her trial period. But it would be terribly awkward if she had to room with a male, while stuck female. And there is the small matter of your mishandling sorority property to account for in the first place. Whether intentional or not, you allowed something fairly expensive to fall into the hands of someone it wasn't intended for."
"Yeah, that's fair," he said. Even if he wanted to bluff that it was an accident on his part, Rich was not the kind of person he'd ever want to argue with.
"Well, as far as I'm concerned, you can make up for it—and make things less awkward between the two of you anyway—by actually drinking an equivalent amount to what you 'misplaced', and then sharing in your friend's trials, including adopting a feminine name of your own. Is that sufficient penance?" This was directed not to Nick, but her fellow council members.
"I think that works," Myla said, nodding.
"Agreed," Tielo said. "Although—as with Pierce here, you don't have to go through the trial if you don't want to stay with us. You're free to leave too, if you don't take any more potion with you."

He sighed. "You know I don't want that."
"Nevertheless, it's important that you have a choice in the matter," Rich said, reaching a hand under the table. "So?"
"I'll accept the punishment."
"Good." She, of course, just so happened to have a bottle with her, and handed it across the table at him. "You won't mind drinking it in our presence, to assuage any concerns of your losing it again?"
"Yeah, it's whatever."

Nick took the potion, unscrewed the top, and tried to drink as much of it as he could. It tasted unbearably bitter, so he couldn't get down as much as he'd hoped at first, and after swallowing couldn't suppress a slight "Ugh" sound and a wince from the unpleasantness. Worse still, unlike most people, he seemed susceptible to its effects immediately instead of with an intervening delay: There was a strange twinge between his legs, a distinct sense of motion down there, that let him know it was already starting to happen.

He took a deep breath and let it out, willing that thing to just stay put for a second until he could finish drinking. There was somewhat of an illusion that this worked, as the sensation got slightly weaker, but didn't completely stop. Then he drank more of it, managing to get about half of its original volume. Now that he was mentally prepared for the awful taste, Nick was able to bear more of it—although some slight complexity he hadn't noticed in the first sip might have helped him along. It seemed a bit less like the pure bitterness of some kind of poison, and more flavorful, like an excessively dark chocolate or strong coffee.

"Nngh.." a slight grunting sound came out as he felt like he had to strain harder to keep the shrinking down betwen his legs to a minimum, and despite the effort he could feel the sensation getting stronger. There was a tingling down there that seemed to quickly be joined by a slight jolt racing down his spine, making him shudder slightly. Pressing on, Nick chugged the rest of the potion in one go, even as the tingling spread out from his spine to the rest of his torso, then raced up his neck to his face and down past his hips to his legs. The flavor was even more chocolatelike than before, even gaining a faint hint of the sweetness that was supposed to make dark chocolate enjoyable—but he couldn't really enjoy it, as focused as he was on keeping his body from changing too fast.

Dropping the bottle (which was, thankfully, not fragile or anything), he said "'Scuze me" before quickly turning around and booking it out of the room and to the nearest bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him. It was a good thing he'd spotted it on his way to the council's meeting chambers!

Still trying to hold on against the rush of tingling, and a very distinct tugging sensation now present between his legs, Nick turned around to face the mirror. The change was quite visible already in the complete lack of facial hair, and of body hair across his arms; there was an overall soft, smooth quality to his complexion that had definitely not been present before. The expression reflected back at him was a focused grimace, but with some obvious redness to his cheeks. Trying to hold back this change, whether it was working or not, was a profoundly uncomfortable feeling, so he took in a deep breath, and finally let go.

"Hhhhhhfffh..." As he exhaled, Nick felt a slight pressure all across his body, including his face, and could see his frame instantly starting to get slimmer and softer, his face smaller and rounder, his adam's apple vanishing from his neck. Also, of course, the tugging between his legs gained significant strength, developing into a sensation of slipping away that caused him to inhale a gasp almost as soon as he'd let the air out, the slight redness to his cheeks brightening into a full-on blush.

The air from the gasp came out in a strange soft cry, an "Aaa~aaah..!" that started out in the voice he'd grown used to over the past few years before suddenly, abruptly shifting halfway through into something completely unfamiliar. "Aah, mm~mmmnnnh..!" This new voice came out again as Nick felt his manhood melting away, giving ample opportunity to appreciate it: It was still deep like his previous, male bass tones, and yet it was intensely feminine: a low, mature alto that could only belong to...a woman.

"Nnnnhh..a~AAH!" At this point, Nick's sex fully changed, and she discovered that her voice could now also let out a high, cute cry well outside of her previous range. She was then immediately assaulted by a strange, powerful fuzzy sensation down there, even as she felt a slight upward push toward the pit of her stomach as the rest of a girl's 'equipment' swiftly grew into place. That same adorably high tone came out of her lips in a helpless "Aaa~aahhnnnn...!" which it took all of her willpower to keep at a low volume as she wobbled unsteadily on her legs.
"Mm—mmnnh..!" The deep alto came out again as she fought to keep her mouth shut and her voice quiet. Not only was that sensation making her heart race, her face flush, and her legs weak, but her balance was also shifting due to the steady outward push of her hips, driving her upper legs apart as her thighs grew a bit thicker and plumper, and her bottom spread out behind her. After wobbling around some more, the new girl stumbled back and hit the door, just hard enough to make a slight thump as her back landed against it. She fumbled her hands back behind her to push against it and keep herself upright even as some high, girlish "A-ah, aa-ah, aa~aah.." sounds came from her lips in between gasps for air.

Despite gaining a very slender, feminine frame, including slim arms and legs and a soft, round, cute face, Nick hadn't lost any height at all so far. And even now, as the shift to her lower body slowed to a halt, she felt herself not growing smaller, but rather stretching upward. The bathroom sank around her as her height rose up a few inches. "MnnNNnhh.." At the same time, her clothes were already changing, her underwear shrinking into a pair of tiny boyshorts that held snug around her wide hips and flat groin while her pants quickly became shorter and shorter until they had exposed most of her thighs, and what was left shrank tight around those same features. Her shirt was also pulling itself a bit closer around her narrow shoulders and slender waist, and...her chest was staring to tingle again.

"Hffh, fhh..oh, great," she mumbled softly between panting for air. Just when the intensity of the change had ramped down, Nick's heartrate was picking up and her face getting hot all over again. Pierce had definitely had a...reaction to growing boobs too, she realized, as she felt them starting to swell forward.
The new girl found the two small bumps incredibly sensitive to even the motion of the shirt against them caused by their growth. "Mmnh..nnngh..." Paralyzed by a resurgence of fuzzy feelings deep down, she slumped back against the door again and squirmed around slowly. "Nnh, aa~aah...!" It was true, of course, that this felt pretty good. Nick felt like she was only restraining herself from fully enjoying it out of embarrassment, a strong desire not to be heard. "Aa~aahnn..." That effort notwithstanding, the soft sounds she was making betrayed just how intense..and how pleasant...this feeling was.

A quiet, deep, "O-oo~ooh..." slid out of her lips as her breasts, already a match for Pierce's in size, only continued to steadily grow larger. She'd a guy before, of course—who hadn't, one way or another, during adolescense? This was completely different, and at least for the moment, seemed to be on a completely different level. "Aah...hff...mnnnh..." She was starting to give in, she realized, but..what was wrong with that? Why, exactly, had she wanted so badly to stay male in the first place? If the increasingly gorgeous, curvy body she could see reflected in the mirror wasn't enough of an about this feeling? "Oo~ooh..." The ability to..have it...practically any time she wanted?

"Mnnnh...hfffh.." Nick's eyes fluttered shut as she felt herself sliding down onto her knees. The slow, steady push of growth from her breasts incapacitated her for a moment longer, making her let out quiet, high "Aa~ah" and low, sexy "Oo~oh" sounds periodically, until finally they had attained their full, enormous size, straining the material of the tight shirt around them as they heaved in and out with her breaths.

"Ha~aah...hffh.." She pushed herself back up to her feet, opening her eyes and blinking a couple of times in the mirror. Even though she was trying to get a good look at the newly-expanded bosom, the first thing that caught her eyes were—her eyes. They'd turned an extremely bright pink all of a sudden, so bright that they almost seemed to glow. Not to mention, her shirt and her shorts had each taken on a pink shade of their own as if to emphasize those eyes. "Whh...hhff..what the..? Mnngh..!"
Her expression of confusion was interrupted by a strange sort of forced tensing sensation from her arms, legs, and torso, like most of her muscles were briefly stretching or contracting; it gave way to a brief, somehow not unpleasant burning sensation, and in the mirror she could see the rapid appearance of muscle tone, including some abs appearing on her belly—which was exposed seemingly due to the growth of her breasts pulling the shirt partway up off of it.
"Hhhfffffffh..." When that ended, and she let out a soft sigh of relief, Nick suddenly found her hair exploding out from her scalp, near-instantly growing some long bangs, much longer locks to frame her face, and even longer ones in the back. In less than a second, an absolute river of deep brown, voluminous hair spread out behind her, its tips reaching the backs of her knees despite how very tall she'd become.

"Aah, what the heck?!"

"I-I mean, the neon pink eyes are one thing, but this hair looks like a giant pain to maintain," Nick said quietly, still trying to get used to the new tone of her voice. It did have a certain beauty to did the hair, the thought came to her while she put a hand through some of the cape spreading out along her back. And it was soft, too—but still definitely an annoyance. "'s, probably not against the rules to get it cut, at least..."

After pulling her shirt down as far as it would go (which, annoyingly, still left about an inch of her waist exposed), and making sure she'd caught her breath, eliminated most of the blush from her face, and...that her legs were strong enough to walk again, the new girl opened the door and went back to the council's meeting chamber.

"Hey...I'm, still Nick," she said as she came in. "Sorry about that..."
"It did come on awfully fast for you," Rich said, nodding. The two animal-girls, still at her sides, also seemed to have sympathetic expressions on.
Pierce was a little less understanding. "What th—no fair! How come you're still so big!?" she huffed, putting her hands on her hips as she looked up at the now-even-more-taller-than-her Nick.
"Hey, it's not my fault—I dunno how magic works."
"Speaking of, that's a lovely shade your eyes have taken on," Rich interjected. "Matches well with your outfit."
Feeling a blush rise to her cheeks, Nick just mumbled, "Uh-huh.."

" 'Nikki' feminine enough for you?"
Rich nodded, "Certainly. And your friend here decided on 'Perri' while you were away." A brief glance the short redhead's direction found her nodding, though still looking upset at what she perceived to be Nikki getting what she considered incredibly good luck with her girl-form.
"'Kay. I guess I'll help her move in, then, unless there's anything else?"
"Nah," Myla said, "We'll dig out her room key while you're away."
"Actually—here." Rich casually tossed something Nikki's way, which she instinctively caught before knowing what it was.
Examining the object, she thought: I didn't know credit cards came in this color.
"Buy yourselves some appropriate wear and other essentials. Simply slide it under my door when you're done," she continued without a pause. "Just be aware that I'll know what you bought with it."
"Y-yeah, thanks..we'll be responsible," Nikki said, thinking: Anyway, I will.

After the slightly embarrassing experience of learning their new sizes and buying women's underwear, they hit another store Nikki had only ever glanced at the window to to get some outerwear. She had just finished picking some shirts, shorts, and pants that seemed likely to be comfortable and started toward the fitting room when Perri got in her way.
"Hey, you're not getting away with an all-tomboy wardrobe while I'm stuck in a frilly dress!"
"Okay, first: You're not stuck, you can buy whatever you want; second: it's your own stupid fault."
"W-well, I still had to walk around in a skirt for the last two hours. So..!" The short redhead pushed a knee-length skirt and blouse at her, and Nikki just took them with a shrug.

She tried on everything else first, then came out of the fitting room in Perri's outfit after finding out it fit her perfectly. Apparently her new roommate had bothered to memorize her measurements, too...or just gotten lucky. She soon found Perri wearing a new dress of her own. Sizing the tall brunette up, she said, "Well, you look good in surprise there. How do you like the skirt?"
"I dunno, it's surprisingly comfy," she said, tugging at one side of it. "Kinda freeing, compared to the tight pants girls get."
"No way! It's super awkward," Perri insisted.
"Uh-huh. Then why are you buying another one?"
"Well—that's—just look at me! I can't pull off a tomboy look at my size!"
"Hmm. C'mere." Without particularly thinking about it, Nikki grabbed her friend's hand and guided her back out to the store, picking out a t-shirt and shorts she was pretty sure would fit...and then some bright red thighhigh stockings, handing each over in turn. "Try this on."

It seemed like she'd lucked out on the sizes, aside from the shirt being just slightly short..or maybe it was supposed to show a little bit of midriff. Either way, Perri looked fine in that outfit. "I dunno.."
"You kidding? Check the mirror again, that looks really cute on you," Nikki said.
"Oh, y-yeah?" The short girl blushed.
"Yeah. And I sure can't pull off 'cute' at my size."
"Hmm...I dunno about that," Perri grinned. "I'm wearing this out, then. You got all your stuff picked out?"
"Not yet...with Rich footing the bill, I want some more dresses. And you should get some more 'tomboy' outfits. No way we're gonna get another chance like this."
"Good point, heheh," the short redhead giggled adorably; the blush hadn't quite left her face. was only while she turned and energetically bounced away to pick some more things out that Nikki realized her cheeks felt a little warm too.

Aside from clothes and...certain other obvious 'essentials', Nikki pulled Perri into one more store before they returned to the dorm, and grabbed the highest-quality hairdryer she could find. "Um..are you sure that counts as 'other essentials'?"
"Your hair is touching your shorts," she replied dryly. "I wanna cut mine, but even then...yeah, we should each have one," she said, taking another. "OZK foots the electric bill anyway."
"You want to cut that?!" Perri said, gesturing emphatically. "But it's so pretty!"
"It's ridiculous, and stupidly inconvenient."
The small girl put her hands on her hips, glaring up at Nikki. "You haven't even tried it yet! Anyway, isn't 'keeping our forms' supposed to be the trial or whatever?"
"I don't think a haircut counts as 'changing my form'."
"W-well. You never know. Rich can be pretty capricious, right?"
Crossing her arms, she sighed. "Yeah. Well, then I'm getting it cut Sunday."
"No waaay!"
"Regardless, we're buying these," she said, deciding this argument was pointless and stupid, and headed for the front to pay for them.

In their dorm room, Nikki was halfway through pulling one of her old, male-size shirts on to sleep in when Perri happened to look her way. "What th—you have abs!? Since when?! I didn't even have abs as a dude!"
"Yeah, well, neither did I. The potion sprang them on me at the last second..and then the hair. What, you didn't notice how much of your stuff I carried over here?"
"I mean...I noticed, sure, but I thought I was just weaker than before. Maan, now I'm jealous!"
"Well, you can work out after Saturday. Or just luck out with your male form, I guess."
"Maybe. But—dude, you just have everything! Like, your boobs are amazing too!"
Feeling another blush coming on, Nikki crossed her arms. "Well—don't be jealous of that. They're heavy and awkward and constantly in the way, especially without a bra." She'd taken hers off for comfort already, and wasn't sure it had been the best decision.
"Anyway, it's not like yours are tiny. They're pretty big for your height."
"Yeah, but my height's tiny!" Perri was whining, but even with that high-pitched was somehow more cute than annoying.
"Look, I'm not talking about this anymore. We have classes to be embarrassed at tomorrow."
"Oh...yeah. Heheh." Perri sounded more eager than worried about said 'embarrassment'.

Wednesday morning's classes went about the way Nikki expected: Everyone taking note, staring, and occasionally commenting on her new appearance. There were guys hitting on her, and girls complimenting her—often including the word 'jealous' or the phrase 'I wish I'. But ultimately, she thought it'd be a lot more annoying than it really was. For one thing, people seemed used to the idea of the OZK guys turning into hot girls by now, so they let her off after not too much gawking. For another, there was something about the way guys hit on was like they knew she'd say no before they even asked, because someone with her looks was well out of their league—and for the same reason, they gave up after a single rejection. Between that and the compliments, a small part of her she was never going to let her face show felt kind of proud of how she looked.

She met with Perri for lunch, finding a booth in a distant corner of the cafeteria for the two of them. "'s your first day stuck as a girl going?"
"It's super annoying!" she whined adorably. "I can't go three steps without some guy asking me out! And some of them won't take no for an answer! I had to hide in the bathroom or like, run to my next class like I was late when I was twenty minutes early!"
"Oof, that's rough." Nikki shook her head, "But—you reap what you sow, you know."
"No waay! I was never that annoying," she complained. "Dude, are you not getting hit on? I mean, with those looks?"
"Yeah..but it's not really bothering me," she shrugged. "And no one who won't leave me alone yet...I guess they see the muscle and think I can beat them up if I don't like how I'm being treated."
"No faaaaiiir!"

Nikki sighed. Even though it was still incredibly cute, she couldn't bear too much of the short redhead's whining. "Look, let's hang out together after class, this afternoon. You point out any of the guys who won't leave you alone and I' to them."
"You will?" She looked a little like a kid who'd been promised ice cream after dinner.
"A-alright..." And now Perri was blushing a little bit...what was that about? "Um, anyway—!" She then quickly changed the subject, still seeming a little embarrassed. Nikki didn't get why, but couldn't be bothered to ask.

Nikki had to admit that she wasn't expecting it to be as bad as Perri made it out to be. But when she went to where they'd agreed to meet, she caught a guy in the act of bugging her: standing way too close over her with her back to a wall. "C'mon, pretty little kitten~. You really don't want a free dinner on me?"
"N-no way!"
He was about to say something else (and it definitely wasn't an apology or farewell), so Nikki approached. "Hey, back off, stupid." The guy turned his head her way briefly, then did a sort of double-take, staring.
"Whoa, huuge..." He was looking up, but not at her face.
Ignoring that, Nikki crossed her arms and glared. "She already told you no, so what're you still doing here?"
"Wh—I just—"
"Look, both of us were guys earlier this week. How would you like to get turned into a 'pretty little kitten' and have dudes harrassing you nonstop!?"
"Uh, I guess I wouldn't." He glanced between the two of them briefly, then said: "Sorry, I just, thought I might have a chance with someone who knows what it's like, huh?"
"That's fine—just take a no when you get it," Nikki said, still glaring.
"Yeah—yeah..." He nodded, then finally walked away.

Nikki sighed. "What a jerk. You okay?"
"Uh—y-yeah, I'm fine," Perri said, nodding quickly. She was looking slightly away from the bigger girl, which did little to hide how brightly she was blushing. "Thanks."
"Sure. Uh, you want to go somewhere for supper?"
"Yeah! I'll, uh, pay for you to thank you?"
"Pssh, you don't need to thank me for that."
"S-still! Maybe an apology for getting you stuck as a girl, then?"
Nikki shrugged. "It's...not so bad, honestly. But if you wanna pay that bad, go ahead."
"Heheh, okay!" she grinned brightly, still blushing. "Then, you pick where!"
"Yeah, follow me." Nikki found herself thinking: She could get used to having the cute redhead look at her that way. Her own cheeks were slightly warm, too...

A couple of minutes into the walk, Perri said, "Hey uh..."
"Is it ju—did you see..?"
"That guy, while you were telling him off. I thought he kinda glowed pink for a minute there."
"'Glowed pink'? No way. You must've just been seeing the sunlight behind him."
"Hmmh, yeah, I guess so."

The image used for this story part was found using a stable diffusion-based image generator.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Omega Zeta Kappa 20: φ

Like any normal person, Nick took advantage of the weekend by sleeping in. He woke up a little bit after noon, took a long shower, and then finally checked his phone. He'd had it on silent while he was asleep, so this was his very first opportunity to encounter the chaos that the rulers of the strange fraternity he'd joined for protection had wrought.

Nick was...annoyed, to say the least, at this massive disruption to his and everyone else's lives. But, if anything, there was some relief that the message at least let him know what to expect once he left his room. And because there were already guys-turned-girls in the halls by then, and—as he spotted from a brief glance—Rich's weird werewolf friends had already turned into girls and were pushing potions at everyone, he decided that this was not the environment he wanted to have his breakfast in. He went back to his room to collect his laptop, and headed out for a cafe with free wifi that he knew would let him sit and play games on his computer as long as he liked after he paid for his food and drink.

When he finally left, he happened across a pair of unfamiliar girls, both with animal features. The shorter one, a gray-haired catgirl, was tugging on some white-and-pink-striped thigh-high leggings. "I dunno, these are kinda tight..."
"But they look so good on you! Just try, walking around in them for a while?" the taller girl—sporting a huge, bushy dark-furred tail—said.
"Mrow," the smaller one shrugged, and then turned her bright pink eyes on him. "Oh, hey Nick."
"Ah! H-hi," the other one added, looking a little embarrassed to have not noticed him earlier. "You um, decide..anything yet?"
He huffed annoyedly. "No. I've spent the better part of today trying to forget this garbage is even happening. Who are you two, anyway?"
"Oh, y-yeah. Darren. And she's Corbin," she added after a second, the catgirl letting out a soft mewing sound that seemed intended to indicate agreement.

Now that he knew, it was kind of obvious that's who she was—although a blouse, short skirt, and eye-catching leggings wasn't his idea of how Corbin would ever want to dress. Well, context already suggested it had been Darren's idea.
They were also acting...worryingly friendly with each other. Of course they were friends and roommates, and girls had a tendency to be express friendship more...physically in the first place, but...

Nick decided that he didn't want to be an audience to this. "Uh-huh. Well, see you two later."
"Uh, sure," Darren said—the catgirl not sparing the effort to form an additional reply.

This brief encounter proved to be a small taste of what he'd encounter once he actually got back. The dorm was at least half-full of girls by then. Mylar was a catgirl too—he'd always been part cat, but there was something particular to her behavior when she greeted him that made him think 'catgirl' and not just 'Neko who's female now'. He happened to see the two werewolves in the hall on their way to their room, Quaid excitedly holding onto Sid's wrist with a big grin that showed off her teeth—and Sid wearing a huge blush. Nick really didn't want to know what they were on their way to being up to, either.

At least things seemed a little calmer than when he'd first woke up, and it was Erwin—now a curvy girl—sitting at the 'give people potions' station now. Her personality didn't seem that different; she only gave him a friendly wave on his way to get supper. Xavier and Vade were already women too, and the latter was trying unsuccessfully to persuade her roommate to hand-feed her even though she already didn't have to lift a finger to eat. Even though 'Xavie' acted as arrogant and aggressive as always for the most part, the fact that both of them were blushing seemingly from each others' mere presence didn't escape Nick's notice.

The strange power Flynn's roommate gained—probably a result of some crazy idea Flynn had come up with—only reinvigorated the chaos the following morning. By now the last of the council had fallen to the effects of the potion, and Mylar was clinging onto Jeff nonstop. Nick saw Corbin back in a male form—but much more catlike and slender than the original model—in the middle of a long kiss with Darren when he went to the game room to seek peace and quiet, and so he immediately shut the door and left.

They were far from the only pair of former-guys to take advantage of one regaining a male form to start blatantly getting together, too; he overheard a male Xavier through the door of 'his studio' objecting to Vade still calling him 'Xavie' and saying something about holding still so he could 'properly capture her beauty'. Mars, now a blue-haired Kitsune, was back to male and lying on his back on a couch, playing on his phone in the least, that was what Nick saw. But he heard Tielo's (still-female) voice making a soft churring sound, so he stayed out of there, too. He'd always thought of Mars as someone to stick close to—sucking up to an overachiever like that could lead to all kinds of eventually-useful connections. But now he had to be wary of the splash zone of a fox's tricks.

The population of OZK was small compared to that of the entire campus, so Monday was relatively normal once he got out of the dorm now housing a majority of girls. There were some of them whose new appearances were very easy to pick out from a crowd, and a few in the same classes as him, but Nick could temporarily put the whole situation out of his mind for much of the day. It rose back to the forefront of his mind that afternoon, as classes came to an end and he went with a friend for supper in one of the campus cafeterias.

"Hey, what's got stormclouds over your head?" Pierce asked, walking alongside him.
"You've heard what's happening, right? With OZK?"
"Uhh, yyeah. It's only the top three things that everyone is talking about today—as in, that subject alone is occupying all three slots at once. Hey—is it true dudes get sick when they start turning into chicks?"
"Nnnot that I know of. At least not with this potion, anyway. It's probably people faking it so they can get somewhere private fast."

Nick sighed, his exasperation coming out with it.
"Seriously, what're you in such a bad mood for?"
"Oh, nothing. Just that my life is in chaos and most of my friends have lost their minds," he replied.
"Oh, woe is you, you get to live in an upscale dorm full of hot chicks," Pierce snarked back. "I mean—I heard Rich was just letting people turn back as soon as they took their potions, so what's the big deal?"
"It's more complicated than that, but—look. I dunno if it's the potion, or like, a burst of female hormones from the sudden sex change, but a lot of guys are just deciding they like each other all of a sudden, and going all-in on it."
"So? What's wrong with that?"
"What's wrong is, I give over half of those shallow, physicality-motivated pairings a month, at most, before they implode!

"I don't think it'll be two weeks before the place I live turns into a madhouse of nonstop drama. Fights, screaming, all my friends demanding I pick a side between them. And the worst part is, I bet the council did it on purpose. Or at least Rich did. Like, oh sure, 'we're pranking the university by converting to a sorority'," he mockingly intoned. "That is the weakest excuse I can think of! He—she—whatever, just wanted to go out with a bang before graduating next year, and I guess making one of the few safe havens for outcasts and hard workers on campus tear itself apart from the inside is a pretty big one!"

Pierce allowed a silence to hang over the rant while they opened the doors to the cafeteria, swiped their student cards to get to where the food was, and started looking for an empty table to claim with their backpacks. Then he finally said: "Orrr...y'know, a lot of them really are into each other. Like, we're talking about long-time friends already, right?"
"Yeah. I mean, mostly," Nick amended, remembering Layton's...situation. "So?"
"And they've been guys most of their lives. So no duh they like each other's looks as girls. Especially since this potion exclusively makes total hotties. I say, let 'em have their fun! Better yet, get a front-row seat to watch."
"So you'd just take the potion, no problem, if you were in OZK?"
"Maan. I would take the potion right now to join them, if they'd let me! You couldn't slip one out for me, could ya?"
Nick gave him a look that let him know Nick thought he'd just suggested something completely idiotic, then went to finally get some food. Pierce was still off getting his when he returned, so he had a moment of relative calm to eat a few bites during.

Then Pierce arrived, coming and sitting with his own tray. "Dude, I'm serious. You think they'd notice an extra guy—uh, girl around?"
"They totally would, especially Rich," Nick said. "He...she knows everyone in OZK way better than she should. I'm talking blackmail material levels of knowing. I swear she can read the mind of anyone who locks eyes with her," he said, shivering slightly. "But—at the same time, if she hears you're so eager to join that you took the potion without being a member, I bet she'd let you in anyway. Not without some torment first, though, I warn you."
"Okay then, seriously—hook me up. They're giving out bottles of the stuff like candy anyway, so nobody'll notice if an extra one goes missing, right?"
Nick sighed. "Maybe not."

When he got back to the dorm, Nick headed up to the spot near the kitchen where he'd seen people handing out potions before, and found the station still in use. Mylar...well, she was going by 'Myla' now...was sitting there playing on a Vita, and didn't really take notice of him until he waved at her from in front of the counter. "Oh, hey," she said, sitting slightly more upright. "You decided to stay with us, Nick?"
He sighed. "I'm, still not sure. Can I get a potion now, but decide if I'll drink it later?"
"Certainly," she said with a cute, friendly smile. "Take all the time you need."

That was almost too easy, he thought, slipping it into his backpack. But then, he hadn't told any lies, and Pierce was right about one thing: The security on the potions was quite lax, despite there always being someone from (or close to) the council watching over them.

After supper on Tuesday, Nick made his way to Pierce's dorm, and knocked on the door.

The two of them were friends becuase they had several things in common. Both of them had dreams of going into video game development—although Nick was much more broad with his education toward that end, taking extra classes in subjects ranging from art to music to writing, while Pierce was just focusing on learning programming. They also both played a lot of the same games, and they also both had lucked into not having a roommate this year: Nick because his previous one had graduated out and nobody new had moved in, and Pierce because of random assignment while he was recently shuffled into a new dorm. So it wasn't too uncommon for either of them to visit the other's place.

His host answered quickly. "Hey, come in!" And, as he shut the door behind him. "You, uh...get the stuff?"
"Yes, I have some of the weird potion in my backpack," Nick said, setting that backpack on the floor on his way to find a seat. "I 'haven't decided what to do with it yet', so I just—have it with me."
Pierce was confused by this statement at first. "Huh?"
"It'd be a shame if someone took it while I wasn't looking?" he continued leadingly, and this time Pierce caught on.
"Oooh, I see. Gotcha." He gave a thumbs-up.
"Anyway, I thought it'd be nice to hang out with you for a while—get my mind off the chaos back in my dorm. If that's alright with you?"
"Uh—yeah, sure! I'm done with my homework for today anyway."

Nick's statements had remained completely honest (except for maybe the one about someone swiping the potion being a 'shame')—he was hoping to hang out and take his mind off of things. But Pierce's head was clearly elsewhere; his frequent glances toward where the backpack was, and general overall distractedness, made that clear enough. After only thirty minutes or so, Nick sighed and announced that he had to go to the bathroom. He didn't in the usual sense of the phrase, but he did need to give Pierce what he wanted so he'd start acting a little more normal.

After he came out and sat down, Pierce still seemed distracted. But after a couple of minutes, he said: "So, uh. Got a confession. I took your potion."
"Oh no, you've betrayed my trust," Nick said in perfect monotone.
"And uh..chugged it already."
"Gasp. Horror."
"It tasted kinda..sweet and spicy? So, not bad, but...weird, for a drink."
"Good for you?"
"Sssssooooo...I don't feel any different?" he said, spreading his arms out around himself.
"You do remember it can take up to a whole twenty-four hours before it starts acting, right? Pretty sure I told you that myself."
"Oh! R-right...heheh."

They played for a couple more minutes, Pierce seeming slightly more focused, or at least more energetic. He was clearly nervous. " that I think of it, I guess this is why guys had to run to the bathroom out of class when they started changing these last couple of days, huh? I-it can kinda...get sprung on you at any time, after you take the stuff?"
Nick sighed, looking over at his impulsive friend with an annoyed expression. "You really should've thought of all that before drinking it."
"Well, you know, it's no big deal. I mean—there's way more of the next twenty four hours that I'm not in class than, uh, that I am," he said. "So probability's on my side!"
Still watching Pierce's face, Nick said, "Yeah—assuming each time is equally likely. Which, honestly, I dunno. I think the majority of OZK had already changed over the weekend, and yet the few that happened yesterday were mostly in class.

"..Anyway, it doesn't look like you're gonna have to wait that long," he said finally, after another pause.
"What do you..uh. Oh." Pierce finally noticed what had caught Nick's eyes about half a conversation ago: One particular lock of his bright red hair had suddenly sprung out long enough for its end to trail onto the couch. And then a couple more had done the same thing, then a few more, and then some more...and the most recent batch had included one going straight down across the side of his face to land a few inches past his shoulder. "W-wow, already?" he said, picking up that lock in front in his fingers as more of his hair, espcially the bangs and front sides, started creeping out longer a bit more steadily. "I thought I had little more time than that..." Meanwhile, locks of hair from his back continued to spurt out one after another.
Nick shrugged. "That's what they all say. I assume." Perry was busy turning around and running a hand down through his extroardinarily long hair, and by the time he turned back around it seemed to all be finished growing out, framing his face in the front and spreading out from the back as a cape of bright red from his head down to the couch around him.

He brought his hand back up to awkwardly brush at the bangs a little. "Uh, did it..stop?"
Nick shook his head no. In fact, no sooner had the hair growth ended than Perry's height had begun to slowly inch downward.
"Then what'" Pierce paused, tilting his head up and down slightly. "A-are you getting taller?" When Nick shook his head again, his face reddened slightly and he mumbled. "Oh.."

Pierce was quiet for a couple of seconds, until his eye level had sunk maybe half a foot total, and then suddenly shuddered. "Aa~ah..!" Afterward, his shrinking accelerated, and his voice cracked when he exclaimed in response to whatever he was feeling. "Th-tha~at feels, soo~oo wee~eee~iirr~rrd...!" His voice continued to crack and squeak strangely, coming out at a higher pitch after each time, as he became shorter and smaller all at once: His frame narrowed and his arms and legs slimmed and shortened with him, causing his shirt to billow and tent out around him and his pants to look increasingly baggy.
"Aah, aa~aah...!" Pierce squirmed in his seat as he shrank even more. His face became smaller and rounder, swiftly exchanging his masculine jawline for a delicate, cute look. This shift in his face went beyond just its size and shape, as his skin visibly smoothed and softened, Pierce's facial hair vanishing away. The way his blush steadily brightened as he shrank only further enhanced the visible loss of masculinity. "W-waa~aaah...!" It was happening audibly too, as the soft cries from his lips came out in a voice that now lilted from sounding like a young man's to maybe a boy's...

"Mmn~nh..!" Pierce suddenly sat much more upright, his face flushing an even brighter red. He had finally finished shrinking, it seemed, only for the change to move on to a new step—and probably an even more embarrassing sensation coming with it. "Mmh, nnn~ngh..aah, aa~ah.." As he(?) slid back down, squirming around enough to slip his pants partially off of his hips, the change in his voice continued, now losing all semblance of maleness as it began to seemingly re-mature, only this time from a girl's to a woman's...and yet it didn't deepen much at all. Then, finally, he jerked just once, a bit more violently, and let out a slightly louder "AAA~AH!" in a very soft, feminine soprano tone.

Pierce bent forward slightly, panting heavily. "I-it's..g-gone..." she mumbled softly, announcing the complete loss of manhood that the change seemed to have been building up to all along. But no sooner had she said that than she let out soft, girly "Mm~mngh..aa~aah!" and started to squirm around yet again as another round of changes began.

Her clothes started to move around on her, transforming: The pants split apart at the upper thighs, while the shirt began to shrink closer around her tiny form yet also grow its sleeves out longer. The upper part of the pants took on the look of an increasingly puffy pair of shorts, and Nick could see her hips and thighs growing thicker and plumper with how loose it still was; the lower part quickly tightened and thinned, pulling close against some slender, shapely legs.
"Aah, hffh, aa~aah...!" Her shirt pulled tight around her slender waist, the long sleeves gaining some frills at the shoulders and pulling close across some slim arms and stopping just short of covering some now small, delicate hands. Its collar turned itself out, pulling down to show a tiny bit more of her neckline, and grew a bright red ribbon around it that tied itself together into a big, pretty bow at the front...yet it remained conspicuously loose around her chest. Meabwhile, the shorts pulled themselves back up around her hips as they puffed out further, the two holes joining together into one as the hem gained some white frills and the whole thing otherwise turned a similar red to the ribbon and her hair—morphing fully into a short skirt.

"MmnnnNNNNfh...!" The new girl wriggled around a little more, making the skirt flutter around a bit, as some small bumps raised themselves up from her chest, the shirt hanging loosely across them. Then she let out more cute, high sounds, a soft "Aah, w-waaa~aaah...!" accompanying the steady growth of those bumps until they had grown into a big, healthy pair of breasts that slightly stretched and strained the top before finally giving up, causing her to emit a soft, breathy sigh as they gently bounced into place.

Just like that, Pierce had become a petite, yet curvy girl, with hair all the way down to her hips—and her clothes had turned into a long-sleeved dress shirt, a skirt, and some tight black stockings reaching all the way up to her thighs. She looked up at him, blinking a couple of times and still blushing fairly brightly. "Uh, th-that felt super weird...and still, kinda does...?" She hopped down onto her feet, looking around. "Aah, everything looks so big!"
Nick shook his head, also standing up. "That's what happens when you lose like two feet of height, I guess. Well, I guess we should get this over with, then."
"Huh?" She tilted her head cutely, craning her neck slightly to look up at him. "Um, what do you mean?"
"Well, we need to explain what happened to the OZK council," he said, crossing his arms but trying to be patient. "You 'took my potion and drank it', and now we all have to deal with it. If they let you in to the fra—uh, sorority, then Rich is probably generous enough to pay for some new clothes for you like all the other members. Otherwise...I mean, none of your old clothes fit you, and you'd be a girl sleeping in a dorm full of guys. Not to mention trying to explain what happened at all your classes tomorrow by yourself."
"Oh!" Her blush brightened again as that thought hit her. "I uh, hadn't thought of any of that, either."
He shook his head slightly. "Yeah, I guessed as much."

Nick stopped for about the tenth time, turning partially around to make sure he hadn't lost her.
Pierce broke into a brief run, then stopped, panting and still slightly blushing, putting her hands down in front of her in a vain attempt to keep her skirt from fluttering around in the wind. "Slow dooown!"

"My legs are way shorter now, you know!? A-and walking around in a skirt feels really weird!"
"Sorry. Here," he gestured, "why don't you lead? It's right over there anyway," he said, pointing toward his dorm.
"A-alright," she said, nodding, and moved to get in front of him so he could follow.

Her bright red hair spread out around her, fluttering in the breeze, her slight frame otherwise silhouetted against the light of the setting sun. Nick sighed quietly, just to himself, thinking: She'd be really cute if she wasn't Pierce. Not that it matters, since I'll probably be a girl too before tomorrow night.

After entering the dorm, Nick headed for the lounge; it was neither hard to find nor far away, so he didn't slow down for the short girl trailing him. Mylar-minus-the-r was lying on her back on a couch, so he went her way. "Hey. We have a...situation," he said, gesturing at Pierce as she came in, panting slightly. "I dunno if this is a 'whole council' thing, or just whoever's in charge of like..admissions and/or discipline?"
"Well, uh—" the catgirl sat up, seeming to intuit the implication of him bringing an unfamiliar girl with him and describing it as a 'situation'. "We don't really have discipline, that I know of—it's never really come up. Jen's out, but I can grab Rich and Tielo, and that's at least a minor-decision-making majority! Follow me upstairs," she said, getting out her phone as she hopped to her feet.

The image used for this story part was found using a stable diffusion-based image generator.