Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Omega Zeta Kappa 4: ν

Tielo was sitting in the frat-house's small dining room, having lunch, when one of Omega Zeta Kappa's newest members came and sat across from him. He was immediately hunched forward, both hands holding his phone and his face turned down, eyes laser-focused on the device. Nonetheless, he addressed the Kitsune: "Yo.."
"Morning, Mars. Or—afternoon, at this point."
The freshman shrugged. "Been up since six. Grinding for an SSR from an event," he said tersely.
Mars was some kind of prodigy, apparently taking junior-level classes already. He was also constantly staring at his phone, maintaining five or six different gacha games simultaneously without paying any of them a cent—as if keeping his grades up wasn't enough of a challenge by itself.
"Cool, cool." Tielo didn't get the appeal—at least, not from a player's perspective. Any fox had to respect a trick that kept people playing a bad game daily, even if said trick was typically used for evil.

"So uh. I blocked the group text to focus, but everyone's talking about a Thing. Figured you'd know if it's for real?"
"Ahh, yeah," the Kitsune nodded. "It's for real, trust me."
"'Kay. You, uh, got any of the stuff on you, then?"
"'Stuff'?" Tielo thought he knew what Mars meant, but figured it was best not to assume.
"Yeah, the 'make-me-a-girl' stuff." When looking at him to watch him speak, it was hard not to instead be distracted by his thumbs constantly tapping things on the phone. "Potion, or whatever."
"Oh. Yes, I have some. You've..already decided to take it?"
"Sure," Mars shrugged. "No difference to me."
"Heheh, somehow I thought you might say that."

Tielo produced a water bottle full of the multicolored, slightly glowy liquid and offered it over the table. Mars tilted his phone to portrait, holding it between his right thumb, ring and pinkie fingers while using the other two to continue tapping away—all so he could reach his left hand out to take the bottle without missing a beat. He set it on the table, unscrewed the cap one-handed, then lifted it to his head and tilted his head back, drinking the whole thing. The two or three seconds of chugging before he tossed the empty bottle backwards—landing it neatly into a recycling can he couldn't have seen either on his way in or since sitting down—were the only pause in his rhythm of poking the phone screen.

"So uh, how long's it take?" Mars asked once both his hands were secured around the screen again.
"Rich said it'd start within twenty-four hours, and go quick once it started," Tielo replied. "I'm still waiting for mine to 'start'."
"Got it," Mars stood up and took a few steps toward the exit to the room before pausing. "Hmm." He was still looking down at his phone.
"Something up?"
"Ears feel funny," the prodigy reported. Immediately after this, his left ear suddenly, audibly fwipped out, growing into a long spike of bright, sky-blue fur—clearly some sort of animal ear. The other ear echoed this action an instant later, followed by a much longer fsssh of fur sliding across cloth as a tail in the same shade of fur—but turning to white along the back third—slid its way out from his lower back. It grew to its full length as a slim line of fur, then suddenly and rapidly puffed out into a gigantic, fluffy fox tail not unlike Tielo's own.

Mars turned his body back around to face Tielo; during this time, his hair's color shifted hue from dark red to blue, its shade paling to the same sky blue as the fur of his abruptly-grown ears and tail. "So uh.." It then proceeded to flood out from his scalp, growing long bangs, locks along the sides of his face that trickled a couple of inches past the shoulders, and an enormous cape of bright blue hair that fell down past his thighs. "'Sit s'posed to do this?" he said. His face, still turned down toward the phone, had already lost all hair by the time Tielo could see it; his eyes glowed faintly for a second as their color brightened from a dark brown to a light, almost reddish one.
"Not..exactly?" Tielo said, tilting his head slightly. "I can see why it could, though.."
"Hmn." Now Mars's body got to work shrinking: His height slid downward, his frame narrowing and making his shirt tent out around him, while his face grew smaller, softer, and rounder—turning cute and girly in a matter of seconds. His pants slipped down off of his hips and fell the rest of the way off of his legs—revealing them to be smooth and hairless like his face as they visibly slimmed down. He quickly gave the phone to his right hand to reach the left down and grab his boxers before they could do the same—not that that would show anything, with his shirt already down to his thighs by now.

"Well uh—not that it feels bad, anyway.." Mars's ears lowered to point out to either side of his head, his tail swishing back and forth behind him at an accelerating rate; his soft, cute face, still focused down on the phone in his right hand, reddened with a blush. "Just, uu~uuhh..weird." Mid-utterance, his voice flipped over from a guy's to a girl's, immediately hitting an alto tone deeper than Rich's. It had to be a least a bit tougher to keep up the pace of tapping with his hands shrinking so much; by now they were quite small and delicate, with slender fingers and long nails.
The fox-boy closed his mouth, taking a long breath in with his nose, then opened his mouth to let it out. About midway through, this was interrupted by a high, girlish gasp, followed instantly by Mars's face turning bright red, those foxlike ears lowering even more and the tail going into overdrive. He...was almost undoubtedly a girl, now.

"Mm~m-nnh. Th-that, felt weird," she mumbled more softly than before, shuddering slightly as the change continued. Her extremely slim frame thickened up a bit around the hips, giving her a nice, curvy bottom and shapely thighs, and pressing the lower bit of her shirt out a bit. She slowly let go of the boxers, and they stayed on—but her left hand stayed down at her side. Then she emitted a soft, seemingly unconscious "Mrrrr~rrh" from her throat—the first foxlike sound she'd made—as her chest pushed out into the loose shirt, gradually lifting it up more and more until two large breasts had become extremely visible through its soft material.

Fully transformed, the fox-girl let out a slow "Fffhhh." Her blush faded very slowly and her tail slowed its motion, but her ears only raised a bit, stopping just slightly above horizontal. At the same time, her clothes rapidly changed. Tielo's ears could pick up a fair bit of cloth shuffling, but the only part he could actually see was her shirt puffing itself out into a long-sleeved sweater, remaining just as loose if not even more about her slim arms and narrow waist, but pulling back up over her shoulders to fit a bit better. The neckline dipped down quite a bit as the top's collar folded down, showing a bit of white cloth that belonged to some sort of undershirt. Well—that, and the pants around her feet shrank into a pair of small, soft black gym shorts clearly designed for the feminine form. However, just when it seemed the clothes were all done changing, some dark blue ribbons appeared in a brief burst of blue light near either side of her head—a bit below the ears—and her cape of ultra-long hair gathered itself up into a pair of twintails tied down by those ribbons.

"..Phew. Kinda intense," she mumbled. At some point the motion of Mars's fingers had slowed to a crawl, but she was still tapping the phone occasionally.
"H-hey uh..." Tielo said. "You know, you turned out really cute."

"Hmn?" Her ears popped up in slight surprise, and—for the first time...possibly ever since they'd met, the new girl moved the phone away from her face to turn her eyes his way. Her blush returned just slightly, maybe in response to the compliment. "T-thanks, I guess?"
"Heheh, I
did mean that, but more importantly—I think the reason you grew fuzzy parts might be the sheer amount of magic that potion uses for its transformation causing you to awaken as a Kitsune. I mean—it's tough to tell offhand, but to my senses you certainly 'feel' like one now, and didn't before."
"Oh." Then, after a pause: "Neat."
"Just saying, I know a few things about being one of the fox folk, if you wanna talk sometime," Tielo said. "I know you're busy now, of course," he added with a sweeping gesture of the hand toward her.
"Ah. Thanks." Mars nodded, kneeling and pulling her shorts up onto her with her left hand—the right still holding her phone out away from her for the moment. Tielo wasn't sure she'd ever actually had an opportunity to
see what her pants had turned into, but...nonetheless she got them securely on under the long top without so much as a glance that direction. Her focus was, after all..still on him. "I'll take you up on that sometime."

After this she turned back to the exit of the dining room, sweeping the phone up between her slim, delicate hands, and got back to work grinding for that SSR....or whatever. Her ears lowered back out nearly to the sides again, which appeared to be their default position, but her tail continued to steadily wag behind her as she left.

Tielo poked the tip of one of his own ears a couple of times. He'd been..fairly neutral about Rich's whole crazy idea before—pleased to maybe shock a lot of people with the bizarre event, but a bit conflicted about turning into a girl himself. But...well, maybe there was more to look forward to here than he'd anticipated. That was, at least, if the new Kitsune was as quick a study with magic as she was with everything else!

1 comment:

  1. Tielo: Mars is a Kitsune now.
    Jeff: Alright, let me know if I need to flee the country.
