Sunday, June 16, 2019

Taming the Trickster

Happy to have another caption out, even if it is a novel like "One Last Game" that maybe should've been a one-shot story instead again.


  1. So wait, was he looking for a master because he/she was bored? Was he playing pranks to find someone who could stop him? Was this the longest of cons? Good work as always!

    1. Well, you can choose to interpret anything not explicitly stated how you like, but what I had in mind with that last paragraph was that Kitsune in "whatever setting this is" respect cleverness, and seeing the amount of work and thought put into the traps (which of course he did notice) convinced him this would be a fun master, further solidified by how exciting experiencing the collar's effects would be--enhanced somewhat by his own 'tweaks'. There was probably also some satisfaction in seeing Tetsuo convinced it was just a side-effect and not tampering responsible for all that.
