Saturday, July 27, 2013

Ring 4.1: Girls

Ring 4.1:

Technically healthy, nothing bad in his system, but with some kind of strange hormone imbalance. The changes observed were more rapid than a normal understanding of human anatomy allowed for. Attempts could be made to repair the balance, or stop the changes, but this is uncharted territory, so just randomly guessing what kind and degree of changes to make could do more harm than good. Wait and see if it works it out naturally, since it seems to be internal in the first place..and if the condition changes in a way that may be damaging, come back at once. If it stops at some point, come in for another checkup for sure.

Kevin couldn't help but grin in the mirror. His hair had stopped growing a little past the shoulders now, and it was the perfect, bright shade of red. His face looked rounded and small, like a girl's. He'd finally stopped getting taller..or rather, stopped getting shorter when changing back. It was late Thursday night, and the lights were off, but he could still tell all of that. He put on the ring as usual, slowly turning into Kell, and when it was done she put the ring on again, and turned back. It wouldn't do for the changes to stop too soon, after all.

But when Kevin's body stopped, it was impossible to miss something that hadn't changed back this time. Even though it was pretty obvious, he checked to be sure. And indeed, it was done: She had permanently stopped being male. Tomorrow morning was going to be a little awkward. This was going to have to be a shock to her, then. For now, though, she set the ring back in its place, got back under the covers, and went to sleep.

Sam was at her locker after school on Friday when Kevin walked up. He looked so weird, so different from just a week ago..and yet there was still that nagging feeling that she'd seen him before. Not him--obviously she'd seen Kevin before--but someone who looked like he did now. “Um, hey,” he said. It was like talking to a different person: His voice was so high for a guy now, and his stuttering seemed to have all but disappeared throughout the last few days, from the few times she'd heard him talking lately.
“What's up?”
“Er..I kind of, there's something I want to talk to you about, but maybe somewhere more, umm, less in front of everyone.”
“Mh. Okay, lemme finish this up and then follow me.”

Among the several routes home, Sam knew one that almost nobody else walked down most of the time. That should be private enough, right? Once they were there, and nobody else seemed to be around, she said, “Okay, so what's up?”
“Umm..this is kind of weird. I don't really know how to explain it, but..well, last night I had a dream. It was kind of..well, it was like I was actually in a real place, know, no dream logic or physics or anything? I walked arcade, and everyone there was a girl. A-and, I was a girl too. My name was Kell.”
“Kell?” Of course, that was it! “Did you..was I there?”
“Uh, yeah. That's why, I wanted to talk to you about it. And, um, some other people from school, you know, and some other people who weren't..”
“Okay, that is really weird. Because two weeks ago..well, there's an arcade in town that lets girls play free on the first Friday of every month. And, I went to that two weeks ago, and I met someone named Kell there! You look her.”
“ there an Aki, and a..Flora, and”
“Jenna! Yes. This is really weird. So you're remembering something that actually happened, but to someone else..and you're..are you turning into her?”
“ don't know. I hadn't heard of a Kell who looked like, in the dream, before last night.”
“Me either, before that Friday. Man, this is unbelievable. Really weird.”

“Yeah. Um, I know., don't spread it around, please..but, speaking of turning into..umm, uh.” Kevin was blushing, and Sam paused, looking at him seriously.
“What? What's wrong?”
“Well..this morning, wh-when I woke up, I found out that't a guy anymore.”
“ you are turning into a girl. Or, you sort of already did. Wow..I'm sorry, that's gotta be weird..”
“Um, yeah. B-but, um, it doesn't...hurt or anything. And Liam's being cool about it. I'm more worried about what people at school will I want to keep it a secret as long as I can.”
“Alright, if you say so. I can do that. But if you ever need help with something, let me know, okay?”
“S-sure. Thank you.”

Rolf, Akio and Cole were walking on their way home.“So, I was hanging out with Lauren yesterday..” started Akio.
“Whoa, hang on,” said Cole. “You're hanging out with another girl now? That's, what, three this last week?”
“Yeeeaaah, what's the big deal?”
“Well, this isn't exactly normal for you,” said Rolf.
Akio shrugged. “Well, you know, I used to think of girls as being all different and hard to talk to, but after turning into one to go the arcade and actually interacting with a bunch of them, you know what I found out? They're just people! No harder to talk to than you guys..easier, sometimes. Anyway, so apparently she met a couple of new girls in town last Saturday at the mall..?”
“Oh, yeah, that,” said Rolf.
“I was trying to get him more comfortable with being 'Flora' so he won't freak out about it next month,” said Cole.
“..And you needed to turn into a girl too?”
“He started changing a lot slower than the other day, so I had to make sure you hadn't bought a defective ring or something. And after that it was moral support.”
“Well, I'm disappointed in you guys,” said Akio.

“..Why?” asked Rolf.
“You went and had fun as girls, with the ring I bought with my own hard-earned money..”
“..If taking out the trash once a week is hard work,” said Cole.
“Quiet you. And you didn't invite me to come along.”
Rolf said, “Well, we didn't exactly plan on it to happen..and I didn't think you'd want to.”
“And in that you thought wrong. So tonight I want to go do something as Aki.”
Cole said, “ what?”
He shrugged. “I dunno, I'll figure it out when I get there. First thing's first though, I'm gonna need the ring.”
“To my house, then,” said Cole. “Is this going to involve us?”
“Mmmmnah. I'm gonna figure out something to do on my own, if that's all right.”
“Good,” said Rolf. “Just be careful.”
“You don't need to worry about me.”

Rolf went on home, and Cole handed over the ring. “Don't lose this thing,” he said.
“No worries, I'll just keep it in my purse,” said Akio while putting it on.
“..You don't have a purse.”
“Not yet I don't.” with the ring still on, Akio got everything out of his pants' pockets and put them all down on the nearest table; the ring started glowing somewhere along the way. The instant he took the ring off, his hair changed color all at once and poofed out, growing a couple of inches longer than before to drape over his shoulders and back a bit. Then his body squeezed and shrank, his clothes tightening on him, and a vest appearing over his shirt. His hips pushed out and back as the top of his pants spread out into a pleated skirt, the leggings breaking off and crawling down a little bit, turning to a thin cloth and squeezing the girly legs tight. The skirt swished around as Akio's underwear shrank and shifted, and pulled flat between 'her' legs. A bra appeared under her shirt just in time to catch her breasts growing out, completing her petite, girlish curves. She held up a hand expectantly, and a purse slid down off her shoulder, stopping at the elbow.
“See?” she said, taking the things off of the table and filling the purse with them.
“..Yeah, the ring clearly isn't running out of energy,” said Cole. “Let me know if you suddenly develop superpowers.”
“Will do!” said Aki, grinning, and then strode on out the door.

Had trouble coming up with a title for this one. Still not sure I like the one I ended up with...

By the way, there's been sort of a dearth of comments on the posts around here lately..why is that? I really like to read what people have to say about what I'm writing, even if they don't like it, and for some reason not seeing comments makes me feel like not very many people are reading, even when I know that isn't true. I'm weird like that.


  1. I like the stuff that you have done recently. My last email and the account attached to it (HardyFries) got hacked so I had to delete it and sort out alot of other accounts. But the progression of the stories and the other single caps you have done recently have been outstanding and I hope that you will continue the great work.

  2. This story is getting interesting, I can't wait for the three guys to meet Kell again, I wonder what they are going to say. Interesting that Aki seemed to know that using the Ring would give her a purse, also one wonders if the ring might be addicting. Anyway enjoying this looking forward to the next development.

  3. It seems Jenna is the only one not to try changing something about herself out of the trio, Aki wanting to be taller and Flora wanting to be more boyish.

  4. I hereby announce my presence! While I'm here, a question: Is that CYOA abandoned, or just on hold?

    1. I still want to continue the CYOA, but have generally felt like writing one of these stories or a caption lately rather than doing that. A similar answer would come for why Midas Journal hasn't had a new part in a while.
