Hiran, James, and Iryn were three teenage guys who happened to be good friends. Occasionally they would all go to one of their houses, play some video games and hang out, and stay over for the night. It was on one of these nights, at James’s house, about an hour after his parents had gone to bed, that something strange happened.
James was sitting on the bed, Hiran standing on one side and Iryn on the other. They were talking about video games or something when in the middle of a sentence Hiran's voice cracked. It hadn't cracked in a long time, unless he was sick. He cleared his throat and started again, but it still sounded higher. He quit talking, noticing the other two were staring. “What is it?”
“Your hair,” finished Iryn.
“My hair?” His voice almost sounded like a girl's. Hiran put a hand up to it and brushed some of it in front of his eyes, noticing at the same time that it was longer and softer than usual. It was green. His face also felt smooth, and less defined. “Wha...” he started, but more started happening. His t-shirt opened up, turning into one of the sort that had to be buttoned down. He became shorter—he and Iryn were usually the same height, but now Iryn looked taller. His upper body's frame shrank in a bit, his shoulders moving down, and his arms and hands, which were about average size to begin with, became smaller.
His stomach, which usually had a slight outward bulge to it, flattened and shrank horizontally as well. His hips started to grow out, and his jeans seemed to be crawling down his legs and becoming thin, changing to a different material. It began to expose his legs as they became smooth and curved, larger above and smaller near the feet. He gasped slightly, which sounded feminine, feeling his shorts closing and shrinking up, tightening between his legs, and that something between his legs had disappeared. His shorts developed white and pink stripes while his hips moved out more, forming a curve with his stomach, and his butt expanded and rounded out.
“Whaa...” said a girl's voice from his throat as he saw his chest starting to expand out, becoming round and large until it had developed into a pair of womanly breasts, completing the curved shape to his body.
“I...how..?” she said, looking at the other two while they stared back at her. While still trying to decipher new feelings in her own body, especially the weight on her chest, she noticed that something was happening to another of them. “Iryn...your legs are...” she said softly, causing him to look down at them.
His bare feet were smooth and small, and his jeans were starting to change color to light orange and white stripes while moving down his legs like Hiran's had. His legs were shifting too, becoming smaller and more gently curved. Now his shorts were getting smaller and shifting to the same pattern as his now-tight jeans-turned-stockings. “No way...” he murmured, noticing his voice hadn't changed yet, as his hips pulled out and his butt grew, so that the stance of his lower body was fore to back from bottom to middle. The shorts shifted to panties that fit, and as they fit something else disappeared. “Aah—aack..”
His abs smoothed over and his stomach curved in, which he could see because his shirt was shrinking upward and exposing that skin. It was also getting tighter. He glanced up and saw he was now exactly the girl that had been Hiran's height before looking back down to see his shirt exposing more skin, dipping down toward his chest and removing itself from his arms, all but a strap. It was becoming striped like the rest of his clothing. He felt pressure under his chest.
“Aaa...” he said, his voice moving up in pitch. “Aaa...” His arms became slender and hands delicate; his hair started to grow. “Aaaa...” His voice now sounded like a young boy's; his face became small and his hair turned blonde, reaching down to the rounded butt. “AaaAAA!!” It became a feminine scream, though not loud enough to wake James's parents, as his chest suddenly expanded outward, filling the new bra that his shirt had become as a pair of round boobs.
The two girls stared at each other, then looked down at themselves, and then both looked at James.
“I think..” started the one who had been Hiran.
“I think you're next,” finished the one in orange and white stripes.
“You're right, it would only be fair,” said James with a shrug, as if he had any say in the matter. (He didn't.)
James's chest started growing slowly. He could feel his stomach curving in and flattening, but his shirt only shrank to fit as his frame changed, not turning into another article of clothing, and became more elaborate, with cuffs and a collar and a bow. His face became soft and cute, his eyes seeming to become larger as his cheeks developed a blush-like complexion. His hair grew only a bit longer, but softer and turned to more of a red color. Then his jeans turned into black cloth material and moved down his legs, his hips starting to pull out and his shorts shrinking and turning blue-and-white striped. His butt rounded out while his legs grew large enough at the top to squeeze what was in between them just before it shrank away, out of existence. His hands and arms had become delicate, thin, and smooth under his shirt, which was now long-sleeved as well, and his legs took on similar attributes.

She didn't make a sound through all of this, watching with a quiet interest. As her boobs seemed to be finished growing, she pulled a hand over to one of them and felt it, pressing and pinching it slightly, before looking up at the others. “Well,” she said, in a mid-alto voice, “I think we need new names.”
“Call me...Nari,” said the girl with green hair.
“I'm Ryina,” said the one in orange and white softly.
“Then call me, Jennifer. Or Jen for short,” said former-James.
They stood and sat in silence for another couple of minutes, each looking at herself and the others.
“We're...I guess this is permanent,” said Nari.
“Look in my drawer,” said Jen, pointing. Nari opened it and found that there were bras and panties where James's underwear had been. She looked over at Jen with a slightly confused look. “It changed?” asked Jen, to which the answer was a nod. “Then it's permanent, and we're probably the only ones who know it happened.”
Walking back over to where the other two were, Nari commented: “We'll have to deal with...with periods now.”
“Yeah,” said Jennifer, “and get used to liking guys. But I think that's kind of natural.” None of them had felt anything but friendship toward the others after changing.
“Hey,” said Ryina, “I know something good.”
“What?” said Nari as the other girl walked over to her.
“We can hug!” she said, grabbing Nari and giggling as their new breasts collided. The other girls laughed too, and Nari hugged her back. Jen got up and grabbed them both, creating a group hug.
“You're right,” said Nari once they had separated. “We'll have to get used to the new weight, but this might be fun!”
“Besides,” said Jen, “We're hot.” The girls burst into laughter and giggles again. All of them knew it was quite true.
It was the best sleepover any of the three had ever had.
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