This is a collection of TG captions of anime images along with some stories inspired by the same. Some stories are one-offs and more like extended captions; others are ongoing. Images not made by Whatevr. Captions and stories written entirely by Whatevr.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Beach Retirement
anime tg,
male to female,
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Alchemist & The Alchemist's Roommate (Two-part)
Two-parter. Two images for the price of one! (Which, incidentally, is $0)
The Alchemist

The Alchemist's Roommate
The Alchemist

The Alchemist's Roommate

anime tg,
male to female,
anime tg,
male to female,
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Kitsune Rose
(A note, to anyone having trouble seeing the images: make sure to click the image to view it in full size)

anime tg,
male to female,
anime tg,
male to female,
Friday, July 23, 2010
(Lately I seem to do best making two captions simultaneously and then releasing them at the same time...)

anime tg,
male to female,
anime tg,
male to female,
Monday, May 10, 2010
Beware the Rain
anime tg,
male to female,
Warrior & Mage
anime tg,
male to female,
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Cat Food (Story)
(Another 'extended caption'-style story; first person POV.)
I won't say if I regret it or not, but I think I'll always remember that day about a few months back when I dared my friend Lysan to eat a bagful of cat food.
He loved his cat, Hyko, and was always feeding him new kinds of cat food with hopes of making him happier. There was really only one kind of cat food Hyko would ever eat, and he would consistently snub all the others. One day I met Lysan on his way out of his home, carrying an open bag of cat food that looked like little fishes. "At it again, I see," I said.
"Oh, hi Paro. I just don't get why Hyko won't try anything new. I mean, he didn't even sniff at it! I'm sure it can't be that bad..."
"Maybe you should try it," I said.
"What? Cat food is for cats. I really wish I could just speak cat though, so I could persuade him to try something new every once in awhile." He was trying to change the subject.
"Come on, I'm sure it can't be too bad for humans--they always reinforce those things with a lot of nutrients, right? Besides, the pet store's put a two-returns-per-month limit up since you started going there, and this is the third."
"Ah, man, you're right. I guess I just thought for sure Hyko would like it. But this didn't come from my usual store anyway."
"Where'd it come from then?"
"I got it at a stand at a farmer's market...heh, I guess I really can't return it then."
"So try it. Dare ya. Just one piece?"
"Fine," he said, seeing I wasn't about to leave him alone about this, "I'll do it."
Since the bag was already open, Lysan just got one of the little fish-things between his thumb and index finger and stuck it in his mouth, chewing slowly and swallowing. "Hm, it's not bad, actually," he said. "Say, you want to catch a movie?"
We started walking in the general direction of the theater. He took a few more out of the bag, and munched on them in silence. We were talking about something, I think a video game, and I was watching the sidewalk ahead, so I didn't notice anything. After awhile I looked at him again, though, and noticed that he was at least a full foot shorter than me! He was supposed to be my height. I pointed it out to him, but he just shrugged and kept talking. I tried to stay calm and continued the conversation, but started glancing at him periodically.
He started to get slimmer; His torso, arms, and legs all seemed smaller, yet his long-sleeved shirt, belt, and black pants actually seemed a bit tighter. Them his hair started to get longer, reaching to his shoulders in the back.
"I really wish you had a mirror right now," I said.
"Your hair has grown in the last few seconds more than it usually does in a week."
"Hah, yeah right." I hadn't noticed it before, but his voice was higher than normal too. He kept eating the cat food; the bag still looked full even though he must have been eating large handfuls for fifteen minutes by then.
His hair turned a light purple color and kept growing, and at the same time his ears started to get bigger. They got points to their ends, and then started to grow small bits of hair all over them and twitch. Before long they were big enough to stick out from the sides of his head, past the hair, which now reached down to where his belt was. I wouldn't have looked there otherwise, but now I found that the black jeans weren't just tight on the slender legs.
He stopped. "What are you looking at?" he asked. His voice sounded like a girl's, actually.
"Um, you. I think you're turning into a girl.."
"Hm. Well, that would explain me being shorter, having long hair, huh?"
"Why are you so cheerful about this?"
"I dunno." He took another mouthful of the cat food, and suddenly a long tail sprouted from his back, the same color as his hair and just about as twitchy as his ears.
"A tail?" I said. Lysan looked at it and nodded.
"Seems this is some really weird cat food," said Lysan, grinning before getting another bite.
"Wait, so you're going to keep eating it even if that's what's causing--?"
"Yeah. I'd rather be completely female than somewhere really awkward in between. Besides, these are good."
That seemed like a very good argument, so instead of trying to argue I said, "You know, Lysan isn't a good name for a girl.."
"How about Lysra then?" she said--I say she now because at this point her chest was starting to grow. We started walking then, and by the time we got to the theater she had filled out completely, and there was no doubt. Sometime when I wasn't looking a black scarf had appeared.
"Say, do you think they'll let me take this stuff in? Or am I gonna have to hide it somew..." She noticed I was staring and paused in putting another piece of the food in her mouth. "What?"
"Um, nothing," I said, blushing a little. Unfortunately for me, Lysra was kind of cute.
I won't say if I regret it or not, but I think I'll always remember that day about a few months back when I dared my friend Lysan to eat a bagful of cat food.
He loved his cat, Hyko, and was always feeding him new kinds of cat food with hopes of making him happier. There was really only one kind of cat food Hyko would ever eat, and he would consistently snub all the others. One day I met Lysan on his way out of his home, carrying an open bag of cat food that looked like little fishes. "At it again, I see," I said.
"Oh, hi Paro. I just don't get why Hyko won't try anything new. I mean, he didn't even sniff at it! I'm sure it can't be that bad..."
"Maybe you should try it," I said.
"What? Cat food is for cats. I really wish I could just speak cat though, so I could persuade him to try something new every once in awhile." He was trying to change the subject.
"Come on, I'm sure it can't be too bad for humans--they always reinforce those things with a lot of nutrients, right? Besides, the pet store's put a two-returns-per-month limit up since you started going there, and this is the third."
"Ah, man, you're right. I guess I just thought for sure Hyko would like it. But this didn't come from my usual store anyway."
"Where'd it come from then?"
"I got it at a stand at a farmer's market...heh, I guess I really can't return it then."
"So try it. Dare ya. Just one piece?"
"Fine," he said, seeing I wasn't about to leave him alone about this, "I'll do it."
Since the bag was already open, Lysan just got one of the little fish-things between his thumb and index finger and stuck it in his mouth, chewing slowly and swallowing. "Hm, it's not bad, actually," he said. "Say, you want to catch a movie?"
We started walking in the general direction of the theater. He took a few more out of the bag, and munched on them in silence. We were talking about something, I think a video game, and I was watching the sidewalk ahead, so I didn't notice anything. After awhile I looked at him again, though, and noticed that he was at least a full foot shorter than me! He was supposed to be my height. I pointed it out to him, but he just shrugged and kept talking. I tried to stay calm and continued the conversation, but started glancing at him periodically.
He started to get slimmer; His torso, arms, and legs all seemed smaller, yet his long-sleeved shirt, belt, and black pants actually seemed a bit tighter. Them his hair started to get longer, reaching to his shoulders in the back.
"I really wish you had a mirror right now," I said.
"Your hair has grown in the last few seconds more than it usually does in a week."
"Hah, yeah right." I hadn't noticed it before, but his voice was higher than normal too. He kept eating the cat food; the bag still looked full even though he must have been eating large handfuls for fifteen minutes by then.
His hair turned a light purple color and kept growing, and at the same time his ears started to get bigger. They got points to their ends, and then started to grow small bits of hair all over them and twitch. Before long they were big enough to stick out from the sides of his head, past the hair, which now reached down to where his belt was. I wouldn't have looked there otherwise, but now I found that the black jeans weren't just tight on the slender legs.
He stopped. "What are you looking at?" he asked. His voice sounded like a girl's, actually.
"Um, you. I think you're turning into a girl.."
"Hm. Well, that would explain me being shorter, having long hair, huh?"
"Why are you so cheerful about this?"
"I dunno." He took another mouthful of the cat food, and suddenly a long tail sprouted from his back, the same color as his hair and just about as twitchy as his ears.
"A tail?" I said. Lysan looked at it and nodded.
"Seems this is some really weird cat food," said Lysan, grinning before getting another bite.
"Wait, so you're going to keep eating it even if that's what's causing--?"
"Yeah. I'd rather be completely female than somewhere really awkward in between. Besides, these are good."
That seemed like a very good argument, so instead of trying to argue I said, "You know, Lysan isn't a good name for a girl.."
"How about Lysra then?" she said--I say she now because at this point her chest was starting to grow. We started walking then, and by the time we got to the theater she had filled out completely, and there was no doubt. Sometime when I wasn't looking a black scarf had appeared.
"Say, do you think they'll let me take this stuff in? Or am I gonna have to hide it somew..." She noticed I was staring and paused in putting another piece of the food in her mouth. "What?"
"Um, nothing," I said, blushing a little. Unfortunately for me, Lysra was kind of cute.

anime tg,
male to female,
Explanations (Story)
(Intended originally as a sort of introduction to Wolf, a semi-recurring character.)
Tera had long blonde hair, blue eyes, wore bracelets on both wrists and a pink watch on her favored hand, the left, and at the moment was wearing a denim skirt down to her knees and a white shirt short enough that her slim belly showed with “Princess” in pink across the chest. Her build could be described as rather hot; she had enough of an hourglass figure, smooth skin, well-endowed chest to be considered very attractive.
She was walking home from school, thinking about her boyfriend, Max. In particular, she was trying to think of when their first date had been. She couldn't remember. In fact, everything before about three or four days ago was blurry, like she was looking at a projector screen in a room full of dry ice. She disliked it even more; if they were in love, shouldn't she be able to remember their...their memories better?
She kept thinking, and decided to break up with him. It wasn't being fickle; now that she thought of it the attraction she had felt the past couple of days was just strange, hollow attraction, like a temporary crush. And he'd seemed a bit off and awkward as well, although he was generally kind anyway. She started to shift direction, moving to go toward Max' house instead.
As she was walking, there was an odd feeling that someone was following her. She turned around, finding there was absolutely nobody on their yards or in the street, and thinking that was even stranger than if someone was following her. “Whoever you are, quit hiding,” she said. If there wasn't anyone there it would just be her being silly with nobody to notice, but otherwise...
“Sorry,” said a man's voice from behind her, the direction she had been going in, causing her to gasp briefly and turn to look at him with a jerk. He was irregularly tall, by about a foot or so, and wore long blue jeans and a blank brown t-shirt, and also, strangely, a black top hat that seemed to be wiggling. “I didn't intend to seem like such a sneak. Nor to startle you either.”
“What do you want?” she asked; he didn't seem terrible but it was still strange for him to just show up like this; they'd never met, certainly.
“I'm here to help you out. Hm...It'll be easier if I just do it first.”
“Do wha..?” she started, and then suddenly memories started flooding into her head, replacing the blurry ones, all the way up to a few days ago. Only they were of her and Max as friends, and she was male. “Uh..wha?” she said, her mind suddenly accepting these as the real memories and discarding the blurry ones as fake. It [i]did[/i] make sense, if one looked past the fact that he would have to have somehow become a she. Her..his name was supposed to be Tran. She wasn't that different from the male version in personality, aside from being female. And the whole girlfriend thing, which the corrected mind was now rebuking itself for.
“Wha...how did this happen?!” she demanded, gesturing at the first obvious sign of femininity on her chest.
“As I said, easier to explain now. You see, your friend was overheard by a witch girl a week or so ago. Remember, when he was complaining he couldn't get any girls? She was very inexperienced, but tried to 'help' anyway.”
“By removing my memories and replacing them with cr@*?!” fumed Tara/Tran.
“I agree, her methods aren't exactly ethical. Precisely the reason I plan to confront the girl as soon as I've sorted this out.”
“Sorted this out? How are you going to do that? Wait, if you can tell that someone changed me you can turn me back right? Right!?”
“Yes, but calm down. There's still more to it. I have to explain what happened to your friend, Max. And you have to make certain you want to change back. An inexperienced changing spell like the one that was used on you can make the body more resistant to other changes, and if I turned you back to your former male self you might not be able to change your mind again.”
“Uh. Right then. So we're going to Max's house?”
He nodded and gestured for her to lead the way.
Max was sitting on the couch in his living room, dejected. He still had no idea how or why his best friend had been turned into a girl, even after searching the internet all night and walking around like a zombie two days in a row. He had napped through math class and now had a C on his test. He never made bad grades, ever. As if it wasn't enough that he beat himself up for that sort of thing, his parents' disappointment made it worse. He didn't really want a girlfriend, at least, not like this. Definitely not like this. He wanted his friend back.
He had a thought. Maybe, just maybe she would be reminded of being Tran if he explained what had happened to her. At the very least he needed to tell the truth, right? Or what he knew of it.
He got up and walked to the door, hoping to catch her on the way home from school, and when he opened the door there was Tara, with a fist held up to knock. “Oh, um. Hi,” she said.
“Tara, I'm glad you're here,” said Max. “I really have to tell you something, it may not make a lot of sense, but I've just got to say it. I mean...”
“Could we go inside and sit down first?” she said.
“Sure. Yeah. That'd be better.”
They sat in silence for a moment, and then he finally started speaking, having fully gathered the thoughts, if only enough to tumble them out of his mouth in random order. “Listen, I know this sounds crazy, but you used to be a guy. M-my best friend, actually, and your name was Tran. I was--I was just talking to you one day about how I couldn't get any girls, but I was just kidding around. I mean, I'm not very good at it but it was nothing to be so bent out of shape about. But two or three days later you came to school, and somehow I recognized you, but you were a, a girl. I don't know what happened, I...?” he stopped, realizing she had not a look of surprise or disbelief, but something more pensive. “Er. What?” he said.
“I know. A guy showed up on my way here and explained it to me on the way here. I just wanted to hear it from you, to be sure you weren't taking advantage of me,” she said.
“A guy? Where is he?”
“Hiding, I think. At least, that's what he--”
“Here!” said the man , appearing on a vacant chair and causing both of them to jump. He chuckled while speaking, “Sorry, invisibility is a bit too much fun. Anyway, as I already told Tara or Tran here, a horribly unrpracticed witch tried to fix your situation,” he pointed to Max, “and instead caused something serious because, despite some knowledge of physical changes she is no good with mental, and mental changes aren't very good anyway.”
“Wait,” said Max. “If she's not good at mental changes, how come everyone else treated Tara like she'd been born female?”
“I was kinda wondering that too,” said Tara/Tran.
“Ah. That's a complex part of life-altering magic, that not even the most experienced of mages have quite figured out. It seems the universe tries to bounce back when you alter a person's memory, but only when it wants to. It's picky that way; no one's really sure why it accepts or rejects particular cases.” He shrugged. “Anyway. I'm here to hopefully find a solution to this problem, perhaps even improve things beyond the original state. For starters, Tara says she wants to change back to Tran. Correct?”
“Please,” said Max, causing her to look at him. “I've been trying to find some way to reverse it on the internet since it happened.”
“That'd be how I heard of it,” said the stranger. “You're sure?” She nodded sharply. “Stand up, please.” She stood up, and he walked over to her. “Here goes.”
He said a brief few words in some alien/mystic-sounding language, and she started to change form. Her chest deflated, and her body frame rose up a bit, sharpening most of the round points. The skirt closed and fell down to her ankles, becoming pants, and the shirt changed color from white and pink to white and blue; the “S-S” faded off of the word “Princess” and her hair became short. The cute face became sharp and defined, and the curves moved in and out, adjusting to a flat shape. The bracelets and watch had changed also, at some point.

“Phew...” he said, putting his arm behind his head, “good to be back. Actually, I feel stronger than usual. Why's that?”
“When the witch changed you, she gave you a more ideal level of fitness,” the stranger explained, “my change was only to reverse gender, since I don't know exactly what you're supposed to look like. But it's still only as if you worked out a little bit, right? I'm not very good at degrading health.”
“Yeah, I s'pose so. It's kind of nice, actually. Thanks. I never want to be female again.”
“You may not be able to be,” said the stranger.
“Hmm, by the way, what is your name? You haven't mentioned it once yet, and seem to know ours.”
“I was wondering when that'd come up. My race is extremely old, as am I myself, ancient in fact. If I ever had a name, I don't think I remember it, and most people don't speak with me long enough to ask for it. I suppose you might call me Wolf.”
“Wolf? Why that?” asked Max.
“Hmm, right. Since you're instated enough in magical knowledge I suppose I can show you,” said Wolf, taking off his hat to reveal a pair of brown wolf ears sticking out in place of normal human ears. “Indeed that's why it was wiggling,” he said. “I have a tail also, but that's hidden by magic at the moment, don't feel like undoing it just to have to put it back again. Any more questions? I'm free to answer for some time, I think.”
“Sure,” said Max, “how do people manage to learn abilities like that? And why are you so good at it?”
“Hmm. Well, a lot of people are born into magical families, and some people are just born with abilities. Generally if you have magic someone else with better-trained magic can sense it, and might get you as an apprentice or just show you to a magic shop so you could learn on your own. But as for me, like I said, I'm ancient. I'm part of a race, possibly the very last one, whose born ability is the changing of others into opposite gender—specifically the opposite of my own. It is a part of my race, and an occasional unwanted side-effect that I try my hardest to avoid, that persons turned female by me will feel an irrational attraction towards my being. My race is very powerful in this, and can make such attraction impossible to resist. However, most are—were--not intelligent enough to make creative uses for this ability, and wound up being killed as forms of demons—sometimes called incubi and succubi by humans, though that would be on the misconception that their victims were that gender to begin with.
“As for my practice in these abilities, I generally tend to come upon people who want to be the other gender, and will usually help them out as a kind of hobby or charity, whatever you want to call it. I can't change my own, and neither can anyone else, and would very much like to try it, honestly.” He sighed slightly, before continuing. “But enough about that. I also will try to reverse disasterous effects of the misuse of that kind of magic, as I'm doing now, and chastise the persons responsible for such misuse.”
The pair of boys looked at each other and back at Wolf during the long-winded explanation, then both shrugged and nodded. He was very interesting, if strange.
“You're very interesting,” commented Max.
“..If strange,” added Tran. Wolf laughed slightly.
“I might visit you a few times later on, since you know about me. It'd be good to have some actual friends, I guess. For the moment, though, perhaps I should be going so you can absorb this information?”
“Sure,” said Tran.
Wolf got up and started to leave, and was interrupted by Max, who suddenly got up, saying, “Wait!”
“Hm?” he said, turning back around. “What is it?”
“Could you..make me a girl?”
“What?!” said Tran.
“I don't know, it just seems like I might actually like it. I mean, It was nice to know someone of the opposite gender I guess, but maybe..I-i don't know. It just kind of... feels right.”
“Well, if you want it, I guess I don't mind too much,” said Tran, “As long as we're still friends and there isn't any screwing with our memory.”
“Of course not,” said Wolf, “that's not how I work.” Then, to Max he said, “You're certain?”
Quietly, Max muttered, “U-huh.” He nodded, and then said, “Yeah,” in a more confident tone. “I mean, if I get to really hating it you could eventually change me back, right?”
“You, yes,” said Wolf. “Alright. I'll set the change to start as soon as I leave the house. You'll become something like your own ideal of a female—trust me, most people like that; you probably will.” He said a few unintelligble words in Max's direction, and then gave an odd, almost ninety-degree-angle bow, straightened up, and said, “Farewell. I'll visit you two...” he hesitated. “...In a week. Definitely.” With that, he walked out the door.
Max remained still and Tran watched, both waiting for the change to start. He felt some kind of movement in his stomach area, and then his body grew a bit shorter, reducing from a few inches above Tran to around five or six below. His stomach thinned, curving inward at the same time, and his undershirt started shrinking upward; his overshirt, long-sleeved and unbuttoned, only became a bit shorter. His jeans fell off as his body shrank, and then as his hips grew out his shorts started shrinking around them. His arms and legs became smaller and slender, his shoulders rounded out, and his face started to soften. He felt his hair falling down his back, and saw it turn from brown to a light green in front of him. He looked back down at his trunks, seeing that they had become legless, were becoming panties; and that he had somehow missed something being removed from between his now-curved legs. His undershirt was shrinking still more, pulling down from his neck and away from his shoulders, leaving only a strap on each side in between. His butt grew out, rounding just a bit, and his stomach flattened completely, creating a curve between the two; his chest started to poke out a bit as the shirt dipped and shrank more, turning into a bra matching the panties on his lower body. The chest grew more, fully becoming boobs and filling the new bra; the change was complete.

“Er...Max?” said Tran, staring at her up and down.
“Call me Maxine,” she said in a mid-range female voice, taking off the overshirt and blushing a bit as he looked.
“You're...you're hot...” said Tran.
“I know,” she said, taking the shirt the rest of the way off and giggling slightly before coming up to him. “So are you,” she whispered quietly, before pulling him into a slight kiss and letting him go.
“Er, there isn't any chance you're trying to 'repay' me for playing your girlfriend for a few days, is there?”
She giggled again. “Nope. I just like you,” she said. “As a friend, and I think more.”
“..Good,” said Tran. “Now go put some decent clothes on before your parents get home and think too much 'hotness' is going down.” He pointed vaugely toward her room and they both laughed a bit; she picked up the jeans (which had now become small enough to fit her) and shirt and went into her room while they both laughed a bit more.
Tera had long blonde hair, blue eyes, wore bracelets on both wrists and a pink watch on her favored hand, the left, and at the moment was wearing a denim skirt down to her knees and a white shirt short enough that her slim belly showed with “Princess” in pink across the chest. Her build could be described as rather hot; she had enough of an hourglass figure, smooth skin, well-endowed chest to be considered very attractive.
She was walking home from school, thinking about her boyfriend, Max. In particular, she was trying to think of when their first date had been. She couldn't remember. In fact, everything before about three or four days ago was blurry, like she was looking at a projector screen in a room full of dry ice. She disliked it even more; if they were in love, shouldn't she be able to remember their...their memories better?
She kept thinking, and decided to break up with him. It wasn't being fickle; now that she thought of it the attraction she had felt the past couple of days was just strange, hollow attraction, like a temporary crush. And he'd seemed a bit off and awkward as well, although he was generally kind anyway. She started to shift direction, moving to go toward Max' house instead.
As she was walking, there was an odd feeling that someone was following her. She turned around, finding there was absolutely nobody on their yards or in the street, and thinking that was even stranger than if someone was following her. “Whoever you are, quit hiding,” she said. If there wasn't anyone there it would just be her being silly with nobody to notice, but otherwise...
“Sorry,” said a man's voice from behind her, the direction she had been going in, causing her to gasp briefly and turn to look at him with a jerk. He was irregularly tall, by about a foot or so, and wore long blue jeans and a blank brown t-shirt, and also, strangely, a black top hat that seemed to be wiggling. “I didn't intend to seem like such a sneak. Nor to startle you either.”
“What do you want?” she asked; he didn't seem terrible but it was still strange for him to just show up like this; they'd never met, certainly.
“I'm here to help you out. Hm...It'll be easier if I just do it first.”
“Do wha..?” she started, and then suddenly memories started flooding into her head, replacing the blurry ones, all the way up to a few days ago. Only they were of her and Max as friends, and she was male. “Uh..wha?” she said, her mind suddenly accepting these as the real memories and discarding the blurry ones as fake. It [i]did[/i] make sense, if one looked past the fact that he would have to have somehow become a she. Her..his name was supposed to be Tran. She wasn't that different from the male version in personality, aside from being female. And the whole girlfriend thing, which the corrected mind was now rebuking itself for.
“Wha...how did this happen?!” she demanded, gesturing at the first obvious sign of femininity on her chest.
“As I said, easier to explain now. You see, your friend was overheard by a witch girl a week or so ago. Remember, when he was complaining he couldn't get any girls? She was very inexperienced, but tried to 'help' anyway.”
“By removing my memories and replacing them with cr@*?!” fumed Tara/Tran.
“I agree, her methods aren't exactly ethical. Precisely the reason I plan to confront the girl as soon as I've sorted this out.”
“Sorted this out? How are you going to do that? Wait, if you can tell that someone changed me you can turn me back right? Right!?”
“Yes, but calm down. There's still more to it. I have to explain what happened to your friend, Max. And you have to make certain you want to change back. An inexperienced changing spell like the one that was used on you can make the body more resistant to other changes, and if I turned you back to your former male self you might not be able to change your mind again.”
“Uh. Right then. So we're going to Max's house?”
He nodded and gestured for her to lead the way.
Max was sitting on the couch in his living room, dejected. He still had no idea how or why his best friend had been turned into a girl, even after searching the internet all night and walking around like a zombie two days in a row. He had napped through math class and now had a C on his test. He never made bad grades, ever. As if it wasn't enough that he beat himself up for that sort of thing, his parents' disappointment made it worse. He didn't really want a girlfriend, at least, not like this. Definitely not like this. He wanted his friend back.
He had a thought. Maybe, just maybe she would be reminded of being Tran if he explained what had happened to her. At the very least he needed to tell the truth, right? Or what he knew of it.
He got up and walked to the door, hoping to catch her on the way home from school, and when he opened the door there was Tara, with a fist held up to knock. “Oh, um. Hi,” she said.
“Tara, I'm glad you're here,” said Max. “I really have to tell you something, it may not make a lot of sense, but I've just got to say it. I mean...”
“Could we go inside and sit down first?” she said.
“Sure. Yeah. That'd be better.”
They sat in silence for a moment, and then he finally started speaking, having fully gathered the thoughts, if only enough to tumble them out of his mouth in random order. “Listen, I know this sounds crazy, but you used to be a guy. M-my best friend, actually, and your name was Tran. I was--I was just talking to you one day about how I couldn't get any girls, but I was just kidding around. I mean, I'm not very good at it but it was nothing to be so bent out of shape about. But two or three days later you came to school, and somehow I recognized you, but you were a, a girl. I don't know what happened, I...?” he stopped, realizing she had not a look of surprise or disbelief, but something more pensive. “Er. What?” he said.
“I know. A guy showed up on my way here and explained it to me on the way here. I just wanted to hear it from you, to be sure you weren't taking advantage of me,” she said.
“A guy? Where is he?”
“Hiding, I think. At least, that's what he--”
“Here!” said the man , appearing on a vacant chair and causing both of them to jump. He chuckled while speaking, “Sorry, invisibility is a bit too much fun. Anyway, as I already told Tara or Tran here, a horribly unrpracticed witch tried to fix your situation,” he pointed to Max, “and instead caused something serious because, despite some knowledge of physical changes she is no good with mental, and mental changes aren't very good anyway.”
“Wait,” said Max. “If she's not good at mental changes, how come everyone else treated Tara like she'd been born female?”
“I was kinda wondering that too,” said Tara/Tran.
“Ah. That's a complex part of life-altering magic, that not even the most experienced of mages have quite figured out. It seems the universe tries to bounce back when you alter a person's memory, but only when it wants to. It's picky that way; no one's really sure why it accepts or rejects particular cases.” He shrugged. “Anyway. I'm here to hopefully find a solution to this problem, perhaps even improve things beyond the original state. For starters, Tara says she wants to change back to Tran. Correct?”
“Please,” said Max, causing her to look at him. “I've been trying to find some way to reverse it on the internet since it happened.”
“That'd be how I heard of it,” said the stranger. “You're sure?” She nodded sharply. “Stand up, please.” She stood up, and he walked over to her. “Here goes.”
He said a brief few words in some alien/mystic-sounding language, and she started to change form. Her chest deflated, and her body frame rose up a bit, sharpening most of the round points. The skirt closed and fell down to her ankles, becoming pants, and the shirt changed color from white and pink to white and blue; the “S-S” faded off of the word “Princess” and her hair became short. The cute face became sharp and defined, and the curves moved in and out, adjusting to a flat shape. The bracelets and watch had changed also, at some point.

“Phew...” he said, putting his arm behind his head, “good to be back. Actually, I feel stronger than usual. Why's that?”
“When the witch changed you, she gave you a more ideal level of fitness,” the stranger explained, “my change was only to reverse gender, since I don't know exactly what you're supposed to look like. But it's still only as if you worked out a little bit, right? I'm not very good at degrading health.”
“Yeah, I s'pose so. It's kind of nice, actually. Thanks. I never want to be female again.”
“You may not be able to be,” said the stranger.
“Hmm, by the way, what is your name? You haven't mentioned it once yet, and seem to know ours.”
“I was wondering when that'd come up. My race is extremely old, as am I myself, ancient in fact. If I ever had a name, I don't think I remember it, and most people don't speak with me long enough to ask for it. I suppose you might call me Wolf.”
“Wolf? Why that?” asked Max.
“Hmm, right. Since you're instated enough in magical knowledge I suppose I can show you,” said Wolf, taking off his hat to reveal a pair of brown wolf ears sticking out in place of normal human ears. “Indeed that's why it was wiggling,” he said. “I have a tail also, but that's hidden by magic at the moment, don't feel like undoing it just to have to put it back again. Any more questions? I'm free to answer for some time, I think.”
“Sure,” said Max, “how do people manage to learn abilities like that? And why are you so good at it?”
“Hmm. Well, a lot of people are born into magical families, and some people are just born with abilities. Generally if you have magic someone else with better-trained magic can sense it, and might get you as an apprentice or just show you to a magic shop so you could learn on your own. But as for me, like I said, I'm ancient. I'm part of a race, possibly the very last one, whose born ability is the changing of others into opposite gender—specifically the opposite of my own. It is a part of my race, and an occasional unwanted side-effect that I try my hardest to avoid, that persons turned female by me will feel an irrational attraction towards my being. My race is very powerful in this, and can make such attraction impossible to resist. However, most are—were--not intelligent enough to make creative uses for this ability, and wound up being killed as forms of demons—sometimes called incubi and succubi by humans, though that would be on the misconception that their victims were that gender to begin with.
“As for my practice in these abilities, I generally tend to come upon people who want to be the other gender, and will usually help them out as a kind of hobby or charity, whatever you want to call it. I can't change my own, and neither can anyone else, and would very much like to try it, honestly.” He sighed slightly, before continuing. “But enough about that. I also will try to reverse disasterous effects of the misuse of that kind of magic, as I'm doing now, and chastise the persons responsible for such misuse.”
The pair of boys looked at each other and back at Wolf during the long-winded explanation, then both shrugged and nodded. He was very interesting, if strange.
“You're very interesting,” commented Max.
“..If strange,” added Tran. Wolf laughed slightly.
“I might visit you a few times later on, since you know about me. It'd be good to have some actual friends, I guess. For the moment, though, perhaps I should be going so you can absorb this information?”
“Sure,” said Tran.
Wolf got up and started to leave, and was interrupted by Max, who suddenly got up, saying, “Wait!”
“Hm?” he said, turning back around. “What is it?”
“Could you..make me a girl?”
“What?!” said Tran.
“I don't know, it just seems like I might actually like it. I mean, It was nice to know someone of the opposite gender I guess, but maybe..I-i don't know. It just kind of... feels right.”
“Well, if you want it, I guess I don't mind too much,” said Tran, “As long as we're still friends and there isn't any screwing with our memory.”
“Of course not,” said Wolf, “that's not how I work.” Then, to Max he said, “You're certain?”
Quietly, Max muttered, “U-huh.” He nodded, and then said, “Yeah,” in a more confident tone. “I mean, if I get to really hating it you could eventually change me back, right?”
“You, yes,” said Wolf. “Alright. I'll set the change to start as soon as I leave the house. You'll become something like your own ideal of a female—trust me, most people like that; you probably will.” He said a few unintelligble words in Max's direction, and then gave an odd, almost ninety-degree-angle bow, straightened up, and said, “Farewell. I'll visit you two...” he hesitated. “...In a week. Definitely.” With that, he walked out the door.
Max remained still and Tran watched, both waiting for the change to start. He felt some kind of movement in his stomach area, and then his body grew a bit shorter, reducing from a few inches above Tran to around five or six below. His stomach thinned, curving inward at the same time, and his undershirt started shrinking upward; his overshirt, long-sleeved and unbuttoned, only became a bit shorter. His jeans fell off as his body shrank, and then as his hips grew out his shorts started shrinking around them. His arms and legs became smaller and slender, his shoulders rounded out, and his face started to soften. He felt his hair falling down his back, and saw it turn from brown to a light green in front of him. He looked back down at his trunks, seeing that they had become legless, were becoming panties; and that he had somehow missed something being removed from between his now-curved legs. His undershirt was shrinking still more, pulling down from his neck and away from his shoulders, leaving only a strap on each side in between. His butt grew out, rounding just a bit, and his stomach flattened completely, creating a curve between the two; his chest started to poke out a bit as the shirt dipped and shrank more, turning into a bra matching the panties on his lower body. The chest grew more, fully becoming boobs and filling the new bra; the change was complete.
“Er...Max?” said Tran, staring at her up and down.
“Call me Maxine,” she said in a mid-range female voice, taking off the overshirt and blushing a bit as he looked.
“You're...you're hot...” said Tran.
“I know,” she said, taking the shirt the rest of the way off and giggling slightly before coming up to him. “So are you,” she whispered quietly, before pulling him into a slight kiss and letting him go.
“Er, there isn't any chance you're trying to 'repay' me for playing your girlfriend for a few days, is there?”
She giggled again. “Nope. I just like you,” she said. “As a friend, and I think more.”
“..Good,” said Tran. “Now go put some decent clothes on before your parents get home and think too much 'hotness' is going down.” He pointed vaugely toward her room and they both laughed a bit; she picked up the jeans (which had now become small enough to fit her) and shirt and went into her room while they both laughed a bit more.
anime tg,
female to male,
male to female,
Sleepover (Story)
(Could accurately be called an extended caption. Please excuse the badly-cut images for the first two.)
Hiran, James, and Iryn were three teenage guys who happened to be good friends. Occasionally they would all go to one of their houses, play some video games and hang out, and stay over for the night. It was on one of these nights, at James’s house, about an hour after his parents had gone to bed, that something strange happened.
James was sitting on the bed, Hiran standing on one side and Iryn on the other. They were talking about video games or something when in the middle of a sentence Hiran's voice cracked. It hadn't cracked in a long time, unless he was sick. He cleared his throat and started again, but it still sounded higher. He quit talking, noticing the other two were staring. “What is it?”
“Your hair,” finished Iryn.
“My hair?” His voice almost sounded like a girl's. Hiran put a hand up to it and brushed some of it in front of his eyes, noticing at the same time that it was longer and softer than usual. It was green. His face also felt smooth, and less defined. “Wha...” he started, but more started happening. His t-shirt opened up, turning into one of the sort that had to be buttoned down. He became shorter—he and Iryn were usually the same height, but now Iryn looked taller. His upper body's frame shrank in a bit, his shoulders moving down, and his arms and hands, which were about average size to begin with, became smaller.
His stomach, which usually had a slight outward bulge to it, flattened and shrank horizontally as well. His hips started to grow out, and his jeans seemed to be crawling down his legs and becoming thin, changing to a different material. It began to expose his legs as they became smooth and curved, larger above and smaller near the feet. He gasped slightly, which sounded feminine, feeling his shorts closing and shrinking up, tightening between his legs, and that something between his legs had disappeared. His shorts developed white and pink stripes while his hips moved out more, forming a curve with his stomach, and his butt expanded and rounded out.
“Whaa...” said a girl's voice from his throat as he saw his chest starting to expand out, becoming round and large until it had developed into a pair of womanly breasts, completing the curved shape to his body.

“I...how..?” she said, looking at the other two while they stared back at her. While still trying to decipher new feelings in her own body, especially the weight on her chest, she noticed that something was happening to another of them. “Iryn...your legs are...” she said softly, causing him to look down at them.
His bare feet were smooth and small, and his jeans were starting to change color to light orange and white stripes while moving down his legs like Hiran's had. His legs were shifting too, becoming smaller and more gently curved. Now his shorts were getting smaller and shifting to the same pattern as his now-tight jeans-turned-stockings. “No way...” he murmured, noticing his voice hadn't changed yet, as his hips pulled out and his butt grew, so that the stance of his lower body was fore to back from bottom to middle. The shorts shifted to panties that fit, and as they fit something else disappeared. “Aah—aack..”
His abs smoothed over and his stomach curved in, which he could see because his shirt was shrinking upward and exposing that skin. It was also getting tighter. He glanced up and saw he was now exactly the girl that had been Hiran's height before looking back down to see his shirt exposing more skin, dipping down toward his chest and removing itself from his arms, all but a strap. It was becoming striped like the rest of his clothing. He felt pressure under his chest.
“Aaa...” he said, his voice moving up in pitch. “Aaa...” His arms became slender and hands delicate; his hair started to grow. “Aaaa...” His voice now sounded like a young boy's; his face became small and his hair turned blonde, reaching down to the rounded butt. “AaaAAA!!” It became a feminine scream, though not loud enough to wake James's parents, as his chest suddenly expanded outward, filling the new bra that his shirt had become as a pair of round boobs.

The two girls stared at each other, then looked down at themselves, and then both looked at James.
“I think..” started the one who had been Hiran.
“I think you're next,” finished the one in orange and white stripes.
“You're right, it would only be fair,” said James with a shrug, as if he had any say in the matter. (He didn't.)
James's chest started growing slowly. He could feel his stomach curving in and flattening, but his shirt only shrank to fit as his frame changed, not turning into another article of clothing, and became more elaborate, with cuffs and a collar and a bow. His face became soft and cute, his eyes seeming to become larger as his cheeks developed a blush-like complexion. His hair grew only a bit longer, but softer and turned to more of a red color. Then his jeans turned into black cloth material and moved down his legs, his hips starting to pull out and his shorts shrinking and turning blue-and-white striped. His butt rounded out while his legs grew large enough at the top to squeeze what was in between them just before it shrank away, out of existence. His hands and arms had become delicate, thin, and smooth under his shirt, which was now long-sleeved as well, and his legs took on similar attributes.

She didn't make a sound through all of this, watching with a quiet interest. As her boobs seemed to be finished growing, she pulled a hand over to one of them and felt it, pressing and pinching it slightly, before looking up at the others. “Well,” she said, in a mid-alto voice, “I think we need new names.”
“Call me...Nari,” said the girl with green hair.
“I'm Ryina,” said the one in orange and white softly.
“Then call me, Jennifer. Or Jen for short,” said former-James.
They stood and sat in silence for another couple of minutes, each looking at herself and the others.
“We're...I guess this is permanent,” said Nari.
“Look in my drawer,” said Jen, pointing. Nari opened it and found that there were bras and panties where James's underwear had been. She looked over at Jen with a slightly confused look. “It changed?” asked Jen, to which the answer was a nod. “Then it's permanent, and we're probably the only ones who know it happened.”
Walking back over to where the other two were, Nari commented: “We'll have to deal with...with periods now.”
“Yeah,” said Jennifer, “and get used to liking guys. But I think that's kind of natural.” None of them had felt anything but friendship toward the others after changing.
“Hey,” said Ryina, “I know something good.”
“What?” said Nari as the other girl walked over to her.
“We can hug!” she said, grabbing Nari and giggling as their new breasts collided. The other girls laughed too, and Nari hugged her back. Jen got up and grabbed them both, creating a group hug.
“You're right,” said Nari once they had separated. “We'll have to get used to the new weight, but this might be fun!”
“Besides,” said Jen, “We're hot.” The girls burst into laughter and giggles again. All of them knew it was quite true.
It was the best sleepover any of the three had ever had.
Hiran, James, and Iryn were three teenage guys who happened to be good friends. Occasionally they would all go to one of their houses, play some video games and hang out, and stay over for the night. It was on one of these nights, at James’s house, about an hour after his parents had gone to bed, that something strange happened.
James was sitting on the bed, Hiran standing on one side and Iryn on the other. They were talking about video games or something when in the middle of a sentence Hiran's voice cracked. It hadn't cracked in a long time, unless he was sick. He cleared his throat and started again, but it still sounded higher. He quit talking, noticing the other two were staring. “What is it?”
“Your hair,” finished Iryn.
“My hair?” His voice almost sounded like a girl's. Hiran put a hand up to it and brushed some of it in front of his eyes, noticing at the same time that it was longer and softer than usual. It was green. His face also felt smooth, and less defined. “Wha...” he started, but more started happening. His t-shirt opened up, turning into one of the sort that had to be buttoned down. He became shorter—he and Iryn were usually the same height, but now Iryn looked taller. His upper body's frame shrank in a bit, his shoulders moving down, and his arms and hands, which were about average size to begin with, became smaller.
His stomach, which usually had a slight outward bulge to it, flattened and shrank horizontally as well. His hips started to grow out, and his jeans seemed to be crawling down his legs and becoming thin, changing to a different material. It began to expose his legs as they became smooth and curved, larger above and smaller near the feet. He gasped slightly, which sounded feminine, feeling his shorts closing and shrinking up, tightening between his legs, and that something between his legs had disappeared. His shorts developed white and pink stripes while his hips moved out more, forming a curve with his stomach, and his butt expanded and rounded out.
“Whaa...” said a girl's voice from his throat as he saw his chest starting to expand out, becoming round and large until it had developed into a pair of womanly breasts, completing the curved shape to his body.
“I...how..?” she said, looking at the other two while they stared back at her. While still trying to decipher new feelings in her own body, especially the weight on her chest, she noticed that something was happening to another of them. “Iryn...your legs are...” she said softly, causing him to look down at them.
His bare feet were smooth and small, and his jeans were starting to change color to light orange and white stripes while moving down his legs like Hiran's had. His legs were shifting too, becoming smaller and more gently curved. Now his shorts were getting smaller and shifting to the same pattern as his now-tight jeans-turned-stockings. “No way...” he murmured, noticing his voice hadn't changed yet, as his hips pulled out and his butt grew, so that the stance of his lower body was fore to back from bottom to middle. The shorts shifted to panties that fit, and as they fit something else disappeared. “Aah—aack..”
His abs smoothed over and his stomach curved in, which he could see because his shirt was shrinking upward and exposing that skin. It was also getting tighter. He glanced up and saw he was now exactly the girl that had been Hiran's height before looking back down to see his shirt exposing more skin, dipping down toward his chest and removing itself from his arms, all but a strap. It was becoming striped like the rest of his clothing. He felt pressure under his chest.
“Aaa...” he said, his voice moving up in pitch. “Aaa...” His arms became slender and hands delicate; his hair started to grow. “Aaaa...” His voice now sounded like a young boy's; his face became small and his hair turned blonde, reaching down to the rounded butt. “AaaAAA!!” It became a feminine scream, though not loud enough to wake James's parents, as his chest suddenly expanded outward, filling the new bra that his shirt had become as a pair of round boobs.
The two girls stared at each other, then looked down at themselves, and then both looked at James.
“I think..” started the one who had been Hiran.
“I think you're next,” finished the one in orange and white stripes.
“You're right, it would only be fair,” said James with a shrug, as if he had any say in the matter. (He didn't.)
James's chest started growing slowly. He could feel his stomach curving in and flattening, but his shirt only shrank to fit as his frame changed, not turning into another article of clothing, and became more elaborate, with cuffs and a collar and a bow. His face became soft and cute, his eyes seeming to become larger as his cheeks developed a blush-like complexion. His hair grew only a bit longer, but softer and turned to more of a red color. Then his jeans turned into black cloth material and moved down his legs, his hips starting to pull out and his shorts shrinking and turning blue-and-white striped. His butt rounded out while his legs grew large enough at the top to squeeze what was in between them just before it shrank away, out of existence. His hands and arms had become delicate, thin, and smooth under his shirt, which was now long-sleeved as well, and his legs took on similar attributes.

She didn't make a sound through all of this, watching with a quiet interest. As her boobs seemed to be finished growing, she pulled a hand over to one of them and felt it, pressing and pinching it slightly, before looking up at the others. “Well,” she said, in a mid-alto voice, “I think we need new names.”
“Call me...Nari,” said the girl with green hair.
“I'm Ryina,” said the one in orange and white softly.
“Then call me, Jennifer. Or Jen for short,” said former-James.
They stood and sat in silence for another couple of minutes, each looking at herself and the others.
“We're...I guess this is permanent,” said Nari.
“Look in my drawer,” said Jen, pointing. Nari opened it and found that there were bras and panties where James's underwear had been. She looked over at Jen with a slightly confused look. “It changed?” asked Jen, to which the answer was a nod. “Then it's permanent, and we're probably the only ones who know it happened.”
Walking back over to where the other two were, Nari commented: “We'll have to deal with...with periods now.”
“Yeah,” said Jennifer, “and get used to liking guys. But I think that's kind of natural.” None of them had felt anything but friendship toward the others after changing.
“Hey,” said Ryina, “I know something good.”
“What?” said Nari as the other girl walked over to her.
“We can hug!” she said, grabbing Nari and giggling as their new breasts collided. The other girls laughed too, and Nari hugged her back. Jen got up and grabbed them both, creating a group hug.
“You're right,” said Nari once they had separated. “We'll have to get used to the new weight, but this might be fun!”
“Besides,” said Jen, “We're hot.” The girls burst into laughter and giggles again. All of them knew it was quite true.
It was the best sleepover any of the three had ever had.
anime tg,
male to female,
Wolf's Inn (Series)
(Want to do more of these sometime, if I can ever find good pictures for the concept.)
Wolf's Inn

Wolf's Inn Investigation
Wolf's Inn
Wolf's Inn Investigation
anime tg,
male to female,
Wolf's Inn
Neko House (Series)
anime tg,
male to female,
Neko House,
'Nerdy' (Series)
anime tg,
male to female,
GCB (Series)
(Stands for 'Gender Change Beach' or something like that. There is a two-parter within the series itself.)
Beach Vacation

Beach Review

Lifeguard Part 1

Lifeguard Part 2
(Please note that 'image credit' denotes that the person credited is who I got the image from, not the one who made it.)

Beach Retirement
Beach Vacation
Beach Review
Lifeguard Part 1
Lifeguard Part 2
(Please note that 'image credit' denotes that the person credited is who I got the image from, not the one who made it.)
Beach Retirement

anime tg,
male to female,
Crime&Punishment (Two-part)
anime tg,
male to female,
Changing Island (Series)
(A small series. I had planned to make several more, but they simply have not come to pass.)
Leader Najira

Surfer Danny

Birdwatcher Irya
Leader Najira
Surfer Danny
Birdwatcher Irya
anime tg,
Changing Island,
male to female,
Super-Cute Kittens!
anime tg,
male to female,
Don't Touch
anime tg,
male to female,
No Waste
anime tg,
male to female,
Changing Rooms
anime tg,
male to female,
anime tg,
male to female,
White Panties
anime tg,
male to female,
anime tg,
male to female,
Beautiful Wolf
anime tg,
male to female,
Kitten Special
anime tg,
male to female,
anime tg,
male to female,
anime tg,
male to female,
Better Body
anime tg,
male to female,
Free Vacation
anime tg,
male to female,
Swim Team
anime tg,
male to female,
True Self
anime tg,
male to female,
Feline Dream
anime tg,
male to female,
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