Thursday, April 27, 2023

Battle Vixens! - 117

Episode 117: Forecast

Light could feel the rays of the early sunrise coming in through the cracks in the windows. It was still strange—it wasn't that she could feel warmth, nor see any of the light through her eyelids; it was simply the light itself that entered her perception. Amory didn't seem to be up yet, or at least hadn't turned on the TV, but her ears could pick up the radios of their neighors:

"...cold front coming in, we can expect scattered showers all day, and some severe thunderstorms in the late afternoon..."
"...shocking announcement that after yesterday's onslaught, there will be three attacks today. We reached out to the Initiative for comment..."

She groaned quietly, turning over to shove her face into the pillow. It was going to be a bad day.

Thad had some strange questions to ask himself during his early-morning run.

He was thinking back to the night before. After his roommate, in adorable fox-girl form, had fallen asleep—she, a catgirl at the time, hadn't felt right moving enough to risk wake her...especially with her arm around Thad's waist in a light half-hug, and her head resting on her shoulder. She'd just quietly returned the hug and enjoyed things for a while without thinking about it too much—at least until, nearly an hour later, she had the strange sensation of her body starting to reverse its transformation.

It was this bizarre feeling, like something she hadn't realized she was stretching out was getting tired and needed to withdraw itself. She'd already lost a bit of size to her chest, and grown an inch or so in height, when she realized it, and then she sort of pulled back against that feeling, which seemed to slow the change—but the return to her usual look was inevitable. She just wanted to carefully get Magus off of her, and her head onto a pillow, so she wouldn't wake up hugging a dude. It just—wasn't something she wanted to do to her roommate. After that, she scooted over to the far side of the couch and 'let go', and nearly instantly changed all the way back, losing the tail and big furry ears just as swiftly as they'd appeared.

He didn't wake her up until the food had arrived—or, really, it was more accurate to say that the smell of the food woke her up. Marcus was quick to change back, and seemed slightly awkward and embarrassed the whole meal, hurrying back to his room to go back to sleep on an actual bed as soon as he was full.

Thad had never disliked his looks. No, that wasn't it—he'd always loved his looks. He worked very hard to maintain them, after all, and he loved it when girls looked upon him with appreciation, and other guys with jealousy. Being a fit jock was decidedly a part of his identity, just as much as being a car buff and amatuer mechanic, always taking good care of his baby ever since he'd first gotten it. So...why had he enjoyed being a soft, literally fluffy girl so much? It was a lot of new sensations that should've been nothing short of bizarre and disorienting, but in the moment she'd simply felt like it was..easy, natural, and even relaxing in a strange sort of way. She'd liked having..the kind of body Thad himself didn't really enjoy on girls; something about it simply felt nice. Of course Marcus had admitted to liking busty girls—not that that was any surprise anyway—but Thad's enjoyment was definitely from more than just making the cute fox-girl blush.

And it had been with a profound sense of disappointment that he'd let that look go. Even if Magus could turn him back, it didn't feel entirely right to make her do that. Not if she had to exhaust herself to do it; not if she felt even more awkward around Thad than before as a result. It was frustrating to want something and not fully understand why, and it was even more frustrating to know he could have it practically any time, but also that it wouldn't really be right.

So...what was he going to do about this? The easiest, safest option was to do nothing: Don't make Magus turn him into a catgirl again, and try to ease things back to relative normalcy with his roommate. That was sort of why he'd come up with the dumb idea in the first place, right? But...even though he liked how he was right now, and didn't want to get rid of it or anything, the idea of never being able to feel that way again...made him feel kind of sad. Besides that, it felt like he'd never fully understand even..why he wanted it in the first place, without being able to experience it again a couple more times.

He ran back to the apartment complex, deciding: He could at least do nothing for now, right? With even more monsters bearing down on them, the fox-girls—including his roommate—had enough on their plate without him adding to it. Maybe he could bring up the idea of her turning him back again when that plate was a lot closer to empty. Sure, it might be months or a year until then, but...whatever weird part of him wanted to be a catgirl at least didn't feel too impatient. As long as it was a reasonable possibility in the future...that felt like it was enough for now.

"I'm glad you decided to talk to me again. I admit, I didn't think we'd be doing a one-on-one so soon, though. You sure you're all right with this?"
Cynthia looked the woman in the eyes, and nodded. "Yeah. I know I'm screwed up in the head, anyway."
"Come on, that's not a healthy way to think about it at all. You've been through a lot in your life," she said. "These wounds take a long time to heal. To be honest, it's rare for them to go completely away. But every step you take to make things better is important, even when it's uncomfortable. Even when it hurts."

She paused about as long as felt comfortable, then asked: "Well, is there anything specific you wanted to talk about to start off?"
"...Maybe...what do you think of Donny and me? From seein' us together and stuff? You, know what I'm askin'?"
"Sure, might not want to hear my answer."
"I've had to hear and see a lotta things I didn't like lately," Cynthia said, gesturing her to go on.

"Well. I can't say too much for sure from just one meeting, after all. And I don't believe you two are doing each other any harm, necessarily. But I did see a few signs that your relationship could eventually hurt you—both of you—more than it helps. It seems to me that you both needed each other, just to survive, for such a long time that you have difficulty relating to others without her. And she seems to badly want to protect you—now, there's nothing wrong with that necessarily, but I'm afraid the need she feels is stronger than is really healthy. At worst, it might make her hurt people someday—including herself, or even you, without meaning to."
"You're right...I don't really wanna hear that."

After a long silence, Cynthia sighed. "Since I uh..came back to life or whatever. I been figuring out what she was up to since I, died. She had...was startin' to have Folks who cared about her, stuff she was doin' all on her own, you know? But then she went and basically, killed herself by fightin' that crazy woman all alone, I guess just so she could see me again, or have me be somethin' vaguely like alive. I..."

She paused, feeling some tears come out and a slight sniff come in. "I never wanted that! She oughta know I wouldn't want that for her!" Then she took in a slow, ragged deep breath, having felt her power lash out just slightly, enough to form some small wisps of flame in the nearby air and heat the air around her several degrees, and working to get a grip on it again. "I...I made her promise to take my power and do some good with it if...if anything happened to me. 'Cause, to make up for what she..what we did, when we first got our powers. But also I, I wanted her to live. Without me, holdin' her back anymore..."

"It's not fair to yourself to say you're holding her back," the woman replied kindly. "You can't take everything on your own shoulders, you know."
"I..I know. But I still feel like...since we both came back, she's been obsessed with just—protectin' me, and nothin' else. She's always, unless I tell her to go away, she just..follows me around like a lost puppy or somethin'. It ain't right, for her to act that way. I oughta be strong enough..I-I should be able to take care of myself."
"There's nothing wrong with letting other people support you. But you know telling me you feel that way won't do either of you all that much good, right?"
"Sure...I know. I just...I dunno if I'm ready. If I can get the right words make her understand. It ain't that I don't like her, it''s just..."
"Just take your time. There's no hurry, right?"

It will strike three times today, each at least two hours apart. Don't allow this to discourage you; it has to get worse before it can get better. And don't forget to eat!

Emma lay on her side, staring at the message on her phone. It wasn't good news, sure, but it also wasn't nearly as abrupt as yesteday's announcement. There was something almost...warm and kind about those last couple of sentences, almost like...something Beryl might say.

Beryl, and not the Watcher.

She shook her head, hopping out of bed and 'stepping apart' to have four hands to make breakfast with. If the strange, immortal being who'd handed out superpowers was getting more emotionally invested in their survival, that could only be a good thing, right? That part about it getting worse before it got better, however, was not good. It sounded like something people said about incredibly dangerous diseases, or like...radiation sickness. Was this the worst it would get, or would it be even worse tomorrow? But they needed to get through today to even find out, of course, so—she wasn't going to let herself worry about that just yet.

Last night had After meeting up with Amory and Light, they'd introduced her to several more vixens (and, of course, their powers), and she'd been able to help about half of them gain new insight into just what their magic was doing. Even the ones who already understood their abilities better than she could hope to seemed excited to see her imitating them, like they were proud to be helping her learn more. Or—maybe that was just how she interpreted their happy or encouraging expressions, because it was what she wanted to think.

Learning and using new powers was just as addictively fun as ever, but it still came with the bitter aftertaste of worry: What if they fall into the wrong hands? What if I get eaten again? What if Light turns evil someday? What if I turn evil?! She never felt like she had a good answer to any of those questions, so she had to just push these thoughts out of her mind—and only one of the more complicated 'culinary spells' from Beryl's books seemed to occupy enough of her double-mind to properly distract her. At least it looked like it would taste good, if she managed to make it halfway work.

Rowan had been invited to an early-morning meeting of an unusual combination from among the VI's various departments: Public relations and tactical support. It was less of a conference, and more of a direct presentation and announcement. Just as it was about to begin, Simon rushed in and took up a spot standing next to the door, looking very unhappy to have to be here so early—but, as second-in-command, it was important that he understood this information too. Then the person in charge stepped up to the front of the room, dimming the lights so the projector screen could be more easily seen, and the soft pre-meeting murmur quickly died down.

"Right. I don't want to use up too much of your time, so I'll get to the point.

"Since the Giver began using the wiki we already had ties with as a reference to identify the types of opponents the empowered would soon be facing, we've been working with them to make the top matter of the page for each 'species' as tactically-relevant and quickly-readable as possible. The primary new feature we wanted to make sure you are aware of is a 'classification system' which should enable a more rapid assessment of the estimated threat, and necessary level of response.

"Across the thousands of encounters we have access to data on, our tactical department has noticed an unusually strong correlation between a number of attributes: The amount of resilience a creature has, its capacity to cause death and destruction, the difficulty which empowered tend to have while fighting it...essentially, all of these things appear to be tied directly to the creature's overall 'mass'.

"The strange black mist which they appear to be made out of occurs in different concentrations in different creatures, and they generally lose that material when they are harmed—that much is obvious. It is clear that the amount of that material a creature is made of, therefore, determines how much punishment it can take before dissipating. But all of these other factors appear to be strongly enough correlated to the amount of this 'mass' present to justify classifying them quite broadly by entirely this metric. While, of course, the true amount of danger one of them poses depends heavily on the situation, this should again help to allocate resources wisely. In order to make the information digestible, we have collated all of the known types of creatures by estimated mass on a logarithmic scale, and separated them into a total of four classes so far...which means that each successive type is understood to be exponentially worse than the last.

"The weakest of the creatures we have termed 'Class 0'. These are generally too small to swallow anyone and become so-called 'nightmares', and also weak enough that a single one would likely be survivable by an ordinary, unempowered human, especially if he has a weapon handy. However, they have never to date appeared alone to enable anyone to test this theory. At any rate, examples of these include the small creatures that the dragon tends to spawn from itself, or the smaller individual members of the 'swarm' last Friday.

"A notch above that in threat level are 'Class 1'. Examples of these include the 'twins', gryphons, snakewolves, chargers, bashers..and so on. A single one is generally not an issue for a single empowered under ideal circumstances, but these also rarely appear alone lately—and circumstances are even more rarely ideal. Some of these are large enough to swallow an empowered, but in a few cases have they actually managed to do so. Next...

"'Class 2' creatures tend to be a significant threat all on their own, often requiring a few empowered apiece to take down. The 'shiva', 'razor lizards', and giant turtles are some local examples that come to mind. These are the ones that most often become 'nightmares', probably because they both appear more frequently than 'Class 3', and are more capable than 'Class 1'. A typical 'Class 2 nightmare' has a threat level comparable to a 'Class 3'. Also, the recent phenomenon of 'fused' creatures seems to tend to result in either multiple 'Class 1''s becoming a 'Class 2', or a 'Class 1' making a 'Class 2' even more dangerous.

"Finally, 'Class 3' creatures are the strongest we know of, the kind that can quickly level cities if left unchecked. These include hydras, dragons, gigaworms, hecatoncheries, and so on. Each one requires sigificant, sustained firepower to take down. Some of the creatures at this level can spawn 'Class 0' ones from their own bodies. It is often inadvisible for individual or even small teams of empowered to confront these head-on, rather than stalling them out and waiting for backup. While these have occasionally been observed to swallow empowered, they are already dangerous enough without doing so that a 'Class 3' becoming a 'nightmare' is still not enough—statistically speaking—to warrant a higher classification."

"Apart from that announcement—since it pertains to the wiki site, we would also like to make everyone here aware of something...strange. Since it is playing an increasingly important role in tactical support, the VI has been working with data companies to secure and allocate more server space to the wiki, but some of the sharpest bursts of activity, typically just as attacks in multiple locations are simultaneously announced...should be too much for it, enough to act as an unintentional denial-of-service attack. I say 'should', because the servers have been observed to behave in what our IT department has called an 'anomalous' fashion during these times, with the load on the servers abruptly dropping to near-zero when the site reports the highest number of hits, despite the site remaining fully online. Despite some extensive efforts to track down the source of this phenomenon, no real progress has been made...aside from the suggestion that 'maybe the Giver did it', if that counts."

"Look.." Rory was at breakfast with her husband; he'd been a little too tired to make something from scratch today, but as far as she was concerned, the leftovers they were having were just as good. "I should stay here today."
"You don't want to go back to the university? You got up and got dressed and everything," Clark said.
"Yeah. But there's supposed to be—like—three attacks today, right? I should stay on this end of town, where I can get to Ning more easily if she needs help. I'm still not much help to my students anyway—it was really nice to see them yesterday, and I am starting to remember a little more, but I think I might be better off sifting through my own research and all the basics I'm supposed to already know on a computer here than being distracted anyway. Since you and I share powers, if there's trouble at the university and downtown, we'll still have someone who can heal on both ends, right?"
"That's true..." he nodded. "All right. I'll see if one of the kids doesn't have classes this morning, maybe, to go somewhere near downtown and support you two. And with the rest of us on campus, we can get a group to anywhere in town reasonably quickly."
"Sounds like a plan!" she grinned.

Around mid-morning, Blake finally came out of his room. "Morning..."
Amory was on the couch. He sat up and turned around to face his roommate. "Hey, I thought you were gone already! Don't you have classes this morning?"
"Yyyeah...I'm skipping today." He must've just woken up, but he sounded exhausted. "I can't focus on school with..." and he made a vague gesture. "...going on."
"Well, hey, get something to eat at least!" he pointed emphatically toward the kitchen. "Have you looked at your phone yet?"
He started shuffling off that way. "Yeah. I said I'd go downtown, since uh..Gemma and Magus are on campus this morning."
"Hey, seriously—are you okay? You sleep alright?"
"Yeah. Going to 'that place' guarantees sleep, at least. I, uh, guess fighting fused yesterday took more out of me than I thought." He yawned. "Anyway, I really don't feel that bad. I think I just slept too much, you know? Plus, you know, the weather..."

Amory could feel that this wasn't entirely honest, but he wasn't sure if Blake was lying to him, or to himself. "Sure...uh, you want me with you?" he offered.
"Nah. I can keep everyone safe, Rory can tank or knock over basically anything, and Ning can do tons of damage fast with her lightning magic. Between the three of us...I think the other team needs your help more."
"Fair enough." It didn't evaporate his concerns, but at least Blake was thinking about the situation tactically. Anyway, based on his self-described role in any hypothetical fight downtown, he didn't seem intent on taking on more than he could handle right now. Amory would just have to trust his friend.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Battle Vixens! - 116

Episode 116: Out of the Bag

It was sort of strange, Marcus thought once he was back to human form. 'Magus' had been running around, fighting, exerting whatever physical energy was apparently required to do magic, and had been hurt pretty bad once or twice too, even if she'd been magically healed of those particular injuries. It made sense for her to be exhausted, and sore, and to just overall feel like garbage. But 'Marcus', on the other hand, was just tired and feeling like garbage, without any of the physical cues that would normally accompany that. The injuries stayed behind with the fox-girl and her hats, but the exhaustion held onto him no matter what form he was in.

He sort of slowly shambled through the apartment complex, got his keys out and clumsily fumbled around to get the right one into the door to his apartment, then shuffled inside with as much of a hurry as he could manage to get to something he could sleep on. By this point, even his bedroom just seemed like it was too far away, and he just flopped over onto the couch, as uncomfortable of a place to sleep as it usually was. Fortunately, Thad had classes and practice for a good bit of the day, so there'd been no risk of running into him. Marcus could just...get up and make his way to the bedroom after a short nap.

The next thing he knew, someone's hands were shoving him in the side fairly hard. He groaned quietly, only barely conscious from even that. "Wake up!" Thad's voice growled angrily as he shoved him again, and this time Marcus groaned a little louder before half-sitting up, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeesh, finally! I thought you were in a coma, man!"
"Uugh..sorry. I've, kinda rough day."
"Really?" Thad didn't sound happy, and now that Marcus's vision was clear enough he could see him glaring down at him with his arms crossed. "Doin' what, huh?"
"Well uh.." He had been thinking about how to explain his general state of exhaustion before, and now out came the one halfway-decent idea he'd had for that. "I-I didn't really wanna tell you, you know uh, until there were actual results, but I've been trying to..exercise more, lately."
"Uh-huh." It didn't look like his roommate was buying that. Shoot, he thought he'd sounded pretty convincing there. "You been skipping classes, man? No one has seen you since this morning! They were askin' me where you were! I was getting ready to call your family, or the police!"
"O-oh didn't—"
"Of course I tried callin' you first! No answer! Look at your phone," he pointed emphatically, and then waited patiently for Marcus to retrieve his phone and find messages and missed calls asking where he was..not all of which were even from Thad.

He looked up again after that. "Uh..sorry. I guess I was really asleep."
"Yeah." Thad sat down on a nearby chair, not looking quite as angry as before, but he still wasn't happy. "So what is goin' on with you, bro? You been acting weird for days, and now this junk, too."
"Don't even tell me it's just you 'exercising', man. I know what that's like."
"Pssh, nevermind." He shook his head. "I don't wanna dance around this, so I'll just tell you what I think.

"You been fighting monsters, haven'tcha?"

Marcus's voice completely caught in his throat. He had to be making the worst possible expression for a moment like this, the kind of shock that can only come from someone speaking what's supposed to be a secret they don't know aloud.

Thad didn't look happy to have figured it out; he pulled at his hair and said, "Aaagh, geez, I was hopin' I was wrong. So, what, you're 'Magus', right?"
"Oh, stoppit, like I'm gonna tell anyone. I'm better at keeping secrets than you are. I mean, I don't really even care that you didn't want me to know, you know, but if you're acting all weird, and getting exhausted all the time, I can't help but at least try to figure out what's wrong, huh? No wonder I got the feeling you were into something dangerous!"

Marcus couldn't think of a reply to all of that other than, after a moment, letting out an exasperated sigh.
"Yeah, look, I'm sorry for blowin' your secret or whatevs. But like—I couldn't not bring it up once I thought I knew, right? And I'm not telling anyone, 'kay? Don't even mind coverin' for ya if someone asks, like, if I gotta tell them you're sick or whatever."

Marcus leaned forward, burying his head in his hands for a moment. He was still a little too tired, and a little too soon after a rude awakening, to come up with any of the right things to say. Thad didn't seem to think this was a big deal, but from his perspective, this was a disaster. Out of everyone he knew who could've figured out he was playing superhero, even with the condition that they also promised—and kept the promise—to keep his secret, he was hard-pressed to think of anyone worse.

His roommate at least sensed that he was still very upset about this situation. "What's wrong, huh? You still feeling like garbage?"
He turned his head up just enough to look at him, with his hands now supporting it by the cheeks. "Yes. And. Like, dude, do you have any idea how awkward this is for me?"
"Awkward like how?"
"Like—'oooh, Magus is such a total cutie'!" he said in an high-pitched mock-voice.
"C'mon, man, that's not fair—I had no idea that was you."
"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about!" he said, spreading out his arms. I know how you—like girls, and now you know I can turn into one. That like, looks, how you like? Do you know how weird that is?!"
"I guess not. But it's not like I'm gonna hit on you, 'cause I know you! I mean, unless you acted like you wanted me to, which is pretty obviously not how it is, huh?"

They sat in an awkward silence for a minute or so, before Thad crossed arms. "Well, maybe we oughta just make it fair then."
"Make—what?" Marcus said, very confused.
"You can pretty much make up whatever spell you wanna, right? An' it just works?"
"Not..really. I mean—I can't really, explain it, has to like...make sense. As a spell, and. What do you even mean?"
"What I mean is, if you don't like that you can be a girl I'd find hot—you know, as a total stranger or whatever—then do that to me and see how I like it. You know, come up with like a transformation spell or somethin', make me catgirl or whatever. Like—temporarily, I mean," he added quickly afterward.
" want me to try to turn you into a catgirl."
"Sure, why not?" he put out his hands. "For like, half an hour or whatever. If it'll make you feel better."

Marcus had already had the idea before, for a spell to change someone's appearance. He knew that magic could do it, both in the sense that the Giver had turned numerous people across the world into fox-girls, and also...the thing with Emma. Could he make a spell that would do that? Probably. But he couldn't very well cast a spell, as Magus, that would hit him, as Marcus. It would require another person to volunteer to be a target. That was where the idea had stopped before—enough inspiration that he could maybe cook up a spell from it, but without actually coming up with one because there was no point.

And somehow Thad had the same idea—or at least a somewhat similar one. He was volunteering to have Marcus try it out on a very specific way. With this opportunity before him, the rest of the idea for the spell spilled into his brain before he could really stop it. The right words, and some of the right motions—enough that he felt sure he could 'feel out' the rest of it as he went. Of course Magus could manage a 'temporary transformation' spell..although, for some reason, it felt like a willing target would be much easier to use it on than an unwilling one.

Thad's idea was crazy, and stupid. Him turning into a catgirl for thirty minutes didn't compare to Marcus having an entire second identity—a publicly known one at that—which he knew Thad had thought of...romatically, to put it gently...before realizing it was him. But then, he'd come up with it out of a desire to make things less weird between them—despite the idea being so extremely weird itself. At least, maybe it wouldn't hurt to try.

He sighed. There was something about knowing magic, and thinking up spells, and wanting to try them out—he couldn't help himself sometimes. That was the real reason he'd screwed up and tried to teleport instead of just blocking that morning. That was why he'd decided to summon a lava elemental thing and almost hurt someone with it that afternoon. But, even realizing that, he couldn't help himself.
"...Alright, I guess we'll try that."

Marcus took out one of his hats and put it on, standing up at the same time as he changed into a short, cute, blue-haired fox-girl. She didn't feel quite as sore as expected, but wasn't exactly in peak condition either. The spell she had in mind felt particularly..short-range, and walking over to the chair Thad was sitting in felt like more effort than her body wanted to go to. "Uh...stand somewhere," she gestured in front of her, and he shrugged, getting up and coming up in front of her, still enough steps away to be out of her personal space.

A part of what made all of this feel weird, of course, was that when she was Magus, she was a girl. She felt like one from the inside out. Thad was taller than her original form too, but it was strange seeing him tower this high above her. And it didn't help that a small part of her physical reaction to his close proximity and admittedly..overall attractive appearance was a slight elevation in heartrate and a slight warmth in her cheeks. She cursed her body, telling it to shut up—she needed to concentrate—and she drew out her sword, quickly putting together the last of what was needed for this attempt at a spell. Then it was a deep breath, and...

"Exchange your true shape for another..."

The motions for this spell were complex enough to take up more time than the first part of her incantation, and not needing to talk for the latter third or so of them helped her concentrate better on doing them right anyway. There was also an additional component required for this spell that split her focus yet again—she, of course, needed to specify what form her target would take. For this, she pictured a curvy girl with the ears and tail of a cat—a catgirl Marcus would find pretty hot if she were a stranger, and not her roommate.


Despite all of these complications, she got it all out, and ended with her sword pointed straight forward so that its tip was a half-foot or so away from Thad's center mass.

The bright blue sparks that seemed to be characteristic of her magic gathered where her hand held the sword's hilt, converging into something more closely resembling a sky-blue flame before flowing up along the blade and finally spilling out from its tip, spreading outward to encompass his entire body. Even with the bright blaze completely surrounding him, Magus could somehow make out his silhouette in it as though he were being brightly lit from only behind. In the silhouette, she could see his shape rapidly changing: His height plummeted a head or more downward, his hair fluffing out to voluminous, wild, shoulder-length locks, his frame narrowed and softened into a feminine shape. All the while, she heard his voice go "Whooo~ooo~oo~oaa~aah...!" starting out as his own but rapidly changing to a high, feminine, mid-alto tone. Then there was a soft "Aa~ah!" as the last of the flame flowed across Magus's sword and she saw the silhouette gaining visible curves: Wide hips, an impressive bust. And then one more, rather high and cute, "Wah~!" as two pointy triangles spiked up from the corners of Thad's head and a long, slim tail appeared from behind his...well, decidedly her back now.

As the flame dissipated, Magus took in the full appearance of the catgirl her magic had made: shoulder-length, messy blond hair, an adorable face with Thad's bright green eyes shining out from it, curves to die for. She was still taller than Magus, but only enough that her chin was about at the fox-girl's eye level. Her clothes had changed too, becoming a tight, long-sleeved white shirt with a red sweater and a green tie over it, a black skirt now fluttering around as if the flame changing her a moment ago had been a sharp gust of wind, and black tights below that holding close to some soft, shapely legs. "W-wa~ah!" The first thing Magus saw her actually doing was windmilling her arms, her slim tail whipping around confusedly behind her, as she lost her balance and toppled backwards onto her butt.

"Uh..a-are you okay?" Magus felt a little bad for not trying to catch her—her usual reaction time was good enough to have managed that, but her body still didn't really want to move that much. Thad seemed unhurt; she was just looking down to briefly examine herself, the sweater slipping partway off of her from the motion of the fall. Watching her, somehow..the warmth in the fox-girl's cheeks felt stronger than it had before. After a moment, Thad looked up at her with a small grin.

"Pfft..heheh," she chuckled after that—only it was more like a cute, girlish giggle. "You really don't do nothin' halfway, huh?" She took a moment to pull the sweater back over her shoulders, then fussed with the tie briefly before undoing it and tossing it aside. "Gotta admit, this feels pretty weird. Hey, how d'you stay standing up with a tail, anyhow?"
" just...I mean, as far as I can tell you just let the tail do its thing..." Magus held down a hand, and Thad accepted her help getting up, shuffling her feet around briefly before letting go. She seemed to be getting the hang of balancing fairly quickly.

"Sooo? What do you think, huh? Am I total hottie or what?" she grinned.
"You uh..I-I guess so. I mean, you don't really look how...I know you like girls looking, but.."
"But I look hot to you, right?"
"I-I mean, if I was a guy, yeah..?"
"Then it totally worked. Woo~!" she pumped a fist high in the air and jumped with enough energy to make her...assets visibly bounce up and down.

Her landing was not so graceful, and ended with her teetering around briefly. "Wo-whoaa..!" Not wanting her to fall over again, Magus caught her shoulders and helped steady her.
"What'd you do that for?"
"I'unno, it felt fun," she shrugged. "I feel great and I look great. Riight?" She grinned in what was obviously a teasing manner, and Magus realized they were standing rather close at the moment.
The fox-girl took a quick step back, sighing. "I—don't think this worked, dude. This is just even more weird."
"Awwh, don't be like that. How long's this gonna last, anyway?"
"I..don't know," Magus said, shrugging. "I mean—I know it's temporary, feels like how long it lasts, uh, varies. Definitely not more than an hour, I think. And, since I made it happen, I could probably just dispel it..."
"Well—don't do that! I wanna enjoy this while it lasts."

Thad tilted her head. "..What? You givin' me the weirdest look, bro."
"You seem uh—much happier about being a catgirl..I mean uh, a girl in general than uh. I'd ever expect?"
"Well—I dunno, it's just somethin' different. Feels kinda nice, in a weird way," she shrugged. "Guess it helps that I know it'll wear off. You mean you don't enjoy being like that at all?" she gestured at the fox-girl.
"I uh..there's certain things I like about this look, yeah. Like—I'm physically fit. I can actually run and jump and not get tired right away. But, uh, I think I could kinda take or leave the whole 'being stuck as a girl' part..."
"What about the cute ears and tail, then?"
"They're uh..there. They don't bother me or anything, and they help with hearing and balance I guess, but..I guess I'm kinda neutral about that, too."

"Do yooouuu..think my ears and tail are cute?" she asked, flicking her ears up and down in the process.
"I..guess?" Marcus didn't really know how to process her roommate even asking a question like this. It didn't help that the bigger girl's cute face looking down at her expectantly like that was making her feel...weird.
"Well, would you mind rubbing my ears just a little bit?"
"'Cause I wanna know what it feels like! And like you said, I won't look like this for long, riiight?"
"Um..f-fine.." Not entirely sure why she'd agreed to this, Magus reached up her hands and carefully brushed her fingers across the bright-colored fluff on top of Thad's ears.

Her response was...purring. An actual, very feline sounding, low rumbling came from the catgirl's throat, and her face reddened slightly with a blush at, perhaps, embarrassment from making such a sound—but, at the same time, she was grinning wide. After a moment, Marcus felt too embarrassed herself to continue, and dropped her hands back. "Aah, brah, that feels great!"
"Yeah! Lemme show ya!"

Before she could get an objection out, the catgirl had reached her small, delicate hands down and placed her fingers near the bases of Magus's ears. That sensation proved about as stimulating as she imagined someone directly tickling her spine might, making her gasp slightly, and it didn't get any less so as Thad's fingers slid all the way down to the tips of the ears before lifting up and starting back at the bases all over again.
After that intake of breath, the fox-girl could initially only manage an embarrassed "M-mnnnngh.." Once she was past the shock of how sensitive all that ear-fur seemed to be, there was something distressingly pleasing about the feeling of someone's fingers gently stroking across them. It certainly didn't...hurt that enjoyment that her view was mostly taken up by the catgirl's cute grin on a blushing face and, below that, her impressive bust outlined under the tight shirt.

After a moment, she mercifully stopped, lifting her hands back off of Marcus's ears and bringing them up to cross under her chest. "Sorry, heheh," she giggled softly. "Guess I got a li'l bit carried away, there. You did look kinda like you were enjoying it, though?"
"D-did you seriously like it that much?" she asked once she had the composure back to speak again.
"Yeah! Ahh, man, I'm starting to feel like I'm gonna kinda miss it now." The small frown she made from thinking this aloud wasn't any less cute than her smile.
"I-I guess if I was able to do that spell once, I'm sure I..can do it again..."
"You wouldn't mind? I mean, it wouldn't be too weird or nothin'?"
Magus felt kind of like she was getting a headache, and pinched the top of her nose. "It's...definitely too weird either way,, whatever." She sighed tiredly, her body seeming to finally remember that it had already been exhausted today, and a transformation spell's stamina cost wasn't exactly cheap.

"I've, gotta sit down, dude..." She stumbled back and sat on the couch again. "Casting spells is..super tiring, even more the bigger the effect."
"Ah! Man, I didn't even think about that!" The catgirl slid herself around next to Magus—right next to her—seemingly without it occurring to her to think about how close she was. "Sorry 'bout that." And she carelessly put her arm up across the fox-girl's shoulders in a hug, too.
"Uhm, i-it's okay, I guess.." Marcus's face was almost burning from this gesture, but she couldn't bring herself to object to it, either. It really felt like Thad somehow hadn't thought anything of the closeness or the hug, and..she couldn't quite help enjoying it a little bit, anyway.
"Hey, I know! I'll order us some grub," she offered. "Y'know—once this stuff wears off and all."
"Uh..s-sure, thanks." Acting on some strange impulse, Magus slid her hand around the catgirl's waist experimentally, aiming to return the side-hug. Thad's reaction was another soft, cute giggle, and turning her head to look down in the fox-girl's face with a slightly-blushing grin.

"Are you suuure you don't wanna feel my ears again?" she offered. "Y'know, limited time offer and all."
"'s okay. Y-you can...touch mine again, if you really want to..." Why was she saying that?!
"Heheh, sweet~."

Thad took her up on the offer right away—before she had any chance to consider rescinding it—and set about not only gently rubbing her ears near the base again, but occasionally running a hand across the part of her hair not covered by her hat. It was hard to describe, but the feeling was somehow..very relaxing. Magus let out a soft "Mmmh" after a moment, feeling drowsy all of a sudden, and then drifted through a strangely pleased haze for a short while before falling asleep again.